用法学习: 1. By self-pleasure自娱自乐, 自慰, I mean using any and all of your embodiment faculties—touch, movement, sound, breath and any sensory organ—for the purpose of bringing pleasure to yourself. Self-pleasure can include touching the genitals and other erogenous parts of the body, but it doesn't have to. This is where mindful masturbation comes in. Being fully present during masturbation, or self-pleasure practice, can be very beneficial for the practitioner. Mental clarity, groundedness and confidence are key ingredients to knowing what we want and how to go after it. Find a location and environment that is conducive to you feeling pleasure and relaxation. 2. go to town (on something) 尽情弄吧, 随便你怎么折腾吧, 倾尽心力, 不惜血本, 不惜代价 to do something eagerly and as completely as possible. To proceed enthusiastically, vigorously, or expertly. She really went to town with the party preparations. Angie and Phil have really gone to town on their wedding. Usage notes: often used to describe an activity that involves spending a large amount of money. Everything's coming up roses 万事皆好, 一切都好. 一切就绪, 万事俱备, 一切顺利, 放心吧, 放宽心吧. something that you say when a situation is successful in every way. Everything is really just excellent. Life is prosperous. Life is wonderful. Everything is coming up roses. Q: How are things going? A: Everything's coming up roses. Everything's coming up roses for George at the moment - he's been promoted at work and he's just got engaged. "Hey, guys, hope you all have got your passports ready, we are going to Amsterdam." "Everything's coming up waters.". Everything in the garden is rosy. something that you say which means that there are no problems in a situation (often negative) But not everything in the garden is rosy. Sales may look good but they're actually 10% down on last year. "My new TV show is starting a new season, I have a party tonight, and my internet connection has been restored! Everything's coming up waters.". 3. chemo [ˈki:məu] chemotherapy [ˌki:məuˈθerəpi] the treatment of diseases, especially cancer, by drugs that are usually put directly into a patient's vein. The world is not a wish granting factory万事如意, 事事如意, 事之不如意常十八九, 想怎样就怎样, 要什么有什么. A wish is a hope or desire for something. Fictionally, wishes can be used as plot devices. In folklore, opportunities for "making a wish" or for wishes to "come true" or "be granted" are themes that are sometimes used. express a wish: He'd expressed a wish to go there. respect someone's wishes: I have to respect the wishes of my client. according to someone's wishes: He was buried, according to his wishes, in a private ceremony. grant someone's wish 让...如愿, 实现愿望, 心想事成, 达成心愿 (=give someone what they want): So far we have been unable to grant her wish. Our one wish is to complete this job thoroughly. 4. Pop-up retail, also known as pop-up store 短期临时的店 (pop-up shop in the UK and Australia) or flash retailing, is a trend of opening short-term sales spaces in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. A pop-up retail space is a venue that is temporary: the space could be a sample sale one day and host a private cocktail party the next evening. The trend involves "popping up" one day, then disappearing anywhere from one day to several weeks later. These shops, while small and temporary, can build up interest by consumer exposure. Pop-up retail allows a company to create a unique environment that engages their customers and generates a feeling of relevance and interactivity. There are different benefits to popups, marketing, testing products, locations, or markets, and as a low cost way to start a business. Some are seasonal, others go on to sign long term leases, and some use it as creative engagement. 5.
电影The fault in our stars: The title is inspired 灵感来自 from Act 1, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, in which the nobleman Cassius says to Brutus: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings( 属下, 下属. 手下. 小兵, 小喽啰. 狗腿子. an insulting word for someone who is less important or has lower status in an organization than someone else. )." Development of The Fault in Our Stars began in January 2012 when Fox 2000, a division of 20th Century Fox, optioned the rights to adapt the novel into a feature film. Principal photography began on August 26, 2013 in Pittsburgh, United States with a few additional days in Amsterdam, Netherlands before concluding on 关机 October 16, 2013. The film received a positive reception from critics, with praise going to Woodley's performance as well the entire film. The film also proved to be commercially successful, with it retaining the No. 1 spot保住头把交椅 at the box-office during its opening weekend and having grossed over $286 million worldwide against its budget of $12 million. plot: Hazel and Gus are two teenagers who share an acerbic wit ( acerbic [əˈsɜ:(r)bɪk] 尖酸刻薄的 showing criticism in a way that is clever and funny, but rather cruel. acerbic wit. ), a disdain for the conventional, and a love that sweeps them on a journey. Hazel Grace Lancaster (Shailene Woodley) is an intelligent and sarcastic Indianapolis teenager coping with terminal thyroid cancer ( [ˈθaɪrɔɪd] or thyroid gland 甲状腺 an organ in your neck that produces substances that your body needs in order to control your behaviour and the way that your body grows.) that has metastasized [məˈtæstəˌsaɪz] ( metastasis [məˈtæstəsɪs] 癌症扩散, 癌症转移 n. Metastasis, or metastatic [ˌmetəˈstætɪk] disease, is the spread of a cancer from one organ to another. The new occurrences of disease thus generated are referred to as metastases (sometimes abbreviated "mets"). It was previously thought that only malignant tumor cells and infections have the capacity to metastasize (also spelled metastasise); however, this is being reconsidered due to new research. ) to her lungs. Believing her to be depressed, Hazel's mother urges her to attend a cancer patients' support group at a local church to make friends. The two bond 一拍即合 immediately after the meeting and Augustus invites Hazel to his house where the two bond over their similar interests and views on cancer. Before departing, the two agree to read each other's favorite novels. Hazel recommends to Augustus An Imperial Affliction, a novel about a cancer-stricken罹患癌症, 身患癌症 girl named Anna that parallels Hazel's own experience. After Augustus finishes reading her book, he is frustrated upon learning that the novel ends abruptly without a conclusion. Hazel explains the novel's mysterious author, Peter van Houten, had retreated to Amsterdam following the novel's publication and has not been heard from since. Weeks later, Augustus reveals to Hazel that he has tracked down van Houten's assistant, Lidewij, and, through her通过她, has managed to start e-mail correspondence with Van Houten. Hazel writes to van Houten with questions regarding the novel's ambiguous ending to which van Houten replies, explaining that he can only answer Hazel in person. Hazel proposes the trip to her mother, but is rejected due to financial and medical constraints( constraint [kənˈstreɪnt] I. [countable] [often plural] 范围内. something that limits your freedom to do what you want. The organization has to operate within the usual democratic constraints. financial/ environmental/ budget constraints局限范围内, 经济限制. constraint on: constraints on presidential power. II. [uncountable] formal behaviour that is very controlled and not natural, usually because you are embarrassed. ). Later, Augustus surprises Hazel with tickets to Amsterdam, attained through a charitable公益性的 foundation similar to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, namely The Genie Foundation. Days before the trip, Hazel suffers an episode of pleural effusion and is sent to the ICU, prompting her doctors to question the safety of overseas travel. The medical team argues against the trip but eventually complies with Hazel's parents to accommodate ( I. formal to consider and include something when you are deciding what to do. Your investment strategy has to be flexible enough to accommodate changes in the market. II. to provide a place or room for someone to stay in. Designed by an Italian architect, the hotel can accommodate 600 guests. The teams will be accommodated in luxury hotels. a. to provide enough space for something or someone. The new office will easily accommodate 50 desks. b. to supply enough seats or room for people or things. Our ships accommodate up to 150.) her travel. Augustus then confesses his love for 坦白他的爱, 表白, 告白 Hazel that night. Hazel and Augustus finally meet van Houten, but are shocked to find that, instead of a prolific genius( prolific [prəˈlɪfɪk] I. 多产的. a prolific writer, band etc produces a lot of books, CDs etc. the team's most prolific goal-scorer. a. producing a lot of ideas, instances of something etc. her prolific 丰富多彩的 imagination. b. producing a lot of babies, or young plants or animals. a prolific species of fish. ), he is a mean-spirited 邪恶的, 不怀好心的 drunk醉鬼. Lidewij confesses to having arranged the meeting on his behalf, angering van Houten, who proceeds to insult Hazel's cancer and refuses to answer any of her questions. The two leave the author in anger and disappointment. Accompanied by Lidewij, Hazel and Augustus visit the Anne Frank House. Hazel struggles to climb the many stairs and ladders leading up to the attic due to her lungs but by the end of the tour, Augustus and Hazel share a romantic kiss, followed by an applause from the other tourists游客 in the attic. The next day, Augustus confesses that a recent PET scan (Positron emission tomography (PET) ( Positron正电子[ˈpozɪtron] a particle that is the same size as an electron电子 but has a positive electrical charge.) is a nuclear medicine, functional imaging technique that produces a three-dimensional image of functional processes in the body. The system detects pairs of gamma rays emitted indirectly by a positron-emitting radionuclide (tracer), which is introduced into the body on a biologically active molecule. Three-dimensional images of tracer concentration within the body are then constructed by computer analysis. In modern PET-CT scanners, three dimensional imaging is often accomplished with the aid of a CT X-ray scan performed on the patient during the same session, in the same machine.) revealed his cancer to have relapsed旧病复发, 旧伤复发, 故态复萌 (A relapse or recidivism ( recidivist [rɪˈsɪdəvɪst] someone who continues to commit crimes or behave badly even after being punished. ) is a recurrence of a past (typically medical) condition. For example, MS or malaria often exhibit peaks of activity and sometimes long periods of dormancy. Relapse, in relation to drug misuse, is resuming the use of a drug or a chemical substance after one or more periods of abstinence. The term is a landmark feature of both substance dependence and substance abuse, which are learned behaviors, and is maintained by neuronal adaptations that mediate learning and processing of various motivational stimuli.). Resolute一心要的, 下定决心的, 心意已决的, the two affirm their love and support for each other. Upon their return to Indianapolis, Augustus' health significantly worsens. Augustus ends up in the ICU for a few days and realizes that he is really down to his final days时日不多, 剩下不几天了, 生命的尽头. Augustus invites Isaac, Augustus' blind best friend, and Hazel to his pre-funeral, where they speak his eulogies( eulogy [ˈjuːlədʒi] I. literature a speech or a piece of writing in which you praise someone or something very much. II. a speech at a funeral about the person who has died. ). Hazel quotes Van Houten about "larger and smaller infinities" and confides 坦露心意 that she would not trade their short time together交换 for anything in the world. Augustus dies eight days later. At the funeral, Hazel is astonished to find van Houten in attendance. He explains that he and Augustus maintained correspondence since Amsterdam and that Augustus had demanded he make up for ruining their trip by attending his funeral. He confides in Hazel that(confide [kənˈfaɪd] I. 披露 to tell someone a secret or discuss your private feelings with them. confide in: I hope you know that you can always confide in me. confide something to someone: He confided his doubts to me. confide that: She confided to friends that she was scared of her mother.) his novel is based on his own daughter, Anna, who died from cancer at a young age. In an attempt for forgiveness, van Houten tries to reveal the fate of Anna's mother and gives Hazel a piece of paper. Hazel, still upset with his behavior, crumples up 揉成一团, 弄皱, 乱揉 the paper and asks him to leave. Later, while talking with Isaac, Hazel learns that Augustus had asked van Houten for assistance in writing her eulogy. Realizing what van Houten had given her, she retrieves 找到, 找回 the crumpled paper and reads Augustus' words, which state his acceptance of death and his love for Hazel, a sentiment she returns. 电影花絮: John Green filmed a cameo appearance, but his scene was cut from the film. However, it will appear in the deleted scenes. He plays the father of a little girl who asks about Hazel's cannula (A cannula 插管, 导管 [ˈkænjulə] or canula is a tube that can be inserted into the body, often for the delivery or removal of fluid or for the gathering of data. In simple terms, a cannula can surround the inner or outer surfaces of a trocar needle thus extending needle approach to a vein by half or more of the length of the introducer.) in an airport. Author commented on his cameo, "They cut it because it was totally unnecessary to the movie-slash-I was terrible."
师生恋被裁: Mr Martin, a technology teacher who also helped students at another gym at the school, told the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal yesterday there was nothing out of the ordinary 没什么不正常的 about their interactions and Ms Anderson's parents knew about them meeting outside of school. Mr Martin said any sexual activity was lawful because it happened after Ms Anderson graduated and the school was wrong to sack him over it in June last year. A lawyer representing the school told the tribunal the sexual activity did not unduly influence ( [ʌnˈdju:li] 不应该的, 不恰当的 to a greater degree than is reasonable or necessary. Undeservedly, not warranted. The speaker unduly criticized his opponent and later apologized for this. We are not unduly concerned about the small drop in profits. ) the decision to dismiss Mr Martin and insisted that his conduct while Ms Anderson was a student had "transgressed" student-teacher boundaries. 5SOS(5 Seconds of Summer) 露鸟事件: Calum Hood seen graphically exposing himself in video to fan... as 5 Seconds of Summer jet out of LA: A graphic Snapchat video showing 5 Seconds Of Summer rocker Calum Hood exposing himself has gone viral after a female fan posted it online. Rather than denying the indiscretion不小心, 不慎, 不谨慎, the 18-year-old took to Twitter to confirm it, saying: 'Least ya know what it looks like now长什么样子.' Before sheepishly 不好意思的, 尴尬的 ( ashamed or embarrassed about something that you have done. a sheepish grin/smile. John nodded sheepishly in agreement. ) adding: 'I'm still just a teenage kid learning from my mistakes :)'. In the five second clip, the shirtless bass guitarist (bassist 贝斯手) is careful to keep his head out of shot脸没有入镜 and slowly peels away 褪去(=peel off his clothes) his underwear. Ordinarily in the popular messaging app the image or video then gets automatically deleted, however, unfortunately for Calum, his female acquaintance filmed the whole thing on a separate mobile phone. The excited fan then uploaded the video to Vine for all to see captioning: 'CALUMS D*** IM SCREAMING' where it subsequently went viral. The
group shot to fame一夜爆红, 一夜成名 earlier this year after their debut single She Looks
So Perfect rocketed to the top of the charts in the UK and Australia. And
they were one of the first artists to cinch a title at the awards show,
beating off stiff competition from Demi Lovato to take out the title
for Best Lyric Video for their hit Don't Stop. Guitarist Michael Clifford said: 'It is amazing that our first album ever went number one in the US. 'It's more than any artist and band could expect.' Fan
favourite 粉丝的最爱, 最受欢迎的, 最受粉丝欢迎的 Ashton Irwin, who has been rumoured to be dating Kendall
Jenner, added that their incredible success means they are always on the
road. 'I think the best thing about our fans is that they are from all over the place世界各地 so we don't stay in one place for very long.' Before their big appearance on Sunday, Calum revealed to MailOnline that he was looking forward to meeting Chris Brown. 'I've
been practicing my lines,' the Sydney-born star confessed as he and his
band members hit the red carpet踏上红地毯 at the Nokia Theater. Meanwhile Calum was seen keeping a low profile along with his three band mates Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford jetting out of LAX on Friday
after attending the MTV Video Music Awards earlier in the week. Calum
covered up 包裹的严严实实的 in a white beanie and black Ray-Bans and sported the
signature band attire of trusty black skinny jeans(trusty 可信的 used for describing a person or thing that you have known or had for a long time and can depend on. his trusty typewriter.) and boots combo(靴子和牛仔短裤套装) along
with graphic print/ rock T-shirt. 不同照片的captions: Fessing up大方承认: The 18-year-old didn't hesitate to confirm the video was his. Passport in hand: Fan favourite Ashton Irwin rocked a black bandana and scruffy 乱糟糟的, 脏兮兮的(=shaggy) hair(untidy or dirty. a scruffy old T-shirt.). Adoration([ˌædəˈreɪʃ(ə)n]): Luke Hemmings gets jumped on ( have/get the jump on someone 抢先, 占先机 a chance to do something before someone else. (get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) to be in a stronger position than someone else. The Japanese, once again, may be embarrassing the US manufacturers by getting the jump on them. Each reporter is trying to get the jump on the others with the story about the earthquake. Kelly finally got the jump on Sam. jump [on] someone or something to pounce on someone or something. [transitive] informal to attack someone physically. He was jumped by a gang of teenagers. The cat jumped on the mouse. Max jumped on the unsuspecting tourist and robbed him. jump on ((to) something) 1. to get onto something. The cat jumped onto the sofa and took a nap. I was sitting on the sofa and the cat jumped on it and scared me. II. to get involved in something very quickly. Jump onto that story now and get it done for tonight's edition. I'll jump on the story right now, boss.) as he tries to enter the terminal building. All-black: Ashton and Luke dressed in black jeans and tees and were plugged into their music ready for their journey as they arrived at the airport. Rocker: Michael Clifford went for a more grungy punk look 走的是朋克风, 选择了朋克风( dirty and sometimes untidy or smelling bad. a grungy pair of jeans. ) with a skull骷髅头 tank top. Success: The boys performed at the award show and won the gong for( gong I. a large circular metal object hanging from a frame. You hit it to make a loud deep noise. II. British informal a medal.) Best Lyric Video for Don't Stop.