Thursday 28 March 2024

convince VS persuade;

用法学习: 1. in the same vein [as] = in a similar vein = along the same vein = along the same line(s) I. 同样风格的. 类同于. 相似于. in the same style of speaking or writing. used to indicate that two or more things are the same, similar, or closely related. When it's used in the middle of a sentence, it's typically followed by the word as. When it's used like this, it means much the same thing as like or similar to. I like to read novels in the same vein as those of Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë. II. The phrase is also often used to start a sentence to introduce something similar to what was just mentioned. When it begins a sentence, it usually means the same thing as words like similarly and likewise. The company has been investing in renewable energy. In the same vein, we're working to reduce the carbon footprint of our offices. in the vein of similar to, along the lines of. 2. convince (让某人相信某事是事实, persuade 是说服某人去做某事, 采取某项行动): If you convince someone of something, you make them believe it is true. These experiences convinced me of the drug's harmful effects. It took them a few days to convince me that it was possible. 'convince or 'persuade': Some speakers use convince with a to-infinitive to say that one person makes another person decide to do something, by giving them a good reason for doing it. Lyon did his best to convince me to settle in Tennessee. I hope you will help me convince my father to leave. Using 'convince' in this way is generally regarded as incorrect. Instead you should use persuade. Marsha was trying to persuade Posy to change her mind. They had no difficulty in persuading him to launch a new paper.

Midsomer Murders Season 22, Episode 5: 1. I'm really not happy with the length of my sword, Phyllis. How old are you, Marcus? 5? This is a concert, not a full production. We all have to compromise. This toy is a compromise too far. See if there's another sword in the prop store, Derek. More befitting 合身的, 合适的, 量身打造的, 相称的 ( proper or right; suitable. suitable or right for someone or something: They were greeted with befitting courtesy. A land area of more than 140 million people deserves a befitting transport network.) our Pirate King. 2. Can you please find out what's going on? It's like herding cats. This would never have happened in Daddy's day. His rehearsals ran like clockwork. You do realize there's only three days till curtain-up 开幕, 幕启( the moment when the curtain is raised and a play or similar show begins. the beginning of a stage performance. "curtain-up is at 8 p.m". He came to me five minutes before curtain-up and said he couldn't go on. ). It had crossed my mind. Well? The conservator offered me a place ( Your dad seems more excited about it than you do. He got a place at the Royal College, but his dad made him stay in the family business. He's regretted it ever since. So this is his dream. We can't all be free spirits, Phoebe, floating around the world in search of enlightenment. free spirit [approval] If you describe someone as a free spirit, you admire them because they are independent and live as they want to live rather than in a conventional way. a person who does what they want with enjoyment and pleasure and does not feel limited by the usual rules of social behaviour. ). Oh! Splendid! 3. Any chance you'll be back for dinner? Breakfast at this rate 照这速度, 照此情形, 如此下去, 总这么着, 照这样下去, 这么下去(used to introduce the prediction of a particular unwelcome outcome should things continue as they are. if the situation stays as it is. If you say that at this rate something bad or extreme will happen, you mean that it will happen if things continue to develop as they have been doing. At this rate, she would be almost seven feet tall by then. At this rate they'd be lucky to get home before eight-thirty or nine. At this rate, we won't be home until midnight. "at this rate, I won't have a job to go back to"). John, good to see you. And you, Jeremy. So grateful Sarah could step in at such short notice. I've been trying to get her involved ever since I heard her sing at that school concert. Voice of an angel. Well, thank you kind, sir. It must be difficult for you, though, juggling your work with all the extra childcare. We do appreciate it. It's all in a good cause ( in a good cause = for a good cause 善举, 做好事, 做善事 If you say that something is in a good cause or for a good cause, you mean that it is worth doing or giving to because it will help other people, for example by raising money for charity. The Raleigh International Bike Ride is open to anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause. ). I have to say I'm rather enjoying it. As is Betty. She's gonna turn into a pizza at this rate. Phyllis wants all the singers back inside to avoid wasting any more time. 4. Mind if I sneak in the back? I've got half an hour before I need to pick Betty up. I wouldn't recommend it, John. Lady Empson's not very keen on outsiders. Or anyone else, for that matter. 5. I can't find him. This is in absolute shambles. Derek? Yes. Can you see where he's got to? I'm losing the will to live 想死的心都有了, 不想活了. I came as quickly as I could. Oh, Simon, thank God. You're the only one who truly understands. Take two of these now and two before bed. And promise me you'll call me in the morning. I promise. Give me strength. 6. And head over to the treasure chest. A bit more pirate swagger. Tip it open with your sword. Run your hands over the treasure. Then you see the crown. 7. ...than a well-bred 家教好的, 良好教养的, 有教养的 ( A well-bred person is very polite and has good manners. She was too well-bred to want to hurt the little boy's feelings.) monarch ought to do. Than many a king on a first-class throne. If he wants to call his crown his own. 8. How did he die? There's evidence of blunt-force trauma to the head here. But burst capillaries in the eyes, face, and neck area suggest possible asphyxia. Time of death? I'd say he's been dead for three to five days, but placed in the chest in the last 24 hours. Now can you tell? Skin color. And volume of purge fluid ( Decomposition is the process in which the organs and complex molecules of animal and human bodies break down into simple organic matter over time. In vertebrates, five stages of decomposition are typically recognized: fresh, bloat, active decay, advanced decay, and dry/skeletonized. At fresh stage,  the remains are usually intact and free of insects. The corpse progresses through algor mortis (a reduction in body temperature until ambient temperature is reached), rigor mortis (the temporary stiffening of the limbs due to chemical changes in the muscles), and livor mortis (pooling of the blood on the side of the body that is closest to the ground). At bloating stage, decomposition of the gastrointestinal tract results in a dark, foul-smelling liquid called "purge fluid" that is forced out of the nose and mouth due to gas pressure in the intestine.). Mind your step, Winter. Don't want to ruin those lovely shoes. I'll be able to give you a better idea when I get him back to the lab. Keep us posted. 8. And where might we find Lady Empson? Phyllis took her back to the hall. If you follow the drive (follow my drive) 开车跟着我, it'll take you there. 9. Any news? The police are up at the hall. Lady Empson's had one of her turns, so I'm not sure they'll get much sense out of her. With any luck, it'll finish her off. Graham. Do the police know who he is yet?They seem just as mystified 迷惑的 as we are. 10. My aunt suffers from arrhythmia. The shock must have triggered it. Fortunate her doctor was close by. Dr. Charteris is very attentive( I. If you are attentive, you are paying close attention to what is being said or done. listening carefully: an attentive audience. The vast majority of the attentive audience applauded these sentiments. He wishes the government would be more attentive to detail in their response. He questioned Chrissie, and listened attentively to what she told him. II. 一叫就到, 有求必应的. 随叫随到的. Someone who is attentive is helpful and polite. If someone is attentive, they are very helpful and take care of you: attentive to He was very attentive to her when she was ill. A good teacher is always attentive to their students' needs. Linda and her team are extremely attentive to the individual's needs. The staff is well trained in courteous and attentive service to each and every guest.). Lady Empson is stable but needs complete rest. No interviews without consulting me first, Inspector. I'll bear that in mind. You'll just have to make do with me, then. 11. My grandfather, Sir Huntley Empson, became obsessed with Gilbert and Sullivan in his youth, founded the Midsomer Mummers, and converted the mill to stage his own amateur productions. And your family have continued the tradition ever since. It's who we are, Inspector. We're even named from the canon ( The Western canon 西方正典 is the body of high-culture literature, music, philosophy, and works of art that are highly valued in the West; works that have achieved the status of classics. However, not all these works originate in the Western world, and such works are also valued throughout the globe. It is "a certain Western intellectual tradition that goes from, say, Socrates to Wittgenstein in philosophy, and from Homer to James Joyce in literature". Recent discussions on it emphasize cultural diversity within the canon. The canons of music and visual arts have broadened to encompass overlooked periods, while newer media like cinema grapple with a precarious position. Criticism arises, with some viewing changes as prioritizing activism over aesthetic values, often associated with Marxist critical theory. Another critique highlights a narrow interpretation of the West, dominated by British and American culture, prompting calls for a more diverse canon. ). Katisha from "The Mikado," Phyllis from "Iolanthe." 12. So this is your 100th year. Mm. And it might be our last. Why is that? The mill is in need of significant investment. Half the roof tiles are missing, foundation's crumbling. What will you do? Oh, the mill and surrounding land are on a different lease to the estate. Could be sold separately. We've had some serious interest. It's worth a fortune, apparently. And would you sell? In a heartbeat. Could build a new purpose-built 专门建造的 theater near to the house like a mini Glyndebourne. Attract professional companies, larger audiences. Sounds ambitious. But entirely within reach. Sadly, Aunt Katisha won't hear of it ( won't/wouldn't hear of it 听都不想听 used to say that you refuse to agree with a suggestion or proposal. If you say you will not hear of something, you mean you will not allow it, usually when you want to do something good for someone: I wanted to pay but she wouldn't hear of it. I said we should go back, but Dennis wouldn't hear of it. I've always wanted to be an actor but Dad wouldn't hear of it. He even thought about moving from the village. But his friends wouldn't hear of it.). 13. The victim's body was deliberately placed on the stage of your theater. We need to understand why. I have absolutely no idea. Can you think of anyone that bears your family or the Mummers any ill will 心存恶意? Just a group of amateur enthusiasts, popular with the local community. No threat to anyone. The concert will be allowed to go ahead? We can't promise anything at this stage, I'm afraid. The estate is very expensive to run, Inspector. We rely heavily on income from ticket sales, Gilbert and Sullivan tours. Any negative publicity could be very damaging. We'll know more tomorrow. I'll be back to speak to your aunt if she's well enough. She'll be fine as long as Simon Charteris is kept well away. He's convinced her she's an invalid when really, she's strong as an ox. Between you and me, I think she's half in love with him. No fool like an old fool (there's no fool like an old fool 太傻了吧 used to say that a foolish old person is especially foolish because an old person should have learned from experience not to make the kind of mistakes a young person makes. Old people are supposed to be wise, so if an old person behaves foolishly, it is worse than a young person behaving foolishly. My grandfather got caught trying to buy weed from some kids in the neighborhood. No fool like an old fool, eh? There's no fool like an old food—what did you think would happen if you tried to hide your profits to avoid the taxes? Wait, Uncle Al spent his life savings on a boat? Wow, there really is no fool like an old fool! As old Mrs. Fleischman watched her husband try to dance the way their grandchildren danced, she muttered, "There's no fool like an old fool.".). 14. Phyllis Fernsby doesn't think much of 没有好感 Dr. Charteris. Can't say I blame her. Do some digging into the Midsomer Concierge Medical Practice. Who are they exactly? And check out the Empsons and their relationship with the village. Maybe it's not all quite as amicable 和谐 (amiable 和善的, 亲善的, 友善的) as Ms. Fernsby would like us to believe. 15. While today's been a terrible shock, I think we should treat it more as an opportunity than a disaster. How do you mean? We all know how important fund-raising is for the future of the mill. The roof alone will cost tens of thousands. A few ticket sales is hardly gonna change that. Which is why we need to reach out to a wider public. There are fans of Gilbert and Sullivan all over the world who might just be willing to help us with donations. But how, Dad? Like it or not, murder attracts publicity, so we capitalize on that. Perform songs from the concert for local press and radio, post videos on social media, G&S fan sites. Don't you think that might appear a little callous? Jeremy's right. That poor man will have friends, family. Sad as it is, he's a total stranger, and I, for one, think it's more important to save the mill, whatever it takes. All those in favor? So that's agreed. 15. I won't have cover for 替我的, 替班 Dad, then, I'm afraid. No, that's fine, Derek. You're not needed. You never really are. Can I get another pint? Don't you think you've had enough? If I had, I wouldn't be ordering another, would I? And don't wait up. I won't be back tonight. I can't keep covering for you. You better had 你最好是 ( We use had better to refer to the present or the future, to talk about actions we think people should do or which are desirable in a specific situation. The verb form is always had, not have. We normally shorten it to ’d better in informal situations. It is followed by the infinitive without to: had better do sth = had best do something: It's five o'clock. I'd better go now before the traffic gets too bad. Not: I'd better to go now. The democratic movement had better concentrate on the immediate issues of the economy and security. (more formal). Had better is a strong expression. We use it if we think there will be negative results if someone does not do what is desired or suggested: She'd better get here soon or she'll miss the opening ceremony. Spoken English: Sometimes people say had best instead of had better, especially in informal speaking. This sounds slightly less strong and less direct: You'd best leave it till Monday. There's no one in the office today. Had better: negative and question forms: The negative of had better is had better not (or 'd better not): I'd better not leave my bag there. Someone might steal it. You'd better not tell Elizabeth about the broken glass – she’ll go crazy! The question form of had better is made by inverting the subject and had. This means the same as should, but is more formal: Had I better speak to Joan first before I send this form off? What do you think? Had we better leave a note for the delivery guy to take the parcel next door?Negative questions with had better are more common than affirmative ones: Hadn't we better ring the school and tell them Liam is sick? Hadn't you better switch your computer off? It might overheat if you leave it on. ), if you know what's good for you. Any chance Marcus might let you go a little bit early? I'm feeling a bit shaken still. Could do with the company. Sorry, Dad. Said I'd stay till closing tonight. If the police come sniffing around, you didn't see anything, okay? I wasn't there. 16. How on earth do you know that? Oh, I, um... I... I, uh, played Mabel at school. But that's a girl's part 女孩儿的角色. Yes, there were only boys at my school, Betty. Trouble is, I didn't look very good in a dress. Can I see? You can borrow one of Mummy's. Excellent idea. Time for teeth ( long in the tooth [informal, disapproval] If you describe someone as long in the tooth, you are saying unkindly or humorously that they are old or getting old. Aren't I a bit long in the tooth to start being an undergraduate? in the teeth of something 不畏困难, 不畏风险 If something happens or is done in the teeth of difficulties, the difficulties cause problems but do not stop it: The road was built in the teeth of fierce opposition from the public.), Betty. 17. What are the chances of us being canceled? There's nothing to suggest that the Mummers are directly involved, so unless that changes, I'd assume it's going ahead. Great. Better keep rehearsing, then. Let's go, Winter. Don't tell Sarah, but I've never been a huge Gilbert and Sullivan fan. 18. Midsomer Concierge Medical Practice. It's a bespoke private mobile GP service for the discerning ( discerning 挑剔的, 善辨好坏的, 要求高的 [approval] If you describe someone as discerning, you mean that they are able to judge which things of a particular kind are good and which are bad. ...tailor-made holidays to suit the more discerning traveller. Her childhood passion for collecting has not dimmed, but now she is more discerning. showing good judgment, especially about style and quality. able to make or usually making careful judgments about the quality of similar things: Marion is a discerning judge of good design. a discerning customer. ) client who prefers the more personal touch. And can spare a few quid. Yeah. It's a small outfit set up eight years ago by Simon Charteris. Faith Dunlow's the practice coordinator, married to Marcus Dunlow. Our Pirate King. The practice is very popular. Everything seems above board 正规, 合理合法, 守规矩的. Things are seldom as they seem. Skim milk masquerades as cream. What, sir? It's a quote from "H.M.S. Pinafore." My Buttercup was very well received 收货好评, 市场美誉度高, 反响很好. Unlike you, I look rather fetching ( If you describe someone or something as fetching, you think that they look very attractive. Sue was sitting up in bed, looking very fetching in a flowered bedjacket. A fetching person or piece of clothing is attractive: a fetching off-the-shoulder dress. look fetching You look very fetching in your green shorts. ) in a crinoline ( crinoline [ˈkrɪnəlɪn] 宫廷蓬蓬裙 a stiff frame worn under a skirt to give it a full appearance, especially in the 19th century. ). 19. Our pirate choked to death on his treasure. I found this obstructing 阻塞呼吸道 his airway. 20. Why don't I have any stories like that? There's still time, sir 还有机会. 20. We were happy then, despite anything your mother might have said to the contrary. I never rely on anyone's opinion but my own. You've made that very clear. Then why are you avoiding me? Because at the moment I walked through the door, I felt like a disappointment. Oh, Phoebe, that's not true. I'm not that studious little girl that left nine years ago, and you can't deal with that. All I want is for you to fulfill your potential 发挥潜力. Go to college or music school. You've got a beautiful voice. 21. The murder was carefully planned, theatrical, designed to shock and intrigue. The Empson family seem to be at the heart 中央 of it. The body was placed on their estate on the stage of one of their productions. The family don't just own the estate and the grounds. They own the village as well. Maybe that caused some resentment over time. And find Derek Sharrow. Get his version of events. See if he and Shaila Handsworth are singing from the same hymn sheet ( sing from the same hymn sheet = sing from the same song sheet 说法一样, 团结一致, 一唱一和 If you say that people, especially people in the same organization, are singing from the same hymn sheet or are singing from the same song sheet, you mean that they are saying the same things in public about something and appear to agree about it. We should bring together the departments so that we're all singing from the same hymn sheet. to say the same things about a subject in order to give the impression of unity or agreement He wants no discord. Everyone must be singing from the same song sheet in future.). 22. Are you saying this ghastly ( ghastly [gɑːstli] If you describe someone or something as ghastly, you mean that you find them very unpleasant. ...a mother accompanied by her ghastly unruly child. It was the worst week of my life. It was ghastly. ...a particularly ghastly murder. Today's newspaper gives all the ghastly details of the murder. ) murder has something to do with me? If you could just answer my question. I've forgotten what it was, it was so outrageous. The inspector just wants to know if there's anyone that bears us or the Mummers any ill will. How the devil should I know? The villagers are all your tenants, I believe. And your point is? It's his job to establish the facts. And yes, there can be issues at times. We have the power to evict and raise rents, which can cause resentment. What has it got to do with a corpse in a treasure chest? This tea is stewed ( stew [British] (of tea) having a bitter taste through having been left to infuse for too long. Stewed tea 茶泡过头了 has been kept too long before it is poured, and is therefore strong and bitter. ), Phyllis. You mentioned you'd had interest in the mill and the land. We've had developers chancing their arm ( chance your arm [British] to attempt to do something although the chance of success may be slight. to do something risky or adventurous in order to get something you want. to take a risk in order to get something that you want: Aren't you chancing your arm a bit giving up a secure job to start up a business? Instead of going on the dole I chanced my arm on a business.), but no one connected with the village. And as I said before, my aunt would never sell. Then why did you tell him in the first place? Someone was found murdered in our theater, Aunt Katisha. We have to be transparent or we'll be accused of withholding information. Accused? We're not common criminals ( A "common criminal" is an ordinary criminal with nothing special, as opposed to a celebrity criminal (a famous person who commits a crime), a super-criminal (like those faced by super-heroes), a notorious criminal, a Robin-Hood (steals from the rich and gives to the poor), a criminal genius, etc.). It's Graham Handsworth you should be talking to. Ghastly man. We have been trying to contact him. May I ask why? His office overlooks the mill. He might have witnessed something useful to the case. I doubt he'd tell you, even if he did. Hates authority of any kind. Graham can be challenging, but he's excellent at his job, and good estate managers are hard to come by 很难找, 一时难觅, 可遇不可求. We just stay out of each other's way. Why have him in the concert if he's so difficult? The man has us over a barrel ( have someone over a barrel 别无他法, 没有办法 to put someone in a very difficult situation in which the person has no choice about what they do. If someone has you over a barrel, they have put you in a difficult situation where you have little choice but to do what they want you to do. She knows I need the work so she's got me over a barrel in terms of what she pays me. over a barrel in a helpless position; at someone's mercy. "I like doing business with a man who knows he's over a barrel"). Graham is one of our most popular players. Audiences love him. Although I have to say, Inspector, he has the face of a deviant. Eyes way too close together. That doesn't make him a murderer, Aunt Katisha. 23. How long have you cared for your dad? Well, a couple of years now. Um, gave up work when he had his stroke. It's the least I could do after everything he's done for me. 24. I have to apologize for my aunt's rudeness 粗鲁, Inspector. My wife said she's quite a character. Oh, yes, of course. You're married to Sarah. Lovely soprano. We're so grateful she could join us. Which reminds me, I really need to go and support the troops. Ah, yes, the photo call on the green. And I'm sorry about that unpleasantness 不愉快 with Dr. Charteris. I'm surprised he hasn't accused me of cooking up the murder to shock her into an early grave. I love my aunt, Inspector, eccentric and maddening as she is. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. 25. Graham Handsworth's not here. Might be worth trying the estate office again. 26. Graham Handsworth, I presume 斗胆. Possession of a firearm with the intent to cause fear of violence is a crime. Got ground-nesting birds ( Birds that nest and reside mostly on the ground. Ground-nesting birds are birds from the Phasianidae family, which tend to be heavy-bodied ground-feeding birds such as quail, pheasants, and prairie chickens. ). I have to protect them from predators. And before you ask, yes, I've got a license. 27. When did he do that? I lose track 记不清了. 28. I told you, I was calling Phoebe about work. I thought she could do with the extra shifts. You asked to meet her alone. Okay, but it's not what you think. Then what? I've seen you staring, following her around like some lovesick teenager. I wanted to talk to her about Luke. Then why lie about it? I thought you'd stop me. Think I was being too heavy-handed 下手太重( [disapproval] I. 蛮横不讲理的. 粗暴的, 高压的. 强人所难. 咄咄逼人的. If you say that someone's behaviour is heavy-handed, you mean that they are too forceful or too rough. using too much force in dealing with someone: Local people complained of the heavy-handed methods being used by the police. The protestors accused the police of using heavy-handed tactics...heavy-handed police tactics. The demonstration had been dealt with in a violent and heavy handed way. You can't be heavy handed. You have to make people aware that you understand their concerns. II. If someone is heavy-handed with something, they use too much of it or use it in a clumsy way. It all depends on how heavy-handed you are with the paprika. In fact she tends to be a little heavy-handed when she wears make-up. high-handed 暴君的, 专制的, 专政的, 高压的, 专横的 [disapproval] If you say that someone is high-handed, you disapprove of them because they use their authority in an unnecessarily forceful way without considering other people's feelings. using power or authority more forcefully than is needed, without thinking about the feelings or wishes of other people He wants to be seen as less bossy and high-handed. ...his allegedly high-handed organisation of government business in parliament. They have been accused of secrecy and high-handedness in their dealings. ). About what? Phoebe's leaving to go traveling, and she's encouraging him to go with her. He's young, easily influenced. I just wanted to make her see what a huge opportunity he'd be giving up. 29. Handsworth's finger was on the trigger, so I'm lucky to be alive. Well, at least you found him. What did he say? He said he can't help us, but I'm not sure that I believe him. Let's run some background checks. Maybe he's not as clever as he thinks. On a more positive note, Fleur has had a result on our, um, mystery pirate's dental records. His name is Vince Summersby. He's a big player in new-build 新建的 housing. Very successful, but not always popular with his workforce. He was accused of flouting health and safety guidelines but managed to avoid investigation. Where's his latest development? It's an estate on the edge of Crackstone. Fleur's team are on their way there now. He was last seen four days ago working late at the site office. Uniform are patrolling the area for evidence. Odd that no one's reported him missing. He sounds like bit of a loner. Not married, no children. His PA said that he often went well AWOL and wasn't overly concerned. Look into his business. Find out if he ever expressed interest in the mill site. 30. Are we looking at foul play? Lady Empson had underlying heart issues. An arrest could trigger a fall. And falls cause a significant amount of deaths in the elderly, especially those involving stairs. Sedatives. So her fall could have been accidental due to medication? All I can say with absolute certainty is that she took a terrible tumble. Whether she tripped, her dicky heart gave out, or she was given a good shove is all up for grabs. Who found her? Her niece. She's expecting us. 31. My aunt is what people might call a drama queen. Excitable ( If you describe someone as excitable, you mean that they behave in a rather nervous way and become excited very easily. Mary sat beside Elaine, who today seemed excitable. The staff were somewhat alarmed by the man, who was in an excitable state. She has always been inclined to excitability. ). Highly strung. She came to rely on Dr. Charteris to calm her down. With medication. 32. She was perfectly fine before Simon Charteris arrived. You must have noticed, Inspector. It's all an act to get his attention, and he encouraged her by playing along. You seem very suspicious of his motives, Ms. Fernsby. With good reason. The revised will benefits Charteris big time, which gives him motive. If Ms. Fernsby successfully framed Charteris, the entire estate would revert to her. Leaving her free to build her mini Glyndebourne. She had a window of time to create a believable scenario. She is a theater director, after all. Talk to Shaila Handsworth. See if she backs up Ms. Fernsby's version of events, while I talk to Simon Charteris. 33. When I left her, she was sitting up in bed, full of beans, planning what to wear to the first night. What time was that? Just after 11:00. Had an appointment in Netherlipton at 11:30, left there around 1:00. Would anyone be able to confirm what? I'm starting to resent your tone, Inspector. You do know Lady Empson had a serious heart condition. Yes. We also understand that Lady Empson recently changed her will in your favor. We'd become very close. She wanted to do something to show her gratitude. She must have been very grateful, Dr. Charteris. I didn't put under any pressure, if that's what you're implying. Might take a while. Our computer system's down. But I'll make it a priority. 34. I followed up on your hunch. I called the local planning office, and you were right. Summersby Construction expressed interest in the mill site. But Lady Empson didn't want to sell. Summersby wouldn't take no for an answer, claiming that the mill was in need of immediate protection due to their negligence. Isn't it listed? Not officially. The Heritage Society was strongly opposed to the proposal, but recently changed tack 改弦更张 in support of Summersby's application. Well, someone so terrified of losing their beloved playhouse, they decided to eliminate the buyer. Phyllis Fernsby did say that the mill was a burden. 35. Where are we with his alibi? We'll chase that up, sir. 36. If I could just have a bit of hush. For those of you who have not yet heard, I have some very sad news. As the exact cause of death is as yet unclear, I would prefer not to discuss this any further. But there is no doubt that she would have wanted us to carry on. In fact, she would have insisted upon it. And in return, we must do our best to make this concert a fitting tribute to Aunt Katisha and her lifelong dedication to this wonderful company. 37. Simon Charteris made his meeting 及时赶到 on time, which means that he left Brattlington Hall when he said that he did. So if Fleur's right about time of death, Charteris is in the clear. What about Shaila Handsworth? Her account matches Phyllis Fernsby's. She was dropped at home. 38. When I was interviewing Graham Handsworth at the Bird Reserve, I noticed that there were several wildlife cameras. I thought they might give us something, so I went back, took the film, got tech to take a look, and seems that I've struck lucky. 39. That's the sedative. That's the opioid. They're identical 一模一样的. Bingo. So our killer deliberately replaced her pills with opioids with the clear intention of causing her death. Which triggered the cardiac arrest and the resulting fall. Was there any evidence of fingerprints on the pill bottle? Wiped clean. So whoever swapped the pills knew she took regular medication. And did their homework to ensure the desired 想要的结果 outcome. 40. Dress rehearsal tomorrow. Your call time ( I. (UK) To announce the closing of a pub for the day. Let's have another pint quickly, before the landlord calls time. II. (UK) To end something. The boxer is ready to call time on his long career. III. (sports) To call a timeout. IV. (US, education) To indicate that an activity, especially the taking of a test, is complete. call-time 通告时间 The expected time of arrival for participants in a performance event, e.g., a play or concert. The performance starts at 2pm; call time is 11am for crew, noon for musicians.) is 5:00 sharp, please. And if anyone fancies joining me at the pub to toast Aunt Katisha, the drinks are on me. 41. As long as you're not getting too stressed out by it all. Well, this is definitely helping. Is Betty okay? What did you cook her, anyhow? Oh, I just cobbled something together. It did have spinach on it. Doesn't that count? I'd like everybody to join me in raising a glass to my aunt, Lady Katisha Empson. We shall not see her like again. 42. If we could stick to the job in hand. Our murderous friend had a lot of fun with this one. These were in his eyes. "False, unmerciful, and truthless." It's another lyric from "Pirates." Blunt-force head trauma, multiple puncture wounds to the torso. I'd say he was knocked unconscious, then nailed to the mast for maximum dramatic impact. Cause of death? On initial examination, I'd say traumatic brain injury, but the vivid redness of his skin indicates something altogether more sinister. Which is? Poison. 43. We, um, found some discrepancies in your husband's finances, Mrs. Handsworth. Regular cash deposits that are unaccounted for 来源不明的. Graham resented the Empsons' privilege. It was his way of getting his own back. What was? Illegal poaching... deer, pheasant, red birds, their eggs. He plundered the estate for what he could get when he was supposed to be protecting it. And you were aware of this. He made me lie for him. I was too scared not to. I thought if Phyllis found out, she'd think I'd betrayed her too. I felt so trapped. 44. You think they set up Lady Empson's fall so they could move in together? It's possible. But her husband's murder is on another level of brutality. It doesn't seem to fit. Think she's physically capable of pulling it off? 45. You knew Vince Summersby, the man in the treasure chest. You were helping him get his hands on the mill. The mill we're supposed to be fighting to save. How did you find out? I heard you on the phone. Who were you talking to? Summersby's contact at the planning office. We were both involved, had to get our story straight 统一口径. Involved in what? I don't understand. Summersby was blackmailing me. How? What had you done? A complaint was made against the school when I was headmaster. It was quite unjust, but would have finished me. What kind of complaint? Exam fraud. Summersby was a governor, had friends in high places 身居高位, made it go away. But then it was payback time. If the charge was unjust, you could have fought it. Publicly defended yourself. 46. A witness saw him threatening you. Why would he do that? Just before that body was discovered, Graham went missing. I was sent to find him. I couldn't see him at first. Then I heard voices, followed them. Graham was behind the estate office loading something into a car boot. What did he say? Nothing. But I could tell he was angry. Later that night, he turned up at my door, told me to keep my mouth shut. And the next day, when you came asking questions, I... He saw you. Got the wrong idea. He vandalized your aviary as a warning. I'd never have said anything. No one crossed Graham Handsworth. Seems he scared a lot of people. 47. Sir, there's been an incident in the surgery. We've had break-ins before, opportunist addicts, but this feels different. No forced entry, no alarms. You said a filing cabinet had been forced. Yes, this one. All patient files, but nothing's missing. 48. Sir, what's the official line 官方说法, 官方说辞 on ( An "official line" is a statment from authority (for example a government). an official explanation, account etc is one that is given formally and publicly, but may not be true Many doubted the official version of events. The official line (=what is said publicly by people in authority) was that the troops were there to protect the King. The report is still unconfirmed. But if the official line becomes that this was not a contract killing, then there is no need to investigate who put out the contract) the Mummers? Surely we have to close them down now. Not necessarily. Graham Handsworth's one of their leading men. And I know someone who could step into his shoes. But I played Mabel, sir. And I'm sure you'll make an excellent sergeant of police. You must be familiar with the music. 49. Thank you all for being such troupers. I'm sure we all agree that the show must go on. A big thank you to Jamie for saving the day at such short notice. 50. The tech team worked their magic with the CCTV. Our medical practice intruder is Marcus Dunlow. You need to find out what he was doing there. 51. Don't feel too sorry for him, sir. He's been lying to us all along. He knew Vince Summersby. What? How? Been working on his behalf to acquire the mill site. Phoebe found documents in the house to prove it. You think you know someone 人心隔肚皮, 人不可貌相. Should we arrest him? Not yet. Yes, he knew the victim, but there's no evidence to suggest he's our killer. We need to let this thing play out. 52. We now know the real reason you left your previous practice, Dr. Charteris. You were accused of grooming elderly patients for financial gain. Prescribing inappropriate medication to hasten their end. Nothing was ever proven. Because your practice covered it up. Forced you to resign to avoid a scandal. I didn't kill Katisha. So you have to believe me. You lied about your computer system to buy yourself time to falsify her medical records, which Faith Dunlow will attest to 作证. When I heard that Lady Empson had died so unexpectedly, I panicked. I knew it wouldn't be long before these false and vicious rumors would resurface 浮出水面, that I would be under suspicion. Quite unjust. You altered her notes to cover your tracks, which suggests you had something to hide. I made some small adjustments to prevent any misunderstanding. 53. He'll get struck off at the very least, and his previous victims will finally get justice. But is he our murderer? He's a direct beneficiary in Lady Empson's will, an expert in medication, a serial liar. But the other murders... what's the connection? 54. Whittingdale was Derek Sharrow's teacher. We need to find him fast. He's not in his dressing room. There's a message on the wall. It looks like it's been written in stage blood. There was similar spelling mistakes when Derek wrote the call sheet. Shaila said he's dyslexic. What on earth? I need you to get everyone out of here. 55. I was gonna wait till the opening night, but I knew the net was closing in 收网. I had to act fast or it would be too late. Too late for what? I'm dying. Asbestos-related lung disease now too advanced to cure. I received my diagnosis the same day I found out about Vince Summersby's plans to destroy the playhouse. You knew him. He was my employer. Demolition work, cash in hand. Must be 20 years ago now. He saw the asbestos report and ignored it. He knew he was signing my death warrant. So you decided to get your own back( get one's own back [on someone] informal have one's revenge; retaliate. to do something unpleasant to someone because they have done something unpleasant to you: I'll get my own back on her one day. ). He'd condemned me to die of asphyxiation. It felt like poetic justice. Kept him in the boot till it was time for his big entrance. 56. I enjoyed that. But not as much as I enjoyed watching Lady Empson take her last miserable breath. She killed my mother. Worked her into the ground ( work/drive/run yourself into the ground 鞠躬尽瘁 to work so hard that you become very tired or ill Kay's working herself into the ground trying to meet her deadlines. ). Never a single word of thanks. When my father's health started to decline, she had no use for us anymore, and we were evicted. But you had tenants' rights. Lady Empson made some lie about jewelry going missing. Branded my mother a thief in front of the whole community. The shame broke her. And a year later, she was dead. When I knew I was dying, too, the time had come to settle the score. She was in agony. Her eyes... pleading for me to help her. But I just stood there watching her die. 57. He dismissed me as thick, unteachable. If he'd done his job properly, my life could have been different, but he chose not to. Where was your father in all this? You gave the impression that he'd been good to you. I lied. He made my mother's life a misery till she died, then mine. You can't win anymore, Dad. He kept us both caged. Just like his birds.

Midsomer Murders Season 22, Episode 6: 1. I don't know why you want a stall at a psychic fair anyway. Well, I'm taking full advantage of Betty being away with school 出去上学 and doing something for me. And as head of the Historical Society, I get to share my vast knowledge of the area and the Hades Caves in particular, which are an incredible feat of engineering with a glorious, if somewhat questionable, bacchanalian ( [ˌbækəˈneɪlɪən] 疯狂饮酒作乐的 adj. characterized by or given to drunken revelry. (especially of a party) involving a lot of drinking of alcohol, uncontrolled behaviour, and possibly sexual activity: "a bacchanalian orgy". wiki: The Bacchanalia were unofficial, privately funded popular Roman festivals of Bacchus, based on various ecstatic elements of the Greek Dionysia. They were almost certainly associated with Rome's native cult of Liber, and probably arrived in Rome itself around 200 BC. Like all mystery religions of the ancient world, very little is known of their rites. They seem to have been popular and well-organised throughout the central and southern Italian peninsula. Livy, writing some 200 years after the event, offers a scandalized and extremely colourful account of the Bacchanalia, with frenzied rites, sexually violent initiations of both sexes, all ages and all social classes; he represents the cult as a murderous instrument of conspiracy against the state. Livy claims that seven thousand cult leaders and followers were arrested, and that most were executed. Livy believed the Bacchanalia scandal to be one of several indications of Rome's inexorable moral decay. A modern scholar 学者 takes a skeptical approach to Livy's allegations. vocabulary: The ancient Roman god Bacchus was no teetotaler. A bacchanalian party is a wild, wine-soaked, rowdy affair. Bacchanalian is used to describe any event that Bacchus would have enjoyed. The Romans celebrated Bacchus with wine, songs, dances and more wine — not the kind of behavior you would expect from self-respecting adults (and probably not the kind of thing they would tell their kids about). Another word for bacchanalian is Dionysian ( Dionysiac [ˌdʌɪəˈnɪzɪak] relating to the sensual, spontaneous, and emotional aspects of human nature. "dark, grand Dionysian music". ), in honor of the Greek god of wine and crazy parties. Any kind of wild revelry can be described as bacchanalian.) past. 2. Do you think Paddy's okay? He barely touched 动都没有动一下 his food. 3. Chuffed up buggery ( chuffed delighted It's informal English for "delighted". If you want to emphasise it you can say: "I'm chuffed to buggery!", which means you're absolutely delighted, although It is somewhat informal and mildly offensive.) with that. Good, I think. Saint Hattie steals the limelight again. It's not my fault I'm a teeny, tiny bit marvelous. Oh, don't sulk, Gerard. No one likes a wet wimple ( 修女戴的头巾 a piece of cloth worn around the head and neck by women in the Middle Ages, and worn today by some nuns (= members of a female religious group). ) on a sunny day. Couldn't agree more. And who am I to get in the way of the glory that is Hattie K Bainbridge? Ohh. Have we got the quartz [kwɔːts]? It's good for a hangover, isn't it? Amethyst is better. Comes from the Greek "amethusos." Literally means "not drunk." Funny 'cause it's got the word "meth" in it. Don't look now. Go the evil eye upon us. 4. You sure you should be here today? Yeah. Yeah, it's what my Grandpa Jimmy would have wanted. Chin up 别灰心, 别垂头丧气, 别气馁, 别泄气, 高兴起来, 昂首挺胸 and all that(A phrase that encourages one to improve one's mood, especially when sad or discouraged. Come on, the project was not a total failure—chin up! Chin up, honey—tomorrow's another day.). 5. Cause of death? Penetrative wound with pellucid object. Impact through the abdomen directly into the myocardium, or, in common parlance ( in common parlance 用一般人的说法, 普通人的话 used by many people in ordinary conversation. expressed in the words that most people use These schemes are known in common parlance as 'private pensions'. terms that are now in common parlance. parlance [ˈpɑː.ləns] a group of words or style of speaking used by a particular group of people: Oral contraceptives are referred to as "the pill" in common parlance. business/legal parlance. ), a crystal wand to the heart. 6. Did she make a habit of 养成习惯, 习惯性地 not coming home? Not in the way you're thinking. But last week, she was found wandering through the village in the dead of night(at/in (the) dead of (the) night/winter If something happens in the dead of night, at dead of night, or in the dead of winter, it happens in the middle part of the night or the winter, when it is darkest or coldest. I couldn't fly illegally into a country in the dead of night. We buried it in the garden at dead of night. Early one Thursday morning in the dead of winter I awoke to a blizzard. ) in just her night dress. I was worried that she'd been having some kind of breakdown. A breakdown? She'd been having dreams. Visions, she called them. I blame the Saint-Stephens. I'm sorry. Who might they be? The ones poisoning the village with their annual psychic sick fest. Tilly worked for them, probably to spite me(Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face). Till they sacked her last week. the devil's work. 7. The images on the tower, they're called sigils ( A sigil ( [ˈsɪdʒɪl] ) is a type of symbol used in magic. The term usually refers to a pictorial signature of a deity or spirit (such as an angel or demon). In modern usage, especially in the context of chaos magic, a sigil refers to a symbolic representation of the practitioner's desired outcome.) or seals. They're used in ritual magic. 8. Shame we're reduced to 堕落到, 沦落到 ( reduce someone to something I. to make someone unhappy or cause someone to be in a bad state or situation: His comments reduced her to tears (= made her cry). The sergeant was reduced to the ranks 降级 (= made an ordinary soldier) for his cowardice. reduce somebody to tears/silence etc to make someone cry, be silent etc She was reduced to tears in front of her students. II. If you are reduced to doing something 沦为, you are forced to do it because you have no other choice: He was out of cigarettes and was reduced to smoking the butts left in the ashtrays. reduce somebody to doing something to make someone do something they would rather not do, especially when it involves behaving or living in a way that is not as good as before Eventually Charlotte was reduced to begging on the streets. reduce something to ashes/rubble/ruins to destroy something, especially a building, completely A massive earthquake reduced the city to rubble. ) hiring out our home for this pagan nonsense. Needs must ( needs must ( necessity knows no law ) 无可奈何, 能怎样, 被逼无奈 it is or was necessary or unavoidable. "if needs must, they will eat any food". needs must (when the devil drives) British English used to say that you must sometimes do things that you do not like doing. Said when something is necessary but undesirable, unpleasant, or unfavorable. I didn't want to drive all the way across town again to collect the bed, but needs must. I already had plans for this evening, but if needs must 如果一定要的话, 如果必须的话 I can take you to the airport. It's not the most comfortable way to travel, but needs must. ). Think of it as your credit card paid off. We have no other source of income. You're a prize-winning scientist, for crying out loud. I was, Jeannie. Was. Sell some of these vile books, then. Does your Mr. Gerard King know you think all things spiritual are wrong? I got the impression that you rather... gave him the time of day 不追究, 不计较, 放一马, 得过且过, 睁一只眼闭一只眼 ( time of day I. Informal. a minimum of attention: He wouldn't even give her the time of day. II. A loosely specified period of time, minutes or hours in duration, especially daytime, or point in time. "At what time of day 一天里这个时间段 and year are the winds strongest?" / "Winter mornings, I think." She would fold laundry at this time of day. I love that time of day. The light is magical. give someone the time of day If someone will not give you the time of day, they are unfriendly and refuse to speak to you. No one would give us the time of day. I needed their help, but they wouldn't give me the time of day. We had an argument with our neighbours, and now they won't even give us the time of day. this time of day the current time; the present. The younger generation in this time of day encounters problems quite different from those of past generations. ). I don't know what you're talking about. Isaac up yet? Is it past 过了午饭 noon? If not, then it's highly unlikely. 9. Look, why have you put me here as opposed to somewhere the energy actually flows? I don't know a thing about all this. Give me logical, scientific thinking any day ( give me ... any day/every time used to say that you always like or prefer a particular thing. used to say that you like something much more than something else Give me good old-fashioned rock 'n' roll any day! This new stuff is all very well, but give me the old-style weather forecast any day! ). It's feng shui. Here, the energy flow straight out the door. But the visitors flow straight in through the door. Typical left-brain logic 理性逻辑 ( According to the left-brain, right-brain dominance theory, the left side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that are considered logical, rational, and calculating. By contrast, the right side of the brain is best at artistic, creative, and spontaneous tasks. ). 10. Morning, Felix. All good? Oh, tut, tut. I'm much better than good, my lovely empath ( In psychology, empaths are people who have a higher than usual level of empathy, called hyperempathy. While objective empathy level testing is difficult, tests such as the EQ-8 have gained some acceptance as tests for being empathic. (especially in science fiction stories) a person who has an unusually strong ability to feel other people's emotional or mental states: I think Barry is actually an empath, one of those people who is able to absorb and reflect the feelings of others. ) influencers. You know old Felix fancies you, right? In his dreams. Can't wait to see his face when he finds out who's on our crystal healing podcast. I'm so excited about tonight. I can literally feel my blood reacting. Mm. That'll be the witch in you. 11. Edin Hall, owned by Peter and Jeannie Saint-Stephens. Peter Saint-Stephens the scientist? The same. Touted some years ago as a Nobel Prize winner owing to his pioneering work on string theory. Slightly odd that he's opened his doors to this sort of thing. Are you sure you're going to be okay? What with... You know, all this psychic...twaddle ( twaddle [ˈtwɒdl] trivial or foolish speech or writing; nonsense. "he dismissed the novel as self-indulgent twaddle". ). Nothing like keeping an open mind( there is nothing like 什么都比不上 I. there is nothing similar to or as good as. "there's nothing like a party to lighten the mood". II. a general expression of praise. used to say that a particular thing is very enjoyable there's nothing like a good cup of tea. nothing like someone/something 差远了, 远远比不上 not at all similar to someone or something: Instant coffee is nothing like the real thing. He looks nothing like his brother. A great deal less; not nearly. I do pretty well in math, but I'm nothing like my older sister. She was a genius!.), sir. No, I'll be fine. Has Sarah asked you to keep an eye on me? I don't know what you're talking about, Winter. Sarah is going to be in her element, talking about the caves, I mean. They're pretty unique. Is that the queen of daytime? 12. Tarot, I believe. Indeed. Simeon Dagley, accountant by day, tarot reader by destiny. Care for a reading? To be honest, we're interested in The Devil. 13. That's from his Thoth deck. Not as popular as the Levi deck, but still -- I'd rather you didn't touch ( would rather If you say that you would rather do something or you' d rather do it, you mean that you would prefer to do it. If you say that you would rather not do something, you mean that you do not want to do it. If it's all the same to you, I'd rather work at home. Which programme would you rather appear on? Kids would rather play than study. I have no information one way or the other, but I would rather he do it than not do it. I would rather Lionel took it on. Sorry. I'd rather not talk about it. Would you like that? Don't hesitate to say no if you'd rather not. Would rather: We use would rather or ’d rather to talk about preferring one thing to another. Would rather has two different constructions. (The subjects are underlined in the examples.) same subject (+ base form): I’d rather stay at home than go out tonight. I’d rather you stayed at home tonight. I’d rather not go out tonight. different subject (+ past simple clause): I’d rather you didn’t go out tonight. In negative sentences with a different subject, the negative comes on the clause that follows, not on would rather: She’d rather you didn’t phone after 10 o’clock. Not: She wouldn’t rather you phoned after 10 o’clock. When the subject is the same person in both clauses, we use would rather (not) followed by the base form of the verb: More than half the people questioned would rather have a shorter summer break and more holidays at other times. I’d rather not fly. I hate planes. When we want to refer to the past we use would rather + have + -ed form (perfect infinitive without to): She would rather have spent the money on a holiday. (The money wasn’t spent on a holiday.) I’d rather have seen it at the cinema than on DVD. (I saw the film on DVD.). Different subjects When the subjects of the two clauses are different, we often use the past simple to talk about the present or future, and the past perfect to talk about the past: I would rather they did something about it instead of just talking about it. (past simple to talk about the present or future) Would you rather I wasn’t honest with you? (past simple to talk about the present or future). Not: Would you rather I’m not honest with you? or … I won’t be honest with you? I’d rather you hadn’t rung me at work. (past perfect to talk about the past). Much rather We can use much with would rather to make the preference stronger. In speaking, we stress much: I’d much rather make a phone call than send an email. She’d much rather they didn’t know about what had happened. Short responses: I’d rather not. We often use I’d rather not as a short response to say no to a suggestion or request: A: Do you want to go for a coffee? B: I’d rather not, if you don’t mind. Would sooner, would just as soon: We use the phrases would sooner and would just as soon when we say that we prefer one thing to another thing. They mean approximately the same as would rather: I don’t really want to go back to France again this year. I’d sooner go to Spain. Thanks for the invitation, but, if you don’t mind, we’d just as soon stay at home and watch it all on TV. Would sooner is more common than would just as soon. However, would rather is more common than both of these phrases.). Anyone else touches the cards, negative energy transfers into them and can affect my readings. 14. Where were you last night between 9:00 and 11:00? I was at home at my cottage, but I live alone. And the cards were with you? Seeing as you're so protective of them. No, I brought them down here late afternoon to get set up ahead of this morning. 15. Right, chaps, who do you want it made out to? Ah. I expect you're here about Tilly. Oh, don't worry. Nothing otherworldly 奇妙的, 不可思议的, 没什么神奇的( Otherworldly people, things, and places seem strange or spiritual, and not much connected with ordinary things. They encourage an image of the region as an otherworldly sort of place. ...a strange, other-worldly smile.). The jogger who found her body does my ironing. Rang me straight after in a right state( in a right state 一阵混乱 I. (Britain, idiomatic) in a mess or in a state of chaos; very unkempt, in poor condition. The COVID-19 pandemic had the world in a right state. At the end of a long day at work, I’m usually in a right state. II.(Britain, idiomatic) in a state of panic or confusion. The dancers were in a right state as their track wouldn't play minutes before their performance. Trigonometry lectures always had me in a right state! be in/get into a state mainly UK to become nervous and upset: She got into a real state before her driving test..). It's tragic. Her father mentioned a breakdown. No. She was an innocent with a wild imagination. Stuck in that farmhouse would drive anyone potty. She's at peace now. Not easy for the poor souls left behind, mind. 16. Your dog, Paddy, has not been well. Off his food. Grumpier than usual. More so than even you. How do you know this? I was talking to your wife earlier. She's outside. 17. What's that got to do with the river, Mr. King? They started a petition to reroute 改道 it and even suggested that I pay for it. Is that why you opposed it? Yes, because it would have cost me thousands of pounds, because technically it's my land. The petition started to gain traction until Tilly came to the rescue. She knew all about the newts ( [njuːt] A newt is a small creature that has four legs and a long tail and can live on land and in water. This wet area also attracts frogs, toads and newts. A newt is a salamander in the subfamily Pleurodelinae. The terrestrial juvenile phase is called an eft. Unlike other members of the family Salamandridae, newts are semiaquatic, alternating between aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Not all aquatic salamanders are considered newts, however. Adult newts have lizard-like bodies and return to the water every year to breed, otherwise living in humid, cover-rich land habitats. ). Turns out they're a protected species and rerouting the river would have destroyed their habitat. So happily with Tilly's help, we won the day(win/lose the day 赢得那场比赛, 大获全胜 I. [mainly journalism] be victorious in battle, sport, or argument. If a particular person, group, or thing wins the day, they win a battle, struggle, or competition. If they lose the day, they are defeated. His determination and refusal to back down had won the day. Few in Westminster doubt that the government will win the day. to finally be successful in a discussion or argument Common sense won the day, and the plans were dropped. II. to persuade people to support your ideas or opinions. carry the day win a contest, an argument, etc.; be successful: It was a difficult match, but the New Zealand team finally carried the day. ). 18. The Psychic Fayre can't have gone down well with you, then, I take it. You could say that. Bea, my daughter, she dabbled. Peter came up with the idea of the Fayre in her memory 为了纪念她. No prizes for guessing who is behind Tilly's death. Sally Ann and Rachel. They're into all that crystal witch stuff. Probably sacrificed Tilly to some pagan god. I gather they also recently had a battle with Mr. King. Oh, they did. And, boy, did we see them off. I'm on the council, you see. So teaming up with Gerard King sits all right with 不冲突, 和谐 your Christian beliefs. Ah. He's different. And he's not a bloody incomer. I rue the day ( rue [ruː] If you rue something that you have done, you are sorry that you did it, because it has had unpleasant results. Tavare was probably ruing his decision. rue the day 后悔 If you rue the day that you did something, you are sorry that you did it, because it has had unpleasant results. You'll live to rue the day you said that to me, my girl.) those harpies ( In Greek and Roman mythology, a harpy is a half-human and half-bird, often believed to be a personification of storm winds. They feature in Homeric poems.) arrived. 19. Because you parted company with Tilly Mulrooney. Why? Oh, Tilly. Oh, that, it's dreadful. Look, she was lovely, but she was not very reliable. We needed someone bit more practical, down to Earth. Fortunately, my shift pattern ( Typically shift patterns involve regular weekly shifts with breaks in between – usually working a minimum of five days per week but never more than seven. Depending on the industry, shift patterns also include rotating shifts which involve working a different shift each week or every few days.) means I've got a few days off. 20. Tilly Mulrooney's death had a ritual element to it. You have a lot of books on the occult. Yeah, well, I have an interest in the history of magic. My wife disapproves. Which I'm sure is why you do it. Still, it's an unusual hobby for a scientist of some renown, tipped for the Nobel Prize. Well, that's a long time ago. My thinking, therefore my funding, went out of fashion. It happens. Do you practice magic? Of course he doesn't. Books are one thing, but I'd divorce him if he actually did anything. Ah. My interest is purely academic. Just an armchair occultist. 21, Losing his sister hit him hard. Hit everyone hard, I imagine. You? It was a tragic accident, shocked us all. But... Well, you get by. Move on, don't you? Have you moved on? Only you're here helping out, still very much part of the family. I'll always be part of the family as far as Jeannie is concerned. 22. I heard that you lost the battle. Something to do with newts. The newts were never in any danger from us. Gerard and Jeannie just used them to influence the outcome. What happened to Tilly? We're not entirely sure. Although she was stabbed with a wand very like the ones on your stall. Did it have opals on the handle? If it did, it's mine. Went missing a few days ago. What was your relationship with Tilly Mulrooney? I heard that she swung the campaign against you. We didn't have a problem with Tilly or that scumbag Gerard. Such a shame she fell under his spell. But that's his thing, isn't it? Manipulating women, imposing his will on them. Something of a rat, perhaps. 23. Mr. Mulrooney, your daughter intimated 交往深厚 to people in the village that you could be... controlling. Then either they lied or she lied. I told you she hadn't been herself lately, made rotten by all that filth. You need to help us find who did this to your daughter. Can I take a look inside? Your lot have already been. I need to see for myself 自己看, 眼见为实, 我要亲眼看看(see for oneself to look at something with your own eyes. It means to see or experience something firsthand as a means of proving to someone that it is true or accurate. Don't you believe he's here? Well, come in and see for yourself.). 24. I didn't want to implicate myself. By lying, you implicated yourself all the more. Yes, I'm sorry. It's just Tilly swore me to secrecy. She didn't want anyone to know. She'd had enough of her father having a go at her. Because he disapproved. Yes. They'd rowed about it. 25. It was her first time, but she was clearly highly intuitive ( I. 本能的. 凭感觉的. 凭直觉的. based on feelings rather than facts or proof: an intuitive approach/judgment. Most people have an intuitive sense of right and wrong. II. 相信直觉的. able to know or understand something because of feelings rather than facts or proof: Good agents are certainly extroverted, but are grounded, rather than intuitive. If you have an intuitive idea or feeling about something, you feel that it is true although you have no evidence or proof of it. A positive pregnancy test soon confirmed her intuitive feelings. He seemed to know intuitively that I must be missing my mother. Some of the ideas are very intriguing and sound intuitively plausible. III. easy to use or learn without any special knowledge: It has a stunning and intuitive user interface. Despite the daunting scale of the rules, I found them quite intuitive and learnt them very quickly. ). The cards that came up clearly meant something to her. In what way? Well, she booked the reading because she said she'd had a dream. She was convinced it had some significance. She didn't say what it was about, but hoped the reading would reinforce it. Did it? Definitely. The spread made total sense to her. Because of your interpretation? No, I didn't say a word. I didn't have to. She'd gone before I could. 26. Off out (Off out 又要出门 isn't usually said on its own.  It's usually "I'm off out"  or "Are you off out?".  It is a phrase that means "I'm about to go somewhere". "I'm off" means I'm leaving and going somewhere... Eg, you are going to work or to the shops and you say to a person you are with "Right then, I'm off!" meaning I'm leaving now (at this moment). pace something off/out 走步量, 用步子量一下, 步量 to measure a distance by taking steps of equal size across it and counting them: You can get a rough idea of the size of the room by pacing it out. )? Again? I thought I'd show my face 露面 at the psychic reading. It starts soon. You? No, think I'll give it a miss 我就不去了. 27. Didn't expect to see you here. Oh, you're a worse psychic than I thought, then. It's an opportunity for me to see the master at work. Thank you for that very kind welcome. Loud enough to wake the dead. Good. That's what we like. Got a live one here. It seems I have a young, outspoken woman. Quite the chatterbox 话匣子, this one. Liked to do things her own way. She's getting impatient with me, telling me to get a wiggle on ( get a wiggle/wriggle on 快点, 别磨蹭, 别墨迹 get moving; hurry. It means to hurry up; get a move on. Get a wiggle on, or we'll miss the beginning of the concert. If you don't get a wiggle on, we'll miss the first act. ). She's always said this to you, hasn't she? 28. Staged to mirror The Hanged Man. Ligature marks suggest asphyxiation ( asphyxiation [əsˌfɪksɪˈeɪʃn] Asphyxiation is a lack of oxygen in blood, which causes suffocation. Noxious fumes such as methane can cause rapid asphyxiation and death. After 15 or so seconds, the lack of oxygen causes unconsciousness which eventually leads to death by asphyxiation. Asphyxiation is a lack of oxygen in blood, which causes suffocation. the condition of being unable to breathe, usually resulting in death: homicidal/accidental asphyxiation. The cause of death was asphyxiation from smoke inhalation. Just identifying asphyxiation in a murder victim doesn't explain how the murder happened. asphyxia [əsˈfɪksɪə] a condition arising when the body is deprived of oxygen, causing unconsciousness or death; suffocation. asphyxiate [əsˈfɪɪt] to cause someone to be unable to breathe, usually resulting in that person's death: The murder inquiry found that the children had been asphyxiated.). There's plant residue embedded in them, possibly from some kind of vine. Likely this. We'll know for sure when I get back to the lab. They seem to be cropping up all over the place. Someone playing games with us. What about the time frame? There was a psychic reading started an hour ago. Could this have been done by someone who attended that? I think so. Judging from the hemorrhaging and cyanosis, I'd say this was more than an hour ago. Incidentally, you were right about the prints on the wand. Belonged to the two women, both on there. Any smudging 模糊一块, 手套痕迹 on the wand that could be from a gloved hand? Possibly. 29. Apparently, it looks like the window's been forced 强行开启(Lucian agreed it would be kept locked, but when I came down for afternoon prayer, the door had been forced. ). Accountant and tarot reader isn't really a typical career path, is it? Always good to have something to fall back on. Yeah. Interestingly, it looks like Gerard King's finances aren't great. All mouth and no trousers ( be all mouth 光说不练 informal British tend to talk boastfully without any intention of acting on one's words. "he thought Francis was all mouth". all mouth (and no trousers/action) British, informal used to describe someone who talks a lot about doing something but never actually does it. ), my grandpa used to say. Ooh. Bet he didn't see that tax liability ( Tax liability is the total amount of tax debt owed to a government by an individual, corporation, or other entity. Income taxes, sales tax, and capital gains tax are all forms of tax liabilities. ) coming. 30. I think we need to keep an eye on the village tonight, given all the, um, new moon energy in the ether ( in the ether 讨论热点, 正流行 generally popular or being discussed a lot at a particular time: The subject of working from home seems to be in the ether this week. Black lipstick and other gothic makeup trends were in the ether. Cold War anxieties still floated around in the ether of that era. the ether the hypothetical medium formerly believed to fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic waves. ). And you want me to be that eye, I take it? My eyesight's not what it used to be. It's fine. It'll help me take my mind off things. All about intuition, apparently. Tilly Mulrooney had dreams that were clearly significant to her. As a result, she requested a tarot reading to see if something came up that echoed what she dreamt. And did it? Seemingly, but what could that possibly be? A premonition? 31. Yeah, Hattie seems very honest and down to earth. Sometimes reads as though her gift has been a burden. In what way? Well, on the whole celebrity circuit (The phrase "celebrity circuit" suggests that there are a number of events and talk shows that celebrities like to go to. When they have gone to every one of them, they have completed "a circuit.") thing burnt her out ( burn someone out I. ruin one's health or become completely exhausted through overwork. to be forced to stop working because you have become ill or very tired from working too hard: You need to take a break. You'll burn yourself out. Stop working so hard - you'll burn yourself out. "doing one task for too long can cause you to burn out". to cause someone to lose energy and enthusiasm, either from stress or because the person is working too hard: They asked her to slow down because they don’t want her to burn out. II. completely destroy a building or vehicle by fire, so that only a shell remains. "she claimed that at least four cars in the village had been burned out in recent months". III. to stop working because of damage from heat: When we lost power, many refrigerators and air conditioners burned out. burn out If a fire burns out 自行熄灭, it stops producing flames because nothing remains that can burn. If a fire burns itself out, it stops burning because there is nothing left to burn. Fire officials let the fire burn itself out. burnout If someone suffers burnout, they exhaust themselves at an early stage in their life or career because they have achieved too much too quickly. He added that if they did not cut corners they may risk burnout. burnt-out I. Burnt-out vehicles or buildings have been so badly damaged by fire that they can no longer be used. ...a burnt-out car. II. If someone is burnt-out, they exhaust themselves at an early stage in their life or career because they have achieved too much too quickly. But everyone I know who kept it up at that intensity is burnt out. ). I mean, she quit and returned to the village. Tomorrow's the first live event she'll have done in years. 31. Mr. Mulrooney was convinced that you were summoning something a lot darker than monthly intentions. Why would he think you killed his daughter? He blamed Bea for his daughter's interest in spirituality, which he hated and therefore us too. That's our wishing bowl. Ginger released her wishes into it. You write on scraps of paper 纸片 the things you want to change or give up in the month ahead. Could be bad habits, negative emotions, controlling men. We throw away the water, and the negative energy drains away with it. You should try it sometime. 32. I did a bit of reading. Tarot, reputedly Egyptian in origin. Ritual magic in pretty much every culture. And as for witchcraft, essentially a Christian invention. Meaning? Meaning I'm not sure whether our murderer is an expert or doesn't know anything about any of them. A bit like us. I'm keen to know what Felix Marshall was doing last night creeping around. Oh, I did a bit of late-night reading myself on the Saint-Stephens. Bea fell from the same tower where Tilly Mulrooney was found. Son Isaac went off the rails 走上歪道, 不走正途 and has a form 名声 for petty theft( "for" I. mean record or reputation. If a person "has form" it means the person has a well-founded reputation for being or doing something. He has form as a long-time critic and did not miss this opportunity. II. It is also common police talk for "prior convictions". III. form an impression I formed the impression (= the way she behaved suggested to me) that she didn't really want to come. form a business/company/firm They joined together to form their own garment company. form a committee/agency/task force The council President formed the committee when the number of complaints jumped from around 50 per month to nearly 1,200. to develop a successful relationship with a person, organization, or country, especially for a particular purpose: form a coalition/partnership/alliance A regional Latino business coalition was formed to seek ways to fight the measures. If you form a relationship, a habit, or an idea, or if it forms, it begins to exist and develop. This should help him form lasting relationships. An idea formed in his mind. If you say that something forms a person's character or personality, you mean that it has a strong influence on them and causes them to develop in a particular way. Anger at injustice formed his character. IV. to make something into a particular shape: form something into something She formed the clay into a small bowl. V. You can refer to something that you can see as a form if you cannot see it clearly, or if its outline is the clearest or most striking aspect of it. She thought she'd never been so glad to see his bulky form. take form 形状, 轮廓 to gradually be seen or gradually develop: Trees and hedges started to take form as the fog cleared. VI. A competitor's form is their ability to be successful over a period of time. In sport, form refers to the ability or success of a person or animal over a period of time. His form this season has been brilliant. Leconte showed good form. Both horses have shown good form over the last season. After a bad year, she has regained her form. be on good, great, etc. form UK = US be in good, great, etc. form to be feeling or performing well: Paul was on good form at the wedding and kept everyone entertained. VII. 形态. one part of a verb or other word that has a special use or meaning: The continuous form of "stand" is "standing". "Stood" is the irregular past tense form of "stand". "Hers" is the possessive form of "her". "Isn't" is the short form of "is not". VIII. bad form old-fashioned rude behaviour: Was that bad form then, leaving so early? IX. 形成. When something natural forms or is formed, it begins to exist and develop. The stars must have formed 10 to 15 billion years ago. Huge ice sheets were formed. ) as a result. 33. Simeon was our accountant. He was hassling me over an unpaid bill. I went to his stall. He wasn't there, so I checked the grounds ( testing ground 试验场 I. a place or situation used for testing new ideas and methods to see if they work. Eastern Europe has been a testing ground for rapid economic reform. II. a place used for testing machines, vehicles, etc. to see if they work correctly. a piece of land in use as a tank testing ground. ), drew a blank ( to fail to get an answer or a result. to fail to remember something: He said we’d met before, but I just drew a blank (= I did not remember him). He asked me for my phone number and I drew a blank - I just couldn't remember it. ). That's all I know. Must have been a difficult time. Losing your daughter. How did your son take it? He coped. 34. Simeon Dagley's cottage was broken into. Your son's fingerprints are all over his window. Oh, don't even pretend to act like doting parents worried about your reckless son. You barely acknowledge me any other time. So I broke in. What of it ( What of it = what about it? = so what 怎样, 多大点事, 是又怎样 why should that be considered significant? used to rudely say that you do not think something is important: "That's the third time you've done that!" "Yeah, what of it?" "Excuse me, I think your car is blocking my driveway?" "What about it?" "I'm forty-one. What of it?" You say so what? or what of it? to indicate that the previous remark seems unimportant, uninteresting, or irrelevant to you. 'I skipped off school today.'—'So what? What's so special about that?' 'This is Hollywood, U.S.A., where they make all the movies, remember.'—'What of it?'. 'You're talking to yourself.'—'Well, what of it?)? Is this your to-do list? 35. You're both fakes, frauds. In fact, the only thing this family does well is lie. Don't even know what's going on right under your nose. You're pathetic. 36. Why don't you tell them the real reason you got rid of Tilly? It's nobody's business but ours. I beg to differ, Mrs. Saint-Stephens. We get no satisfaction airing our dirty laundry in public. We prefer to keep things private. Buried, don't you mean? Like Bea. Dead and buried like she never existed. That's why you got rid of Tilly, because she wanted to talk about Bea and the dreams she had. What did she say about her dreams? Just that they were about Bea. 37. There was a crate in the back of your van. What was in there? Mr. Marshall, someone dumped a dead rat on Mr. King's car yesterday. Well, like attracts like and all that ( like attracts like 物以类聚, 人以群分, 同性相吸, 臭味相投 People tend to seek out or be attracted to those that are similar or like-minded. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that John wants to find other Americans to hang out with. Like attracts like, after all. I know that like attracts like, but you should try associating with people with some more diverse perspectives on life.). 38. Holly very kindly sourced them for us to introduce into their new natural environment. Felix collected them. Rewilding ( Rewilding 放生, 回归自然, 生态还原 is a progressive approach to conservation. It's about letting nature take care of itself, enabling natural processes to shape land and sea, repair damaged ecosystems and restore degraded landscapes. Through rewilding, wildlife's natural rhythms create wilder, more biodiverse habitats. wiki: Rewilding is a form of ecological restoration aimed at increasing biodiversity and restoring natural processes. It differs from other forms of ecological restoration in that rewilding aspires to reduce human influence on ecosystems. It is also distinct from other forms of restoration in that, while it places emphasis on recovering geographically specific sets of ecological interactions and functions that would have maintained ecosystems prior to human influence. Rewilding is open to novel or emerging ecosystems which encompass new species and new interactions. rewild restore (an area of land) to its natural uncultivated state (used especially with reference to the reintroduction of species of wild animal that have been driven out or exterminated). "talk of rewilding North America gives some people nightmares of wolves running through the streets of Chicago and of grizzlies in LA". rewilding the process of protecting an environment and returning it to its natural state, for example by bringing back wild animals that used to live there: Rewilding runs directly counter to human attempts to control and cultivate nature. ), it's called. Glad to see the back of them, to be honest. Smelly critters ( [US, informal] A critter is a living creature. That dog's a mean old critter. ...little furry critters. ). And just for the record, I draw the line at rats. The beavers were Tilly's idea. She felt very bad that by protecting the newts, she'd stopped our chances of stopping the flooding. She suggested that we contact a conservation group. Introduce them into the river as an alternative. In the hope that our busy little beavers build a dam and help restore harmony. They're very neat. 38. I've got a lot to do, and I don't want to risk this lot hexing ( hex 下咒语, x下蛊毒, 诅咒 noun. If you say that there is a hex on someone or something, you mean that there seems to be a supernatural power causing unpleasant things to happen to them. It's almost as if there is a hex on my family. transitive verb If a person such as a witch or a wizard hexes someone, they put a hex on them. ...shamans who could hex someone at a distance. ) me. 39. Found yourself another willing 心甘情愿的 victim, I see. Ginger, I'm in the middle of a regression. It's very dangerous to just break in. Don't listen to him. He did the same with me. He told me we were destined to be together. That in this life, we would be. Ms. Thomas, please put that down. Why? I bought it for him. Gerard, what is she talking about? Ignore her. She's totally deranged. I wasn't the first, Jeannie. There's an army of women he's left broken, shamed, robbed of their savings and dreams. He took my heart, too, and so much more. Who did you say you were? Have you already given him money? He's a swindling liar and a fake. You need to know that. How else do you think he can afford all this? The world needs to know he's a con man. 40. Your daughter and Jonas Wakefield. Happy? Devoted. When Jonas was your researcher, as you were approaching that thin line between science and mysticism, where was he on that spectrum? Jonas? A million miles away. That's why he stopped working for me. After Bea's death. No, a long time before. He may be a young man, but he has a very old-school approach to science. Rational, unbending. He told me he was working with you, and that was the reason he wasn't at the tower. No, he wasn't at the tower because he disapproved of Bea's interest in spiritual matters. Her death just proved his thinking. What about belief -- does he have any? No, none at all. Religiously, fundamentally, stubbornly atheist. Has Jonas dated anyone since your daughter? No. Keeps himself to himself. He lives on his own in a little cottage out in the sticks. 41. Is that why you killed Tilly and Simeon? Because they believed in an afterlife? They thought they were helping me, bringing me comfort. They were forcing their views on me, torturing me. So you silenced them and tried to make their death look like the work of someone who believed. This is fake. It's all pretend. It's impossible. Tilly didn't think so, did she? That's why she arranged to meet you to tell you about the cards and her dream. Figments of her imagination. She just wouldn't leave it alone. 42. I should have been there that night. I refused to go. But she went anyway. By the time I swallowed my pride and got there... it was too late. I held her in my arms. And I begged her. Begged her to stay with me. I felt the life leave her. There was nothing. And nothing I could do. Confronting grief 直面悲伤 isn't easy for any of us. It never ends, Jonas, but it does change. What if Tilly and Simeon and Hattie's belief can bring comfort? The belief that Bea is okay, she's just somewhere else, in another room? 43. He's back to his best, isn't he? Yeah, he's perked up ( perked up Stimulated; made to be or feel more awake, alert, and energetic. brightened to become glad or hopeful I just can't focus until I get perked up 提神 with a bit of coffee in the morning. The officer suspected that the perked-up truck driver might have been high on amphetamines. we perked up 精神抖擞, 精神一振 once the sun came out. perk up To make or become more lively, energetic, attentive, cheerful, dynamic, etc. I wish you would perk up. There are so many exciting things happening, and you're just moping there in the corner! I think I need some coffee to perk me up. I always use some red chilies to perk up my soups and stews. ) no end. But then over the last two days, he has had reiki and past life healing, colonic irrigation. Okay, not the last one. What have they done to you, my boy? Paddy's always been partial to epic walks.