Tuesday 10 September 2024

hogtie, straitjacket;

用法学习: 1. James Earl Jones, iconic actor and memorable voice of Darth Vader and Mufasa, dead at 93: That booming basso profundo (Basso profondo (Italian: "deep bass"), sometimes basso profundo or contrabass, is the lowest bass voice type. ), conveying instant dignity or menace, was Jones' signature instrument. It brought power to all his stage and movie roles, most indelibly ( indelible [ɪnˈdɛlɪbl] I. 抹不去的. 难以磨灭的. 磨不掉的. 抹杀不了的. 擦不去的. If you say that something leaves an indelible impression, you mean that it is very unlikely to be forgotten. My visit to India in 1986 left an indelible impression on me. The war has made an indelible mark on the world. The horrors he experienced are imprinted, perhaps indelibly, in his brain. Indelible memories or actions are impossible to forget, or have a permanent influence or effect: indelible memory: I have an indelible memory of that meeting with Anastasia. indelible impression: In his 20 years working for the company, Joe Pearson made an indelible impression on it. II. Indelible ink or an indelible stain cannot be removed or washed out. An indelible mark or substance is impossible to remove by washing or in any other way: indelible ink. indelible mark: The blood had left an indelible mark on her shirt. It leaves indelible stains on clothes. ...written in indelible inkindelibly I. in a way that is impossible to remove by washing or in any other way: Ink had indelibly stained his shirt pocket. When you visit another country, your entry and departure dates will be indelibly marked in your passport. II. in a way that is impossible to forget, or that has a permanent influence or effect: The date was stamped indelibly on his memory. Their names are indelibly printed in tennis history. ) as Darth Vader in "Star Wars," Mufasa in "The Lion King" and as the voice of CNN. "A celebrated stage actor with nearly 200 film and television credits to his name, the stories he brought to life with a uniquely commanding presence and a true richness of spirit have left an indelible mark on generations of audiences." Jones had a distinguished career that spanned some 60 years and took him from a small-town theater in northern Michigan to the highest reaches of Hollywood. A CNN spokesperson said in a statement on Monday that Jones "was the voice of CNN and our brand for many decades, uniquely conveying 传达 through speech instant authority, grace, and decorum ( [dɪˈkɔːrəm] behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety. Decorum is behaviour that people consider to be correct, polite, and respectable. behaviour that is controlled, calm, and polite: I was treated with decorum and respect throughout the investigation. "he had acted with the utmost decorum". act with decorum As young ladies we were expected to act with proper decorum. behave with decorum Employees of this company should behave with decorum and respectability at all times. )." Over his long and prolific 多产的 career Jones won three Tonys, two Emmys, a Grammy, a Golden Globe and numerous other awards. 2. play on/upon something 利用 I. If you play on/upon someone's feelings, you encourage and make unfair use of these feelings in order to give yourself an advantage: I hate marketing strategies that play on people's fears and prejudices. II. exploit a weak or vulnerable point in someone. "he played on his opponent's nerves". If you play on someone's fears, weaknesses, or faults, you deliberately use them in order to persuade that person to do something, or to achieve what you want. ...an election campaign which plays on the population's fear of change. I felt guilty saying that, playing on her generosity. twin flame: A twin flame involves two people who share the same soul. Once these twin flames meet, this results in an intense, magnetic attraction and connection. These individuals share similar past experiences and trauma. Twin flames, also called "mirror souls," are terms used to describe a relationship ideology rooted in new-age spiritualism. The concept has seen increased popularity in recent times. It promotes the idea of an intense soul connection between two people thought to be each other's half. 3. objection [əbˈdʒɛkʃn] I. If you make or raise an objection to something 提出反对, 反对意见, you say that you do not like it or agree with it. the act of expressing or feeling opposition to or dislike of something or someone: Her objection to/against the plan is based on incorrect facts. A couple of people raised/voiced objections to the proposal. I have no objection except that it may cost more than expected. Some managers have recently raised objections to the PFA handling these negotiations. Despite objections by the public, the government voted today to cut off aid. a feeling or expression of opposition, dislike, or disapproval. an expression or feeling that shows that you disapprove of something or disagree with it: objections to sth The two companies will learn this week whether there are still objections to the merger deal. have/raise/voice objections A large number of people raised objections to the proposed plan. People's main objection was that it had been priced too high. We have no objection to a slight postponement. A couple of people raised/voiced objections to the plan. Does anyone have any objections? II. If you say that you have no objection to something 不反对, you mean that you are not annoyed or bothered by it. I have no objection to banks making money.  I no longer have any objection to your going to see her. be no object 不是问题, 不在话下 If something valuable, such as money, is no object, it does not need to be considered as a problem, because you have a lot of it: For a millionaire like him, money is no object. 4. deadhead noun. I. DEROGATORY INFORMAL a boring or unenterprising person. "you're just a deadhead". II. INFORMAL a fan of the rock group the Grateful Dead. verb I. remove dead flower heads from (a plant). "deadhead and spray rose bushes". II. INFORMAL NORTH AMERICAN (of a commercial driver) complete a trip in a train or other vehicle with no passengers or cargo. 空车返回 "they deadhead back to Denver on eastbound trains". Catch me if you can: Hello. I'm a Pan Am co-pilot and I'd like to fly on your two-thirty to Miami. You want to dead-head to Miami? Yes. Dead-head. Frank hands the AGENT his I.D. BADGE and Mulligan's FAA license, which has been cropped at the top where Mulligan's name used to be. She barely glances at either. You' re in luck, Sir. The jump seat is open. Hi. Are you deadheading? What? Are you my deadhead to Miami? Mi...? Yes, yes. Yeah, I'm the deadhead. Here you go. You're a little late, but the jump seat is open. adj. used to describe a plane, truck, or other vehicle that is travelling, or a journey that is made, without passengers or goods, or with fewer passengers or goods than usual. used to describe a plane, truck, or other vehicle that is travelling, or a journey that is made, without passengers or goods, or with fewer passengers or goods than usual: Our schedules aim to avoid deadhead trips, as far as is possible. Our schedules aim to avoid deadhead trips, as far as is possible. A jump seat or jumpseat is an auxiliary seat in an automobile or aircraft, typically folding or spring-loaded to collapse out of the way when not used. The term originated in the United States c. 1860 for a movable carriage seat. 5. touch grass I. to go outside; enjoy nature (used especially as an exhortation to spend less time on electronic devices): More people need to go touch grass and get off their devices for a while. Enough doomscrolling already—touch grass! So which generation in the group went out to touch grass, and which one is staying tied to the screens? II. to engage with reality or real life: Like many academics who fail to touch grass or experience non-collegiate humans on a daily basis, he refers to "common experience" but has no idea what it is. Go touch grass and get a credible education that will actually help you in life! note: a figurative expression to suggest that someone should spend time outdoors, disconnect from technology, and engage with the physical world, specifically by being in nature or getting fresh air. Touch grass is used on the Internet to tell someone to go outside. The phrase also implies that the person the insult is directed to spends too much time online, and they physically need to get outside and "touch some grass" to reconnect with the real world. 5. An elevator pitch — also known as an elevator speech — is a short, memorable description of what you do and/or what you sell. The goal is to earn a second conversation, not to convince the person you're talking to that they should hire you or buy your solution. An elevator pitch is never an opportunity to close a deal. An elevator pitch is a brief (think 30 seconds!) way of introducing yourself, getting across a key point or two, and making a connection with someone. It's called an elevator pitch because it takes roughly the amount of time you'd spend riding an elevator with someone. An elevator pitch, elevator speech, lift speech, or elevator statement is a short description of an idea, product, or company that explains the concept in a way such that any listener can understand it in a short period of time. This description typically explains who the thing is for, what it does, why it is needed, and how it will get done. When, explaining an individual person, the description generally explains one's skills and goals, and why they would be a productive and beneficial person to have on a team or within a company or project. An elevator pitch does not have to include all of these components, but it usually does at least explain what the idea, product, company, or person is and their value. An elevator pitch can be used to entice an investor or executive in a company, or explain an idea to a founder's parents. The goal is simply to convey the overall concept or topic in an exciting way. Unlike a sales pitch, there may not be a clear buyer–seller relationship. The name—elevator pitch—reflects the idea that it should be possible to deliver the summary in the time span of an elevator ride, or approximately thirty seconds to two minutes. Perhaps Apple Intelligence is so far-reaching and revolutionary that there is no simple elevator pitch for it. It will eventually do everything a human can do on their phone using their personal data—or "grounded in personal context," as Craig Federighi, SVP of software engineering at Apple, put it this week. 6. portentous [pɔːˈtɛntəs] 郑重其事的, 太严肃的, 太较真的 I. [formal, disapproval] If someone's way of speaking, writing, or behaving is portentous, they speak, write, or behave more seriously than necessary because they want to impress other people. too serious and trying to be very important: The problem with the book is that it sometimes descends into portentous philosophizing. There was nothing portentous or solemn about him. He was bubbling with humour. ...portentous prose. 'The difference is,' he said portentously, 'you are Anglo-Saxons, we are Latins.' II. Something that is portentous is important in indicating or affecting future events. Portentous events, statements, or signs are important because they show that something unpleasant is very likely to happen: The report contains numerous portentous references to a future environmental calamity. The city's contribution to 20th century thought and culture was no less portentous. Portentous choices were forced on him by the dozen. espouse [ɪˈspaʊz] 鼓吹 If you espouse a particular policy, cause, or belief, you become very interested in it and give your support to it. to become involved with or support an activity or opinion. adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life). "she espoused the causes of justice and freedom for all". Vegetarianism is one cause she does not espouse. She ran away with him to Mexico and espoused the revolutionary cause. She has been described as espousing anti-Muslim, white nationalist and conspiracy theorist views. 7. straitjacket 紧身衣, 束缚, 桎梏, 五花大绑 verb. to confine in or as if in a straitjacket. restrain with a straitjacket. impose severely restrictive measures on (a person or activity). "the treaty should not be used as a tool to straitjacket international trade". If my life choices had to be predicated based on what was expected of me from a community on either side, that's going to make me feel really straitjacketed, and I don't want to feel that. noun. I. A straitjacket is a special jacket used to tie the arms of a violent person tightly around their body. a strong piece of special clothing that ties the arms to the body and is used for limiting the movements of dangerous prisoners and mentally ill patients whose behaviour is violent: Brody was locked in a padded cell and forced to wear a straitjacket. Occasionally his behavior became so uncontrollable that he had to be placed in a straitjacket. II. If you describe an idea or a situation as a straitjacket, you mean that it is very limited and restricting. something that severely limits development or activity in a way that is damaging: He refused to be fitted into any ideological straitjacket. The national curriculum must be a guide, not a straitjacket. ...the ideological straitjacket of religious fundamentalism. wiki: A straitjacket is a garment shaped like a jacket with long sleeves that surpass the tips of the wearer's fingers. Its most typical use is restraining people who may cause harm to themselves or others. Once the wearer slides their arms into the sleeves, the person restraining the wearer crosses the sleeves against the chest and ties the ends of the sleeves to the back of the jacket, ensuring the arms are close to the chest with as little movement as possible. The effect of a straitjacket as a restraint makes it of special interest in escapology. The straitjacket is also a staple prop in stage magic. hogtie 绑住手脚 I. to tie together the legs or the arms and legs of. to fasten someone's hands and feet together, or to fasten all four legs of an animal together: He was hogtied like a gutted deer. II. to impede, hamper, or thwart. to make it difficult or impossible for someone to do something: Prodi's government was hogtied from the outset by its tiny majority in the Senate. noun. a position in which someone's hands and feet are fastened together, or all four of an animal's legs are fastened together: He left her in a hogtie on the hotel bed. wiki: The hogtie is a method of tying the limbs together, rendering the subject immobile and helpless. Originally, it was applied to pigs (hence the name) and other young four-legged animals. The hogtie when used on pigs and cattle has it where three of the four limbs are tied together, as tying all four together is difficult and can result in harm to the animal. 8. Fear of God (put the fear of God into = frighten) 对上帝的敬畏 may refer to fear itself, but more often to a sense of awe, and submission to, a deity. People subscribing to popular monotheistic religions for instance, might fear Hell and divine judgment, or submit to God's omnipotence. trinket [trɪŋkɪt] (bauble 圣诞装饰球) A trinket is a pretty piece of jewellery or small ornament that is inexpensive. a small decorative object, or a piece of jewellery that is cheap or of low quality: She always returns from vacation with a few souvenirs, mostly just cheap trinkets. She sold trinkets to tourists. with impunity 毫发无伤的, 毫发无损的, 不被惩罚的 [disapproval] If you say that someone does something with impunity, you disapprove of the fact that they are not punished for doing something bad. freedom from punishment or from the unpleasant results of something that has been done: Criminal gangs are terrorizing the city with apparent impunity. Mr Cook said future aggressors would be able to act with impunity if the objectives of the U.N. weren't met. These gangs operate with apparent impunity. 8. agency I. The capacity, condition, or state of acting or of exerting power. the ability to take action or to choose what action to take: The protest gave us a sense of agency, a sense of our own power to make a difference. When the legal system acquitted these women on the grounds of insanity it denied their agency. And a young man with every reason to work—a wife-to-be to support and a baby on the way—carelessly tossing aside a good job with excellent health insurance. More troublingly, when it was all over, he thought something had been done to him. There is a lack of agency here—a feeling that you have little control over your life and a willingness to blame everyone but yourself. This is distinct from the larger economic landscape of modern America. II. 自主性. The capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices. moral agency. individual agency. Moral agency is the ability to make ethical decisions based on what is right or wrong. This capacity can be found in individuals or collective entities like businesses or health care institutions. Agency is the capacity of an actor to act in a given environment. It is independent of the moral dimension, which is called moral agency. wiki: In social science, agency is the capacity of individuals to have the power and resources to fulfill their potential. For instance, structure consists of those factors of influence (such as social class, religion, gender, ethnicity, ability, customs, etc.) that determine or limit agents and their decisions. The influences from structure and agency are debated—it is unclear to what extent a person's actions are constrained by social systems. One's agency is one's independent capability or ability to act on one's will. This ability is affected by the cognitive belief structure which one has formed through one's experiences, and the perceptions held by the society and the individual, of the structures and circumstances of the environment one is in and the position one is born into. Disagreement on the extent of one's agency often causes conflict between parties, e.g. parents and children. through the agency of someone formal because of the actions of someone: She was freed from prison through the agency of her doctor. 9. specter = BRIT spectre If you refer to the specter of something unpleasant, you are referring to something that you are frightened might occur. The arrests raised the specter of revenge attacks. the spectre of something the idea of something unpleasant that might happen in the future: The awful spectre of civil war looms over the country. Drought and war have raised the spectre of food shortages for up to 24 million African people. To manycanalysts, terms like "welfare queen" conjure unfair images of the lazy black mom living on the dole. Readers of this book will realize quickly that there is little relationship between that specter and my argument: I have known many welfare queens; some were my neighbors, and all were white. upward mobility 阶级提升, 社会阶层上行流动: the capacity or facility for rising to a higher social or economic position. movement or the ability to move to a higher social class: The postwar economy provided remarkable upward mobility for many Americans. We'd need to buy less if we could learn to accept less upward mobility and slower growth. upwardly mobile 职业上升期的 moving or able to move to a higher social class, for example by becoming richer. someone who is upwardly mobile is moving or has moved into a higher social position, usually because they are earning more money: These top-of-the-range models are targeted at young upwardly mobile professionals. The meeting attracted upwardly mobile professional and political women. In HR, upward mobility refers to the rate at which employees advance into new roles, additional opportunities, and better compensation. This advancement may involve: Promotions that offer career growth. A complete change in role or occupation that benefits a person's career growth. 10. ragtag 无组织的 If you want to say that a group of people or an organization is badly organized and not very respectable, you can describe it as a ragtag 杂乱无章的 group or organization. untidy and not similar or organized: consisting of parts or pieces that are in no particular order or system: The village was guarded by a ragtag group of soldiers. They put together a ragtag team for a third of the cost of the Yankees and they won it all. He arrived with a ragtag collection of friends. We started out with a little rag-tag team of 30 people. If I leave you with the impression that there are bad people in my life, then I am sorry, both to you and to the people so portrayed. For there are no villains in this story. There's just a ragtag band of hillbillies struggling to find their way— both for their sake and, by the grace of God, for mine. ragtag and bobtail informal all types of person or thing, including those that are ordinary and not special in any way: a ragtag and bobtail bunch of amateurs. 11. none too pleased 不高兴, 不满意 not pleased at all. very angry or unhappy. Not pleased or happy at all. The boss is none too pleased with the way you handled the contract. My father was none too pleased when he found out that my brother had wrecked the car. none too happy/pleased not very. You use none too in front of an adjective or adverb in order to emphasize that the quality mentioned is not present. He was none too thrilled to hear from me at that hour. Her hand grasped my shoulder, none too gently. He seemed none too happy/pleased at the prospect of meeting the family. 12. Radio wars: Despite what is being said publicly by bosses at ARN, INSIDE MEDIA understands there were serious concerns about broadcasting the Kyle and Jackie O Show from Sydney into the notoriously parochial [pəˈrəʊkɪəl] ( I. relating to a Church parish. Parochial is used to describe things that relate to the parish connected with a particular church. She was a secretary on the local parochial church council. "the parochial church council". II. 不顾全大局的. 只顾自己利益的. 短视. 只顾自己的. [disapproval] having a limited or narrow outlook or scope. If you describe someone as parochial, you are critical of them because you think they are too concerned with their own affairs and should be thinking about more important things. showing interest only in a narrow range of matters, especially those that directly affect yourself, your town, or your country: a parochial view/opinion. Although it's just a local paper, it somehow manages not to be too parochial in its outlook. "parochial attitudes". ) Melbourne before the deal was done to do so. Ultimately Kyle and Jackie O won out ( win out 胜出 to achieve victory or success after dealing with many difficulties. to succeed after a lot of difficulty. If something or someone wins out or wins through, they are successful after a competition or struggle. Sometimes perseverance does win out. Stick to your principles, and you will win through. Here is a chance for greengrocers to win out over the supermarkets by selling local produce. The more cautious approach won out in the end. It was a challenge, but we won out in the end. ). And while some commentators are dining out on ( dine out on something to entertain people, especially at a meal, by telling them about an experience you have had: For months I've been dining out on the story of what happened when my house got flooded. To be invited to dinner because of one's conversation about (a particular subject or incident). to have dinner at the expense of someone else mainly for the sake of one's knowledge or conversation about (a subject or story). dine out to dine away from home, esp in a restaurant. If you dine out, you have dinner away from your home, usually at a restaurant. She does not enjoy parties or dining out. ) anti-Kyle rhetoric, this is not a team that should be underestimated. If there's one show that could break the mould and conquer Melbourne, it's this one. But, it will take time. The other interesting announcement was a new show by Sam Pang. Details were thin on the ground ( be thin on the ground 很少, 不多, 少见, 稀少 exist in small numbers or amounts. to exist only in small numbers or amounts. If people or things of a particular kind are thin on the ground, there are very few of them. Good managers are often thin on the ground. Traditional bookshops are thin on the ground these days. "at this time of year, holidaymakers are thin on the ground". ), but this will certainly be one to watch out for. Everything else was a bit on the vanilla side.

关于驼背: What IS wrong with Taylor Swift's back? Experts say she's undergone a posture overhaul to beat 'Golum-like' hump - She's had several aesthetic reinventions over the years — from the curly-haired boho teen, to the edgy artist with bleach blonde bob and bold lip. But a new, subtle change in the evolution of Taylor Swift has grabbed the attention of social media users: her newly straightened 笔直的 posture. On Instagram and TikTok, hundreds of fitness experts and physiotherapists have given their two cents on the dramatic difference in the megastar's standing stance 站姿. Meanwhile, on social media forums like Reddit, fans discuss theories as to the reason for Swift's slumped frame 耷拉肩, with some comparing the hunch to that of fictional Lord of The Rings character, Gollum. Images taken between 2010 and 2015 show the record breaking artist, 34, sporting a slightly hunched back, while recent pictures from the Eras tour — from which she's said to have pocketed more than $4billion — show an eye-catching transformation. According to one so-called 'Postural Alignment Specialist', who goes by Posture Mike on TikTok, Swift, who stands between 5'10 and 5'11, has a 'rounded upper back', which can cause the head to hang forward 前倾, resulting in a hump-like appearence. Extreme cases of this are known medically as kyphosis, whereby the normal curve in the middle section of vertebral column (the thoracic vertebrae) is more curved than normal. In a video that's attracted a million views, Posture Mike explains that this leads to our spine struggling under the weight of our heads — equivalent to a 18kg bowling ball — risking damage to the bones and ligaments in the area. He goes on to suggest exercises to correct poor posture, including lying on your back with your legs elevated and bent at 90 degrees over a block or stool, while taking big, belly breaths 腹部呼吸. 'Hold for five minutes to allow gravity to gently improve your head position,' he said. In another clip, US-based physiotherapist Tyler Chong offers movements to correct Swift's hunched back, including tucking your chin into your neck and then pushing it out again. 'You should feel the muscles in the back of your neck below your skull turn on,' he said. Meanwhile, Swiss-based stretching studio StretchingLausanne shared a clip entitled, 'how did Taylor Swift fix her posture'? which suggested a number of exercises that Swift may have performed in order to beat the slouch. This included bending the shoulder blades back to 'keep them connected', lifting the upper body while lying stomach-down on a mat, and stretching the back using the 'cat-cow' yoga pose. Experts suggest the dramatic change over the last decade is mostly due to Swift's intense training regime ( regime [reɪˈʒiːm] I. [disapproval] If you refer to a government or system of running a country as a regime, you are critical of it because you think it is not democratic and uses unacceptable methods. ...the collapse of the Fascist regime at the end of the war. The emerging capitalist order was giving rise to harsh regimes. The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown. II. A regime is the way that something such as an institution, company, or economy is run, especially when it involves tough or severe action. a particular way of operating or organizing a business, etc.: The regime in this office is hard work and more hard work. The authorities moved him to the less rigid regime of an open prison. ...a drastic regime of economic reform and financial discipline. a particular way of operating or organizing a system, an economy, etc.: an investment/a pricing/a tax regime Many individual employees will benefit from this favourable tax regime. Trading would be under London's regulatory regime. III. A regime is a set of rules about food, exercise, or beauty that some people follow in order to stay healthy or attractive. He has a new fitness regime to strengthen his back. regimen [ˈrɛdʒɪmən] a prescribed course of medical treatment, diet, or exercise for the promotion or restoration of health. A regimen is a set of rules about food and exercise that some people follow in order to stay healthy. any set of rules about food and exercise that someone follows, especially in order to improve their health: After his heart attack the doctor put him on a strict regimen. Whatever regimen has been prescribed should be rigorously followed. "a regimen of one or two injections per day". ) which has strengthened her muscles. Another contributor to the star's changed posture 仪表 could be the unique sports bra she was pictured wearing during rehearsals for the Eras tour last year. The bra, from fitness brand Forme, costs $182 (£137) and is designed to 'immediately improve your upper body alignment and body foundation,' according to the Forme website. The brand claims that the product was designed by an orthopedic surgeon and uses tension fabrics to apply pressure to key areas on your body, encouraging you to keep your shoulders pulled back and down. However, experts have cast doubt on just how big a role the smart bra played in the change in Swift's posture. In a video that's amassed 652,000 views on TikTok, physiotherapist Dr Dan Ginader said the bra 'wasn't as helpful as you might think'. 'It's not strong enough to hold you in that posture,' he explained. Instead, he said the fabric 'encourages' the muscles to sit in a certain position — but they will only remain there if they become stronger. 'It's your muscles doing all the work, rather than the fabric,' he said. 'It was the amount of work training and strengthening Taylor did in preparation for the tour that did most of the work. The bra was just a gentle coach.' 

NBA Will Purchase 13 Airbus A321neo Business Jets: According to Corporate Jet Investor, the NBA is making plans to lease 13 fully-customized Airbus A321neo business jets. These will be used to transport many of the NBA's teams during their extensive schedule, which lasts 82 games. Additionally, SMBC Aviation Capital is set to be the expected aircraft lessor 承借方. the Irish aircraft lessor owns over 525 aircraft, ranging from the Boeing 787 to several Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 variants. These Airbus Corporate Jets (ACJ) will be heavily customized to suit the needs of each NBA team. To fit each of the newly acquired aircraft, the NBA will contract Comlux, an aircraft operation and management service company that is based in Zurich, Switzerland. The company also operates Comlux Completion in Indianapolis, Indiana. This business segment is responsible for installing the interiors of business jets, and, more specifically, Airbus Corporate Jets (ACJ). Comlux has an extensive history of converting interiors of large business jets, like Boeing Business Jets and ACJs, dating back to 2009. The company also fitted the installation of the first ACJ TwoTwenty, one of Airbus's newest corporate jets. According to Corporate Jet Investor, the driving factor for leasing these aircraft is player and staff welfare. Although NBA rosters typically only include 15 players, teams typically have a large training staff and coaching staff that accompanies the team. Officially, it is a stretched 加长版 variant of the Airbus A321, which can fit up to 244 total passengers in a high-density configuration. The aircraft also utilizes new powerful engines, either the CFM International LEAP-1 or the Pratt & Whitney PW110G engines, which are stronger and more fuel efficient than previous variants. These powerful engines help the aircraft achieve the following performance specifications.