Tuesday, 8 July 2014


用法学习: 1. 关于乐队Keane: Chaplin's recruitment also marked a change of name from The Lotus Eaters to Cherry Keane, after a friend of Chaplin's mother, whom Rice-Oxley and Chaplin knew when they were young. She took care of them and would tell them to go for their dreams. At her death from cancer, she had left money for Chaplin's family. Chaplin commented: "I used some of the money to see me through the harder times with the music." The name was shortened to Keane soon afterward. As a result of the attention created by this release and because of the strong live reputation they had built up through constant UK touring, a bidding war 竞相签约 for the band ensued between major labels. The band decided to sign with Island Records in the summer of 2003. After first being attracted to the band by the considerable industry buzz业界热炒 then surrounding them and from hearing "Everybody's Changing" on the radio, the Island A&R, Ferdy Unger-Hamilton, told HitQuarters that he wanted to sign them after hearing the five songs "Everybody's Changing", "This Is the Last Time", "She Has No Time", "Bend and Break" and "Somewhere Only We Know", saying that: "every one of them was brilliant ... they had a fantastic live show [but] even if I hadn't been able to see them live, I would have tried to sign them anyway 签走他们." 2. doublethink a simultaneous belief in two contradictory ideas. belief in two opposing ideas at the same time. The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. deliberate, perverse, or unconscious acceptance or promulgation of conflicting facts, principles, etc. wiki: Doublethink is a process of indoctrination in which subjects are expected to simultaneously accept two conflicting beliefs as truth, often at odds with their own memory or sense of reality. Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy. George Orwell coined the term doublethink (as part of the fictional language of Newspeak) in his 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. In the novel, its origins within the citizenry is unclear; while it could be partly a product of Big Brother's formal brainwashing programs, the novel explicitly shows people learning doublethink and Newspeak due to peer pressure and a desire to "fit in," or gain status 获得地位 within the Party—to be seen as a loyal Party Member. In the novel, for someone to even recognize—let alone mention—any contradiction within the context of the Party line is akin to blasphemy, and could subject that person to disciplinary action and the instant social disapproval of fellow Party Members. Like many aspects of the dystopian societies reflected in Orwell's writings, Orwell considered doublethink to be a feature of Soviet-style totalitarianism. 3. Chokehold (headlock) 窒息, 掐脖子, 箍死脖子, 阻死脖子, 扼死, 扼住咽喉 makes international headlines (stronghold I. a place where people fighting an enemy can defend or organize themselves. the mountain stronghold of the guerrillas. II. 据点. 根据地. a place where the majority of people have the same political or religious beliefs. The area is no longer a Republican stronghold. a. a place where something that is no longer common can still be found. Some of the smaller birds have a stronghold in the New Forest.): Described in the US as a very "serious incident", the scuffle, which played out before more than 35,000 fans at Melbourne's Etihad Stadium on Friday night, has seen the code suddenly gain attention in the world's biggest sporting marketplace. But it's an image the publicity-hungry AFL would be cringing over不愿看到的, 退缩的, particularly after claims Petrie was close to blacking out昏死过去, 窒息 due to a lack of oxygen. As the footage shows, Lake wraps his sizeable hands around Petrie's throat as they grapple on the ground and then refuses to let go - even as teammates try to drag him away拖开, 拉开. The Hawks defender has been directly referred to直接送上审判席 the AFL tribunal today after being charged with misconduct, but it is anyone's guess what penalty he will receive. The tribunal has the discretion to throw the book at Lake(throw the book at I. (transitive, idiomatic, informal) To charge with or convict of as many crimes as possible. II. (transitive, idiomatic, informal) To apply the harshest possible punishment to.), or slap him on the wrist ( slap someone on the wrist and slap someone's wrist (let sb off 逃脱惩罚) 放一马, 饶过, 轻罚 I. Lit. to strike someone's wrist with the open hand, as a punishment. Aunt Maude slapped Tony on the wrist when he grabbed a couple of her freshly baked cookies. Tony was slapped on the wrist when he tried to swipe some cookies. II. Fig. to administer only the mildest of punishments to someone. The judge did nothing but slap the mugger on the wrist. ). Fiery former Swans forward Barry Hall was fined $3000 for putting North Melbourne's Scott Thompson in a tight headlock胳膊锁死脖子(chokhold) during a 2010 match. As is the case with Lake, there were calls for Hall to be given a lengthy ban but the panel disagreed. Petrie appeared on the Nine Network on Sunday but stuck with the time-honoured ( 约定俗成的. 一贯的. done in the same way for a very long time. a time-honoured custom/method/procedure. ) code of silence among players when it comes to tribunal matters. "No one was hurt. I'm comfortable with how the events played out结果," Petrie said, rubbishing 斥责, 嗤之以鼻, 驳斥 the blackout claims. Petrie reacted by grabbing at Lake's face and was charged on Monday for "making unreasonable and unnecessary contact to the face" of Lake during the scrap. 4. The Aussie supermodel has shared a sneak-peek pic from her latest shoot... and nothing could put a dampener on Miranda's sex appeal! pay your dues to work hard or do something unpleasant over a long period in order to achieve something. to do something that you do not enjoy in order to have something that you want, or because you feel it is your duty. I've looked after four kids for sixteen years, I've paid my dues, and now I want some time to enjoy myself. 5. 美国女孩失踪: US teen feared sold into slavery left chilling diary: Her family and authorities suspect the worst – that Anji may be a victim of human trafficking – after finding a journal entry from just before she disappeared. Texts exchanged between Anji and her boyfriend in the days leading up to her disappearance also suggest that she is mixed up in something untoward ( not suitable, usual, or normal. nothing untoward: It's important that nothing untoward should happen during his visit. anything untoward: There was no evidence in the house of anything untoward. untoward incident An NHS (UK) term for any event, incident, occurrence or accident, which could have or did lead to unintended harm, loss or damage to a patient, visitor or member of staff or hospital Trust property.). Mother Lynda Jorgenson told the Camas Post Record that her family knew something was badly wrong知道有什么不对劲, but weren't able to get Anji to let them into what was happening to her. "She had been telling some people for a while that she was involved in something, that she was in over her head, that she was scared. But they couldn't get any more information than that out of her," she said. The National Women's Coalition Against Violence and Exploitation (NWCAVE), who are assisting authorities with their search for Anji, suspect she was lured outside骗出去了, 勾引出去了. 6. Carbonated water (also known as club soda, soda water, sparkling water, seltzer water (and Selters), or fizzy water. fizzy I. a fizzy liquid has bubbles of gas in it. a. British a fizzy drink is a sweet drink without alcohol that has bubbles. The usual American word for this is soft drink. ) is water into which carbon dioxide gas under pressure has been dissolved. The vast majority of carbonated water are sold in ready to drink bottles like mineral water or carbonated beverages such as soft drinks, but it is easy to prepare at home with soda makers. 6. Prime Minister Tony Abbott has copped a ribbing ( ribbing [ˈrɪbɪŋ] I. informal old-fashioned friendly jokes about someone. II. a pattern of raised vertical lines in a knitted piece of clothing, allowing it to be stretched in certain places. rib to joke about someone in a friendly way that makes them slightly embarrassed. His friends used to rib him about his ponytail.) from Today Show presenter Karl Stefanovic after he looked a little dusty ( I. 灰不溜秋的. 满面灰尘的 covered with dust. a dusty old violin case. II. covered with dry soil or sand. A dusty trail led through the forest. III. used for describing a colour that is not bright because it has some grey in it. a dusty pink. ) the morning after his important night with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe. 'You look a little bit worse for wear( worse for wear I. Euph. 醉醺醺的. 微醺的. 醉眼朦胧的. intoxicated. You were the worse for wear last night. The three came stumbling in, the worse for wear again. II. damaged or worn through use. Eventually, every machine becomes worse for wear, you know. The truth is it's the worse for wear; you will just have to get a new one. III. injured. Tom fell into the street and he's much the worse for wear. Fred had a little accident with his bike and he's the worse for wear. IV. tired or in poor condition because of a lot of work or use: After a month of journeying over rough roads, the drivers and their trucks were looking the worse for wear.) if you don't mind me saying so PM. You didn't get on the Sakes with the Japanese PM ?,' Stefanovic asked. Mr Abbott laughed and admitted he had indeed had a very lively night. 'Look the truth is it was a very convivial (convivial [kənˈvɪviəl] friendly and making you feel welcome.) dinner last night, very convivial. I accept that,' he confessed. Pushed on just how many alcoholic drinks he'd had, the PM wouldn't say. The pact was the springboard for the strong trade ties that now exist, and without it, Australia would not have the strong iron ore and gas industries it currently boasts, Mr Abbott said. 7. pick up on something (spoken) I. to notice something. The evidence was there - I just didn't pick up on it. II. to continue talking about something previously said Just to pick up on what Haley asked, I think the president clearly did get the message. fat chance there is very little or no possibility of that happening. Will Hal make you laugh? Fat chance. Usage notes: usually used as a separate sentence to remark on what was just said, as in the example. prior history过往史, 病史, 病历: Normally prior history is the past medical conditions, surgeries, allergies, and hospitalizations that may be important for doctors to understand the patient and treat the patient more effectively and safely. let someone off (easy) and let someone off 放一马(slap sb on the wrist, throw the book at sb) to release or dismiss someone without punishment. The judge didn't let me off easy. The judge let off Mary with a warning. Your case could be throw out. Why should I let you off, man? You are a total arsehole, I want a retrial重审. defect v. to leave a country, political party, or organization and go to another one. n. a fault in someone or something. There are a few minor design defects. genetic defects. defective [dɪˈfektɪv] 不合格车辆, 路检不过车辆, 车检不过 not made correctly, or not working correctly. defective brakes. A defect notice(不合格车辆通知, 路检不合格车辆) is issued if a vehicle does not meet registration standards and roadworthiness requirements. Defect notices are issued mainly by the police, but also VicRoads (and equivalent interstate) inspectors and the Environmental Protection Authority. The Certificate of Roadworthiness must be current and valid, issued after the date and time of issue of the defect notice. You must receive confirmation from VicRoads that the Certificate of Roadworthiness has been accepted (as evidence the vehicle is no longer defective) before a defect label can be removed from the vehicle. 8. fudge I. [intransitive/transitive] to avoid giving a clear decision or answer. People have accused us of fudging the issue. Do you fudge where you are from?. II. [transitive] to change the details of something, or to leave out information. Journalists have always tended to fudge the facts. rightly I. for a good reason. It was a vicious foul, and the referee rightly sent him off. quite rightly (=very rightly): Everyone is quite rightly concerned about what is going to happen now. and rightly so (=very rightly) 很对, 很有道理, 一点没错: The public is worried, and rightly so. She is proud of her children, and rightly so. "Gold Coast got a rough name for it. People have perception about/judgement over people from Gold Coast, they think they are easy". "And rightly so". II. correctly, or accurately. as you rightly point out/say: There is a lot to be done, but as you rightly say, we must move carefully. if I remember rightly: He was driving his mum's car, if I remember rightly. Mike; "I felt ashamed when the teacher caught me cheating." Pete; "And rightly so." Maria; "I left my husband because he beats me." Greg: "And rightly so.". "And rightly so" to express that you agree with someone's actions, or decision, or how someone feels, you feel what they did was or how they felt was proper, correct, right or reasonable. I don't rightly know/I can't rightly say spoken used for saying that you are not certain whether something is true or not. rightly or wrongly used for saying that something is true, whether people think it is a good thing or a bad thing. They believe, rightly or wrongly, that their violent protest will achieve their aims. 9. 妓女喂毒客户: A high-priced sex worker in California injected 注射 a married Google executive with a fatal dose of heroin before stepping over his body to finish her glass of wine as he lay there dying, police say. She had met Mr Hayes through a website that connects well-heeled ( well-heeled and well-fixed; well-off 富有的 Fig. wealthy; with sufficient money. Having plenty of money; prosperous. rich; prosperous; wealthy . My uncle can afford a new car. He's well-heeled. Everyone in his family is well-off. You need to be well-heeled to be able to afford to shop there. Etymology: From cock-fighting斗鸡 sense, a well-heeled cock was provided with sharp spurs and could inflict maximum damage. Then it came along in American frontier slang to mean that one was well-equipped装备精良的. In the modern sense, however, it means being armed with the most powerful weapon: money. come along I. to arrive, or to become available. He decided to give the money to the first stranger who came along. He told me to work hard and take every opportunity that comes along. II. to go somewhere with someone. I've never seen a baseball game – do you mind if I come along? a. to go somewhere so that you can be with someone who went there earlier. Ray had some work to finish and decided to come along过来会合 later. III. [usually progressive] to make progress, or to get better in quality, skill, or health. The building work was coming along nicely. be coming along with something: How's Kathleen coming along with her swimming? IV. old-fashioned a. used for telling someone in an impatient way to do something quickly. Come along now, or we'll be late. b. old-fashioned used for telling someone that you do not believe or accept what they are saying. Come along now! It can't have been as bad as that! ) benefactors ( someone who helps a person or organization by giving them money. ) with younger women. Police said surveillance video from inside Mr Hayes's yacht shows him suffering "medical complications" and losing consciousness — but Tichelman makes no attempt to help him or call emergency services, police said. "She showed no regard for him ( regard I. respect and admiration for someone or something. Jan's regard for his great talent. Burt had high regard for非常尊敬 his old law professor, Dr. Finch (=he respected him a lot). The voters hold her in high regard (=respect or admire her). Teachers are held in low regard in this society不被尊敬 (=are not respected or admired). hold someone/something in high regard/esteem: George Washington was held in high regard by both Northerners and Southerners. II. formal attention or consideration that is shown towards someone or something. regard for : The road was built without regard for the safety of residents. She has no regard for other people's feelings. One must show proper regard for the law. have high regard 高度评价 for someone/something: I have very high regard for the ambassador's negotiating skills. little/no/scant regard (for somebody/something): The present administration has demonstrated little regard for environmental issues. All students must have access to quality education without regard to wealth or class. with/in regard to something formal relating to a particular subject: US foreign policy with regard to Cuba. III. in this/that regard那方面 formal relating to something you have just mentioned: The company's problems, in this regard, are certainly not unique. IV. regards [plural] good wishes - used when sending your good wishes to someone or when ending a short letter or message: My husband sends his regards. Hope to see you soon. Regards, Chris. (with) kind/best regards (=used to end a letter in a friendly but rather formal way). v. I. [not usually progressive] to think of someone or something in a particular way. regard someone/something as something: The nuclear reactors, which were regarded as dangerously out of date, were replaced. widely regarded广泛认为, 认同, 认可: Kubrick was widely regarded as one of the most influential post-war film directors. highly/well regarded (=regarded as very good): a highly regarded young violinist. regard someone/something with suspicion 抱持怀疑态度: Any mushroom with a red cap should be regarded with suspicion. II. mainly literary to look at someone or something in a particular way. Cathy regarded the photo thoughtfully. as regards formal used for introducing a subject that you will be discussing. As regards the potential energy crisis, why aren't we putting money into serious alternative sources of energy? ). She was just trying to cover her tracks(cover someone's tracks (up) 毁尸灭迹, 掩盖踪迹 to conceal one's trail; to conceal one's past activities. She was able to cover her tracks up so that they couldn't pin the charges on her. It's easy to cover up your tracks when the investigators botch their job. The robber failed to cover his tracks.)," Santa Cruz Deputy Police Chief Steve Clark said. When asked if the overdose was accidental 偶然的 or intentional故意的, Mr Clark said evidence showed a level of guilt that reached second-degree murder rather than involuntary manslaughter 过失杀人, 无意杀人. 10. 小王子很爱吃:  Duchess Catherine and Prince William have revealed that their young baby Prince George is quite a fan of his food, and indeed, was known to keep them up 整夜没法睡 to all hours with his incessant 孜孜不倦的 demands for ( incessant 持续不断的, 经久不息的, 孜孜不倦的, 一刻不停的, 无时无刻的 continuing for a long time without stopping in a way that is annoying. incessant crying the incessant flow of traffic across the bridge. ) feeding. In a new Royal-themed issue of Vanity Fair which features the young Prince on the cover, Catherine revealed that George was quite a colicky ( colicky [ˈkolɪki] a colicky baby suffers from colic. colic [ˈkolɪk] pain that a baby has in its stomach. Severe pains that grip the abdomen or the disease that causes such pains (due to intestinal or bowel related problems). ) baby. She said that she was relieved in how well he behaved when he began making his first public appearances as part of the Royal tour this year because, as a newborn he had been extremely restless and difficult to settle at night安睡很难, 睡觉很难. The Royal nanny at the time, Jessie Webb, reportedly tried everything to settle the Royal bub into a routine养成习惯, but the young Prince, who was still breastfeeding at that stage, was having none of it(have none of something 完全不接受, 丝毫不忍受, 零容忍 to tolerate or endure no amount of something. I'll have none of your talk about quitting school. We'll have none of your gossip. I wish to have none of the sweet potatoes, please.), as he was permanently hungry and demanded to be fed. Switching to solid food over the new year, was the only thing that appeared to settle young Prince George. Since then, he has taken to his solid food with just as much gusto( with gusto if you do something with gusto, you do it with a lot of enthusiasm. The orchestra played with great gusto.) with Duchess Catherine joking when the pair were in Australia, that her baby seemed to have gained an "extra fat roll胖了一圈, 肥了一圈" while they were downunder. 11. more (to somebody/something) than meets the eye 金玉其外败絮其中 more interesting or complicated than someone or something appears at first. There is more to her death than meets the eye - she was probably murdered. There must be more to him than meets the eye, or else why would she be interested in him? Usage notes: also used in the form less than meets the eye (not as interesting or complicated as it appears): Unfortunately, with her boyfriend, there is less than meets the eye人如其表.

 Seven shopping wonders of the world: With more bargains and less camera-toting tourists, these strips will sit at the very top of your new travel bucket list. Mercer St, New York: One block west of Broadway is Mercer Street – the crown jewel of the SoHo district located on lower Manhattan. A girl can dream: Hit up Helmut Lang for cropped tanks and leather leggings, Alexander Wang for slouchy bags, Marni for embellished flats and A.P.C for sporty dresses and must-have grey marle sweaters. Reality check: Head to Paige Denim for cut-offs that won't show your undies, customise a new pair of kicks at the world's coolest Nike store and swing by Ash for affordable but of-the-minute ankle boots. Most valuable player: If you're looking for the perfect-fit jeans, then 3x1 will make the $2K flight well worth your while( worth one's while 物有所值 (idiomatic) Good and important enough for one to spend time, effort, or money on. worth one's time and trouble. The job pays so badly it's not worth your while even going for an interview. It's not worth Mary's while going all that way just for a one-hour meeting. Doing volunteer work to help others is truly worth one's while. ). A pattern maker is on hand to design a bespoke pair of threads, while 24 staff in the on-site factory have them ready for pick-up just a few days later. Chuo Dori, Japan: One of the busiest streets in the heart of the Ginza district, Tokyo's fashion capital. A girl can dream: Check out Japanese designer Issey Miyake's diffusion-line store, Pleats Please. The Lanvin boutique is home to one of the biggest collections of dresses in town, and just try telling the locals you're not interested in Ferragamo's go-with-everything百搭的 Varina flats平底鞋. Reality check: Try Brooks Brothers for preppy sweaters in the softest wool. ever. The multi-level Uniqlo store is an absolute must for basics in more colours than a box of Derwents. Most valuable player: Like your fashion curated like a fine-art gallery ( curate [ˌkjuˈreɪt] I. [transitive] 展品看护, 照管展品的. to be the curator of an exhibition in a museum. II. [intransitive/transitive] to select items from among a large number of possibilities for other people to consume and enjoy; applied to many areas including music, design, fashion, and especially digital media. The Daily Beast doesn't aggregate. It sifts, sorts, and curates. Recapp wants to make it more convenient to read sports news curated around your favorite sports and teams. By tapping in your preferences, you essentially create a virtual music nerd, ready to recommend you things based on its encyclopaedic knowledge and library of 30 million songs. You're instantly given dozens of playlists to dip into. If you tell the app you like Billie Holiday, you'll get curated 精挑细选的, 精心挑选的 playlists featuring cuts from Ella Fitzgerald, Dinah Washington and Nina Simone. curate [ˈkjuərət] an Anglican priest who helps a more senior priest. curate's egg 毁誉参半, 亦正亦邪的 something that has good parts and bad parts. curator I. someone whose job is to look after the objects in a museum. A person who manages, administers or organizes a collection, either independently or employed by a museum, library, archive or zoo. II. One appointed to act as guardian of the estate of a person not legally competent to manage it, or of an absentee; a trustee. III. someone who selects items from among a large number of possibilities for other people to consume and enjoy; applied to many areas including music, design, fashion, and especially digital media. Millions of consumers follow and obey the new curators of style and taste. She curated the traveling exhibition. They carefully curated the recovered artifacts. Not only does he curate for the museum, he manages the office and fund-raises.)? Dover Street Market has your name all over it( have to one's name 名下 [often with negative] Have in one's possession: Jimmy hadn't a bean to his name. have one's name on it (idiomatic) To be reserved for someone. That new bartender has got my name all over her, hands off! not have a bean 不名一文, 一分钱都没有, 身无分文 (British & Australian) to have no money Most people in the area are unemployed and don't have a bean to spend. have somebody's name written all over it 非你莫属 (informal) if a job has someone's name written all over it, they have all the qualifications that are needed for that job. You've got to apply for this job. It's got your name written all over it.), stocking covetable brands like Comme des Garçons and Rick Owens. Rue Bonaparte, Paris: runs through Saint-Germain-des-Prés in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. A girl can dream: When in France, a lady should treat herself to some lacy lingerie, and the Princesse Tam Tam store will make it an unforgettable experience难忘经历. The Kooples will sort you out with a tailored dress and jacket to throw over the top. Finally, it just wouldn't be right to skip past 错过, 跳过 Louis Vuitton – after all, Paris is the iconic luggage-maker's hometown. Reality check: Buy a dream outfit at Lola, where one of the brand's chic dresses will be perfect for a romantic Parisian meal. Pick up some delicate earrings from Agatha for under the $100 mark, while Minelli shoe store will leave you spoilt for choice. Most valuable player: Clothing retailer Berenice is a standout, stocking classic shapes and colours with whimsical embellishments(whimsical  [ˈwɪmzɪkəl] 随性的. 兴之所至的. 一时兴起的. 随心所欲的. Given to whimsy; capricious; odd; peculiar; playful; light-hearted or amusing. I. made or done for fun, not seriously. a whimsical design. II. slightly strange or old-fashioned She gave him a nod and a whimsical smilethe whimsical sex (rare, uncountable) Women; the female gender. ) – think Isabel Marant style, just on more of a Zara budget. Melrose Ave, LA: About four blocks south of Santa Monica Boulevard lies one of West Hollywood's (known as WeHo) most exclusive shopping precincts. A girl can dream: Who said anything about buying? You're here for one reason, and one reason only: to gawk at ( gawk = gawp 呆看, 盯着看 to look at someone or something for a long time, often in a rude or stupid way, and usually with your mouth open in surprise. To stare or gape stupidly. To stare conspicuously. ) the A-list in their natural habitat. Red carpet favourites like Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga and Hervé Léger line Melrose for good reason – this is where the stars and their stylists come to find gowns for parties and premieres. Be discreet with 小心谨慎 the snaps. Reality check: Urban Outfitters will kit you out with bits 零碎, 零零碎碎, 小东西, 小物件 ( kit out to give someone all the clothes and equipment that are necessary for an activity. He was all kitted out for a day's hiking. ) for your home you didn't even know you needed. Their merchandisers create decor magic you'll want to replicate the second you get home. Keep up with Kim, Khloé and Kourt by shopping at their relocated DASH store. Most valuable player: A shared prize, because both of Rachel Zoe's favourite vintage stores Resurrection and Decades are located here. Kurfürstendamm, Berlin: Known as Ku'damm by the locals, this 3.5km strip of stores runs through the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf region of the city. A girl can dream: It's a roll call of 点名(I. The reading aloud of a list of names of people, as in a classroom or military post, to determine who is present or absent. II. The time fixed for such a reading.) Euro Fashion Week stars; Prada, Gucci, Chanel, Saint Laurent and Valentino, just to name a few. Also look out for German designers like Jil Sander and Hugo Boss. Reality check: Like a high street theme park, entire blocks are taken up by giant multi-storey stores like COS, H&M, Mango, C&A, Zara and German high-street staple Gerry Weber (famous for their never-ending range of carry-alls( I. A large receptacle, such as a bag, basket, or pocketbook, used to carry things from one place to another. US and Canadian a large strong bag with handles. Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): holdall. II. A closed automobile with two lengthwise seats facing each other. III. A covered one-horse carriage with two seats.)). Bring the bf; you definitely won't be able to tote it all on your own. Most valuable player: Awarded to the KL by Karl Boutique – it's all monochrome sports luxe with pops of brights, and a nod to the '90s with tartan mini dresses and skirts. Avenida Alvear, Buenos Aires: Located east of bustling Palermo, Recoleta is often dubbed 被称作 the 'Hollywood of Argentina' thanks to frequent celeb sightings, luxe boutiques and amazing eats. A girl can dream: Argentinian fashion is known for its beautiful shapes and intricate 精致细节 details – check out runway favourites Marcelo Senra and Sylvie Burstin, along with leather specialist Cappio. Reality check: Stop by Tramando for great workwear pieces, Trosman for some edgier numbers and Zitta for a fancy gown you'll never see anywhere back home. Plus, you get your money's worth thanks to the exchange rate. Kerching! Most valuable player: Evangelina Bomparola – the space is decked out in pure white so you'll feel like you're in a place of worship, and when you see the stunning floor-length gowns, you'll know you are. The Landmark, Hong Kong: Bang in the middle of the Central district and only a five minute walk from HK's biggest train interchange, you'll find The Landmark. A girl can dream: If you want to roll like the locals, bring a fully loaded credit card. This is a city obsessed with luxury and it's the bag you tote that makes or breaks. For a rock-stud clutch, head to Valentino, or if it's a motorcycle bag you've long lusted after, then Balenciaga has a wall in every colour. On the slightly more affordable end of the spectrum, Kenzo has trending-right-now accessories that will stop traffic on the busiest highway in Asia – well, sort of. Most valuable player: British department store Harvey Nichols has an outpost here and is one of the most beautifully merchandised stores you'll ever see – every department feels like it's own specialist boutique. Hot tip: they have sales in January and June.