Thursday, 10 July 2014


用法学习: 1. dabble verb I. [intransitive] to be involved in an activity for a short time in a way that is not very serious. dabble in 浅尝辄止: When he was younger he dabbled in astrology. dabble with: Liz had dabbled with acting at university. II. [transitive] to put your hands or feet in water and make small quick movements with them. dabble something in something: The children were dabbling their feet in the warm water. C#MSDN: The documentation problem arises because it's not obvious how Wait and Pulse are supposed to be used, even when you've read up on how they work. Wait and Pulse also have a peculiar aversion to dabblers: they will seek out any holes in your understanding and then delight in tormenting you! Fortunately, there is a simple pattern of use that tames Wait and Pulse. dab I. [intransitive/transitive] to touch a surface gently several times with something such as a piece of cloth, in order to make it clean or dry. Remove the stain by carefully dabbing it with a cloth. dab at: Marge dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. II. [transitive] to quickly put small amounts of a substance on a surface. Dab some lotion onto the affected area. dab off 擦去, 擦拭掉, 拭去 to remove something from a surface by gently touching it several times with something such as a piece of cloth. He put his handkerchief to his face and dabbed off a tear. dab something off someone/something: 'This won't take long,' said the nurse, dabbing the blood off his arm. dab hand someone who is very good at something. dab hand at: She's a dab hand at DIY. dab hand with: Mario's a dab hand with the wok. 2. Bickmore was left red-faced but saw the funny side( see the funny side (of something) Appreciate the humorous aspect of a situation or experience: Fortunately, the patient saw the funny side of the situation.). 超市自助柜台折扣争论: "Our customers have embraced our self-service checkouts(Woolies和Coles一个用self-service check out, 一个用self-serve checkout, self-service更普遍一些. self-serving 为自己服务的, 为自己好的, 为了自己利益的 I. Serving one's own interests, especially without concern for the needs or interests of others. having an effect that is designed to benefit itself or the person who does it. self-serving statements. Her friends are a pretty self-serving bunch. II. Exhibiting concern solely for one's own interests: a speech full of self-serving comments.) with around half now using them. "We do not reduce the number of team members in-store when we install self-serve checkouts. "But of course if they'd prefer being looked after by one of our great operators they're welcome to use one of our staffed checkouts. 3. double-cross To betray or go back on. Clive Palmer sabotages carbon tax repeal bid with 'double-cross' claim, flies to New Zealand, refuses to answer question on China deal. After skewering (to drive a skewer through or fasten with a skewer.) the Government's attempts to kill off the carbon tax in the Senate, Clive Palmer has walked out of an interview with the ABC's 7.30 program when questioning turned to his legal battle with a former Chinese business partner. The mining tycoon is currently engaged in a bitter legal dispute with Citic Pacific that centres on cost blow-outs爆胎 and royalty payments at an iron ore project in WA. "I'm not discussing it with you any further, Madam. It's subject to court proceedings." The leader of the Palmer United Party began the day by unexpectedly announcing that his three Senators would not vote to repeal the tax because the party had been "double-crossed" by the Coalition. The switch was unexpected and came just hours after Prime Minister Tony Abbott had heralded that "today should be the day when the carbon tax is finally scrapped". But it was not to be. At the eleventh hour, the Government's hopes fell foul of Mr Palmer's claim his party had been "double-crossed" by the CoalitionEtymology: First recorded in 1834 from thieves' slang cross (or on the cross) to refer to something dishonest, a play on straight/square, and therefore a crook going back on his partners would be crossing the crossers, or double-crossing. 4. sticky I. a sticky substance sticks to other things. The dough should be soft but not sticky. a heavy sticky soil粘土, 黏土 a. sticky objects are covered with a substance that sticks to things. I licked my sticky fingers. sticky with: His hair was sticky with blood. b. sticky food contains a lot of sugar and has a sticky surface. sticky toffee/cakes/buns c. sticky paper or plastic has glue on one side so that it sticks to a surface. sticky labels. II. sticky weather is hot and damp (=with a lot of water in the air). a warm and sticky summer afternoon. a. if you feel sticky, your skin feels hot and slightly wet. III. informal a sticky situation is difficult or dangerous. IV. business, computing a sticky website is one that interests visitors so that they continue looking at it for a long time. come to/meet a sticky end British informal to die or suffer badly, especially when this is deserved. have sticky fingers informal to be likely to steal something. on a sticky wicket British informal in a difficult or embarrassing situation. bad/sticky/difficult/rough patch a period of time in your life that is difficult or unpleasant. All marriages have their sticky patches. Small businesses are going through a bit of a bad patch just now. a bald patch 秃头 a place on someone's head where hair no longer grows, or a surface that has some parts missing, for example an area of grass or a carpet. 5. determinate 已下定决心的, 心意已决的 clearly fixed or decided. indeterminate [ˌindɪˈtɜ:(r)mɪnət] 犹豫的, 难下决心的, 犹犹豫豫的, 磨磨唧唧的 not known or clearly established. a man of indeterminate age. deterministic [dɪˌtərmɪnˈɪstɪk] I. 命运环环相扣的而不可避免的. using or believing in the idea that everything is caused by another event or action and so you are not free to choose what you do. The philosophical doctrine that every state of affairs, including every human event, act, and decision is the inevitable consequence of antecedent states of affairs. II. (computing, of an algorithm) 无支路的. 单一路径的. Having each state depend only on the immediately previous state, as opposed to having some states depend on backtracking where there may be multiple possible next actions and no way to choose between them except by trying each one and backtracking upon failure. It's not possible to display the output, because it's nondeterministic! A race ensues between the main thread and the worker. If Wait executes first, the signal works. If Pulse executes first, the pulse is lost and the worker remains forever stuck. Non-deterministic Exhibiting non-determinism; involving choices between indistinguishable possibilities. Non-deterministic bottom-up tree automaton recognize the class of regular tree languages. In computer science, a nondeterministic algorithm is an algorithm that can exhibit different behaviors on different runs, as opposed to a deterministic algorithm. There are several ways an algorithm may behave differently from run to run. 6. He was bed-ridden for almost two years before he died, so he didn't have the quality of life. factual [ˈfæktʃuəl] 基于事实的, 就事说事的, 实事求是的 based on facts or containing only facts, rather than theories or opinions. factual information. a factual programme. I am not lying, you are bitchy, I am factual. Any comparison that is not strictly factual runs the risk of being interpreted as subjective. sedative (ˈsɛdətɪv) adj. Having a soothing, calming, or tranquilizing effect; reducing or relieving anxiety, stress, irritability, or excitement. n. 镇定剂. 安抚剂. 镇静剂. An agent or a drug having a soothing, calming, or tranquilizing effect. I was under sedative during the surgeon, which put me to sleep. sedation (sɪˈdeɪʃən) n I. (Medicine) a state of calm or reduced nervous activity. II. (Medicine) the administration of a sedative. 7. Weather link to back pain a lot of hot air一派胡言, 毫无根据: Australian researchers have disproved a theory that cold and wet weather increases the risk of lower-back pain. There's no association 毫无关系, they say, between back pain and temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind direction or precipitation. There is a link with wind speed, but this is clinically insignificant 无关紧要的, 无关大局的, according to their case-crossover study of 993 patients seen at primary care clinics in Sydney. pockmark 麻子, 麻点(freckle 雀斑, pimple) I. A pitlike scar left on the skin by smallpox or another eruptive disease. Pockmark Acne (ˈæknɪ) scarring—resulting from acne or infections such as chicken pox. The scarring of smallpox. pockmarked face 麻子脸. II. A small pit小坑 on a surface: The gophers left the lawn covered with pockmarks. 8. This program is flawed有缺陷的: the for loop in the main thread can freewheel ( 一帆风顺的. 不受任何阻碍的. 顺风顺水的, 一路下坡的 to move on a bicycle without moving the pedals, or to move in a car without switching on the engine, usually down a slope. To operate free from constraints. ) right through its five iterations(5次for循环毫无阻碍的一下子就完成了) anytime the worker doesn't hold the lock, and possibly before the worker even starts! 9. Texan teen JadaTexas teen's rape goes viral: Prepare to lose all faith in humanity对人性失望(humanity [hju:ˈmænəti] I. 全人类. all the people who are living in the world. Weapons of this type are a threat to the survival of humanity. crimes against humanity (=crimes against a very large number of people): He was charged on six counts of crimes against humanity. a very serious crime that makes a lot of people suffer, often committed during a war. II. 人性. a kind and sympathetic attitude towards other people, especially when they are suffering in some way. He was lacking in basic humanity. III. the state of being human, and of behaving and thinking in the same way as other people. By respecting other cultures, we affirm our common humanity. crime prevention: Crime prevention experts are helping to make the hospital secure. crime rate (=the number of crimes that people commit): The crime rate in the city has risen sharply. rising crime (=crime that is increasing): Rising crime is a key election issue. fight/combat crime: new laws to help us combat crime effectively. ) – a 16-year-old girl from Texas has spoken out about images of her unconscious body going viral online, after she was drugged and raped at a party. The girl, who has asked to be identified as Jada, is willing to speak publicly about the incident because, "Everybody has already seen my face and my body, but that's not what I am and who I am." Jada says she attended a party at a fellow high schooler's house. The host gave her a drink which she did not make herself (or see him making), which she later realised was spiked. Soon she lost consciousness and doesn't remember what happened after that. It was only after she began seeing evidence of her assault online, and friends began texting her to see if she was OK, that she realised what had happened. Beyond the images of her own unconscious body which had spread online, teens began mocking the photos by recreating them, and hash-tagging them #jadapose. One guy says he did it because he was "bored at 1 a.m. and decided to wake up my (Twitter timeline)." Yes, the world is a seriously messed up placein case you needed a reminder. Now, despite having the courage to speak out about the attack, the social media backlash had caused Jada to reconsider her schooling. She wants to be home-schooled. "No one's daughter deserved this," her mother told KHOU 11 News. "No human being deserved this." No arrests have been made but the guy who allegedly raped her, Innel Yahia, has been sounding off( sound off to express your opinions loudly, especially in an unreasonable way. To hold forth about something in an opinionated manner. I'm sick of his sounding off about how he thinks this country should runsound off about: Maria's always sounding off about politics. sound out I. to try to find out someone's opinions, ideas, feelings etc by talking to them. Candidates will be sounding out voters during the months before the election. II. To pronounce a word or phrase by articulating each of its letters or syllables slowly in sequence. III. (intransitive) To speak or sing loudly, to call out. ) on Twitter. Yeah, he seems heaps innocent. A rape victim's trauma is not a fun new meme. Lets use our collective 集体的力量 energy to fight against rape culture.

 Phantom tech firm worth billions: It has no assets, no revenues and no business plan to speak of. But a company called Cynk Technology has seen its value soar as high as $5 billion. Wall Street analysts have been at loss to explain 不能解释, 无法解释 the spectacular 24,000 percent rise in Cynk, which trades on the lightly regulated over the counter (OTC) market. While its share price and market value fell at the close of trade闭市, the company unknown in the technology or financial communities for a time traded in the range of(和...差不多, 同一水平) the value of firms such as Groupon, Pandora Media or Yelp. "We must sadly conclude that the company is nothing but a fraud," said the financial news website Zero Hedge. "And it is nothing short of a testament to ( (a) testament to something formal evidence that something exists or is true. This award is a fitting testament to 证明, 最佳证据 their high standards. Their success bears testament to (=shows) the power of young consumers. ) just how broken this excuse for a market is that a company with no assets, no revenues, no website and one employee can go from zero value to nearly $5 billion in market cap in a few days." The stock trading at six cents on June 16 inexplicably surged to $2.4 the next day, and rose to as high as $17 yesterday, before slipping to around $15 at the closemaking its paper value still an eye-popping瞪大眼睛的 $4 billion or so. The company avoided scrutiny until its disproportionate value drew the attention of Wall Street veterans. The phone number listed on company documents was out of service. Richard Green of the market analysis firm examined the company's regulatory filing, which indicated Cynk had no assets, no cash and an accumulated loss of $1.6 million. Cynk calls itself a social network, based on its early incarnation as, which offered to put people in contact with celebrities like Angelina Jolie or Johnny Depp for $50. "The company is no more of a functional business 好不到哪里去 than your average college student's entrepreneurial dream," Green said. "There was no news or other recognisable event to explain such stock trading activity." Analysts note that the market value is merely on paper, based on trades of a small number of shares. "We want to stop short of directly calling Cynk Technology a 'scam operation,' as we have not yet been able to find a reason for the unusual trading, but it certainly has all the appearances of (怎么看怎么像, 看起来完全就是. by all appearances apparently; according to what one sees or how things seem. She is, by all appearances, ready to resume work. By all appearances, we ought to be approaching the airport. to all appearances to the extent that can easily be judged; apparently. keep up appearances to maintain the public impression of wellbeing or normality. ) the typical 'pump and dump' scheme used to deceive ignorant investors into buying into 'the next social media' giant,'" Green added. One concern is that certain "momentum" investors who use algorithms to trade can be attracted to the stock simply because of its rise. "There is no rational explanation for没有合理解释 yesterday's trading activity and the $4 billion market capitalization," Green said. "In short, Cynk has 'stynk' written all over it ( have somebody's name written all over it (informal) if a job has someone's name written all over it, they have all the qualifications that are needed for that job. You've got to apply for this job. It's got your name written all over it. be (or have something) written all over one (or one's face) Used to convey that the presence of a particular quality or feeling is clearly revealed by a person's expression: guilt was written all over his face 一脸无辜, 满脸无辜. have one's name on it To be reserved for someone. That new bartender has got my name all over her, hands off! ) and we think the best approach to this stock is to avoid it entirely."

 NZ school to pay over $24,000 to student: St John's College student Lucan Battison was suspended on May 22 for failing to cut his hair following requests by his school to do so. The school argued the 16-year-old failed to observe the school's hair rule of "off the collar and out of the eyes", despite Lucan offering主动提出 to tie his hair back in a bun. Justice David Collins ruled in favour of Lucan Battison, finding the suspension over the school's hair rule did not comply with 不符合 the Education Act. The Act states a student can be suspended on reasonable grounds that the student's misconduct or continual disobedience is a harmful or dangerous example to other students. The High Court also concluded the wording of the school's hair rule was uncertain. The Battison's family lawyer said the awarded $NZD 24,159 ($AUD 22,684) was a contribution towards the family's legal expenses, which is about two-thirds of actual costs. The school can still appeal the costs until July 25. Lucan's dad, Troy Battison said the sooner things were completely sorted the better事情越早解决. "We're just ready to move on and have everything done and dusted," he said. Lucan has since resumed schooling, and has picked up his usual position back in the school's rugby team.

 Wahroonga rollover victim Priya Muthu was carrying son when truck fell on her: Young mother Priya Muthu was supervising construction work on her north shore property on Wednesday evening when tragedy struck袭来, 来袭, 袭击. With her four year-old son in her hands, she was pinned beneath a truck that toppled over as it careered ( career I. 冲向. 撞向. to move forwards very quickly in an uncontrolled way. career into/along/down etc: The driver lost control and careered into a tree. II. to be in a situation that you cannot control because things are happening so quickly. The economy is in danger of careering out of control. end/ruin someone's career: the financial scandal that ruined her career. a chequered career (=sometimes successful and sometimes not): an entrepreneur with a rather chequered career. a distinguished/successful/glittering career: He subsequently enjoyed a distinguished career in the diplomatic service. make a career out of something: young graduates looking to make a career out of teaching. academic/political/managerial etc career: Rosen had decided on an academic career. ) out-of-control and rolled backwards down a sloping, dirt driveway. The truck was carrying soil and rocks and was working on a subdivision on the Wahroonga land owned by Ms Muthu and her husband. Its 67-year-old driver was not in the vehicle at the time of the incident and witnesses said he appeared devastated as he spoke with police at the scene. It's believed Ms Muthu had attended the investment property with her son to oversee construction work on a second home to be built at the back of the property.

 Sydney judge slammed for incest comments: District Court Judge Garry Neilson reportedly said the community may no longer see sexual contact between siblings and between adults and children as "unnatural" or "taboo", just as homosexuality is now widely accepted. "A jury might find nothing untoward in the advance of a brother towards his sister once she had sexually matured, had sexual relationships with other men and was now available, not having [a] sexual partner" he is reported as saying by Fairfax media. He said the only reason that incest was still a crime was because of the high risk of genetic abnormalities in children born from consanguineous relationships. "But even that falls away 削弱, 衰弱 to an extent (because) there is such ease of contraception and readily access to abortion," he added. Dr Cathy Kezelman, president of adults surviving child abuse, said his comments were archaic ( [ɑ:(r)ˈkeɪɪk] I. old and no longer used. archaic language. a. used about something that is very old-fashioned and needs to be changed. Britain's archaic licensing laws. II. relating to ancient times. ) and "beyond belief". She said in the case of incest when family boundaries are crossed, there is profound 深远的 damage to children. "It's finally been spoken about. But attitudes do need to shift态度转变. There are still a lot of myths, still a lot of entrenched根深蒂固的, very damaging beliefs and that's why we need to speak out about it, attack those myths and educate people, so we're not hearing these outrageous statements," she said. Dr Kezelman says the Attorney-General needs to look into the matter. "We need to look at the calibre 才能, 能力 and the awareness of judges on our benches," she told Fairfax Radio Network on Thursday. Braveheart's Hetty Johnston has called for Judge Neilson to step down from the bench for his "ludicrous and obscene remarks".