Monday, 15 September 2014

hobnob with someone;restricted drug; onset of action,short-acting,intermediate-acting, long-acting;hedonist;work placement,student placement;tranquil, serene, turquoise, azure, pristine;hack,slash,chop,prune;bludgeond, batterd; goji berry; in a subtle way; coping/defence mechanism; thorny wrinkle;have a mind of one's own,in a world of your own;audacious,daring; figure someone as something;a means to an end;curls up in cardboard, classy person/individual; have to pinch yourself;

用法学习: 1. "Let's run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes it投石问路" is a catchphrase which became popular in the United States during the late 1950s and early 1960s. It means "to present an idea tentatively and see whether it receives a favorable reaction." It is now considered a cliché. Sometimes it is used seriously, but more often it is used humorously, with the intention that it be recognized as both hackneyed and outdated. A non-joking 不是开玩笑的 equivalent would be "to send up a trial balloon." The phrase was associated with the advertising agencies then located on Madison Avenue in New York, and with the "men in the grey flannel suits." Comedians, when mocking corporate culture, were certain to use it, along with expressions such as "the whole ball of wax"( whole ball of wax and whole shooting match the whole thing; the whole matter or affair; the entire affair or organization. John is not a good manager. Instead of delegating jobs to others, he runs the whole shooting match himself. There's not a hard worker in that whole shooting match. I will be glad to be finished with this project. I want to be done with the whole ball of wax. I am tired of this job. I am fed up with the whole ball of wax.) and the use of invented words ending in "-wise" (e.g. "We've had a good year, revenuewise"). 2. in a very subtle way: 委婉的. mechanism [ˈmekəˌnɪz(ə)m] I. a machine or part of a machine. a locking mechanism. a. a system of parts that people think of as working together like the parts of a machine. the mechanisms for releasing hormones into the body. II. a method or process for getting something done within a system or organization. a mechanism for settling disputes between trading partners. III. behaviour that makes it possible for you to deal with a difficult situation or problem. a defence mechanism. defence mechanism自我保护机制 I. a reaction in your mind that makes you forget things that are unpleasant to think about. II. a reaction in your body that protects you from illness or danger. wiki: In psychology, coping is expending conscious effort to solve personal and interpersonal problems, and seeking to master, minimize or tolerate stress or conflict. The effectiveness of the coping efforts depend on the type of stress and/or conflict, the particular individual, and the circumstances. Psychological coping mechanisms心理应对机制 are commonly termed coping strategies or coping skills. Subconscious or non conscious strategies (e.g. defense mechanisms) are generally excluded. The term coping generally refers to adaptive or constructive coping strategies, i.e. the strategies reduce stress levels. However, some coping strategies can be considered maladaptive, i.e. stress levels increase. Maladaptive coping can thus be described, in effect, as non-coping. Furthermore, the term coping generally refers to reactive coping, i.e. the coping response follows the stressor. This contrasts with proactive coping, in which a coping response aims to head off a future stressor. Coping responses are partly controlled by personality (habitual traits), but also partly by the social environment, particularly the nature of the stressful environment. 3. You don't know the half of it 你简直都不知道, 你简直想不到, 你都不知道啊, 你想都想不到. Inf. You really don't know how bad it is.; You might think that what you have heard is bad, but you do not know the whole story. Mary: They say you've been having a bad time at home. Sally: You don't know the half of it. Sally: The company has no cash, they are losing orders right and left, and the comptroller is cooking the books. Mary: Sounds bad. Sally: You don't know the half of it. Goji, goji berry or wolfberry is the fruit of Lycium barbarum (寧夏枸杞) and Lycium chinense (枸杞), two closely related species of boxthorn in the family Solanaceae (which also includes the potato, tomato, eggplant, deadly nightshade, chili pepper, and tobacco). The two species are native to Asia. short and sweet 简短 not too long or complicated. Time is limited, so please keep your remarks short and sweet

新闻故事: 1. 英游客在泰涛岛(tranquil安静的, 宁静的, serene beaches [səˈri:n] 宁静的, turquoise sea, azure water碧蓝的水, 湛蓝的天, pristine beaches一尘不染的沙滩, stunning white sand炫目的白沙. 冷静的: peaceful, quiet, calm, serene, still, cool, pacific, composed, at peace, sedate, placid, undisturbed, restful, untroubled, unperturbed, unruffled, unexcited. The place was tranquil and appealing. 安静的, 波澜不惊的: calm, quiet, peaceful, serene, still, cool, pacific, composed, sedate, placid, undisturbed, restful, untroubled, unperturbed, unruffled, unexcited. She settled into a life of tranquil celibacy. 烦扰的, 惊扰的:  agitated, troubled, excited, busy, confused, disturbed, restless, hectic.)被砍死Hacked ( I. 砍死, 乱砍(be chopped). To chop or cut down in a rough manner. They hacked the brush down and made their way through the jungle. We hacked a trail through the bushes to bring in our supplies. hack (away) at: The boys were hacking at the undergrowth with heavy sticks. hack something off: Jo hacked a piece off the block of cheese. II. [transitive] to spoil a piece of writing by removing or changing a lot of its parts. hack something to pieces: The script had been hacked to pieces by an incompetent 不称职的, 不胜任的 editor. III. [transitive] [usually in negatives or questions] informal to have enough energy or interest to deal with something. I wasn't sure I could hack the finance course. hack it: She just couldn't hack it as a journalistslash vt. To cut violently across something with a blade such as knife, sword, scythe, etc. Attackers dressed in black burst into Kunming station and slash 乱砍 indiscriminately不分青红皂白的, 见人就砍的. n. (UK, slang) A pee, a trip to the toilet to urinate. Excuse me, I need to take a slash. II. The symbol /. Also sometimes known as a forward slash, particularly in computing. prune I. 砍掉, 削去. (transitive) To remove excess material from a tree or shrub; to trim, especially to make more healthy or productive. A good grape grower will prune his vines once a year. II. (transitive, figuratively) To cut down or shorten (by the removal of unnecessary material). to prune a budget, or an essay. If Canada wants to prune 砍去, 削减 its annual expenditure on summits, it could find much bigger savings elsewhere. n. I. (obsolete) A plum. II. The dried, wrinkled fruit of certain species of plum. III. (slang) An old woman, especially a wrinkly one. bludgeon [ˈblʌdʒ(ə)n] I. to hit someone hard with a heavy object. bludgeon someone to death (battered to death)被重物击打而死: Atkinson had been bludgeoned to death in his flat. II. to force someone to do something by repeated arguments or threats. bludgeon someone into doing something: We were bludgeoned into accepting their offer.) to death on Thai resort: The murders, on a normally tranquil island popular with divers, dented Thailand's image 重创形象, 蒙羞 as a tourist haven. Critics – especially among the British media – have accused Thai authorities of bungling ( bungle 搞砸 to spoil something by doing it very badly. Police totally bungled the investigation. n. a situation that has been dealt with very badly. ) the investigation in the near three weeks since the murders by chasing the wrong leads and failing to lock down the island in the hours following the killings. The naked bodies of two British tourists were found beaten to death on a Thai beach, sparking a murder hunt on the small resort island of Koh Tao. A bloodied hoe带血的( 类似于锄头, 但刀片比锄头宽的工具. 通过刨的方式翻土用的工具. A blood-stained 沾血的, 带血的 hoe, believed to be the murder weapon凶器, was found nearby. a tool with a long handle used for turning over the soil in a garden. A hoe is an ancient and versatile agricultural tool used to move small amounts of soil. Common goals include weed control by agitating the surface of the soil around plants, piling soil堆土 around the base of plants (hilling), creating narrow furrows (drills) and shallow trenches for planting seeds and bulbs, to chop weeds, roots and crop residues, and even to dig or move soil, such as when harvesting root crops like potatoes.) was discovered near the murder scene, local police official Jakkrapan Kaewkhao said. "They were murdered and found naked on the beach. Their bodies were found 30 metres from (the) bungalow( I. British a house that is all on one level. II. American a small house that is often all on one level.)," he said, adding the pair arrived in Thailand on August 25. Distraught friends of the victims, who had seen the pair partying at a local bar just hours before the gruesome discovery of their bodies, gathered at the local police station. The island is known for its diving sites and serene ( [səˈri:n] I. 宁静的, 平和的. calm, or peaceful. She looked at her students with joviality and a serene mentality. II. Without worry or anxiety; unaffected by disturbance. ) beaches. Police Colonel Prachum Ruangthong said: "The man was chopped 剁 in the back and on the side of his head, while the woman was chopped in her face. "It's very gruesome." Investigators were checking CCTV from local bars and restaurants at the usually-peaceful destination, known for its turquoise ( turquoise [ˈtɜ:(r)kwɔɪz] 湛蓝的, 碧蓝的 bright green-blue in colour.) seas. Its bright鲜艳的 coral, sharks and rays bring in divers, hikers enjoy jungle walks and the bar scene酒吧场景 "rages on until dawn", according to the Lonely Planet travel guide. Local media reported that outraged residents of the island, which is home to about 2,000 people and survives on tourism, had blockaded its piers to help police prevent the killers from escaping. British tourists bludgeoned ( bludgeon [ˈblʌdʒ(ə)n] I. to hit someone hard with a heavy object. bludgeon someone to death: Atkinson had been bludgeoned to death in his flat. II. to force someone to do something by repeated arguments or threats. bludgeon someone into doing something: We were bludgeoned into accepting their offer.) to death on Thailand beach. A SEARCH is underway for the murderer of two British tourists who were found battered to death on Monday. The pair were found on a beach on a scenic island in southern Thailand, home to one of the country's most popular diving destinations. The woman is feared to have been raped during the attack in what could be a motive 杀人动机 for the killing. Police also say it could have been a robbery gone wrong. The Island of Koh Tao in Thailand is popular with tourists because of it's pristine ( pristine [ˈprɪsti:n] 一尘不染的, 洁净无暇的 I. something that is pristine looks very clean, tidy, or new. pristine snow/beaches/lawns. in pristine condition: The bike was in pristine condition. II. something that is pristine involves behaviour that is morally good. a pristine image/reputation. clean as a hound's tooth and clean as a whistle I. Rur. Cliché very clean. 干净无比. 一尘不染. After his mother scrubbed him thoroughly, the baby was as clean as a hound's tooth. The car was as clean as a whistle after the Girl Scouts washed it. I washed my car yesterday, it's clean as a whistle now. II. Rur. 无一丝污点. Cliché innocent and free from sin or wrong. Jane's record was clean as a whistle; she had never committed even the smallest infraction. immaculate [ɪˈmækjulət] I. so clean and tidy that there is no dirt. The whole house was absolutely immaculate. II. 完美无瑕的. 整洁无比的. correct or perfect in every way. a player whose timing is immaculate. immaculately dressed. the Immaculate Conception the Christian belief that Mary, the mother of Christ, was free from original sin (=the evil that all people are born with). ) beaches, water activities and party's. Thai General Prayuth Chan-ocha said he was concerned that Thailand's image could be damaged形象尽毁 and called for the crime to be solved quickly, The Independent reported. Mr Miller's family described him as hard-working and with "everything to look forward to应有尽有". "David was very giving大方的, 有爱的( 乐于付出的, 乐于奉献的. having the tendency to give; generous. ) to his family and friends and we all adored him, He will be sorely, sorely missed." the statement read. He had left Jersey on July 18 to undertake a six-week work placement ( placement I. [uncountable] the process of finding someone a place where they can live, work, or study. the placement of children for adoption. job placement schemes. product placement 产品植入 the use of a company's product in a film or television show as a way of advertising the product. a. [countable] a place where someone goes to live, study, or work. Our first concern is to find placements住所 for abandoned children. II. 实习机会. [countable/uncountable] a temporary job that is part of a course of study and that gives you experience of the work you hope to do at the end of the course. The American word is internship. a three-month placement with the BBC. The third term is spent on placement in hotel or tourism companies. work placement 工作实习 a temporary job that you do as part of a course of study in order to get practical training and experience. III. [countable/uncountable] the act of putting something into a position. NSW Goverment: what is a student placement学生实习? A student for placement can be in casework, policy, project, legal and psychology roles where this placement is a compulsory component of attaining a relevant degree qualification. Placements offer students a unique opportunity to apply their classroom learning 课堂知识 in real life situations under the supervision of qualified and experienced staff. Undertaking your compulsory placement with us will allow you to develop an understanding of the work we do, as well as the roles in which you may be most interested. volunteering: Students wishing to obtain general work experience (paid or unpaid) outside of a relevant degree program or wanting to undertake voluntary work with children, families or disadvantaged groups should explore the non-government sector or visit We fund 资助 a large range of non government agencies to assist us help the children and families of NSW and many of these agencies offer volunteer programs. All related work paid/unpaid will be well regarded看重 should you later apply for a position in Community Services. why complete your placement with Community Services? We are one of the largest community organisations in NSW and we are committed to the provision of quality field education. Students and supervisors are offered support in arranging placement as well as during placement through our Student Placement program. The quality and outcomes of the program are monitored. A positive placement experience influences employment decisions later and many students who complete a placement with Community Services go on to become valued employees. ) as part of a scholarship at a mining company in Australia before travelling on to Thailand for a break with a close friend. In a statement released through the British Foreign Office, his family said: "David was an artist by temperament天性, so talented. He had a creative eye that he carried with him through life and in his degree. "He was hard-working, bright and conscientious ([ˌkonʃiˈenʃəs] 有良心的. 对工作热诚的. 乐于把工作做好的. working hard and careful to do things well. Thorough, careful, or vigilant; implies a desire to do a task well. He was a thoughtful and conscientious worker. conscientious objector someone who refuses to take part in a war because they are morally opposed to all war and violence.), with everything to look forward to. Miller had just finished studying civil and structural engineering at Leeds University in June, where he was on course to achieve a first-class degree. Thai police Tuesday ruled out three Myanmar workers in connection with the murder of the young British tourists, as Thailand's military ruler appeared to call into question the "behaviour" of the victims themselves. Three male Myanmar migrant workers were held for questioning but ruled out of the probe later on Tuesday. "They were very far from the scene... it was probably not them," he said, adding DNA samples had been collected from the men. He did not give details of any further leads as the manhunt on the small, normally tranquil安静的 island stretched into a second day without an arrest. Police have also cleared a number of British tourists who travelled with the victims of any involvement in the killings. Migrants from Myanmar and Cambodia are frequently accused of committing crimes in the kingdom, where they make up a vast, poorly-paid低薪 and low-status workforce. On Tuesday, Thai junta chief and prime minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha appeared to call into question the victims' conduct in addition to the perpetrators of the attack. "We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," he told reporters, referring to the two tourists. The family of David Miller said he had been in Thailand on a "well-deserved break" in between finishing a degree in civil and structural engineering at Leeds University in June and starting a masters. Koh Tao, home to stunning white sand beaches and azure (azure [US ˈæʒə(r); UK ˈæzuə(r)] 亮蓝, 湛蓝 bright blue.) waters, is popular with divers but is smaller and more laid-back than neighbouring Koh Phanga, which draws hordes of backpackers to its hedonistic ( hedonist [ˈhi:d(ə)nɪst] 极乐主义, 享乐主义 someone who believes that pleasure is very important, and who tries to spend all their time doing things that they enjoy. ) "full moon" party. Speaking later, Prayut said Thais must tell "tourists when the safe times are to be outside, we have to help them understand." The army swiftly blanketed the country with a curfew and strict martial law, frightening off 吓跑 visitors. Military leaders have vowed to restore the nation's reputation as the "Land of Smiles" with a clean-up targeting tourist resorts after a series of complaints about scams, assaults and even police extortion勒索. Tests indicate that Ms Witheridge also put up a fight ( put up a fight/struggle to make a struggle, a fight, etc. (Fixed order.) Did he put up a fight? No, he only put up a bit of a struggle.) before being hacked to death with the same hoe, Fairfax Media reports. 在此前后一共dutch man的尸体在Phuket的沙滩上被发现: Mr Buczynski had suffered a deep gash ( gash [ɡæʃ] 刀口, 豁口 n. a long deep cut in your skin or in the surface of something. Blood poured from a gash in his forehead. v. to make a long deep cut in something, usually accidentally. Her leg was badly gashed. gaping [ˈɡeɪpɪŋ] adj a gaping hole or space is very large. a gaping wound. gape 大张着 v. I. to look at something or someone with your mouth open because you are very surprised. II. to open wide, or to be wide open. Suddenly he was at the door, his pyjama jacket gaping open.) to the back of his head, which caused police to believe that he was struck by a boat propeller while swimming or was viciously attacked from behind. "He was dressed only in black swimming trunksA waterproof bag was still looped around his neck, containing his passport, as well as cash totalling 5,200 baht and 1,850 euros," he added. Also in the waterproof bag were nine pills of Alprazolam, better known by the trade name Xanax(Alprazolam [ælˈpræzəlæm] (trade name Xanax [zˈænæks]), available under other generic names, is a short-acting ( 生效快的, 快速生效的, 起效快的. 见效快的, 快速见效的 (Pharmacology) (of a drug) quickly effective, but requiring regularly repeated doses for long-term treatment, being rapidly absorbed, distributed in the body, and excreted. intermediate-acting, long-acting. ) anxiolytic of the benzodiazepine class of psychoactive ( [ˌsaɪkəuˈæktɪv] a psychoactive drug affects a person's mental state and often their behaviour. ) drugs. Alprazolam has a fast onset of action 生效很快 ( onset of action 生效期 the time required after administration of a drug for a response to be observed. The length of time needed for a medicine to become effective. The time from drug administration until the drug exerts an observable specific effect or response. wiki: Onset of action is the duration of time it takes for a drug's effects to come to prominence upon administration. With oral administration口服, it typically ranges anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour, depending on the drug in question. Other methods of ingestion 服用 such as smoking 吸入 or injection注射 can take as little as seconds to minutes to take effect. The determination of the onset of action, however, is not completely dependent upon route of administration. There are several other factors that determine the onset of action for a specific drug, including drug formulation, dosage, and the patient receiving the drug. ) and symptomatic relief立竿见影的效果. Ninety percent of peak effects are achieved within the first hour of using either in preparation for panic disorder, and full peak effects are achieved in 1.5 and 1.6 hours respectively. Peak benefits achieved for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) may take up to a week. Tolerance to the anxiolytic/antipanic effects is controversial with some authoritative sources reporting the development of tolerance抗药性, and others reporting no development of tolerance; tolerance will however, develop to the sedative-hypnotic effects within a couple of days. Withdrawal symptoms or rebound symptoms may occur after ceasing treatment abruptly following a few weeks or longer of steady dosing固定用药, and may necessitate a gradual dose reduction.), which is a restricted drug受限药 available in Thailand by prescription only. "He might have been hit by the blade of a passing boat while swimming or he may have been beaten to death and his body thrown into the sea. At this stage, we just don't know," Capt Patapee explained. 2. iPhone 6 Will Make or Break Apple in China: When Apple CEO Tim Cook took one of many regular trips to Beijing in January, he wasn't surveying the company's many Chinese factories or hobnobbing (hobnob 会见, 混在一起, 打交道 to spend time talking to rich or famous people. To associate familiarly: hobnobs with the executives. hobnob with someone or something to associate with someone or a group, especially with those more wealthy, famous, etc. I'm not used to hobnobbing with such luminaries. Walter is spending a lot of time hobnobbing with the very rich. luminary I. 名人. 名流. One that is an inspiration to others; one who has achieved success in his chosen field; a leading light.  played host to a huge gathering of international luminaries -- Edmund Stevens. II. An artificial light; an illumination. III. A body that gives light; especially, one of the heavenly bodies. guiding light 指路明灯 A person who has a profound influence on others and is a source of inspiration and admiration.) with government officials. The two companies were joining forces合力 to "deliver the best experience in the world," Cook said. it's not yet clear how the new iPhones will compete with a cadre of homegrown土生土长的, 本土的(=homebred) competitors([ˈkɑ:də(r)] a small group of people within a larger organization such as a political party or an army.) which have rapidly gained market share over the last year. But Apple's competitors are rising too, some at an even faster clip(at a good/fast clip 快速的. rapidly (go ~; move ~; run ~; travel ~.) We were moving along at a good clip when a state trooper stopped us.). Xiaomi, often called the "Apple of China," shipped about 15 million smartphones in the second quarter to surpass超越 Samsung as the country's largest vendor. There are literally dozens of other phone companies vying for customers' attention in the highly fractured 高度分散的市场 market(A marketplace where there is no one company that can exert enough influence to move the industry in a particular direction. The market consists of several small to medium-sized companies that compete with each other and large enterprises.). For Apple, price may remain a prohibiting factor, though. The 6 Plus, while appealing to phablet lovers, will cost $100 more than previous iPhone models in the U.S., an extra cost that will likely translate to China. Chinese carriers are also planning to drastically cut phone subsidies补贴(subside [səbˈsaɪd] I. 消退, 消停. to become weaker, less violent, or less severe. The pain should subside in an hour or two. By morning the storm had subsided. II. 减弱. if the level of flood water subsides, it becomes lower. subsidy [ˈsʌbsədi] an amount of money that the government or another organization pays to help to reduce the cost of a product or service. The government pays subsidies to farmers to produce particular crops. a housing subsidy. subsidize [ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz] 补贴, 补助 to pay some of the cost of goods or services so that they can be sold to other people at a lower price. Meals in the cafeteria are subsidized by the company. The government has said it will no longer subsidize public transport) on the orders of the nation's government. That will likely make consumers more price-conscious just as domestic competitors are figuring out how to make devices with iPhone-like features at a fraction of the cost. There's also a third, thornier 棘手的 wrinkle(informal a small problem.): the Chinese government seems less accommodating ( I. to provide a place or room for someone to stay in. Designed by an Italian architect, the hotel can accommodate 600 guests. The teams will be accommodated in luxury hotels. a. to provide enough space for something or someone. The new office will easily accommodate 50 desks. b. to supply enough seats or room for people or things. Our ships accommodate up to 150. II. formal to consider and include something when you are deciding what to do. Your investment strategy has to be flexible enough to accommodate changes in the market. accommodate (yourself) to something to change your attitudes and behaviour in order to deal with a new situation. ) of Apple than in the past. It's part of an overall cooling toward U.S. tech firms in China, which has also included ongoing antitrust investigations into Microsoft and Qualcomm. There is at least one broad trend-line 走势图, 趋势线 moving in Apple's favor朝着对...有利的方向. China's carriers are racing to expand their high-speed data networks, and the iPhone is one of just a few phones currently on the market that is compatible. China Mobile has racked up more than 20 million 4G subscribers since it launched the speedier network in December in conjunction with the iPhone rollout. With a wide range of homebred competitiors and a government that may be actively working against it, Apple certainly faces headwinds顶风, 逆风 in China. But the company's business there is still growing, and devoted fans are still lining up for new iPhones. "From an end-user perspective, a lot of folks in China still want the iPhone," Llamas says. "We're still seeing strong demand." Apple CEO Tim Cook predicted that this upgrade would trigger the "the mother of all upgrades(the mother of all sth 根源 an extreme example of something: We got caught in the mother of all storms. Mike's suffering from the mother of all hangovers after the party last night. Donny's car crash was the mother of all crashes. Hundreds will travel to Stonehenge, the mother of all places to celebrate the longest day of the year.)." It seems he's right. iPhone owners have been eagerly waiting for Apple to produce a phone with a bigger screen. Now that it's here, consumers are upgrading to one of the new iPhone 6 phones. 3. 3岁男孩失踪: Grave fears are held for three-year-old William Tyrell, who vanished from his grandmother's home on the NSW mid-north coast on Friday. The chances of finding little William Tyrell alive are quickly diminishing, say police, as the search on the NSW mid-north coast heads into the fifth day. However they admit hopes are fading希望越来越渺茫 that it's still a rescue mission搜救任务(recovery mission寻找尸体任务)."We do have grave concerns. "To disappear that quickly absolutely bewilders us." The search will be expanded on Tuesday from 1.5km around the home, which backs onto bush, out to three kilometres, with police on trial bikes venturing further afield. Police are looking at all possibilities考察各种可能性. "Our investigative efforts搜救行动, we are bolstering ( bolster [up] to make something stronger or more effective. The campaign is designed to bolster the government's image as being tough on crime. His score will bolster his confidence for the next match. ) them to ensure if anything has happened to William apart from him running and disappearing of his own means ( of one's own I. belonging to oneself: She had never had a room of her own. on one's own I. by dint of one's own efforts, resources, or sense of responsibility; independently: Because she spoke the language, she got around the country very well on her own. II. Living or functioning without dependence on others; independent: My son's been on his own for several years. in a world of your own (also in another world) 在自己的世界里. thinking your own thoughts and ideas and not giving much attention to what is happening around you: When she was young, she lived in a world of her own and had very few friends. have a mind of one's own 自有主意, 自有想法, 有主见, 有城府, 深沉 (idiomatic) To form one's personal opinions and choose one's actions without being governed by the views or choices of others; to be independently minded; to think for oneself. That little man has a mind of his own, and even if I do figure on his payroll作为工作 as confidential secretary, he doesn't tell me everything he knows. Be a little audacious - disagree on at least one thing so they know you have a mind of your own. audacious [ɔ:ˈdeɪʃəs] 大胆的, 斗胆包天的, 大无畏的, 勇敢无畏的, 无所畏惧的( bold, daring, temeritous, temerarious. ) done with extreme confidence, despite difficulties, risks, or the negative attitudes of other people. an audacious plan to take control of the company. a. used about people. a group of audacious young writers. daring I. brave enough to do dangerous things. one of the most daring rescues ever attempted. II. new and different in a way that might offend or upset some people. a daring and highly original film. figure someone as something 是...种人 to think of a person as a particular type of person. I figured her as a reliable workermeans of: What means of transport交通方式 is she using? no means of doing something: We had no means of warning them. the means by which: Testing is still the usual means 通用方法, 常用方法 by which students' progress is measured. have the means (to do something): Small businesses don't have the means to develop a sophisticated Internet presence. beyond/within your means (=too expensive or not too expensive for you): Many medical charges are beyond the means of poorer families. according to someone's means: You are invited to contribute according to your means. a man/woman of means (=with a lot of money): He had the well-dressed appearance of a man of means. a means to an end 方案 a way of getting or achieving something that you want. Information management must be regarded as a means to an end. ) that we come up with the right result," Supt Fehon said. Police in the mid-north coast area have been working with specialist units across the state, including the sex crime squad. It's been reported that  known sex offenders in the area have been contacted to confirm their whereabouts at 10.30am last Friday, the ABC says. Sniffer 搜救狗 dogs have failed to pick up any scent([sent] pick up a scent (=start to follow a scent): Police tracker dogs picked up the man's scent in the forest.) of little William Tyrell on the NSW mid-north coast, fuelling fears he may not have wandered away from home. 'It's baffling 让人疑惑不解的 that there's no lead at this time,' Superintendent Paul Fehon told Macquarie Radio on Tuesday. 'We would have thought we would have had some indication of something at this stage of this very thorough search.' Neither police sniffer dogs nor cadaver (a dead human body.) dogs have been able to pick up any sign of the boy, Supt Fehon said. He said investigators were 'keeping an open mind' about 不排除 whether William had been taken被带走. 4. West Hoxton students treated after suspected lightning strike: TWO students have been taken to hospital after a loud thunderclap 雷声, 雷击 impacted up to 30 teenagers at West Hoxton in Sydney's west. A NSW Ambulance spokeswoman confirmed that paramedics received a 000 call at 9.50am this morning. The caller suggested students were injured by a lightning strike on a school oval. However, when the officers arrived they discovered the lightning did not strike the oval but a loud thunderclap was heard nearby. They believe that the students were affected by static electricity discharge, which caused headaches and dizziness. The spokeswoman said up to 30 students were assessed and two were transported to Fairfield Hospital for further observation进一步观察 but were in a stable condition. Clancy Catholic College school has not confirmed any details, only that students were being assessed. 5. Homeless man, 26, survives by picking up different woman every night: JOE is homeless on the streets of New York — yet his hair is neat, his beard clipped and his clothes clean and stylish. His secret? He gets a different woman to take him home every night. The 26-year-old from Boston picks up someone new three or four nights a week. It means he gets to sleep on a comfortable bed and use a shower. Most of the women he goes home with don't seem to realise he curls up in cardboard 蜷缩在纸箱里 for the other two or three nights. "If I strike out on a weekend night, it'll be seven o'clock in the morning and girls will go wake me up and they'll be like, 'you passed out on the sidewalk, you need to go home,'" he tells Elite Daily in an eye-opening video. "My responsibility is not to look homeless. I go to [US grocery chain] CVS and I take their hair gel; you know they have mirrors near the makeup section? I fix my hair, I grab a Red Bull and I walk out." Joe has four "pretty good outfits", which he wears on rotation轮流穿. He makes roughly $150 a day from begging, a handsome sum he attributes to his clean-cut appearance干干净净的外表. "If you're the type of person who inspires compassion引起同情, 引人同情 then people are going to give you money. "The reason people give me the amount of money they do is because they realise they're just that f***ing close to becoming homeless." He even gives money to other homeless people for food. Joe, who was kicked out by his mother when she found his stash of drugs, spends his days drinking and admits he might be able to afford a house if he stopped. He considers himself a "gypsy" rather than a "bum", but says he would never advise a young person to do what he is doing. "This abstract lifestyle is not for everybody," he says. "I'm pretty sure if you look around you at the f***ing hundreds of thousands of homeless people in New York City, I'm the only one who could really pull this s**t off能干出这种事情来, 能成功的." 另一篇: Meet homeless Joe - the rugged roaming Romeo who lives many men's dream lifestyle despite occasionally sleeping on the cold, hard pavement. Because it's a case of a different girl every night for the ladies' man, aged 26, who relies on pulling women ( to pull someone mean to just snog someone ( snog 拥吻 if two people snog, or if one person snogs another, they kiss and hold each other for a period of time. They were snogging on the sofa.) or to sleep with them. Probably the fact that you are able to "pull" them away from what they are doing to something more interesting with you. So therefore could be anything from snogging to going full circle and sleeping with them. It means to attract someone and to have them want some sort of relationship with you. You can 'pull' someone without doing anything about it. pull someone up I. Cause someone to stop or pause; check: the shock of his words pulled her up short. a. British Reprimand someone: she never failed to pull us up and tell us to stop. ) to keep a roof over his head in Manhattan, New York. Throughout the daytime, he manages to blag 讨要 ( to persuade someone to give you something you want by talking in a clever way. ) as many freebies as he can, pinching ( I. 掐. [transitive] to squeeze someone's skin between your thumb and finger so that it hurts them. Roger pinched my arm. II. [intransitive/transitive] if shoes 鞋夹脚 or clothes pinch衣服裹得慌, they hurt you because they fit too tightly. III. [transitive] British informal to steal something. IV. [intransitive/transitive] when using a touch screen, to bring your index finger and thumb together or move them apart in order to move things on the screen. To zoom in to the picture, touch the screen with your finger and thumb and pinch them apart. have to pinch yourself 掐自己几下, 掐自己大腿, 不敢相信是真的 mainly spoken used for saying that you do not believe that something good that is happening to you is real. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.) free shop samples of deodorant and hairgel, while spending what little money he earns from begging on keeping up his appearance. He said: "New York City is amazing it has 8 million people so you can f*** a different girl like, whenever you want. "Dude I'll go up to any random girl and tell them I love them, I wanna marry 'em - just for general recreational purposes. "I was sleeping at this broad's house and last night we went drinking and were eating lobster like classy individuals.(A classy person 高大上的人 is someone who is thought of as being of a high social rank, full of elegance, exceptionally smart or stylish. defines the word classy as, "of high class, rank, or grade; stylish; admirably smart; elegant." Therefore, a classy person is someone who personifies one or more of these attributes in a consistent manner over a lengthy period of time. What makes someone classy is a matter of personal interpretation个人爱好的问题了, 个人解读, as what is elegant and stylish to one person may not be so to another. The term classy is a socially accepted label that is reserved for people who act in a manner that is consistent with several key personal concepts, although some of these are subjective.)" Joe, who admits to drinking copious amounts each day, claims he was kicked out of his mother's house after she found his drug stash - but he doesn't regret it. Speaking to Elite Daily , he added: "I might sleep on cardboard like two or three nights a week but I literally wake up every single day and do whatever the f*** I want.

 新闻: 1. 澳元大跌: Floodgates防洪门 (open the floodgates to suddenly make it possible or easier for a lot of things to happen. Political reforms have opened the floodgates to foreign investment.) tested as global factors push Australian dollar down: Global factors kept the Australian dollar under pressure on Monday, with experts warning that if a significant slide starts it could be difficult to unwind解套. Although not discounting 否认, 否定 a rebound, economists have begun noting that the currency's movements are now more closely tracking changes to basic economic indicators, such as the price of iron ore and coal, which together account for about one-third of Australia's export revenue. Weaker-than-expected production and electricity-usage data from China also weighed on the Aussie over the weekend, while any signals of interest rate rises or faster-than-expected withdrawal of economic stimulus by US Federal Reserve this week will also push the greenback up against the local unit. The RBA has been caught between wanting to ease to address the strong currency and slowing economic growth and the need to avoid oveheating house prices by keeping interest rates too low. Whether or not the Aussie drops below US90¢ and stays there will depend increasingly on fresh volatility in the currency markets, and at what point the risk to foreign investors of a sustained fall outweighs the benefits of the higher yields available on Australian bonds and other assets. For tourism operators, the advantages of a falling domestic currency are not as easy to predict. Although the relative weakness of a currency can make a country more attractive to foreign visitors, travellers tend to book well in advance and make their decisions based more on the affordability of airfares than anything else. Once in the country of choice, visitors adjust their day-to-day spending on food, tours and other variables according to individual budgets. 2. iPhone 6 'scalpers' ( We could see three different scalpers moving through the crowd outside the arena, each muttering the characteristic refrain: "Need any tickets?" ticket tout 票贩子, 黄牛党 UK A person who resells tickets for events at more than the official price. refrain 反复吟唱的句子 a group of lines in a poem or a song that are repeated regularly. The chorus or burden of a song repeated at the end of each verse or stanza. We hear the wild refrain. ) flood eBay: There were more than 175 Australian sellers listing various models of iPhone 6 on eBay at a premium to the official advertised prices on Monday. While Apple has traditionally kept a tight grip on keeping its handset prices consistent among retailers such as mobile phone operators, there is little to stop individuals from profiting from market demand. Though laws vary from state to state, some authorities and venues have measures in place to discourage scalpers profiting from the limited supply of tickets to registered events such as the AFL grand final and music concerts. But Consumer Affairs Victoria said the iPhone 6 did not fit into this category不归这类, 归不到这类里来 as it was a product, not an event. In Queensland, it is an offence to profit more than 10 per cent from the original price on the resale of tickets to events at certain sporting venues. Head of media at consumer affairs group Choice, Tom Godfrey, warned people to think hard before paying through the nose ( pay through the nose (informal) to pay too much for something (usually + for ). If you want a decent wine in a restaurant, you have to pay through the nose for it. ) for the iPhone 6. Mr Godfrey advised consumers not to get too caught up in the hype别被迷惑 surrounding the new Apple products, and to weigh up 考虑 other smartphones on the market.

苏格兰独立公投: Queen Elizabeth II has made her first comments about this week's Scottish independence vote, urging Scots to "think very carefully about the future." Still, some may interpret her comments as a suggestion that Scots looking to 期待 embrace independence should be cautious about severing Scotland's long ties to the United Kingdom, which date back more than 300 years. But the popular British monarch didn't indicate a preference on how Scots should vote, carefully maintaining the neutrality that is her constitutional obligation. Buckingham Palace recently issued a statement indicating her plans to remain neutral before Thursday's vote. She was seen as resisting calls from some Conservative Party lawmakers that she should make her views known before the historic vote because it could possibly lead to a breakup 分裂 of the United Kingdom. She is well known to have a deep affection for Scotland and to spend much of her free time every summer at her extensive Balmoral estate, where she can be seen walking in the woods or riding horses. Weekend polls have suggested the race is too close to call胜负难定 with both sides planning a frenetic final few days of campaigning. The "Better Together" campaign has been emphasizing the economic uncertainties that would face an independent Scotland, while pro-independence forces have been predicting a rosy future 美好未来 for an oil-rich Scotland free of the United Kingdom. Scottish leaders have indicated a desire to have the queen serve as head of state of an independent Scotland if the Yes campaign triumphs.