用法学习: 1. The ramped-up security efforts加强警戒 have been labelled "concerning关注的" by some Islamic groups who say the added attention is causing angst[æŋst] for Muslims. "If you have a bunch of undeclared cash, military equipment and IS extremist material on your phone, there is a good chance you are biased or sympathetic to the IS caliphate and intent," he said. The Islamic Council of Victoria said a 60-year-old woman travelling with her adult children was questioned while another man was strip-searched after returning from the Middle East. 2. wheelie bin: 带轮子的垃圾桶. A waste container is a container for temporarily storing waste, and is usually made out of metal or plastic. Common terms are dustbin, rubbish bin, litter bin, garbage can, trash can, trash bin, dumpster, waste basket, waste paper basket, waste receptacle(a container), container bin, bin and kitchen bin. The words "rubbish", "basket" and "bin" are more common in British English usage; "trash" and "can" are more common in American English usage. "Garbage" may refer to food waste specifically (when distinguished from "trash") or to municipal solid waste in general. The curbside dustbins usually consist of three types: trash cans (receptacles often made of tin, steel or plastic), Dumpsters (large receptacles similar to skips) and wheelie bins (light, usually plastic bins that are mobile). All of these are emptied by collectors, who will load the contents into a garbage truck and drive it to a landfill, incinerator or consuming crush facility to be disposed of. The standard size of a UK wheelie bin for household collection is 240 litres. 3. Not a single Indian higher education institution has made it to the top 200 of the QS World University Rankings, which were released on Tuesday morning. The first Indian presence on the list is the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, ranked 222. IIT Delhi comes in second 得到第二名, 排名第二( I came in fourth for the Korean test in the state. I am happy, and proud of that. ) at 235 while those in Kanpur, Madras and Kharagpur are in the 300 range. All the top 10 positions in the rankings list are taken by占据 the U.S. and U.K.-based universities with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology retaining the first position for the second year running. The National University of Singapore leads the pack as far as the Asian continent is concerned and is ranked 22nd. 4. take I. a. To accept (something owed, offered, or given) either reluctantly or willingly: take a bribe. b. To submit to (something inflicted); undergo or suffer: didn't take his punishment well不乐于接受, Don't take it personally. I told her how I felt about being told about the pest control without being consulted first. She took it well虚心接受, 诚心接受. take kindly/well to something 不太能够接受, 不喜欢吧, 虚心接受, 诚心接受, 欣然接受 to willingly accept a particular behavior or activity. Americans don't take kindly to being told what to say. I don't think the state would take kindly to the mental-health system being taken over by a judge. In general, Renee doesn't take well to change. ( go down I. To be received or accepted. The news didn't go down well with her parents. II. (intransitive) To be recorded or remembered (as). Today will go down as a monumental failure. III. (idiomatic) To perform oral sex. Some people just don't like to go down.) c. To put up with; endure or tolerate: 再也受不了了, 忍受到极限了. I've had about all I can take from them. d. To be affected with; catch: The child took the flu. e. To be hit or penetrated by: took a lot of punches; took a bullet in the leg. f. To withstand: The dam took the heavy flood waters. II. a. To accept or believe (something put forth) as true: I'll take your word. b. To follow (advice, a suggestion, or a lead, for example). c. To accept, handle, or deal with in a particular way: Don't take it personally. You need to take this seriously. He takes things in stride. d. To consider in a particular relation or from a particular viewpoint: take the bitter with the sweet苦中作乐, 以德报怨. III. a. To allow to come in; give access or admission to; admit: The boat took a lot of water but remained afloat. b. To provide room for; accommodate 容纳: We can't take more than 100 guests. c. To become saturated or impregnated with (dye, for example). IV. a. To understand or interpret: May I take your smile as an indication of approval? b. To consider; assume: Take the matter as settled. c. To consider to be equal to; reckon: We take their number at 1,000. d. To perceive or feel; experience: She took a dislike to his intrusions. V. To carry, convey, lead, or cause to go along to another place: Don't forget to take your umbrella. This bus takes you to New York.
HobNob biscuits VS ANZAC Biscuits: HobNobs biscuits are a traditional British type of oat biscuit. They are similar to ANZAC biscuits (which are most common in Australia). HobNobs is also the brand name of a commercial biscuit inspired by the traditional recipe. They are made from rolled oats and jumbo oats, similar to a flapjack/digestive biscuit hybrid. An Anzac biscuit is a sweet biscuit popular in Australia and New Zealand made using rolled oats, flour, desiccated coconut, sugar, butter, golden syrup, baking soda and boiling water. Anzac biscuits have long been associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) established in World War I. It has been claimed the biscuits were sent by wives to soldiers abroad because the ingredients do not spoil 成分不容易变坏, 不容易坏掉, 变馊 easily and the biscuits kept well during naval transportation. Today, Anzac biscuits are manufactured commercially for retail sale. Biscuits issued to soldiers by the Army, referred to as "Anzac tiles" or "Anzac wafers", differ from the popular Anzac biscuit. Anzac tiles and wafers were hard tack, a bread substitute, which had a long shelf life and was very hard.
Billy the kid: McCarty (or Bonney, the name he used at the height of his notoriety) was 5'8" (173 cm) tall with blue eyes, blond hair or dirty blond hair, and a smooth complexion. He was described as being friendly and personable ( personable 人模人样的, 人模狗样的 attractive and behaving in a pleasant way. ) at times, and as lithe as a cat (lithe [laɪð] 举止优雅的, 体态轻盈的 moving and bending in a graceful way. (used especially of the human body) bending easily; flexible. agile, souple. She was as lithe as a cat. He was as lithe and strong as an athlete.). Contemporaries described him as a "neat" dresser 衣着整洁 who favored an "unadorned Mexican sombrero". These qualities, along with his cunning and celebrated skill with firearms, contributed to his paradoxical image自相矛盾的形象 as both a notorious outlaw and a folk hero民间英雄. Billy was relatively unknown during most of his lifetime but was catapulted into legend in 1881 when New Mexico's governor, Lew Wallace, placed a price on his head出价征项上人头. In addition, the Las Vegas Gazette (Las Vegas, New Mexico) and the New York Sun carried stories 刊载 about his exploits. Other newspapers followed suit. Several biographies written about Billy the Kid after his death portrayed him in varying lights(light I. A way of looking at or considering a matter; an aspect: saw the situation in a different light. II. 想法, 选择, 标准. lights One's individual opinions, choices, or standards: acted according to their own lights. III. 指路明灯. A person who inspires or is adored by another: My daughter is the light of my life. IV. A prominent or distinguished person; a luminary: one of the leading lights of the theater. V. 眼冒星光. 两眼放光. An expression of the eyes: a strange light in her eyes. ). The photograph of The Kid, commonly known as the Upham tintype – after its longtime owner Frank Upham – was the subject of intense 研究课题 study by experts in the late 1980s. Their detailed findings were presented at a symposium held in 1989. The experts concluded that the Colt revolver carried by McCarty was probably not his primary weapon主要武器, since his holster(枪套. a leather container for a gun, that is fixed to a belt.) is not the type normally associated with gunslingers( a gunman in the American Wild West in the past ). Rather相反, it is a common holster, with a safety strap across the top to keep the six-shooter六连发 from bouncing out. McCarty's main weapon appears to be the Winchester Carbine held in his hand in the ferrotype. In 2004, researchers sought 寻求 to exhume (exhume [eksˈhju:m] 挖坟, 刨坟, 掘尸 to remove a dead person's body from where it is buried, especially in order to find out how they died. ) the remains of Catherine Antrim, McCarty's mother, "so her DNA could be tested and compared with DNA to be taken from the body buried under the Kid's gravestone墓碑". Ultimately, the case was bogged down in the courts(be/get bogged down to be or become so involved with one particular thing that you cannot make any progress. bog down in/with: Try not to get bogged down in unnecessary detail. The meeting got bogged down with disputes about who was going to do what. bog down to be or become stuck in soft wet ground), "much to the delight of New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who knows all too well 太知道 the value of Billy as a cultural icon and a draw for tourists". Several men have claimed to be McCarty over the years, and at least two became notable because they were successful in persuading a small segment of the public一小撮大众.
Teen takes down 撂倒 violent criminal running from police: A 16-year-old boy has come to the assistance of two female British police officers after a violent criminal forcibly escaped 挣脱 their custody. The shirtless 31-year-old suspect had just forced his way out of a British police patrol car and shoved two female officers aside推到一边, 搡到一边 in a bid to evade arrest, when 16-year-old Kiya Ingham chased him down with a flying tackling飞铲. Footage shows the teen kick boxer drop his bag and launch himself at 飞扑 the older man, grabbing him around the neck and pulling him to the ground. The two officers were then able to detain the man until police support arrived. Kiya has now been awarded a top bravery award for his heroics 英雄事迹, 英勇事迹(heroic [hɪˈrəuɪk] a heroic attempt to stop the enemy's advance. These doctors perform heroic work in difficult conditions. A heroic display by the goalkeeper saved the home side from disaster.), on a busy road in East Sussex on June 10, the MailOnline reports. The suspect had been arrested over a domestic violence incident and has since been convicted to 100 hours of community service after pleading guilty to two counts of assaulting a police officer.