用法学习: 1. They are over each other. I am over that guy厌倦了, 厌烦了. a kick up the arse/backside UK (US a kick in the butt/pants) 踢一脚屁股. offensive If you give someone a kick up the arse, you do or say something to try to stop them being lazy. He does nothing but watch TV all day. His mother should give him a kick up the backside. The threat of losing my job was the kick in the pants I needed. give (someone) the arse/boot/heave-ho/elbow Australian to get rid of, jilt or dismiss someone; variations of give the wellie. jilt 抛弃 to tell someone that you want to end your romantic relationship with them. To cast off capriciously or unfeelingly, as a lover; to deceive in love. The humor of my proposition appealed more strongly to Miss Trevor than I had looked for, and from that time forward she became her old self again; for, even after she had conquered her love for the Celebrity, the mortification of having been jilted by him remained. give it some welly/welli( welli/welly雨靴: a rubber or plastic boot that does not let water in. ) I. (UK) To increase fuel or power to an engine, as to a car by depressing the gas pedal. II. (UK) 使劲. To apply great physical effort to (something). used for telling someone to use more physical effort. Usage notes: It can be replaced by noun phrases. Some can be replaced by a limited number of determiners, such as a little, no, any, much, and some equivalent phrases, such as a bit of. 2. sign off to end a broadcast on television or radio. to end a television or radio broadcast. Both news programs came on the air at 4:36 p.m. and both signed off at 4:59 p.m. What will the network air on Tuesdays now that one of its most popular programs is signing off? They always signed off with 'It's goodnight from me' – 'And it's goodnight from him'. a. to end a letter. She signed off , 'Yours sincerely, Clare Smith'. b. to end a conversation by radio or computer. When I text people, I like to sign off with a kiss. If you sign off with two kisses, it means you are flirtatious with them, if you do with three kisses, it means you want to bed them, you want to root them. c. business 签发. 签字同意. to officially approve of something or to officially agree that something has been completed in a satisfactory way by signing your name. sign something off: You don't do any overtime until someone has signed it off. sign off something: The auditors signed off the accounts. sign off (on something) to officially agree to or support something. Mary has to sign off on any expenses over $2,500. A judge must sign off on a search of anyone's property. If all parties sign off, the settlement would end eight years of court battles. Usage notes: often used when someone agrees to something by putting their signature on an official document. d. British to give someone a medical certificate saying that they are too ill to work. sign someone off: The doctor has signed her off for another month. e. Fig. to quit doing what one has been doing and leave, go to bed, quit trying to do something, etc. I have to sign off and get to bed. See you all. When you finally sign off tonight, please turn out all the lights. 3. Chinese burn The prank of grabbing a victim's forearm in two hands and twisting the skin in opposite directions. So they say. So they tell me他们是这么说的, 他们是这么告诉我的: We can use "so they say" to express the idea that a piece of information may be just a rumor. "They're giving away free tickets. Or so they say." "They're giving away free tickets. At least they say so." "They say they're giving away free tickets." "Some say", etc. And "so you say你是这么说的" expresses doubt or disbelief about what someone says. You're bound to get a nice welcome. ~So you say. I have two sons to him给他生了两个. up in arms (about/over sth) 非常不满 very angry Local businessmen are up in arms over the new parking regulations which will make shopping very inconvenient for customers. They're up in arms about/over the new management structure. Usage notes: often followed by a phrase beginning with over, as in the example, or about: Why aren't we up in arms about children who are not being educated? 4. generic(genetic基因的) I. formal relating to or suitable for a range or class of similar things. generic software: suitable for use with both Macs and PCs. generic term/word/name: 'Hoover' is often used as a generic term for all vacuum cleaners. II. a generic drug or other product does not have a trademark and is sold without a company's name on it. Generically. "If an opportunity were to present itself(if the opportunity presents itself) 有机会的话, 机会来了的话, I would like to assure you that I would immerse myself in any role, giving it my full commitment, energy and enthusiasm. ". Opportunity does not knock, It presents itself when you beat down the door. present I. 颁发. to give something to someone formally or officially. Hannah was the guest of honour and presented the prizes. present someone with something: We are very pleased to have been presented with this prestigious award. present something to someone: Finally the mayor presented the medals to the winners. II. to cause something such as a problem, threat, or opportunity(challenge, difficulty, obstacle, problem, threat). It was argued that the group's activities presented a threat to national security. present someone with something: Despite its free-market reforms, the country still presents foreign investors with a challenge. present a problem/difficulty: The task should present no difficulty for someone of her experience他那么有经验的人. III. to offer something for people to consider or judge. The commission presented its report in October. present something to someone: Barnes subsequently presented the case to a meeting of the Education Committee. IV. 表现出. 露出. to show someone or something in a particular way so that people have a particular opinion about them. The film presents a disturbing image of youth culture. Despite the disagreements, they managed to present a united front. present someone/something as something: Statistics can be used to challenge theories that are presented as facts. present yourself as something: In the run-up to the elections he sought to present himself as a family man. V. British to be the person who introduces a television or radio programme. The show will be presented by Trevor McDonald. VI. to produce or organize something such as a play, film, or exhibition. Next week the Royal National Theatre presents Michael Frayn's Copenhagen. VII. 介绍. 引见. to introduce someone formally to someone else, especially to an important person. Miss Abbott, may I present my nephew George Langley? present someone to someone: They hovered around, hoping to be presented to the Queen. VIII. 出示. to show something such as a passport to someone in an official position so that they can check it. The soldiers stopped them and said they must present their papers. present something to someone: He presented his passport to the guard for inspection. IX. formal to express something such as greetings to someone. He has asked me to present his apologies for his absence. X. to give a cheque to a bank so that it can be put into your account. a. to give someone a bill that they must pay. XI. medical if a patient presents with particular signs of an illness, they have those signs. Children presenting with respiratory infections were given chest x-rays. present arms if soldiers are ordered to present arms, they hold their weapons upright in front of them in order to show respect for someone important who is going past them. opportunity/idea/problem present itself 机会来了 if something such as an opportunity, idea, or problem presents itself, it suddenly happens. I'll tell her when the opportunity presents itself. present yourself formal if you present yourself somewhere, you go there, especially for an official purpose. He presented himself at the reception desk. 5. She is uncomfortable when nothing is in her hands. So she uses a coffee cup as a accessory(An accessory 从犯 is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal主犯. ). prep I. to prepare for something, or to preparesomeone for something. prep for: She's prepping for her exams. prep someone/something for something: They're prepping the patient for surgery now. You know what you've missed out. You missed heaven on the earth人间天堂. jazzed (up) I. alert; having a positive state of mind. I am jazzed up and ready to face life. Those guys were jazzed and ready for the game. II. intoxicated. Dave was a bit jazzed up, but not terribly. Gert was jazzed out of her mind. III. 弄得有情趣一点. enhanced; with something added; made more enticing. To make more interesting; enliven: jazzed up the living area with beaded curtains. The third act was jazzed up with livelier music. IV. forged or altered. Better not try to cash a jazzed check at this bank. V. US and Canadian excited or delighted. To be very excited or enthused about something. 兴奋不已的. I can tell you are jazzed about the fancy cup. I am so jazzed that we are going to the beach. She's all jazzed about buying a new car. I'm really JAZZED about seeing you and going out this weekend. 6. hard–boiled adjective I. of an egg, boiled until all the inside parts have become solid. II. 冷酷无情的. 冰冷的. not feeling or showing emotions such as affection or kindness, emotionally tough. having a tough detective as the main character. not showing any sympathy for other people. Some of Sin City's most hard-boiled citizens cross paths with a few of its more reviled inhabitants. beat the system, system beater 投机取巧 to get what you want by not following the usual rules If you have money and know the right people, you have a much better chance of beating the system. Ellen always has some scheme that she thinks will help her beat the system. That's a bit bordering on stealing. fudge I.[intransitive/transitive] to avoid giving a clear decision or answer. to fudge on an issue. People have accused us of fudging the issue. II. [transitive] 捏造. 编造. to change the details of something, or to leave out information. To fake or falsify: fudge casualty figures. Journalists have always tended to fudge the facts.vi I. 犹豫不决的. 瞻前顾后的. To act in an indecisive manner: always fudged on the important questions. II. a. 过分. 过火. 越界. To go beyond the proper limits of something: fudged on the building code requirements. b. To act dishonestly; cheat. to fudge on an exam; to fudge on one's campaign promises. This is fudging it slightly. 7. Western people don't age well老的快. be up there with sb 平起平坐 informal to be equal to someone else in ability or in a particular skill: As a composer, he was up there with the best. be right up there (with somebody/something) informal to be as good or as important as the very best: He's definitely right up there with all the world-class footballers. You know this brand, it's right up there with the quality. rank right up there: The expression is frequently -- possibly most often -- used sarcastically. George W. Bush as president ranks right up there with Warren G. Harding--well, almost. Tony Blair as prime minister ranks right up there with Stanley Baldwin. Wetabix ranks right up there with sawdust. be right behind somebody全力支持 spoken to completely support someone in their ideas or in what they are trying to achieve: We're all right behind you. I'll be right with you/right there/right back spoken used to ask someone to wait because you are coming or returning very soon: 'Lunch is ready!' 'I'll be right there.' Don't go away; I'll be right back. 7. by one's lights = in one's opinion 我自己的理解, 我自己的想法, 在我看来 (idiomatic) According to one's understanding. according to one's own lights according to the way one believes; according to the way one's conscience or inclinations lead one. as one's opinions, information, or standards may direct. John may have been wrong, but he did what he did according to his own lights. stand in one's own light 自己作死. 自作, 自毁名声(Self-Disparagement) (idiomatic) To take a position which is harmful to one's own interests. To injure one's reputation through brazen conduct; to damage one's prospects for success through improper behavior. This self-evident expression is infrequently heard today. to harm one's reputation by acting unwisely. mendacious [mɛnˈdeɪʃəs] 说瞎话的, 胡说八道的 adjective not telling the truth; lying. "mendacious propaganda". in moderation 不过量的, 适量的, 在一定限制范围内的, 不是无极限的, 不是无条件的, 有一定限制条件的 Within reasonable limits; not to excess: nuts can be eaten in moderation. 8. In its quest to deliver bigger phones to a market clamoring for them, Apple has made one phone that is actually a little too small and one that's a little too big." These phones are a delight to behold and to be held(behold to see something. a joy/marvel/wonder to behold 喜闻乐见的 something that is enjoyable/marvellous/wonderful etc to watch. The team's performance was a joy to behold.). You will hear, for example — and it's true — that Apple did not pioneer many of the iPhone 6's big-ticket features( big-ticket 重量级的, 昂贵的 expensive big-ticket items like stereos and DVD players. A Big ticket item is a retail good that has a high selling price. Some examples are real estate, big utilities (Washing Machines), Cars, and other items. Big Ticket items are usually also durable and provide utility to their buyers for an extended period of time. Big ticket items tend to be interest-rate sensitive. Because they require large amounts of money to purchase, they are often bought using credit. Hence any changes in the discount-rate or other interest rates because of fluctuations in overall money supply affect the market-demand for Big ticket items. ). Being first isn't the point, being the best is. Apple took heat when( take the/some heat 受到批评. 承受批评 Sl. to receive or put up with criticism (for something). The cops have been taking some heat about the Quincy killing. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.) celebrity iCloud accounts got hacked, but its app store has far less spyware and the iPhone's software is less open to hacker manipulation than Android's. "If Apple has faltered不给力 anywhere with design, it might be that protruding iSight camera lens on the back, which sticks out a tiny fraction of an inch thicker than the rest. Stephen Fry's iPhone 6 verdict: the most exquisite精致无比的([ɪkˈskwɪzɪt] I. extremely beautiful and delicate. an exquisite hand-painted vase from China. II. showing excellent judgment. The furnishings show exquisite taste.) mobile ever made. Apple's matchless无以匹敌的 design and innovation team has produced two ravishing devices. 9. take something as it comes 遇山开路遇水搭桥, 不计划 to deal with something as it happens and not plan for it. At my age you take every day as it comes. to make a pact (with sb) 约定, 相约, 约好, 说好了, 一致同意, 约好了 an agreement between two or more people or organizations in which they promise to do something. sign/make a pact to do something: We made a pact never to tell anyone about what had happened. suicide pact 相约自杀 an agreement that two or more people make to kill themselves at the same time. hold someone to something挟持, 挟以自重, 要求遵守承诺 to demand that someone act on a promise or agreement: They're holding him to the exact terms of the contract. Series 3 Episode 05 – The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary: Leonard: Still can't believe she's going out with me. Raj: Nobody can. Howard: That reminds me, I have a bone to pick with you. Leonard: What? Howard: You and I made a pact that if either of us ever got a hot girlfriend, that person would have his girlfriend hook the other guy up with牵线搭桥 one of her girlfriends. Leonard: Yeah, I don't remember that. Sheldon: June 30th, 2004. Opening day of Spider-man 2 at the AMC Pasadena. They only had red icees, no blue. Leonard: Oh, yeah. Howard: So you've been with Penny for like a month and a half now. Where's my shorty, Morty? Leonard: Howard, you can't hold me to that. Howard: Why not? Leonard: Because when I made that agreement, I didn't think I'd ever have a hot girlfriend. And I was positive you never would. Raj: Hey, how come I wasn't part of this deal? Sheldon: You had left the refreshment stand in order to indulge in your customary preemptive pre-show urination. Raj: Oh, so that's how it works? I have a teeny bladder and now I don't get a hot girlfriend? Howard: Yeah, Raj, that's how it works. Raj: Damn. Series 4 Episode 06 – The Irish Pub Formulation: Raj: Alright, this goes without saying, but I'm just going to say it anyway. Hands off my sister. Sheldon: Why would I touch her, she's covered with airplane germs病菌. Raj: I'm so not talking to you. I'm talking to him. Howard: Hey, I've got a girlfriend now. Raj: Oh please. My sister's much hotter than your girlfriend and you know it. Howard: Let's just agree they're both hot. Raj: Dude, that's my sister you're talking about. Howard: Okay, forget who's hotter. The first time Priya came to LA, Leonard and I made a pact out of respect to our friendship, and to you, that neither of us would hit on her. Raj: Did you pinky swear(To pinky swear勾手指, 赌咒发誓, or make a pinky promise, is the entwining of the little fingers ("pinkies") of two people to signify that a promise has been made. It is often seen in anime, where it is called a yubikiri (指切り, "finger cut-off"). The tradition also exists in China, primarily among children, where it is known as 勾小指.)? Howard: Yes. Raj: Okay then. Sheldon: Cobbler. I'm still laughing.
property settlement: Once a property has been sold, there is a period of time between the contract being signed and the handover of keys交钥匙, in which a number of important steps must be completed. What Does the Term 'Property Settlement' Mean? Property settlement is the final stage of a property sale when the buyer completes the payment of the contract price to the vendor and takes legal possession of the property. 'Settlement Period' is the amount of time between the exchange of contracts and the property settlement. How Long Does Settlement Take? From the day the contract is signed, the settlement period begins. As the length of the period is one of the clauses in the contract, the vendor has the ability to negotiate a settlement period with the buyer. Many vendors have no special preference for when settlement occurs. If the buyer is also flexible, then chances are that they will agree on 30, 60 or 90 days. A 60 day settlement is most common (except in NSW which is usually 42 days). That normally gives the vendor and the buyer enough time to organise the financing, paperwork, moving, cleaning and the other details that need to be resolved before settlement. What Happens on the Day of Property Settlement? Exactly what occurs varies from state to state, but generally, it's handled by a solicitor or conveyancer and: If applicable, the finance lender will authorise payment of the buyer's loan money, and payment will be made to the vendor. The buyer (or their solicitor) will authorise the vendor to collect the deposit money from their agent, where it has been held in trust. The vendor and the buyer will reconcile 达成协议 any adjustments(reconcile [ˈrekənsaɪl] I. 协调. 达成一致. [transitive] to find a way to make ideas, beliefs, needs etc that are opposed to each other capable of existing together. There seems to be no possibility of reconciling the two versions of what happened. Management and labour are attempting to reconcile their differences. reconcile something with something: Research is being undertaken in how to reconcile conservation needs with growing demand for water. II. [intransitive/transitive] 说合, 劝和. 说和 if you reconcile two people or groups, or if they reconcile, they become friendly again after a disagreement. The couple has been making every effort to reconcile. Foreign mediators have failed to reconcile the warring factions. reconcile someone with someone: It was his father's wish that he become reconciled with his family. III. [transitive] to make someone accept a situation even though they do not like it. reconcile someone to something: She couldn't reconcile herself to the idea of just giving up.) that were pre-paid or accrued during the settlement period (such as rates). The buyer will receive the title of the property and the vendor's solicitor or bank will organise for the Registrar General to register the transfer and home loan (if applicable). The mortgage will be noted on the title until the term of the home loan is completed. Both parties will advise the agent, in writing, that settlement has occurred and that the agent can release the keys to the buyer. What can go Wrong During Property Settlement? During the settlement period, communication is key. It's very important to talk to your agent, solicitor, financial provider and conveyancer about your expectations regarding your settlement period. The two major things that might occur are: Missing the settlement date: Missing settlement can be very serious. For example a buyer who is unable to settle can be forced to pay interest on the amount they owe for the property. Usually, they have to pay 10% a year – calculated daily. This is negotiable, as the payment date can be extended宽限 or interest payments waived宽免, 免去 if you, as the vendor, agree. Changing the settlement period: Once the settlement date is set and the contract is signed, options narrow sharply. The vendor may still be able to change the settlement date, but only if the buyer agrees. If for any reason this becomes necessary, it is important to give as much notice 提早通知 to everyone involved as possible. Remember, the buyer doesn't have to agree to the vendor's new terms. It's best to agree to an appropriate settlement period right from the start. As Settlement Day Approaches… The agent will usually arrange a pre-settlement inspection to allow the buyer to see the property before finalising the payment. This is when issues that could delay the settlement may arise., so, as a vendor it is important to make sure the house is looking as it did (or better) than when the buyer last saw it. A Common Mistake… It is not unusual for settlements to be delayed by hours or even a day after the nominated time商定的时间, 指定的时间 as everything is organised with solicitors, real estate agents and banks. If you are the seller and are moving to another home that settles on the same day, think about finding accommodation elsewhere that night just in case. If you are the buyer, avoid organising your furniture delivery for the same day, and think about giving yourself a few days leeway before you move in.
悉尼反恐行动: Eyewitness Chris from Chester Hill, tells Triple M he "saw 30 or 40 coppers" in the street when he looked out the window at 5am. "I went out to be a stickybeak(stickybeak [ˈstɪkiˌbi:k] 看热闹的人 someone who is too interested in other people's private activities.), as you do, and I was told quite promptly: 'Go, go back inside, do not come out'," he said. "They had blocked off the road, it was only six doors down. It was pretty surreal." The arrests in Sydney follow months of surveillance of people linked to the terrorist group Islamic State, which has been cutting a barbaric path 残暴, 野蛮 through Iraq and Syria. Nine Network reporter Simon Bouda cites sources in Canberra revealing a terrorist cell ( a cell of terrorists (usually 3 to 5 members); "to insure operational security the members of adjacent terrorist cells usually don't know each other or the identity of their leadership". ) was close to launching an attack on Australian soil that could have included a beheading or mass shooting. The plan involved abducting a random person off a Sydney street, draping them in an Islamic State flag and beheading them on camera. The gruesome film would have been uploaded to social media. Prime Minister Tony Abbott reveals it's believed an Australian senior ISIL member overseas was ordering networks back in Australia to conduct "demonstration killing"杀鸡儆猴. Witnesses say police descended on 空降 Guildford using a loud hailer( A bullhorn. 大喇叭) to call for one man to come out of a house on Bursill Street, as a helicopter hovering overhead在头顶盘旋 flooded the premises with a search light. The young Sydney man accused of plotting to behead an innocent member of the public was not so long ago more obsessed with soccer than radical Islam. He has been charged with conspiring 图谋, 阴谋策划 to plan or prepare a terrorist act with others. However, Azari's cousin Rami Azari does not believe the accusations made against him. Rami Azari said Omarjan had grown increasingly concerned about his calls being intercepted in the lead-up to his arrest, saying when they would talk they would leave their phones inside their cars so their conversations could not be listened to. Mr Azari added that his cousin was "always interested in justice and fighting against injustice". He said Azari was a talented footballer and was offered a place in a representative side( In sports a national representative side or team is one that plays under the national name. The phrase is often used to indicate that the team is not the official main national team. Such unofficial or subsidiary teams are usually legitimate but rarely exist for longer than a single game or competition.) in Sydney but declined to take up the offer. "'There was another Greek kid who wasn't as good没那么好 but Omarjan knew he wanted it desperately and so Omarjan gave up his place," Mr Azari said. The accused terrorist's uncle, Dr Ehsan Azari who is a lecturer in Afghani studies at the University of Western Sydney, said his nephew was "very pious( pious [ˈpaɪəs] I. strict in your religious beliefs and practices. II. showing disapproval done or said with the intention of seeming religious and moral. )". "If he is truly involved in this it is someone else who has convinced him, turned his mind 改变心意, 变了性, 改变了心性( turn something over in one's mind 思来想去, 反复思考 Fig. to think about something. Think about something thoroughly: I have to turn your suggestion over in my mind a bit before I decide what to do. After Alice had turned the matter over in her mind, she gave us her verdict. Please take some time to turn over this matter in your mind. )," he said. NSW Premier Mike Baird has delivered a fierce warning to would-be terrorists: "We will hunt you down." "If you have any intent to bring overseas conflicts here, if you have any intent to threaten the security of this community, we will hunt you down," the premier said following the pre-dawn counter-terrorism raids in Sydney and Brisbane. "Those that think they may be operating in dark corners 背地里, 私下里, 暗地里进行的, we are shining the light 照亮 upon you. "You may well be listened to as we speak." Police claim they were foiling alleged plan to kidnap someone in Martin Place at random, behead them and drape their body with Islamic State flag. Mr Baird said there would be a heavy police presence 加强警力 across Sydney's iconic sites and transport hubs under Operation Hammerhead. Their presence will be felt感觉的到 this weekend during the Sydney Running Festival and at NRL and AFL finals. He urged people to go about their normal lives照常生活, 生活如常 and not be scared off 吓跑了 attending major events. "It's certainly not a time to panic," he said. "It is a time for calm. Be alert but be assured警惕也请放心." Prosecutor Michael Allnutt told Central Local Court that Azari, 22, hatched 谋划 plans designed to "shock" and "horrify" the community, and that they involved the "random selection of persons to rather gruesomely execute". Azari did not apply for bail and it was formally refused before he was whisked from the court in a two-car convoy(convoy [ˈkonvɔɪ] 车队 a group of vehicles or ships travelling together, often with other vehicles or ships providing protection for them. an aid convoy bringing food to Sarajevo. ). He was seen leaving court in an orange jumpsuit with his head down between his legs in an unmarked没有任何标记的 4WD. A corrections officer was in the front passenger seat holding a pump-action shotgun(A pump-action rifle or shotgun is one in which the handgrip can be pumped back and forth in order to eject a spent发射过的 round of ammunition and to chamber a fresh one. It is much faster than a bolt-action and somewhat faster than a lever-action, as it does not require the trigger hand to be removed from the trigger whilst reloading. When used in rifles, this action is also commonly called a slide action. The term pump-action can also be applied to various airsoft guns and air guns, which use a similar mechanism to both load a pellet and compress a spring piston for power, or pneumatic guns where a pump is used to compress the air used for power. ). An arrest warrant was issued last week for Baryalei for alleged terrorist activities. "As [Andrew] Scipione said, you would have to be extraordinarily unlucky to be that person, but the whole idea of terrorising people is to make people think they could be a victim," 7News reporter Robert Ovadia said. "This is going to be the modus operandi ( modus operandi [ˌməudəs ˌopəˈrændi:] 思路, 做事方式, 思考方式, 风格 a way of behaving or doing something that is typical of a person or group. ) of these groups around the world from now on." AFP swooped in pre-dawn raids to disrupt plans to commit a violent attack on Australian soil. They swooped on properties across the city on Thursday morning. They executed 25 search warrants in Sydney, arresting 15 people, one of which has been charged with serious terror offences. The NSW Police Commissioner said the charge relates to an alleged plan to commit a random act of violence against a member of public on the streets. Andrew Scipione called for calm saying "those plans have been thwarted挫败". "We don't need to whip this up(I. 加剧 to encourage strong emotions or behaviour in people. Newspaper articles have whipped up fears of the new tax policies. II. informal to prepare something to eat very quickly. If you're hungry, I can whip us up some lunch. III. whip up a storm informal to cause a strong reaction in other people.)," Scipione said. "We actually need to let people know that they are safe and certainly from our perspective, we know that the work this morning will ensure that all of those plans that may have been on foot have been thwarted". The Seven Network's foreign editor Keith Suter foreign affairs editor warned viewers not to get too "overstimulated". "Kill one and scare a million杀一儆百," Suter said of the terrorist objective.