用法学习: 1. Mr Cantlie, like those executed 执行死刑 in previous clips, reads what appears to be a scripted statement, denouncing Western government policy and media outlets. The video features the same high production values that defined earlier ISIL propaganda clips, with title graphics, Arabic subtitles and multiple cameras apparent( I. easy to see or understand. apparent to: It should be apparent to anyone that the letter was written by a child. apparent from显而易见的, 明摆着的: The children's poor health was apparent from their physical appearance. it becomes apparent that 很快就弄清楚了: It soon became apparent that the two women knew each other. for no apparent reason 没有明确原因, 原因不明, 毫无道理的, 毫无缘由的: Emma suddenly blushed for no apparent reason. all too apparent 明摆着的, 太明显了, 再明显不过了 (=very obvious in a way that is unpleasant or worrying): The potential for loss of life was all too apparent. II. an apparent quality, feeling, or situation seems to exist although it may not be real. His apparent lack of interest in her work always annoyed her. Williams won the tournament with apparent ease. apparent paradox/contradiction/discrepancy: the apparent paradox of people migrating during periods of low unemployment. ). 2. Police were called to the Apple store in the northern Sydney suburb of Chatswood this morning when an altercation broke out over a place in the line to buy the new iPhone 6. A fan desperate to get his hands on the latest iPhone received a crushing blow when police told him to go to the back of the queue after he waited in line all night. Fans clashed with police outside Apple's Chatswood store in Sydney's north with video of an irate ( [aɪˈreɪt] very angry an irate customer. ) man screaming at police officers airing on Today this morning. Officers appear intent on笃定的 removing the agitated fanboy as he complains about queue jumpers. "It's unfair! I'm waiting here for whole night," the man yells as an officer tries to move him on. "I'll give you one warning给你一个警告. If you start playing up you'll breach the peace and I can lock you up, so keep going," the officer says as he orders the man to the back of the line队尾. The Apple fan complies but is clearly upset by the officer's orders. Many fans lined up outside Apple stores overnight, happily enduring the chilly temperatures to be among the first in Australia to get their hands on the iPhone 6. 3. divergence 分歧, 发散 a difference in the way that two or more things develop from the same thing. II. The degree to which two or more things diverge. an angle is made by the divergence of straight lines. divergence of: a wide divergence of opinion on this issue. divergent things that are divergent are different from each other. Differing from another: two people who have divergent views. a divergent opinion分歧意见. convergence 汇聚, 会聚 I. The act of moving toward union or uniformity. The convergence or divergence of the rays falling on the pupil. — Berkeley. II. 交汇点. A meeting place. We built a homestead at the convergence of two rivers. molt/moult 蜕皮, 脱皮 [məult] v. if an animal or bird moults, it loses its outer layer of skin, fur, feathers etc so that a new layer can replace it. To shed hair, feathers, skin, horns etc. and replace it by a fresh layer. Some birds change colour during their winter molt. not hurt/harm a fly 扫地不伤蝼蚁命, 爱惜飞蛾纱罩灯, 心善, 善良 not injure or upset anyone or anything. if you say that someone wouldn't hurt a fly, you mean that they are a gentle person and that they would not do anything to injure or upset anyone. Damian just isn't the violent type. He wouldn't hurt a fly. She said the arrest was a mistake, that her husband wouldn't hurt a fly. Usage notes: also used in the forms can't hurt a fly, couldn't hurt a fly, and would never hurt a fly: He was so gentle he would never hurt a fly. 4. Movie: 27 dresses: After serving as a bridesmaid 27 times, a young woman wrestles with the idea ( wreste with something I. to struggle with something large to move it about. He wrestled with the piano and finally got it to move. The two men were wrestling with the heavy trunk for nearly ten minutes, trying to get it up the stairs. II. to grapple or struggle with some large animal. The man wrestled with the tiger for a while but was seriously mauled in a short time. Sam liked to wrestle with the family dog. III. to work hard to do something difficult. to struggle with a difficult problem; to struggle with a moral decision 天人交战, 应对, 对付. He has had to wrestle with accusations of corruption. We wrestled with the problem and finally decided to go ahead. Let me wrestle with this matter for a while longer. The new governor will be wrestling with the state's disastrous financial condition. These are the big issues that society will have to wrestle with. More than 200 firefighters wrestled with the blaze for more than two hours. Etymology: based on the literal meaning of wrestle (to fight someone by trying to hold them to the ground). ) of standing by her sister's side站在旁边 as her sibling marries the man she's secretly in love with. to wrestle with a pig 自取其辱, 没有胜局, 必输的斗争, 没有胜场的, 沾一身腥 (idiomatic) To engage in a struggle with an opponent that benefits from the struggle even without winning it. "While I was at the Dartmouth Review, we used to tell the deans that taking on our campus paper was like wrestling with a pig. Not only did it get everyone dirty, but the pig liked it!". "Whenever a boisterous and argumentative person cries to draw you into a public discussion or a wrangle, just remember this bit of advice. "Don't wrestle with a pig. You'll get dirty which is exactly what the pig likes.". wrestle someone to the ground/floor 摁到在地 to push someone down onto the ground and to hold them so that they cannot move. The police wrestled the thief to the ground and arrested him. wrestle I. to fight by holding and pushing someone but without hitting with your fists, especially as a sport. II. to take, pull, or hold something with difficulty. I wrestled the map from his hands. wrestle with: His fingers wrestled with the knot for some time. 5. menace [ˈmenəs] n. I. [countable] someone or something that is dangerous and likely to cause harm. the growing menace of global pollution. menace to: The escaped prisoners are considered a menace to society. II. [countable] someone or something that annoys or threatens you. The traffic menace grew, and the town began to suffer. III. [uncountable] a threatening quality or feeling. an air of menace in his voice. with menaces legal British if someone tries to get money with menaces, they threaten to harm someone unless they get the money that they want. v. to threaten someone or something. farmland menaced by frequent floods. menacing 威慑的, 震慑的, 威胁的, 恐吓的, 吓人的 intended to threaten or frighten someone. a menacing look/tone. not to be 不会发生, 不会是那样的: something is "not to be", it is something like "it isn't destined to happen. 6. vibe = vibration 气场, 散发出来的那种感觉, 自然流露的人格: a general feeling that you get from a person or place. (slang) An instinctively sensed emotional aura or atmosphere; vibes. I didn't get many good vibes from the club.Vibe is like the energy you give off散发(exuded (iɡ'zju:d) 散发着, 发散着 (he exuded confidence. a face that exuded self-satisfaction. exude a collegiate [kəˈli:dʒiət]大学生似的 air. collegiate I. mainly American relating to colleges, or intended for students at college. collegiate sports. II. 学院似的. consisting of several colleges or parts. the collegiate system at some universities. III. very formal sharing ideas and responsibilities with the people you work with, in a friendly way.). So you probably have a good personality. Your inner personality. A "Vibe" is a first impression usually based upon your inner personality. If you are a generally happy person, you would give off a good vibe. I would consider that a very nice compliment. Vibe is like a feeling they're giving you(what's your vibe是问对方的感觉). Like if you have a good vibe for something, you have a good feeling about it. If someones telling you an idea they have and you say "yeah I'm feeling your vibe" you feel like its a good idea. A "vibe" is the general meaning of a thing, statement, etc. So to "feel one's vibe" means that you understand what you they mean. 'My subconscious mind feels at ease with you, you are congruent (congruent [ˈkoŋɡruənt] I. very formal similar to or suitable for something. II. maths 全等的. congruent shapes are exactly the same size and shape. ) and making perfect sense to me. I fully undestand what you are saying. "Vibe" is short for "vibration". The idea is that a person sends out waves like a radio antenna, and we can sense them. 7. total 报废, 报销 (transitive, US, slang) to demolish; to wreck completely. To wreck completely; demolish. (from total loss). Honey, I'm OK, but I’ve totaled the car. survived the crash but totaled the car. detail I. (transitive) to explain in detail. I'll detail the exact procedure to you later. II. (transitive) (US) 彻底清洗. to clean carefully (particularly a car). We need to have the minivan detailed. homely I. British 温馨的, 有家的感觉的. simple and pleasant in a way that makes you feel comfortable and at home. The kitchen had a homely atmosphere. II. American ugly a homely child. competitive I. 竞技的. 竞争的. a competitive activity is one in which companies or teams are competing against each other. He gave up playing competitive football at the age of 24. a competitive edge/advantage竞争优势: The weakness of the pound should give manufacturers a competitive edge. highly/fiercely competitive 高度竞争性的: Many firms are struggling to survive in a highly competitive marketplace. II. 有竞争力的. competitive prices are cheaper than many others. We offer a wide range of goods at very competitive prices. a. offering goods or services at cheaper prices than other companies. Many airlines now offer substantial discounts in an effort to remain competitive. III. 有野心的, 爱竞争的, 争强好胜的. always trying to be more successful than other people. highly/fiercely competitive: She has a reputation for being a fiercely competitive player. have an eye for someone or something I. 有眼力. 眼尖. to be good at noticing a particular type of thing: He had an eye for the unusual and the exotic which made him a very good shopping companion. She has an eye for detail. II. Fig. 有眼光. 有品位, 有鉴赏力. to have a taste or an inclination for someone or something. Bob has an eye for beauty. He has an eye for color. have your eye on somebody 注意观察, 留意 to watch someone carefully I've had my eye on her for some time, and I believe she is the best person for the job. have your eye on something 觊觎 to admire and want to have something The museum had its eye on the painting for many years, hoping its owner would sell it some day. to have seen something that you want and that you intend to get I've got my eye on a really nice sofa - I just hope we can afford it. 8. brown eye noun the anus. 8. save/keep money for a rainy day; put something aside for a rainy day; hold something back for a rainy day; to save money for a time when it might be needed unexpectedly: Luckily she had saved some money for a rainy day. We keep this money for a rainy day. go/do one better [than] 略胜一筹, 更好点 to do something better than it has been done before The company has decided to go one better than its rivals by offering free drinks with every burger. He set the world record last year. This year he would like to go one better by beating his own record. When her friend picked up a pair of those new spike-heeled boots, Shirley went one better and ordered a custom-made pair. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form go someone or something one better: Her opponent made a strong statement against her, but she went him one better by proving him wrong. on the regular/reg adv regularly; frequently. I hit up that spot on the regular. 9. A push present (also known as a push gift, baby mama gift or baby bauble) is a present a father gives to the mother to mark the occasion of her giving birth to their child. In practice the present may be given before or after the birth, or even in the delivery room. The giving of push presents has supposedly grown in the United States in recent years. A push gift is any type of present loved ones give to a woman who has recently given birth to a child. The name push gift although indicative of a vaginal delivery does not exclude those women who have given birth through a C-section. disorganized [dɪsˈɔː(r)ɡənaɪzd] I. not arranged according to a clear plan or system. II. 脏乱差的. 不整洁的. someone who is disorganized does not deal with things in a clear or sensible way. unorganized I. without any particular plan, structure, or order. The Industrial Revolution happened in a rather unorganized way. II. unorganized 无组织的 workers do not belong to a trade union. respite care 换班, 缓口气 n. the temporary care of someone who is ill, old, or has a physical or mental problem, either at home or in a special hospital, in order to allow the person who usually looks after them to have a rest. occasional usually planned residential care for dependent old or handicapped people, to provide relief for their permanent carers. respite [ˈrespɪt] [ˈrespaɪt] I. a short period of rest from having to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation. respite from: The road works have given residents a much-needed respite from the constant traffic. no/little respite: There has been no respite in the terrible weather. without respite 没有停歇的: The pain in his leg continued without respite. smart aleck/alec/alex 自以为聪明的 I. One who is given to obnoxious or insolent humor; a wise guy. smart-aleck remarks. II. One who is pretentious about their own cleverness or knowledge; a know-it-all. III. One who is obnoxiously self-assured; a show off. a fortyish smart-alec TV reporter. I can do without your smart-arse comments, thank you. Don't be such a smart alec. All right then, if you're such a smart arse, have you got any better ideas? A smart aleck, also called smart alec or smartass, is someone whose sarcastic, wisecracking, or humorous manner is delivered in an offensive, obnoxious, or cocky way. Other terms include know-it-all, smarty pants, wisenheimer, and wise guy. It can also be used in an offensive way, for example "What are you, a smart aleck?". 10. has-been 过气的 (pejorative) A person, especially one formerly popular or influential, who continues in their field after their popularity or effectiveness has peaked and is now in decline. One that is no longer famous, popular, successful, or useful. Usage notes: Typically said of professionals or celebrities whose prime is behind them. never-was 从来没有红过 One who never achieved success or popularity.
新闻: 1. 第一批IPhone 6卖出: Hundreds of Apple fans camped out to 搭帐篷 buy the iPhone 6 overnight with the first person in Perth to snag one dropping it on camera(catch something on something 挂住, 勾住( snag) to snag something on something. I caught the pocket of my trousers on the drawer pull and almost ripped it off扯破, 扯烂, 扯下来. He caught the sleeve of his uniform on a branch. In what has become a pop culture rite, Apple fans worldwide stood in line for hours, and days, to be among the first to snag the new phones Friday. snag n. I. a problem or disadvantage that you have not planned for. I'm afraid there's one snag – I forgot to bring my money. II. a small damaged area in a piece of clothing, caused by something rough or sharp. a. something rough or sharp that can cause damage. III. a sausage in Australian English. v. I. 挂住. 勾住. To tear, break, hinder, or destroy by or as if by a snag. To be damaged by a snag: His sweater snagged on a tree branch. snagged a stocking长袜 on a splinter碎皮, 裂片. II. Informal To catch unexpectedly and quickly: snagged a bargain. III. To free of snags: snagged the river. IV. To catch (a fish), especially by hooking in a place other than its mouth. wiki: In textiles, a snag is created when a sharp or rough object pulls, plucks, scratches, or drags a group of fibres, yarn, or a yarn segment
from its normal pattern. Snags can be classified into three types:
Snags that have a protrusion and no distortion, Snags that have
distortion and no protrusion, Snags that have both protrusion and
distortion. Objects that often cause snags are rough fingernails or
toenails, or hangnails. When a snag occurs in certain fine textiles like pantyhose, it is called a run 线头, 脱线. This is because the snag breaks at least one fibre, causing the knit to come undone in a line which runs up the grain of the fabric.). It's always best to stay calm when you're handling something fragile - as the first Perth man to buy an iPhone 6 found out this morning. A little flustered ( unfazed [ʌnˈfeɪzd] 不为所动的, 不受影响的, 稳如泰山的, 岿然不动的. not disconcerted or perturbed. not worried or upset by something bad that happens. He seems unfazed by recent events. "the protestors were unfazed by the prospect of arrest". flustered [ˈflʌstə(r)d] 紧张的 feeling confused, embarrassed, or nervous, especially because you have too much to do or too little time to do something. She arrived at the interview late, flustered, and hot. ), the first person who got a IPhone in perth spoke to Channel 9's TODAY Perth outside the store, pulling the box open in his eagerness to show off his new gadget. However, his excitement was too much and the phone spilled out of the case, landing with an audible smack on the ground. "I can't resist it无法拒绝," said David Hearne, "It's amazing. It's gonna be sexy." On Sunday, an Apple store at Atlanta's Lenox Square mall had a line 300 deep, with dwindling ( dwindle 日渐减少, 越来越少 to become gradually less or smaller over a period of time until almost nothing remains. Resources are dwindling. dwindle to: Water supplies have dwindled to their lowest level in ten years. dwindle away: Her hopes for success dwindled away to nothing. ) supplies at the store. A spot check ( an occasion when you check a particular person or thing in a group without a particular reason for choosing them in order to make sure that there are no problems with the group. ) of Apple's website showed limited availability for in-store pickup at many U.S. Apple stores. A big part of the appeal is that Apple finally up-sized the iPhone. Overall, the Android operating system dominates in market share. Analyst Tim Bajarin at Creative Strategies is projecting 预测, 预估 opening weekend sales of 6.7 million. He said the tally would have been even higher had the new iPhones launched in China this week as well. With some pre-orders requiring a wait as long as November for delivery, droves turned out over the weekend to try to snag a new phone sooner. "Consumers are clearly responding to pent-up demand for a bigger screen," he said. "Despite Samsung's insistence that the next big thing was already here in its Galaxy Note, many iPhone users would rather wait than switch." Apple has a lot riding on the roll-out(have a lot of riding on to have a great deal of personal interest in the outcome of a person or event. ride on something to depend on something for success. I feel as though my whole future is riding on this interview. ride on someone's shoulders/back if a small child rides on your shoulders or back, they sit there as you move along.). At a splashy event earlier this month, the company unveiled the new phones along with the hotly anticipated 热切期盼的 Apple Watch (launching early next year) and Apple Pay, a mobile payment system. 2. The Jonas Brothers famously wore purity rings贞洁环, 纯情环 as a sign of chastity( chastity[ˈtʃæstəti] a way of life that does not include any sexual activity, especially for religious reasons. The young monks took vows of chastity and obedience. chastity belt贞操带. ) when they first rose to stardom. About four years ago, rumors began to swirl that Nick Jonas and Joe Jonas had reneged their pledges. During a HuffPost Live interview Tuesday, Nick confirmed that he's no longer wearing the finger bling. "This is a real growth in me and not something I'm doing anymore," the 22-year-old "Jealous" singer explained. Nick continued, "But I've got my set of values一套价值观, things that are important to me now at this point in my life and that's all that matters. I've had an incredibly intense journey with faith and religion and my own growth. My belief in God is still very strong and important to me as a person and I think that's all that should matter. I grew up in a church environment and still have love for the church." "What's important now is my relationship with God, and that I not judge and that I not be judged." 3. 女星患癌: "Tessa will be undergoing chemotherapy over the next few months," the pair said in a statement. A Seven Network spokeswoman said of James: "She has always been health conscious 注重健康的, 注意健康的 and is full of spirit. She will tackle the next six months with great determination极大的决心 and we wish her all the best for a speedy recovery尽快恢复 and send all our love". Singer Delta Goodrem was also diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, nine years ago when she was just 18, but made a recovery after some gruelling medical treatment in which she lost all her hair. 4. 昆州假驾照: Fake Queensland drivers' licences are reportedly at the centre of a major fraud investigation with reports they may have helped would-be terrorists create new identities for themselves. A CCC spokesman confirmed an investigation was underway正在进行 and ongoing仍在进行 but was unable to comment on what the fraudulent licences were used for, or if they had been recovered. "A fake drivers' licence gives you a false identity so you can hide your trail," he said. "The Queensland licensing system is very, very strong (security wise) but if you've got someone on the inside内部有人 issuing licences to people who have bad agendas不良动机, 不良意图, that's of grave concern." Queensland drivers' licences were upgraded in late 2010 to increase their security and prevent fraud and are now embedded with a computer chip. 5. eBay撤销拍卖: A copy of the receipt emerged on eBay last week after someone claiming to be the friend of a disgruntled restaurant employee listed it on eBay放到eBay上, 放到网站上拍卖. Philadelphia Eagles player Lesean McCoy, who earns more than $9 million a year, reportedly left a 0.03 percent tip on a US$61.56 bill at a local PYT restaurant earlier this month. The receipt had sparked an online bidding war, with bids of more than $100,000 as of last Wednesday, with three days remaining. The auction opened起拍, 开始拍卖 on September 13 with a starting bid of 20 cents but has since risen to US$99,900 with just over three days remaining. However before the official end of the auction period, eBay pulled the listing撤下, 撤销拍卖, according to the seller of the receipt, Fauxrean, also known as AZN Jake. "So @eBay pulled my receipt listing," he posted on Twitter. "Apparently they thought it was fake … even though it's sittin (sic) on my fridge. #wtf #jerks". The link to the original auction listing no longer exists and instead points 指向 interested buyers to items found similar to "Football NFL Philadelphia Eagles LeSean Shady McCoy's 20 cent tip receipt". Fauxrean, a DJ and graphic designer from Philadelphia, claims he took possession of 拥有 the receipt after his friend wanted to see if he could gain the largest tip possible for all PYT employees. "With your help we'll be able to leave the largest tip possible to all PYT employees for their hard work 努力工作 and dedication热诚," he said in the original auction description. "The only thing we would like to ask on your end(Now you work on your end做你该做的, 做你可以做的, I'll try to fix this.) is for the winner to write a personalized note or card to the PYT staff, which we give to the staff along with the winning bid/tip. "We want to give credit where credit is due荣誉给予荣誉该去的地方."
哈利王子的善行: Little girl 'chuffed to bits' after being hoisted onto Prince Harry's
shoulders at the Invictus Games closing ceremony. 'I was completely over
the moon': Unable to see the stage and blocked in by other fans(block (someone or something) in some place and block (someone or something) in 挡住去路, 挡住出路 to place an obstacle that prevents someone or something from getting out of something. I can't get out of my parking space. Someone blocked me in my space. Don't block in any of the other cars in the garage.),
five-year-old Isabelle Nixon was less than impressed with the Invictus
Games closing ceremony - until, that is, Prince Harry came to the
rescue. After spotting the little girl, the prince, 30, hoisted
her on to his shoulders and then stayed to dance with her as the Foo
Fighters took to the stage. Isabelle, whose father Adam, 31, from
Hereford, captained Team GB's wheelchair basketball team to victory on
Sunday, didn't realise who her hero was until her delighted mother Taryn
exclaimed惊呼: 'You're dancing with Prince Harry!' Isabelle said: 'I was
completely over the moon. I was chuffed to bits.' Hereford Nixion's left leg had to be
amputated while his right was badly damaged, leaving him confined to a
wheelchair. 'Prince Harry had spoken to us at the ceremony, just to say
how proud he was of us guys,' explained Mr Nixon. 'We were underdogs 不被看好着 in
the final but we beat the US at their own game( beat sb at their own game to use to your own advantage the methods by which someone else has tried to defeat you.).' But when Harry, who had
earlier told Mr Nixon that he just wanted to 'chill out' and watch the
show, spotted the tearful Isabelle, he swung into action. 'He recognised her from earlier in the day and saw she was getting upset because she couldn't see the band,' adds Mr Nixon. 'He
approached us and smiled at me and just literally picked her up and
just started to dance so she could see the stage. The entire Nixon
family had turned out to support 全家出动 Mr Nixon and Team GB as they went for
gold. 'There was no calculation to it并没有算计好, 没有设计好, 实现没有打算的. He just recognised her from
earlier and lifted her up on his shoulders so she could see. It was a
bit of a whirlwind(something
that happens very quickly and unexpectedly, so that the people involved
have little control of what happens and how they feel. a whirlwind tour/romance. a whirlwind of emotions). It was very surreal.' Thrilled at being
picked up and given a proper view of the stage, Isabelle at first had no
idea who her rescuer was, only realising when her mother Taryn, 30,
revealed her rescuer's identity. 'When she realised who it was,
she was lost for words,' added her proud father. 'She just danced along
to the Foo Fighters with him and hasn't stopped smiling since笑个不停.' Harry,
who is now planning next year's event as well as working on other
projects such as the Rugby World Cup, certainly made an impression. 'Isabelle
now says she's a princess and tells all her friends she danced with
"Uncle Harry",' said her mother Taryn. 'He was the perfect gentleman and
made everyone's day让人高兴了一整天, especially Isabelle's.' 'Harry just seems
like one of the lads,' concluded Mr Nixon. 'He is a real credit to
himself( take all of the credit to oneself )(credit to someone or something 荣耀, 光荣 of value or benefit to someone or something; of enough value or worth as to enhance someone or something. I always want to be a credit to my school. John is not what you would call a credit to his family. be a credit to someone or do someone credit if you are a credit to someone connected with you, or if you do them credit, they should be proud of you. Our fans are a credit to the club. Her children do her credit. credit something to someone or something I. Lit. to record a sum owed to the account of someone or something. I will credit this payment to your account. I am afraid that I accidentally credited your payment to George.
II. 归功于. Fig. to give someone or something well-deserved praise. to say
that someone has achieved something because of a particular thing. The team credited their victory to hard work. The entire organization credited much praise to Jeff. We had to credit much of our success to simple good luck. ). It is a lifelong memory [for Isabelle]. She will always
remember it.' In a statement, Kensington Palace said: 'Prince
Harry was keen to enjoy the closing concert and celebrate the Games with
the competitors. 'The little girl's father was the captain of
the wheelchair basketball team, who Prince Harry met on several
occasions throughout the course of the Games.'