用法学习: 1. refreshing 清新的, 清口的, 让人眼前一亮的, 清爽的 That cold dish 凉菜 is very refreshing. "与其....不如"的说法: Instead of being disappointed at where you are, think optimistically about where you are going. 与其失望, 不如前进. Don't get angry, get even. 与其生闷气, 不如出口气. It was a jest rather than a reproach. 这与其说是责备, 还不如说是句玩笑呢. This house is more like a school than a church与其说是, 不如说是. He is not so much intelligent as uneducated. reverse jinx 扭转不吉利, 逆转不吉利 A prediction which is the opposite of the outcome desired by the person making it. Usage notes: The phrase is mainly used in a sporting context, but may be used in other disciplines e.g. forecasting investment performance.
执行力(follow through), 贯彻实施能力以及相关: 1. executive power:是指执政的权力, 权限. The executive is the part of government that has sole authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the state. The executive branch executes or enforces 贯彻实施 the law. The division of power权利分立 into separate branches of government is central to the idea of the separation of powers三权分立. The separation of powers system is designed to distribute authority among several branches — an attempt to preserve individual liberty in response to tyrannical leadership throughout history. The executive officer is not supposed to make laws (the role of the legislature) or interpret them (the role of the judiciary). The role of the executive is to enforce the law as written by the legislature and interpreted by the judicial system. 2. Executive functions (also known as cognitive control and supervisory attentional system) is an umbrella term for the management (regulation, control) of cognitive processes认知过程, including working memory, reasoning, task flexibility, and problem solving as well as planning and execution. The executive system is a theorized cognitive system in psychology that controls and manages other cognitive processes, such as executive functions. 3. executive ability, implementation capacity是和"执行力"相关的词汇. follow through (on/with something) 说到做到, 贯彻实行, 贯彻执行 to continue something until it is completed. to complete an activity, doing what was promised. I wish you would follow through with the project we talked about. You never follow through! It was an unpopular idea, but he followed through on it anyway. I am sorry now that I didn't follow through with music lessons when I was younger. Etymology: based on the sports meaning of follow through (to continue the movement of a swing, even after hitting a ball). follow-through I. The act or an instance of following through: a book promotion campaign with no follow-through没有结果. II. Sports The concluding part of a stroke, after a ball or other object has been hit or released. 关于执行力的文章: Improve follow-through skills to increase project successes: It sounds easy and simple -- just follow through on your projects and mission and you'll be successful. But following through effectively requires a serious review of your management and communication abilities. Following through is a critical skill for managers at all levels—whether you're working on a seven-figure 七位数的 ( 百万级的. Seven figures means 1,000,000-9,999,999 as there are seven digits in the number. So if someone says they just signed a seven figure deal, they are saying, essentially that they just signed a million dollar deal, but not over ten million. ) development project or simply completing your department's performance reviews绩效评估, 绩效考核. Managers who are poor at follow-through inadvertently不经意的 cause a myriad of problems: botched projects, broken trust辜负信任 with employees and higher-ups公司高层, wasted money and time, and even layoffs or firings. Failure to follow through results from a communications breakdown. This can happen when the person who initiates发起 a project or goal is not the one implementing it. As the instructions 指令 trickle down through the ranks从上往下传达, inevitably, something is lost and the project goes awry or fades away altogether(fade away/out (into something) I. to diminish into something. The light faded away into nothing. The sound of the drums faded away into the distance. A fadeaway or fall-away 后仰投篮 in basketball is a jump shot跳投 taken while jumping backwards, away from the basket. The goal is to create space between the shooter and the defender, making the shot much harder to block. This advantage, however, comes with a drawback缺陷. The shooter must have very good accuracy非常精准 (much higher than when releasing a regular jump shot) and must use more strength (to counteract the backwards momentum) in a relatively short amount of time. Also, because the movement is away from the basket, the shooter has less chance to grab his own rebound篮板.). Constant initiative 初衷, 目标 shifts can cause a loss of focus迷失焦点. As you well know, managers are being asked to do more (and more) with less少花钱多半事. To boot( to boot also, in addition. For graduation, I got a new suit and a coat to boot. She got an F on her term paper and flunked the final to boot.), managers must juggle 平衡, 权衡 the ever-changing priorities of their organizations. CEOs often cast a wide net of initiatives 撒大网 across the company, and when they change the business direction, it affects all those projects—including those under the IT helm. This attention-deficit workplace is often worse within IT departments, where big egos, aggressive personalities, and top performers can create a culture of demand and instant gratification. Managers are enthusiastic at the beginning of a project, but before the midway point—when they really need to pay attention—they lose interest and move on to something else. Keeping the house in order: There is no secret methodology 无秘方 to keeping projects on track and following through on them, but it requires energy and involvement参与. It also involves some specific personality and professional skills. To become an expert at following through, you'll first need to get organized. Keeping task lists, holding regular meetings, and learning how to delegate are the basic steps for any manager. And while it sounds simple, this can be a constant challenge for managers. "It's often where leaders and organizations fall down掉链子, unwittingly," said Battley. Along those same lines, according to Segil, to follow through successfully you need to do the following: Organize thoughts and activities well; Take time out to reflect反思, 反省; Not operate in crisis mode危机模式; Know who needs to be in the loop; Have a fundamental desire to complete things. Last but not least, follow-through is obviously tied to time management. Managers should make the time to 抽空, 找时间, 挤时间 plan ahead and prioritize goals, experts advised. Hugo followed the advice of Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, who said that people spend too much time fighting fires 救火 ("important and urgent" activities) and not enough time on the strategic, meaningful tasks. "You need to carve out space 营造空间 in the important-not-urgent category," said Hugo. "If not, you never get the clarity of mind 脑子清楚, 头脑清楚, 明白 to do things well." Effective Managers Earn Trust Quickly By Doing 5 Things Well: Managers in the workplace have a unique role to play with multiple and continuously evolving天天在变的 responsibilities. They must instill a high-performance mindset while creating a culture whose foundation promotes 倡导 teamwork and competitiveness for the betterment of a healthier whole. Additionally, managers must touch the business and stay active. More than ever managers must have just as strong of a pulse on the business (internally and externally) as those who are managing it on the front lines前线. Most importantly, managers must quickly earn trust from their colleagues to inspire team unity 团队凝聚力 and collaboration that is centered on the fundamental principles of loyalty, communication and transparency. The best managers get it: no explanation required. They are proactive 想别人所想的, 先发制人的 in addressing the needs of their team. They go out of their way to be creative and find new ways to uniquely motivate each member of the team. They are always aware of moods, mindset, attitude, and engagement levels. The best managers are the ones who "take one for the team"( 奉献精神, 为团队, 为集体牺牲自我. (idiomatic, informal) To accept some chore or hardship for the sake of one's friends or colleagues. Etymology:By analogy with sports teams when a player makes a sacrifice for the benefit of the team. take it like a man (idiomatic) To respond to pain, hardship, adversity, or emotional distress in a collected, aggressive, and typical or stereotypical masculine manner, especially without question, crying, complaining, or becoming emotional. There was no moping around the house with a depressed disposition when one of my romances turned sour because, as far as my love life went, father expected me to take it like a man. buck up, deal with it, man up, suck it up. mope around 意志消沉, 郁闷, 无精打采的 to go about in a depressed state. to spend time somewhere with no particular purpose, feeling bored or unhappy. She spent the whole weekend moping around the house. Since her dog ran away, Sally mopes around all day. Don't mope around. Cheer up! mope I. (intransitive) To carry oneself in a depressed, lackadaisical manner; to give oneself up to low spirits; to pout. II. (transitive) To make spiritless and stupid. ) and can quickly turn around times of duress into rewarding 奖赏 opportunities. But in the end, it is the level of trust you have with your manager that makes or breaks the team, your performance and the developmental journey within the organization you serve. A bad manager can make or break your career. Equally, if a manager is ineffective at earning trust – the lack of team performance will speak for itself and turnover will become increasingly apparent. You can't hide if you are an ineffective manager who has trouble earning trust. Here are five ways to help you build trust quickly as a manager (or to help keep your manager on their game): Build Rapport([ræˈpɔ:(r)] a relationship in which people like, understand, and respect each other. Many doctors develop an excellent rapport 良好互动 with their patients.) - Building rapport is no easy task. It requires you to be a great listener (not just a good one). Managers who are listening take good notes, are quick to follow through, and are responsible enough to proactively address your immediate needs and requirements to help you be more successful. Effective managers are also good at engaging with difficult personalities and situations. For example, early in my career, I learned a valuable lesson: people don't like having a much younger boss. Instead of viewing them merely as difficult people刺头, I made it my responsibility to empower them and help them to be more successful. After they received their well-deserved recognition认可 and bonuses, they quickly forgot about my age. If there was envy, it was converted into opportunity. Take a Diplomatic Approach - Learning how to be politically (and authentically) correct is a requirement. This means a manager must always be mindful of doing the right thing – and at times making trade-offs让步 in order to be given new opportunities and have greater influence down the road. An effective manager exercises good judgment and knows how to pick and choose his battles该计较, 还是不该计较("Pick Your Battles" ensures that if one is going to spend a considerable amount of time and resources in fighting for a certain issue, it should be worth it. Hence choosing the battles you wish to invest your effort in becomes important. There's no point in sweating on the small stuff.). He is all about supporting the team and believes in consensus-building methods to create harmony (especially when there are many egos involved). Strong managers recognize that perception is reality and thus will play the political game accordingly to protect his team and mobilize their agenda. Establish Credibility - Effective managers must establish their credibility信用, 可信度 (and I am not talking about past positions/previous titles). The most effective managers always follow-up, are true to their word说话算话, have a proven track record, and have a reputation of getting things done. The best managers earn respect through performance. Not only do they drive business results, but they serve as mentors and sponsors who help teach others how to do the same. High-performance managers get their hands dirty and are not afraid of rolling up their sleeves亲自动手. They get in the game and remain active参与其中 – they stay in it to win it. Strong managers are also consistent 始终如一, 贯彻始终 in their approach and style: how they operate, how they get results, and how they build teams and relationships within the organization. Above all, they don't have hidden agendas打自己的算盘, 心里没有小算盘! Engage in Conflict Resolution - Managers who solve problems with clarity are extremely effective. Effective managers empower others to make suggestions and recommendations. They are masters at conflict management and are eloquent in addressing problems and getting others involved to find immediate resolution. Managers like this are methodical in how they break down conflict into manageable pieces大事化小. They view conflict as an opportunity to build new relationships and as a powerful learning moment to train their team(s) to manage conflict for themselves. Be a Strong Communicator - This is the most important and effective way for managers to earn trust quickly: be a strong communicator. I remember when I was a young manager; I always took the time to communicate across all levels of the organization; to get to know everyone directly and indirectly involved with my business unit (those who could potentially influence outcomes and decisions). This extra step always made it easier for me to communicate needs for my team and allowed my team to more effectively communicate with the key players in the organization. Because my credibility had been earned, it helped my team learn to trust me (knowing that I ultimately had their best interests in mind). Communication helps break down departmental silos and creates interdependency between people – thus building strong workplace alliances. It improves relationships and creates an effective groupthink environment(Groupthink 集体思维 is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints, by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints压制不同意见, and by isolating themselves from outside influences. Loyalty to the group requires individuals to avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking. The dysfunctional group dynamics of the "ingroup自己人" produces an "illusion of invulnerability无往不胜, 战无不胜" (an inflated certainty that the right decision has been made). Thus the "ingroup" significantly overrates its own abilities in decision-making, and significantly underrates the abilities of its opponents (the "outgroup"). Furthermore groupthink can produce dehumanizing actions against the "outgroup外人".) that further promotes teamwork and consensus. These five ways helped build my path and develop the next phase of my career as a leader. This is why the best leaders must be effective managers. It requires people skills, the ability to inspire others, and casting a vision that creates buy-in and drives results by being authentic and genuine.
电影和Charlie Barnett相关: The Hollywood Reporter said that while the film won't make waves at the box office it is a "tantalizing ( tantalize [ˈtæntəlaɪz] vt. 触不可及的, 近在咫尺却得不到, 可望不可即. I. to make someone feel excited by showing or offering them something that they want, often with no intention of giving it to them. to tease (someone) by offering something desirable but keeping it out of reach. II. to bait (someone) by showing something desirable but leaving them unsatisfied. Etymology: From Tantalus in Greek mythology, who was condemned to Tartarus in the underworld. There, he had to stand for eternity in water that receded from him when he stooped to drink, beneath fruit trees whose branches were always out of reach. As we threaded our dim way through the labyrinth with the aid of map and compass ... we were repeatedly tantalized by the sculptured walls along our route. ... If we had had more films, we would certainly have paused briefly to photograph certain bas-reliefs, but time-consuming hand-copying was clearly out of the question. He had been possessed of much fear of his friend, for he saw how easily questionings could make holes in his feelings. Lately, he had assured himself that the altered comrade would not tantalize him with a persistent curiosity, but he felt certain that during the first period of leisure his friend would ask him to relate his adventures of the previous day. All pleasures palled upon me; all sights tantalized and tempted me to outspoken treason, because I could not but compare what I saw in Two Dimensions with what it really was if seen in Three, and could hardly refrain from making my comparisons aloud. blow/make a hole in something I. if something makes a hole in an amount of money, it takes a lot of that money to pay for it. The trip made a hole in our savings, but it was worth it. The new tax is likely to blow an enormous hole in our profits. II. 露出破绽, 显出破绽. 制造破绽. if you blow a hole in someone's opinions or arguments, you show that they are not true or right. Bloodstains on the sheets blew a hole in the defence's argument. ) picture of some contemporary conundrums ( conundrum 难题, 困境 [ kəˈnʌndrəm] I. a difficult problem that seems to have no solution. II. a question asked as a trick that is answered by using words in a surprising way. )" and described the performances of Barnett and McLain as "adroit(adroit [əˈdrɔɪt] clever or skilful.)."The New York Times called the film a "modest exploration发掘, 挖掘 of modern mating." As one of his first post-college roles, "Happy-Sad" was a big deal at the time for Barnett, and he never hesitated about playing a gay character, which he also did in a supporting role in "Gayby,"which was shown at the 2012 Sarasota Film Festival. "Everybody is wary about playing homosexual parts, but for me it's not an issue. It's another exercise in playing a character," Barnett said. "I want to play different stories. I trained for that as an actor, despite how similar or different they are from you." And there's no similarity 没有共同点 that he can see between Aaron and Peter Mills, which gives him the chance to keep exploring new twists as the show develops. 网友询问他是否是: As much as some voices一些说法 in the field of communication and internet have speculated if Charlie Barnett is gay, there is no kind of evidence that can corroborate this. However, you'll find folks that say Charlie Barnett is gay, but their comments have zero consistency or accuracy of any type. 其他文章: At 24, Charlie Barnett is already making a name for himself on NBC's hottest new show, Chicago Fire. With only a few episodes left, Charlie dishes on ( dish on someone 污蔑, 说坏话 Sl. to gossip about or slander someone. Stop dishing on her. She never hurt you! They spent an hour dishing on Wally.) the season finale, learning to fight fires, and what's in store for rookie Peter Mills. Charlie Barnett is a quadruple threat(多面手. quadruple [ˈkwɒdrup(ə)l] if a number or an amount quadruples, or if you quadruple it, it becomes four times bigger than it was. The MTV Video Music Award for Quadruple Threat of the Year was introduced in 2007, as the VMAs were revamped that year and a few new categories were introduced to the show. This award was peculiar 格格不入的, 奇怪的 for the MTV Video Music Awards, though, for (like Best Artist Website in 1999) it did not reward music nor music videos. Instead, the category awarded musical artists who excelled in at least three other areas beside their music career, such as acting, entrepreneurship[ˌontrəprəˈnɜr], and activism, among others. When the VMAs returned to their old format in 2008, though, this category did not come back.). He's hella good-looking, but isn't the type to flaunt it不是那种爱炫耀的人. He's an educated actor, plays a heroic firefighter, and also happens to be a charming, good-natured 友善和蔼好脾气的 (kind and friendly, and not easily annoyed.) person who loves his family. As if the ladies weren't swooning(swoon I. to be extremely excited and impressed by someone who you like or admire. II. old-fashioned to become unconscious and fall to the ground.) enough, to top it all off he's a sailor. He is too many fantasies rolled into one(A fantasy and a fairytale rolled into one. (all) rolled into one 多合一, 堪称完美 combined Sports Day in Wannego was like Mardi Gras, the Summer Olympics, and the World Series rolled into one. She was the movie's producer, director, and writer all rolled into one. If someone or something has several qualities rolled into one, the person or thing has all of those qualities: He is a father, sales manager, and athlete all rolled into one. ). Can you just give us a second to catch our breath, Charlie? While we might joke about how sexy the Chicago Fire star is, the truth is he's a lot more than just good looks远不止美貌. He's a talented actor whose devoted to his craft. Charlie grew up performing in theater in Florida and later studied acting at Juilliard. Possibly even more impressive, is the young actor's humble and positive outlook想法, 看法, 观点, 前瞻 on life. "Even though I've graduated, I'm still a student. I'm always learning, it's just a different venue不同的形式, 不同的方法. I feel like now I'm in the real world and the lessons don't stop. But there's no homework or grading没有家庭作业没有年纪. I like that part." Some of those lessons include on the job firefighting training. Charlie had two different training sessions with the Chicago Fire Department, where he stayed in the fire house, ran drills, learned how to use the tools, and went on runs with real firefighters. "It's true life. It's one of the most valuable experiences of my life," Charlie said of his time with the real life heroes. "We ran into storage bins filled with smoke and tried to find dummies. It was great. But, being with firefighters has been the most valuable part. We even continue to party with them." His newly acquired firefighting skills isn't the only thing he has in common with his on-screen persona. According to Charlie, he and Mills have quite a lot in common. "We're very much alike我们很相似, 很像. We're both kindhearted and really, really love our families. We've been building our name and working toward our dreams our whole lives. We're both very driven(Obsessed; passionately motivated to achieve goals. demand-driven.), but when Mills falls off the track 遭遇挫折 ( off the track I. off the (beaten) track. II. Fig. [of comments] irrelevant and immaterial. I'm afraid you're off the track, John. Try again. I'm sorry. I was thinking about dinner, and I got off the track. If something puts/throws you off your track 分心, 分神, it distracts you or keeps you from achieving what you want. ) he feels like he's failed. I like to fall off the track sometimes." And it sounds like Mills may be about to fall off the track before the end of this season. "I can't say too much," Charlie teased about the upcoming season finale, "But fans are going to be very surprised. The finale will be really exciting. I can't wait to actually see it. As for Mills, he will have to face some difficult brick walls(brick wall An obstacle. They all ran up against the brick wall of high cost until the cryogenic option was proven feasible in 1973.). He doesn't know who he is, what he wants or where he's going anymore迷失自己, 失去自己, 迷失方向. It's the polar[ˈpəulə(r)] opposite from where he started." The tight-lipped口风紧的 star couldn't give us anymore dirt 透漏更多口风 than that on Mills or the season finale, but he did open up about what's in store for him this summer. "I'm going to New York. Then to Monaco. I would love to work. And then hopefully back to Chicago… This city is sitting really well with who I want to be. And the food is great." You can catch Charlie on Wednesday nights on NBC, and don't forget to catch the gripping 抓人的, 让人欲罢不能的( very exciting and interesting. ) season finale May 22 at 10/9c!