用法学习: 1. 赌徒被射杀: A man shot dead in Sydney's inner-west was a casino high-roller with suspected crime syndicate 犯罪团伙, 犯罪集团 links(syndicate [ˈsindɪkət] a group of people or organizations that work together to achieve a particular aim. international crime syndicates. The jackpot prize was won by a syndicate of four workmates.), police believe. Fairfax reported today that Hoang had wagered more than $90 million at Australian casinos. At the time of his death, he had been committed to stand trial 受审 over possessing proceeds of crime犯罪收入 - after being arrested at Melbourne's Crown Casino with $1.5 million in cash. 2. 豪宅在售: He has now offered a cash incentive现金激励 of $50,000 to whoever manages to sell the place, currently on the market in Philadelphia for $9,995,000, which includes a $2 million art collection艺术品收藏. The 16,000 square foot property comes complete with a meditation room, a 100-gallon waterfall shower, an outdoor amphitheatre and impressive hand painted canvas ceilings. For maximum security the first floor master suite is also fitted with bulletproof glass. 'The homeowner had a specific vision明确的想法, 主见 for this residence, a place where materials and cultural elements from around the world flow together to create one harmonious environment. 'Approach the house from the dramatically lit winding 蜿蜒的driveway and you know that you are embarking on a journey. 'The serenity 幽静, 清幽 of its location stays with you throughout your experience.
Big Brother HM's emotional coming out story: He is normally all smiles满脸笑容 – even when he's pushing the rules - but last night, animated and excitable Jason showed a softer side, when he revealed his heartbreaking coming out story. Jason opens up about his heartbreak at not feeling supported by his family. While he had been close to his parents, when he told them, the relationship suffered. "It went downhill," he said with obvious emotion. Jason broke down in tears as he began describing the after effects. "It was never spoken of再没有提起过, 再没有说起来过, I moved out of home…" Skye and Dion rushed to his side to console him as his eyes welled up眼睛潮湿, 湿润, 泪眼汪汪. "Then it really went downhill," he explained, gathering himself together. "I moved out … and it hasn't been normal since." His voice cracking, a clearly heartbroken Jason said he questions why the same standards don't always seem to apply for a hetero and homosexual couple. "I know I'm very cheerful on the outside外表高兴, 看起来 but it's hard…" Jason trailed off( trail off/away 声音越来越小 if someone's voice or words trail away or trail off, they gradually become silent. Her voice trailed off as she realized he wasn't listening.). He gave credit to his father for meeting his partner after four years but added "… The rest of the extended family don't want to know about it, they don't want to talk about it.". As several Housemates wiped away tears, Jason managed to crack a joke and once again had a big smile across his face as the conversation moved on, but his heartfelt and open confession clearly moved 感动了 his newfound friends.
高血脂的治疗良方: When you have eaten Betaglucare, betaglucans create a viscous 粘稠的, 黏稠状的, fine gel ( viscous [ˈvɪskəs] a viscous liquid is thick and sticky. ) in your stomach. This gel formation encapsulates包裹起 carbohydrates in stomach/gut, which causes the body to absorb the carbohydrates at a slower rate (lower glychemic index, low GI). This leads to a lower blood sugar raise and a lowered need of the body's own insulin胰岛素([ˈɪnsjulɪn]). Blood sugar: Studies have shown blood sugar lowering after meal (PPG) by up to -36 %, and simultaneously reducing of insulin secretion分泌 by up to -44 %. One in 2 adults, around 6 and a half million Australians, have high blood cholesterol, fat manufactured by our bodies and produced from foods we eat. Too much can lead to strokes, heart attacks, possibly death. Dr Leslie Braun, a specialist in nutritional health, says 2 million Australians take powerful statin ( [ˈstætɪn] a drug that is used to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. ) drugs to lower cholesterol, but statins can have nasty side effects like muscle spasm, memory loss, impotence ( I. a medical condition in which a man is not able to have sex because his penis does not stay hard. II. a lack of power or control that prevents someone from doing something. ), even diabetes. So tonight we reveal other products, and one new discovery, that reduce cholesterol dramatically. "The most lethal is the LDL, the low density lipoproteins. What tends to happen when you have too much cholesterol, in particular the LDL type of cholesterol, is that it forms plaque ( plaque [plæk] [plɑ:k] I. [countable] 建筑物上挂的铭牌. a flat piece of metal or stone that is hung on a wall or building for decoration, or to give information. II. [uncountable] medical dental plaque 牙菌斑. 牙垢. a substance that forms on your teeth and in which bacteria can grow and damage your teeth. blue plaque in England, a round blue sign on the wall of a building, giving the name of a famous person who lived there. ) and the plaque actually builds up inside of your arteries and it makes them more narrow ... if it narrows so much and it happens in the heart, you can get a heart attack." Said Dr Leslie Braun. Pharmacist, Gerald Quigley says these little morsels ( morsel [ˈmɔː(r)s(ə)l] I. formal a small piece of food. II. a small amount of something, especially something good, contained in something else. ) are an amazingly simple remedy. "If the risks of taking a statin are higher than the benefits好处大于坏处, it's a silly thing to take them. What we've got to try and do is re-educate people on taking control of their cholesterol levels, and it's not difficult. This is a new way to balance cholesterol and it's natural." Said Gerald. They're made from betaglucan, a soluable fibre from Nordic oats. Betaglucare cereal is a concentrated form, and it can make cholesterol levels ... plummet直线下降. World food Authorities, including Australia's Food Standards Code accepts the cholesterol lowering claims of betaglucan. 72 year old Mary Gill had been taking statins but stopped taking them when she didn't feel right. She swapped to a daily breakfast of 3 gm of Betaglucare with yoghurt .. and down came the bad LDLs. "I thought well what have I got to lose. So I went onto that. I almost halved my cholesterol in a matter of 4 months. So that's fantastic isn't it? My doctor, he just said "Oh my God this is fantastic". He couldn't believe it 2012 my total cholesterol was 7.5." Said Mary Gill. A high 7.5, the good HDLs 2.5 but the bad LDLs .. 4.6. Now her total's dropped to 4.8, HDL 2.3, LDL a healthy 2.0, 60% lower than last year .. without added exercise or dieting. "Oats are very good for you, however we know now that betaglucare which is in nordic oats is actually even more powerful in mopping up bile acids恶性酸 and therefore has a profound effect on cholesterol levels. Essentially it is like a mop, it absorbs bile acids, it sees them, spots them and grabs them, and excretes 排泄 them." Said Gerald. Swedish studies on Betaglucare show that bad LDL cholesterol dropped 15% on average ... but like Mary, many people's bad cholesterol is halved. And for diabetics, the nordic oats can reduce blood sugar by 4 per cent)). "The most powerful foods really are the ones we've got right here the betaglucan concentrates, the Nordic oats, psyllium husks and these can actually reduce cholesterol by 15 per cent. For some people it might even be more. With rolled oats and oat bran you need about 50 grams a day." Said Dr Braun. Good fats can cut cholesterol by 10 per cent or more. "Salmon here- very good source of omega 3 fatty acids. You've actually got chia seeds here which are a vegetarian source of omega 3, you've got linseed and lecithin which actually emulsifies fats. Walnuts are very good ... 6 to 10 walnuts a day butt @ Grab starts at 7.46 avocado, you've got olives ... these can lower total cholesterol levels by about 3 to 5 per cent." Said Dr Braun. Foods designed to lower cholesterol - a new yoghurt... And then of course there's bergamot. Some cardiologists strongly advocate oil from the bergamot plant( Citrus bergamia, the Bergamot orange 香柠檬 ( [ˈbɜ:ɡəˌmot]), is a fragrant fruit the size of an orange, with a yellow colour similar to a lemon. ) .. saying it keeps cholesterol down and allows patients, including diabetics, to use lower drug doses. "Put all these foods together, and you're really going to have a strong effect on reducing your cholesterol levels." Said Lesley. "I think it's wonderful - I don't have a cholesterol problem." Said Mary Gill.
一家四口被射杀, 丈夫失踪: Grave concerns are held for his welfare and police have appealed to
anyone who may have seen him to contact them but not to approach him. Mr
Hunt reportedly was a great support to his wife as she recovered from
serious injuries when her car flipped twice翻了两次 on Boree Creek Road in 2012.
Her husband praised her resolve坚决, 果敢, 决心 in an interview with The Daily
Advertiser. "The past year has had its ups and downs. But you
don't get much more determined than Kim, she's one of a kind万里挑一的," he was
quoted as saying. Police divers下水搜索的警察 have arrived at the southern NSW property where a mother and three children were found shot dead yesterday afternoon. The divers will search the dam where the abandoned vehicle of the missing father was found. A suicide note was found at the farm on Boree Creek Road, near Wagga Wagga, where the bodies of Kim Hunt and her children Fletcher, Mia and Phoebe were discovered by a member of the public yesterday afternoon. However, police have said the shooting may have taken place as early as Monday evening, with the bodies lying undiscovered for hours. Fletcher, Mia and Phoebe all attended St Joseph's Primary School in Wagga Wagga, a Christian school with just 73 students. The school has issued a statement saying it was "deeply saddened" by the tragic deaths, the Daily Telegraph has reported. "The Lockhart community is a very strong and resilient one and we know that they will bond together 团结在一起 and support one another in working through this difficult time," the statement read. "We ask that in supporting one another and in helping children process their emotions and respond to this tragedy that information is shared in a factual and age appropriate manner." The school held a special 10am mass today and its church will keep its doors open for parents and community members in need. "The school will attend a community meeting this afternoon to discuss ongoing community based supports," the statement said. The friends and teachers of the Hunt children have been offered counselling. A heartbreaking photo has also emerged taken by Mia herself - of the very dam police are now searching for her father's body. The picture,taken 18 months ago, shows the dam teeming with ducks, a rare sight at the property and one that clearly stuck with Mia(stick with someone I. 紧跟着. 亦步亦趋. to stay close to someone and go with them wherever they go, especially so that they can help or protect you. Stick with me and you'll be all right. II. 长记心间, 久久不能忘怀. 历久弥新. 萦绕心间. 让人难忘. 念念不忘. if something sticks with you, you continue to remember it clearly. It was a moment that has stuck with me for years. stick with something to continue to do or use something, and not change it. They're going to stick with the same team as last Saturday. stick with it 坚持: We had a tough time for a few years, but we stuck with it.). The rest of her family are numbed by the horrific tragedy, with Wagga Wagga Superintendent Bob Noble saying they were having to suffer an "information vacuum信息真空". "You can't even give them the information they are really needing," he said. Supt Noble told reporters the Hunt residence had not been "of particular concern"特别关注, 特别注意 prior to the shooting. It has been speculated the Hunt family had been enduring difficult times, with drought gripping much of NSW( grip I. [transitive] to hold something tightly. She gripped Frank's hand firmly to show her support. Although the car was stationary, his hands were still gripping the wheel. a. [intransitive/transitive] 抓地. if shoes or tyres grip, they hold a surface firmly and so do not slip. II. [transitive] to have a strong effect on someone. A feeling of fear gripped the crowd(someone still reeling from). Britain was still gripped by recession. III. [transitive] to keep someone very interested in something. The case has gripped the public because of the celebrities involved. n. I. [singular] a firm strong hold. Marguerite took my hand in a surprisingly strong grip. tighten your grip: Pete tightened his grip on her arm. release/loosen your grip: She loosened her grip on the steering-wheel. a. [singular/uncountable] 抓地力 if shoes or tyres have grip, they hold a surface firmly and so do not slip. I need some winter boots with a better grip. II. [singular] power and control over someone or something. grip on: The President struggled to regain his grip on power. The church no longer has a strong grip on the population. III. [countable] British a small thin piece of folded metal that women use for holding their hair in place. IV. [countable] the part of an object that has a special rough surface that you can hold firmly in your hands. be in the grip of something to be in a difficult or unpleasant situation. The country was in the grip of an economic crisis. The forest is still in the grip of winter. get a grip on something to begin to understand a difficult situation and start to find a way of dealing with it. We need to get a grip on how dangerous this situation is. get a grip (on yourself) spoken to make an effort to control your emotions or your behaviour. For goodness' sake, get a grip on yourself. get/come to grips with something to start to deal with a problem, situation, or job that you have to do. So far we have failed to come to grips with the magnitude of this problem. lose your grip (on something) to become less able to understand things or deal with them. Are you starting to lose your grip on reality?) and affecting a lot of farmers. Supt Noble said there were "a lot" of witnesses police wished to speak to in relation to the events leading to the shooting. It (suicide note) comes as dozens of social workers arrived in the town as the community mourns the terrible reality that it has lost a beloved family-of-five. Her husband's body was later recovered from a dam on the property, along with a firearm. The unsigned 未署名的 note will be examined(An undated 日期未名的, 不知日期的 shot of the family.) today in a bid to establish whether it was written by Geoff Hunt in an a suspected murder-suicide in Lockhart. Police will analyse the handwriting on the one-line note left to explain the deaths of a farmer, his wife and their three children that has devastated a southern NSW community. The tiny farming town of Lockhart, west of Wagga Wagga, is tonight struggling to come to terms with the loss of a family-of-five and the horror circumstances surrounding their deaths. Tributes have flown in for the "beautiful" family as locals struggle to comprehend the tragedy. The community was left shattered by the deaths. Deputy mayor of Lockhart Council Rodger Schirmer said the community was "shell-shocked". 后续报道: Homicide detectives are still piecing together the moments leading up to the shooting
believe the ongoing stress of caring for his wife may have triggered
the murder-suicide, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. Hunt's wife was left with a broken back and a minor brain injury after crashing her car near the rural property in 2012. The former intensive care nurse had learned to walk again but reportedly needed in-house carers to help look after the children. Mrs
Hunt's sister, Jenny Geppert, described the pair as a happy couple
despite the extreme strain莫大的压力 the crash had put on their relationship. "My
most beautiful, spirited sister, Kim, whom I idolised and adored崇拜尊敬; my
dear brother-in-law Geoff, who was incredibly generous and
kind-hearted," she said in a statement. "My beautiful nephew and nieces Fletcher, Mia and Phoebe, who I cherished and thought of as my own children." Close family friend Paul Routley described Geoff Hunt as a "rock" following his wife's injury. "He was super, super patient. He would help her get out of the car, he would hold her arm," he told the Sydney Morning Herald. "You couldn't get a better bloke - the most gentle, considerate bloke, a pillar of society. "The stress that's been put on them from the accident was just immense, absolutely immense."
IPhone 6 发布会被抢戏 - Forget the iPhone 6 - it's all about Scarf Guy! We meet the nattily( I.
attractive and fashionable. II. designed in a clever way. a natty little device. )-dressed gaming exec who stole the show at the Apple launch - and inspired a stream of online parodies. The iPhone 6 may have been the headliner头条新闻, 上头条的, but gaming executive Tommy Krul stole the show at yesterday's Apple event. Dressed in a faded button down with a purple knit infinity scarf ( infinity [ɪnˈfɪnəti] 无限的, 无极限的. I. [uncountable] a space, time, or distance that continues without end or limits. a barren landscape stretching into infinity无边无垠的, 无边无际, 无边无涯. II. [singular] a very large amount of something, or a very large number of things. infinity of: an infinity of combinations. an infinity of patience. a. [uncountable] maths the largest number that exists. infinity pool a swimming pool whose water flows over one end of it into a hidden part. infinity scarf A neckwarmer resembling a scarf, but forming a loop with no ends. An infinity scarf is a large, closed loop of fabric that can be worn in a variety of trendy ways. This scarf is so versatile that it can even be worn as a capelet or shawl if wrapped right. ), he was brought on stage at the packed event to demo a game his company developed called Vainglory. Stephan Sherman, a fellow co-founder of the gaming company, Super Evil Megacorp, was tasked with explaining their debut game for the iPhone 6, while Tommy played the game live on stage. All eyes quickly focused on Tommy. 'Skip the phone, I want to know where this guy got that incredible scarf ensemble' Twitter user '@RyanMaue posted. 'Keynote Scarf Guy' is just basically 1990s Gavin Rossdale from Bush' chimed in @derickwatts. 'I am dressing up as scarf guy for halloween!' @markdorison declared. The jokes and parody accounts soon followed. 'Breaking: Apple's new wearable is a scarf' @globalmoxie tweeted, and users by the names of @purpleScarfGuy, @ScarfBro and @applescarfguy quickly cropped up( I. to happen suddenly or unexpectedly. Ben had to go back to work – a problem's cropped up. II. 被提及. if a name or subject crops up, someone mentions it. Alice's name keeps cropping up in our conversations.). The man underneath the scarf, is a San Francisco-based games developer in his mid thirties. Speaking to MailOnline after the event, he said that he had only just learned of his internet fame. 'I haven't actually left the event yet, so I'm not sure how big it's got. I often wear scarves, it's funny.' He declined to reveal whether or not he is single. It's no surprise that Tommy himself is an avid gamer. He writes that his video game development company is 'by gamers, for gamers' and takes his work very seriously. One photo he posted of his laptop propped up 支起来 on a sunny table in San Francisco is captioned with the comment, 'To be clear, as lovely as the weather was, and granted, out of view there may have been a mimosa ( [mɪˈməʊzə] 黄色一串串小花的那种树. a small tree with yellow flowers that grows in hot countries. ), I was still working on a Sunday ;-p.' 'Normally you'd associate these guys with a nerdy look. But Tommy is different'. And though his cofounders were delighted by the media attention their presentation received, they didn't believe Tommy's choice in ensemble carried any particular significance起了任何作用. When hot tech dude took to the stage, the people went wild. In an instant the biggest trend of the season was born and Apple Guy became the most important man in fashion. But that's the beauty of a great accessory. 苹果IPhone 6的其他报道: Other design changes include the repositioning of the Sleep/Wake button, which is now on the right side of the phone. That tweak leaves the top of the iPhone 6 completely unadorned with controls or ports of any kind. This makes it easier to hit without adjusting your grip or resorting to a second hand. 中国首发延期: The move set off consternation ( consternation [ˌkonstə(r)ˈneɪʃ(ə)n] a shocked or worried feeling, often caused when something unexpected happens. His comments caused consternation among environmentalists. to someone's consternation: She saw to her consternation that it was already after eight. ) among Apple's partners in China, as well as with consumers who had been eagerly awaiting the introductions. Apple did not explain the delay, executives at the carriers said, but it appeared the phones had not received approval from Chinese regulators to go on sale. The Chinese leadership and the state-controlled news media grew wary of变得警惕起来 foreign technology providers after revelations last year by Edward J. Snowden of American cyberspying. Apple's staff in China appeared to have been caught off-guard by the last-minute change of plans, with one executive saying on Wednesday that all of the company's stores in Beijing and Shanghai had been preparing for sales to begin on Sept. 19. The executive spoke on the condition of anonymity. IPhone 6 第二批上市国家: Apple's second wave of iPhone 6 sales 第二波上市 starts Sept. 26 for long list of countries: When Apple announced its new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus models earlier this week, it only provided preorder and shipping info for a handful of initially launch countries上市国家. The company has now confirmed a second wave of iPhone 6 launches will kick off on September 26. Additonally, Apple's site for the United Arab Emirates lists a date of September 27. While Apple is accepting orders接受订单 in these countries starting September 26, some carriers are accepting preorders before that date. It's unclear when exactly devices will ship发售 in these countries.