Sunday, 7 September 2014

Series 7 Episode 20 – The Relationship Diremption

1. Leonard: I got to tell you我必须得说, 我不得不说, the more I read about the primordial([praɪˈmɔ:(r)diəl] formed when the Earth or universe began.) gravity wave discovery, the more excited I get. Raj: I know. Being an astrophysicist right now is like being a rock star. Howard: Only without the sex. Raj: Yeah, literally, none of it. Leonard: What do you think about it, Sheldon? Sheldon: Meh. Raj: Are you kidding me? This may be the biggest scientific breakthrough of our lifetime. How can you, as a theoretical physicist, not care about this? Sheldon: Maybe it's because I'm not an elitist(elitist [ɪˈli:tɪst] supporting or based on a system in which a small group of people have a lot of advantages and keep the most power and influence.). What I'd like to know is, how does this gravity wave breakthrough help the man on the street? You know? Who's looking out for ( look out for someone/something 留意, 注意寻找 to look carefully at people or things around you in order to try to find a particular person or thing. We were told to look out for a blue van. II. look out for someone 照顾, 照看 to take care of someone and make sure that they are treated well. I'm the oldest, and I always look out for my younger sisters. a. look out for yourself/number one to think only about yourself, and not worry or care about other people. ) Joe six-pack and all his quantum physics (Quantum mechanics (QM; also known as quantum physics, or quantum theory) is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena at nanoscopic scales where the action is on the order of the Planck constant. It departs from classical mechanics primarily at the quantum realm of atomic and subatomic length scales. Quantum mechanics provides a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter.) concerns? Leonard: Oh, my God, you're jealous. Sheldon: Why would I be jealous? Leonard: Oh, I don't know. Maybe because the origin of the universe just got proven, the Higgs field just got proven, and you've been working on string theory for the last 20 years and you're no closer to proving it ( close to someone or something I. near someone or something. ( get ~; stand ~; sit ~; move ~.) Don't get close to me. I have a cold. If you get close to the fire, you may get burned. II. 差得远呢, 差得多 approximating someone or something in some quality or measure. ( be ~; get ~.) This brand of frozen fish does not even get close to that brand in flavor and freshness. Tom doesn't even get close to Nancy when it comes to artistic ability. ) than when you started. Sheldon: Yeah, well, I've had a lot on my plate. We happen to live in a golden age of television. Barry: Excuse me, fewwas. Sowwy for eavesdwopping, but there actually was some big stwing theowy news today out of the Hadwon Cowwider. Sheldon: Really? Did they find evidence to support extra dimensions or supersymmetry? Barry: No, but they did find evidence that you'll bewieve anything. Sheldon: Why would you do that? You're a string theorist as well. Barry: Incowwect. I am a string pragmatist([ˈpræɡmətɪst] someone who always behaves in a pragmatic way.  pragmatic [præɡˈmætɪk] 实干型的 involving or emphasizing practical results rather than theories and ideas. a pragmatic approach to problem-solving. a pragmatic world leader.). I say I'm gonna pwove something that cannot be pwoved, I apply for grant money(Grants政府资助金 are non-repayable funds disbursed by one party (grant makers), often a government department, corporation, foundation or trust, to a recipient, often (but not always) a nonprofit entity, educational institution, business or an individual. In order to receive a grant, some form of "Grant Writing" often referred to as either a proposal or an application is required. Most grants are made to fund资助 a specific project and require some level of compliance and reporting. The grant writing process involves an applicant submitting a proposal (or submission) to a potential funder, either on the applicant's own initiative or in response to a Request for Proposal from the funder. Other grants can be given to individuals, such as victims of natural disasters or individuals who seek to open a small business. Sometimes grant makers require grant seekers 寻求政府资助的人 to have some form of tax-exempt status, be a registered nonprofit organization or a local government. For example, tiered funding for a freeway are very large grants negotiated at government policy level. However smaller grants may be provided by a government agency (e.g. municipal government). Project-related funding involving governments, business, communities, and individuals is often arranged by application either in writing or online.), and then I spend it on liquor and broads( broad n. I. (dated) A prostitute, a woman of loose morals. II. an insulting word for a woman. A woman or girl. Who was that broad I saw you with? adj. I. wide. He was of medium height, but had very broad shoulders. a broad shady path. With a broad sweep of his arm, he indicated the town below us. a broad expanse (=a wide area)广大区域, 大片区域: The road passed through a broad expanse of flooded fields. a. a broad smile咧嘴笑 is very wide, showing that a person is very happy. II. including many different things or people. a broad range/spectrum: I meet a broad range of people in my job. Our radio station plays a broad spectrum of popular music. a broad base: The party is now struggling to maintain a broad political base. broad appeal: The new TV show has broad appeal. broad categories: Tropical diseases fall into two broad categories.). Water. Sheldon: Do you think he's right? Am I wasting my life on a theory that can never be proven? Howard: Maybe. But how great is Game of Thrones? 2. Penny: Hey, you're up early. Sheldon: I couldn't sleep. Penny: I told you those Walking Dead pillowcases were a bad idea. Sheldon: No, that's not it不是那个. Penny: Is something bothering you你在烦恼什么吗? Sheldon: Yes, but you wouldn't understand. Penny: Oh, come on, try me. Sheldon: All right. I've devoted the prime of my life to string theory and its quest for the compactification of extra dimensions. I've got nothing to show for it( have something (or nothing) to show for 没有任何结果, 几乎没什么成果 Have a (or no) visible result of (one's work or experience): a year later, he had nothing to show for his efforts.), and I feel like a fool. Penny: Okay. I get it我明白了. I mean, not all the jibberjabber in the middle(jibberjabber Talk in a rapid and excited way that is difficult to understand: he was jibber-jabbering with his wife through the entire first piece he’s a happy kid, always jibber-jabbering.), but I know what it's like to put your heart and soul into something全身心投入 and get nothing out of it. Sheldon: You mean your acting career? Penny: No. Sheldon: Your relationship with Leonard? Penny: No. Sheldon: Your failed attempt to go back to college? Penny: No. I'm saying you and string theory sound like a relationship, and I know what it's like to be in one and realize it's never gonna turn out the way you want结果不会如你所想, 如你所愿, 不尽如人意. Sheldon: I said Leonard, you said no. Penny: I'm talking about other guys. Sheldon: Okay. Well, what do you do? Penny: You have to have the courage to end the relationship. You know? Break it off, shake hands, walk away. Sheldon: I don't know if I can do that. Penny: I know it's hard, honey, but in the end, that's how you grow人就是这样长大的, 这样成长的. Leonard: Penny, have you seen my good inhaler(An inhaler or puffer is a medical device used for delivering medication into the body via the lungs. It is mainly used in the treatment of asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Zanamivir (Relenza), used to treat influenza, must be administered via inhaler. To reduce deposition in the mouth and throat ( deposition [ˌdepəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] I. [countable] legal a formal written statement by a witness that is read out in a court because the witness cannot be present at the court. II. [uncountable] science a process in which layers of a substance form gradually over a period of time. III. [countable/uncountable] formal the act of removing a political leader or a king or queen from a position of power. ), and to reduce the need for precise synchronization of the start of inhalation with actuation of the device, MDIs are sometimes used with a complementary spacer or holding chamber device.)? Sheldon: Break it off, shake hands, walk away. 3. Leonard: Hey, how's dating two women going? Raj: Um, kind of hit a bump(有点小麻烦, 遇到点麻烦. 有点小问题. The English idiom to hit a snag means 'to encounter a problem or difficulty'. For example: Luigi's wedding plans hit a snag when his mother ordered him to move back home. The phrase to hit a snag means the same thing as the English expressions to run into a problem or to hit a bump in the road. Some recent headlines that demonstrate the use of the English idiom to hit a snag well are: Mexico potato deal hits snag. Job creation locally hits snag in state bureaucracy. snag I. a problem or disadvantage that you have not planned for. I'm afraid there's one snag – I forgot to bring my money. II. a small damaged area in a piece of clothing, caused by something rough or sharp. a. something rough or sharp that can cause damage. III. Australian same as sausage. ). When I was honest and told Emily she wasn't the only  person I was seeing, it went great. So I tried the same thing with Lucy. Howard: And? Raj: She had mixed feelings. But when I said, Emily was cool with it. Emily's the best. Why can't you be more like Emily? Those feelings became less mixed. Leonard: Women. Who knows what'll set 'em off? Raj: At least now I can focus all my energies on just one girl. Howard: I hope I get to meet her as soon as possible. Raj: Why the rush着什么急啊? She isn't going anywhere. Howard: She is. But I like that attitude. Sheldon: Gentlemen, is anybody interested in my old string theory books? Raj: You're really going to do this? Sheldon: I am. Yeah, Penny pointed out that what I'm going through is essentially a breakup. And according to Cosmopolitan magazine, one of the most effective techniques for moving on is to get rid of all reminders of the relationship. Howard: You're reading Cosmo? Sheldon: Yes. As it turns out结果, there's an article on how to get over a breakup in literally every issue. Anyway, it suggests that I set these on fire, but the smell of burning books reminds me of church picnics in East Texas. Howard: What's this? Sheldon: Oh, that's just a doodle of胡写乱画, 涂鸦 a hyperelliptic Riemann surface. Leonard: Oh, yeah. Wasn't that the basis of your postdoc fellowship? Sheldon: It was. This seemed so elegant at the time, but now I realize I was just a simple country boy单纯的农村男孩子 seduced 诱惑 by a big city theory with variables 充满变数 in all the right places. Raj: It's going to be okay. Sheldon: I know. As hard as this is虽然很难, I have to move on. I can't keep postulating ( postulate [ˈpostjuleɪt] 假想, 让自己相信, 声称 to claim or imagine that something is true or that it exists. The theory postulates two reasons for the spread of the disease.) multidimensional entities and get nothing in return什么回报也得不到. I have needs, too. Howard: So, you and Emily still together? 5. Howard: I spoke to Bernadette. She's free tomorrow night. Raj: Oh, okay, great. But if we're really gonna do a double date, then we have to go over some ground rules 定点规矩 about Emily. Howard: Like when it turns out she's made of rubber, I don't say anything? Raj: She's very real. Howard: Oh, that's what it says on the box. Right next to dishwasher safe. Raj: See? This is exactly the kind of thing I'm worried about you saying in front of her当着面, 在她面前. Howard: I promise I'll be on my best behaviour好好表现, 表现好点. Raj: You better be. No jokes about how close I am with my dog. Or the truth about how close I am with my dog. Howard: You got it你说着了. Raj: No jokes about the year I took ballet. Howard: You took ballet? Raj: God, you never listen. 6. Leonard: Are you sure you want to do this? Sheldon: The magazine articles suggest that one of the ways to get over a breakup is a new look. Leonard: What about your old look, well-groomed ventriloquist doll(Ventriloquism, or ventriloquy( ventriloquist [venˈtrɪləkwɪst] 腹语术 an entertainer who can speak without moving his or her lips, especially one who makes a model, person, or animal appear to talk. ), is an act of stagecraft in which a person (a ventriloquist) changes his or her voice so that it appears that the voice is coming from elsewhere, usually a puppeteered "dummy". The act of ventriloquism is ventriloquizing, and the ability to do so is commonly called in English the ability to "throw" one's voice模仿...的声音.)? Penny (treating Sheldon as a ventriloquist doll): Oh my God, I do look like that. Sheldon: You stop it. Penny: So, how do you want me to cut it? Sheldon: Oh, how about Bill Gates meets Nikola Tesla? Leonard: So, business in the front, science in the back. Penny: Or I don't cut it and maybe just style it a little弄个造型. Sheldon: Oh, I'm in your hands. Do a good job and I'll tell you Cosmo's ten dynamite tips( [ˈdaɪnəmaɪt] adj. very impressive or exciting. a dynamite performance. n. I. 炸药. a substance used for causing explosions, especially for breaking rock into pieces. sticks of dynamite. II. informal someone or something that is very impressive or exciting. Their new defender is dynamite. a. mainly journalism something exciting and shocking that could cause a lot of problems. Her revelations look like being political dynamite炸弹. ) to enjoy your PMS. Penny: Can you keep him quiet? Maybe jangle (I. to make a noise by hitting small metal objects against each other. II. [transitive] if something jangles someone's nerves, it makes them feel very nervous. ) some keys in front of him? Leonard: That doesn't work any more. He just thinks I'm taking him to the doctor. So, now that you're no longer invested in string theory, what are you gonna pursue? Sheldon: Oh, there are so many exciting areas. Black holes, dark matter. Penny: Oh, Leonard was telling me about dark matter, but I didn't really understand it. Sheldon: Don't feel bad. Neither does he. Penny: Okay, what do you think? Sheldon: Have you ever even seen a picture of Tesla? Leonard: It actually looks good, Sheldon. Penny: Doesn't it? Leonard: Yeah. Sheldon: I suppose I could see myself in a scientific boy band. Of course, I'd be the dreamy梦幻般的 one and the smart one. Amy: Sorry I'm late. What did you do? Penny: I gave him a new look. It's cute, huh? Amy: Yeah, it's cute. That's the problem. I don't need other girls to see him walking around like sex on a stick(A person or persons considered to be very sexually attractive. He thinks she is sex on a stick. ). Sheldon: She's right. I'm too hot. 7. Bernadette: I'm excited to meet Emily. Howard: Me, too. I just hope he doesn't blow it. Bernadette: Why would you say that? Howard: Because he's Raj, that's his thing. Beckham can bend it, Ralph can wreck it, Raj can blow it. Look, I don't want it to happen, but odds are he's gonna find a way to… Oh, crap, I know that girl. Bernadette: How? Howard: In a bad way, very bad. Raj: Hey, guys. Howard: Whatever you hear tonight, just remember I love you. Hey. Raj: Emily, these are my good friends, Howard and Bernadette. Guys, this is Emily. Emily: Nice to meet you. Bernadette: Hi. Emily: Have we met before? Howard: Uh, no. I, I don't, I don't think so. Emily: You sure? You look familiar眼熟. Howard: Well, you sure don't. You I know, you I know, you? Total stranger. Even if you had yummy candy嘴巴再甜, I would not get in your van上你的当. Emily: Did you go to that spin class on Green Street? Howard: That must be it. Raj: Since when do you go to spin class? Howard: Wow. Now who doesn't listen? 9. Amy: Sheldon, your food's getting cold. What are you doing? Sheldon: Oh, looking through my textbooks for a new field of inquiry. Why do we have a geology book? Leonard, did you throw a children's party while I was in Texas? Penny: Wait. What's wrong with geology? Sheldon: Let me put this in a way you'll understand, Penny. You remember how you explained to me that the Kardashians aren't real celebrities? Well, geology is the Kardashians of science. Sheldon: Have you considered studying standard model physics? Sheldon: You want me to give up string theory for something that's less advanced? You know, why don't you break up with Penny and start dating a brown bear棕熊? Penny: Like说的好像 you could get a brown bear. Leonard: Hey, I've got a good job. I could buy salmon. You don't know. Amy: Maybe you could make your new field of study the calculation of nuclear matrix elements. Sheldon: Oh, please. If I wanted to take up a fad赶时髦, 追潮流, I'd get a tramp stamp. Leonard: What about loop quantum gravity? Sheldon: Oh, Duchess, look at me. My quantum gravity's positively loopy. Penny: Who's the duchess? Leonard: One of the people that lives in his head. Amy: I hope he's this distraught if he ever breaks up with me. Leonard: Well, if he does, I'll see if my bear has a friend. Penny: Sheldon, have you ever considered not rushing into something new? I mean, why don't you take your time, enjoy your freedom? Maybe something new to study will find you自然而然就来了. Sheldon: That's actually not bad advice. You know, I didn't seek out ( to find someone or something by looking for them in a determined way. Corbett resolved to seek out the truth. seek re-election: The Mayor will not seek re-election. seek approval: a referendum seeking public approval for major constitutional change. seek compensation/damages/redress: The boy's parents are seeking damages from the health authority. seek an injunction禁令: Colbak sought an injunction to force Bell to change the ads. seek advice/help: Seek medical advice if symptoms last more than a week. seek refuge/asylum: Hundreds of people sought refuge in the British Embassy. seek permission/approval: You must first seek permission before publishing their names.) string theory. It just hit me over the head one day. Amy: How does that happen? Sheldon: A bully chased me追我, 赶我 through the school library and hit me over the head with the biggest book he could find. Penny: Okay, how about we toast your newfound freedom? Sheldon: Ah, normally I refrain from alcohol禁酒, 不喝酒, but since my cerebral cortex( cortex [ˈkɔ:(r)teks] the outer layer of your brain or another organ. the cerebral cortex. cerebral [səˈri:brəl] [ˈserəbrəl] medical relating to or affecting your brain. II. formal dealing with complicated ideas rather than with emotions. her rather cerebral style of fiction. cerebral cortex the outer layer of the cerebrum (=the front part of your brain).) is twiddling its proverbial thumbs无可事事, 无所事事, why not soak it in grape juice that's been predigested by a fungus? Penny: And you wonder不明白, 想知道 why other children beat you with books. Cheers! 10. Bernadette: Emily, what do you do? Emily: I'm a dermatology resident at Huntington Hospital. Raj: Mmm, and you know what that means. Someone's skin's about to be softer than ever. Emily: This is making me crazy. I know I know you from somewhere. Raj: Oh, uh, Howard was an astronaut. Maybe that's where you saw him. Emily: Wow. That's amazing. What was that like? Howard: It was the most incredible experience of my life. Up there in the space station, you're… Emily: Oh, my God, I remember. Howard: Can I finish my astronaut story? Emily: It was four years ago. Howard: Please don't say it. Emily: We were set up on a blind date. Howard: Please don't say it. Emily: You came to my apartment. Howard: You're saying it. Raj: Wh, what happened? Bernadette: Yeah, what happened? Howard: Okay, I'll say it. I was on the way to pick her up. My stomach felt a little funny. When I got there, I asked if I could use her bathroom. Bernadette: Please don't say it. Howard: One roll of toilet paper and 20 minutes later, I was so humiliated, I snuck out the window and never saw her again. Emily: You know what else I never saw again, my security deposit. Howard: I'm sorry. I tried to unclog it疏通, but you didn't have a plunger掏马桶的, 疏通马桶的, and water was spilling out everywhere. Emily: Right, just water. Howard: Look, I have felt terrible about this for years, and I'm glad I have the opportunity to tell you just how sorry I am. Emily: It's fine. All my friends love this story. They call you Clogzilla. Raj: Get it? Because you clogged up her bathroom like a radioactive monster! Howard: Yeah, yeah, I get it. Bernadette: Howie. Howard: Well, hey, it's not like cotton candy 棉花糖 comes out of you. 11. Amy: Come on, let's get you to bed. You've had a lot to drink. Sheldon: No more than Penny. Amy: That's what I'm saying. Sheldon: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. (Knock, knock, knock) Empty room. (Knock, knock, knock) Empty room. (Knock, knock, knock) Empty room. If somebody says come in, I'm gonna freak out. 12. Bernadette: So, Emily, why did you decide to specialize in dermatology? Emily: I like cutting people with knives, and all the other jobs where you get to do that are illegal. Bernadette: You're kidding, right? Raj: She's scary, but it's a cute scary. Howard: Can I say just one more thing? I had some kind of food poisoning食物中毒 that day. Sure, in retrospect现在想起来, gas station sushi, maybe not the best choice. Nor was climbing out your window and running away. But I think we can all understand how humiliating that was, and I'd really appreciate it if we could move on. Bernadette: Howie, we moved on a long time ago. Howard: I'm just saying… Bernadette: We moved on. Howard: Okay. Fine. Bernadette: How's your soup? Howard: Ah, it's all right. They could've filled the bowl a little more 给更多点. Excuse me. Bernadette: Where are you going? Howard: I need some fresh air. Emily: Been there. 12. Scene: Sheldon, waking up in bed next to a Geology book. Sheldon: Oh, no. What have I done? Leonard: How you feeling? Sheldon: Not so good. Leonard: Are you gonna introduce me to your friend? Sheldon: It's not my friend. Nothing happened. Leonard: I don't know. I heard you reading pretty loud last night. Sheldon: Oh, dear Lord. Where's Amy? Leonard: After she put you to bed放到床上, she went home. Sheldon: Oh. I should call her and apologize. Oh, no. Leonard: What? Sheldon: Apparently, I called Stephen Hawking last night. 13. Answerphone: First new message. Sheldon (voice): Hawkman. It's your old buddy Sheldonoscopy. How come you didn't pick up the phone? Oh, right. My bad. 4. Howard: You're awful quiet. Everything okay? Sheldon: Not really. I had a bit of an embarrassing evening. Howard: Ugh. Me, too. What happened? Sheldon: I drank alcohol and may have left an unfortunate voice mail for Stephen Hawking. Howard: I wouldn't worry about it. He's got a pretty good sense of humour. Sheldon: Oh, I hope so. What happened to you last night? Howard: Oh, well, turns out I'd already met the girl Raj is seeing when I did a number on her bathroom. And that number was two. Sheldon: Well, you know, I've always been a fan of a story told by Attar of Nishapur, about a king who assembled a group of wise men to create a ring that would make him happy when he was sad. And that ring was inscribed 镶着, 镶嵌着 with the phrase, this too shall pass. Barry: Hey, Cooper. I heard you drunk-dialed Stephen Hawking last night? Classic太经典了. Howard: Get out of here, Barry. Barry: Whatever you say, Cwogziwwa. Sheldon: Clogzilla ( -zilla is an English slang suffix, a back-formation derived from the English name of the Japanese movie monster Godzilla. It is popular for the names of software and websites. It is also found often in popular culture to imply some form of excess, denoting the monster-like qualities of Godzilla. This trend has been observed since the popularization of the Mozilla Project, which itself included the Internet Relay Chat client ChatZilla. ). That's pretty funny. I don't think that's gonna pass过去, 消失. 15. Answerphone: Next message. Sheldon (voice): It's me again. I gave up string theory. You should give up black holes, and we can totally solve crimes together. Answerphone: Next message. Sheldon (voice): Do you know what's great? Geology. Oh. Look at this geode. That's fun to say. Gee-ode. Gee-ode. Answerphone: Next message. Sheldon (voice): Gee-ode. Gee-ode. I kiss girls now. Answerphone: Next message. Sheldon (voice): Hey, guess who I am. Beep bop boop bop. I'm you. Get it? Answerphone: Next message. Sheldon (voice): Are you mad at me? Oh, no, you're mad at me. I'm so sorry. Beep bop boop bop. Answerphone: Next message. Sheldon (voice): Thiospinel sulfide. Thiospinel sulfide. That's even more fun than gee-ode. Hey, did you see The Lego Movie? Stephen Hawking: What a jackass.