Monday, 8 September 2014

on the cheap

用法学习: 1. on the cheap(on a budget) 少花钱, 不花多少钱, 节省地, 省钱的 if you buy or do something on the cheap, you buy or do it for very little money, often with the result that it is of bad quality. for not much money. In Paris you can eat on the cheap in some good Left Bank restaurants. The buildings would have been a whole lot better if they hadn't been built on the cheap. 2. clean up good/nice to look attractive. Always used to refer to someone who doesn't usually appear attractive, but becomes attractive when they make an effort, e.g. by dressing nicely, putting on makeup, etc. She's dressed in sweatpants now, but boy can she clean up good! Of all the kids who starred in Harry Potter, no one ever thought Neville Longbottom would end up being the heart throb of the gang. Matthew Lewis cleaned up good. Jonathan Taylor Thomas is still around还在! He's now in his early 30's, still sporting that cute dimpled little smile!

 明星对嘴灾难: Pop stars forgetting when they're supposed to be lip syncing will never get old(  never gets old 永不过时, 永不落伍 I will never get tired or bored of this. The spoof music video "Pop goes my heart" from Music and Lyrics "never gets old" for me. I could watch it again and again.). And Iggy Azalea's latest stuff-up is no exception. The home-grown superstar was on stage with Jennifer Lopez performing their track Acting Like That, when 24-year-old Iggy completely missed her cue. What's more awkward is after finally remembering she should be rapping her lyrics, she seems to give up pretty sharpish ( immediately and quickly ) and drop the mic again, and just dance around the stage while her voice plays in the background. And, understandably, JLo looks pretty confused by the whole thing. Although the cringey video has just now gone viral online, it actually happened back in June at the B96 Summer Bash in Chicago. At the time Iggy took to Instagram to explain the blunder, "We had some technical difficulties when it was time for our song but hey," she posted. Funny as it may be虽然很可笑, Iggy is still awesome. Especially when you bear in mind that she carried on rapping during and after falling off stage at a VMAs rehearsal last month. 天命少女重聚: With Beyonce and Jay Z 'On The Run' tour looking to extend to the rest of the world, perhaps Destiny's Child is pencilling in 2015. Say it is so( say it is so 据说是那样的, 说是这样的, 是这么说的, 说的是那样的, 是那样说的, 听说. to say it isn't so Please tell me that what was just said is not the truth. on someone's say-so 仅凭一面之词, 仅凭谁说, 别人说怎么样就是怎么样 based on what someone says, but without any proof from them. The police won't investigate the claim on the say-so of a known criminal. though/if I say it myself or though/if I say so myself 尽管是我自吹自擂 used when you do not want to seem too proud of your own ability or achievement. Although I say it myself, I think I'm rather good at this. say a lot/very little etc for 说明了一切 to show that someone or something has a lot/very little etc of a particular quality. It says a lot for him that he never gave up. It doesn't say much for my powers of observation that I had no idea what was going on. say no more 不用再说了 spoken used for saying that you understand the hidden meaning of something and do not need any more details. 'She's invited Carl to her party.' 'Say no more!' say this/that for someone 不得不承认, 不得不说, 必须承认 used for admitting that someone who you do not approve of has a good quality. I'll say this for her: she's never lied to me. He's very clever: you have to say that for him. say something to yourself 告诉自己, 告诫自己 to have something in your mind, especially something that you are trying to make yourself believe is true. 'This is the real thing,' he said to himself. say something to yourself (that): say to yourself (that) 告诫: I keep saying to myself that I shouldn't do it. say what you like (about) 随便你怎么说, 爱怎么说怎么说 spoken used for mentioning a good quality of someone or something that is not liked or approved of by other people. Say what you like about him, he knows how to run a business. say when spoken used for telling someone to tell you when you have given them enough of something, especially food or drink. say your piece 说出想法 to say what you really think about something. Right, I've said my piece, so now you know what I think. that's not saying much 也没有好到哪里去 used for emphasizing that something is not very unusual, surprising, or impressive. It's better than the old one, but that's not saying much. what someone says goes 说话算话, 听...的 used for emphasizing that a particular person has the power to decide what happens in a situation. Around here, what he says goes. who can say? 谁能说, 谁知道 spoken used for saying that no one knows the answer to a particular question or knows what will happen in the future. Who can say what will happen to the company? who says? spoken used for expressing disagreement with a statement, opinion etc. 'But you won't get the job anyway.' 'Who says I won't?' who's/what's to say (that)? 谁又敢保证, 谁敢说, 谁敢担保, 谁又说得准 spoken used for saying that something is not certain because no one knows exactly what has happened or what is going to happen. Who's to say he wouldn't have said yes if he'd known? you don't say spoken I. used for saying that you are surprised by what someone has told you. 'He's just won the lottery.' 'You don't say!' II. used for saying that you are not surprised by what someone has told you. 'He phoned in sick again this morning.' 'You don't say!' you said it spoken I. used for agreeing with what someone has said although you would not have said it yourself, especially when they admit they have done something bad or wrong. 'I've made a terrible mess of this.' 'You said it.' II. 你说着了. 你说对了. American used for agreeing with a suggestion that someone has made. 'Why don't we have something to eat first?' 'You said it!')! Beyoncé Knowles' dad has confirmed that Destiny's Child will be touring again…with a reunion on the cards in the near future.  Matthew Knowles, who has managed the band since the start, spoke to Kyle and Jackie O on their morning show and dropped the music bombshell. He also addressed the elevator bust-up with Solange Knowles and Jay Z, saying he found the whole thing "funny". We're not sure Bey is on the same page with that. 高尔夫世界第一 - Rory McIlroy four putts, again: World number one Rory McIlroy has defied belief at the BMW Championship, four putting for the second day in a row, on the same hole. McIlroy, who has has been in the form of his life最佳状态 this year, shocked onlookers in the third round at Cherry Hills when he took four putts from two metres on the par-three 12th. He'd missed the green from the tee and had to chip on, meaning his four putts left him with an inglorious triple bogey([ɪnˈɡlɔ:riəs] making you feel ashamed.). But if that wasn't bad enough, he repeated the act in his final round. This time, McIlroy did manage to find the green off the tee, but the yips returned with his shortest stick as he tried, tried and tried again, before finally finding the cup. McIlroy's reaction, after missing his third putt, told the story and one that every amateur golfer would know. Spectacular dust storm尘暴 feared by locals: Incredible time-lapse ( time-lapse photography uses a series of photographs taken during a period of time to make a slow process seem to happen much faster. ) video has been sped up to show how a rolling wall of dust engulfs the US city of Phoenix like the shockwave 冲击波 from a bomb blast原子弹爆炸. Videos captured by Arizona locals on Saturday night show the formation of the dust cloud as an eerie red glow ( eerie [ˈɪəri] strange and mysterious, and sometimes frightening. There was an eerie resemblance between them.) descends on the town. But only minutes after choking on the dust passes(过去. 经过 Wall of dust passes over Phoenix. Massive dust storm floated over the city on Saturday night. ), locals prepare for the forthcoming deluge as the storms typically herald 预示着 the onset of flooding rains in the desert state. A flood warning was issued an hour later. Still suffering through one of Arizona's largest droughts on record有记录以来, Phoenix residents should be joyful at any sign of rain but Saturday's wall of dust was a sign of a downpour大雨倾盆. Some houses that were trashed 沦为废墟 from flood water in the Phoenix Valley a few weeks earlier are still being cleaned up. A local, Jenny Nuñez, knows that even if it rains a little, her home will flood. "We like it here. We've been here a long time," Nuñez said. "It's just too much." Every time it starts to rain, she fears the flood. "[The water comes in] I'd say in the matter of four to five minutes," she said. Time-lapse video that captured the formation of the dust cloud looks like the aftermath from a large bomb blast blowing over the city. Phoenix's mayor has responded to frustrated residents. "I don't want to over-promise空许诺 and say if the heavy rains come back that the engineering issues are going to be fixed in the next few weeks," said Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton.

Channel Nine sports reporter Erin Molan has quit her regular spot on The Kyle and Jackie O Show on KIIS FM, after she was bombarded ( [bomˈbɑ:(r)d] 连番轰炸. to ask someone so many questions, give them so much information etc that it is difficult for them to deal with it all. bombard someone/something with something: She bombarded him with faxes and called his office repeatedly. ) by inappropriate questions from host Kyle Sandilands and talk-back callers while live on-air. "I was watching The Footy Show last night and I noticed that your chest area has got a little bit bigger. Just wondering whether you've done a boob job recently?" asked a caller. "That is an incredibly personal question," Molan responded. "I'm going to take the Fifth (I take/plead the Fifth (Amendment) 保持沉默, 沉默权 (American humorous) something that you say in order to tell someone you are not going to answer a question. Usage notes: The Fifth Amendment is the part of American law that says someone does not have to answer questions about themselves in a law court. (sometimes + on ) 'So who do you like best, Jenny or Kim?' 'Sorry, I take the Fifth on that.' ) on that one and just say I'm happy with my rig as it is. That is a weird opening question. Are you not listening to what I say about football?" After the show's second caller asked Molan how many famous sportsmen she'd slept with - "This is always a big question for any female hosts in sport. I've had one boyfriend who's played professional sport," Molan answered - Sandilands got in on the jibes( jibe [dʒaɪb] 冷嘲热讽, 侮辱人的话 a comment that is intended to annoy or offend someone. A facetious or insulting remark, a jeer or taunt. He flung subtle jibes at her until she couldn't bear to work with him any longer. jibe with something [for something] to agree with something. Your story doesn't jibe with what we heard from the arresting officer. Her tale jibes with yours quite well). "Have you been with another cricketer though? Warnie? Have you been with Warnie?", he pressed. When Molan then brought up concerns that her mum was listening - "Isn't it horrific? My mum would be so proud," she said - the conversation turned to discussion of her siblings. "My sister's a lawyer, my brother's a pilot and my other sister's a teacher, so they are all the noble ones," she said, to which Sandilands interjected插话(to say something suddenly that interrupts someone who is speaking.): "They're probably all coke-heads( A heavy user of cocaine. A person fortunate enough to have enough money to support a steady diet of delicious cocaine. "I had to get a third job and start turning tricks耍花招, but it's all good because I can afford to buy another gram of booger sugar!" )." Needless to say, the Nine reporter ended the segment by joking it'd be her last appearance on the show, despite it being just five weeks into its regular schedule. "As this will be my final week, I'd like to say thank you so much for having me," said Molan, as both Jackie O and Kyle protested. "I can't. Will I be subjected to this 遭受, 忍受 every week?" she added. It turned out to be true: KIIS management were reportedly forced to apologise to Molan, who hasn't returned to the show since the incident.

 新闻: 1. contingency plan 应急计划. A contingency plan is a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan. It is often used for risk management when an exceptional risk that, though unlikely, would have catastrophic consequences. Contingency plans are often devised by governments orbusinesses. For example, suppose many employees of a company are traveling together on an aircraft which crashes, killing all aboard. The company could be severely strained or even ruined by such a loss. Accordingly, many companies have procedures to follow in the event of such a disaster. The plan may also include standing policies to mitigate a disaster's potential impact, such as requiring employees to travel separately or limiting the number of employees on any one aircraft. 2. 皇家第二胎: Prince Harry has laughed off 一笑置之 the observation that his chances of becoming king are growing. Brushing off concerns the baby will push him further away from the throne, Prince George's uncle jokingly said he "couldn't wait for my brother to suffer more" and that it was exciting news for the family. "Of course with that growing family, your chances of becoming king are reduced," a reporter from ITN asked. Prince Harry laughed off the question before replying with a sarcastic "great". "In all seriousness I hope my sister-in-law gets better," Prince Harry said. "Luckily I'm not a woman, I don't have to go through it. "I think George will be over the moon having a younger brother or sister." "It's been a tricky few days - week or so - but obviously we're immensely thrilled, it's great news, early days, we're hoping things settle down and she feels a bit better," he said. The prince then made a plea which he no doubt knew would be widely ignored. Prince William's uncle, Earl Spencer, told London radio her pregnancy was "such happy-making news". "I have never known a period of news where things have looked so dark and bleak around the world and to have this pop up is just fantastic," he said. "It's just making the nation a happier place." 3. 黄金海岸女孩坠楼事件: Gable Tostee's face and body were covered in scratches and red marks after a night of kinky sex and a scuffle with the young New Zealand tourist whom he is accused of murdering. Dr van Buuren said it was not possible to determine what caused the abrasions but some of them could have been caused by fingernail scratches. Police allege Ms Wright was in fear of her life害怕丧命 and trying to flee Tostee when she fell. Yesterday's bail hearing was adjourned to a date to be determined. 4. 抱怨强奸屋被裁掉: "While the group of trainee employees were being shown the room it was referred to only as the "statue room"(有statues在里边) or the "stat room" for short. "This prompted one of the new trainees (not Ms Williams) to question "Stat, like stat rape(Statutory [ˈstætʃʊt(ə)ri] 法定的, 法令的 rape)?" "The group trainer frowned [fraun] at the employee who mentioned rape and sternly 严肃的说 said we do not have a rape room." Mr Harrison said he did not condone inflammatory [ɪnˈflæmət(ə)ri], intolerant or sexist in his stores and that the allegations were untrue. Ms Williams, who says she is a rape victim, tweeted that she had no idea where the name of the room started. "It's one of the back room used for storage," she tweeted. "I have no idea why they call it a rape room. Didn't dare ask." His side of the story is that he knew it was called a rape room. He told me he didn't want to make waves. Brushed it off.  5. Dick Graze: Well, this is weird…Channing Tatum really wants us to touch other men's crotches. In fact, the 34-year-old hottie is here to educate us on the art of "dick grazing(=dick grabbing)"… better known as the not-so-subtle crotch brush. Lucky for us ladies, we can get in on the action插一脚 too…with our very own "booby meetings". Yep, that now replaces a high five and a handshake.