Tuesday 28 May 2024


用法学习: 1. abalone [,æbə'loʊni] 鲍鱼 Abalone is a shellfish that you can eat and that has a shiny substance called mother-of-pearl inside its shell. salmonids [ˈsælmənɪd] 鲑鱼 Salmonidae (/sælˈmɒnɪdiː/, lit. "salmon-like") is a family of ray-finned fish that constitutes the only currently extant family in the order Salmoniformes ([sælˈmɒnɪfɔːrmiːz], lit. "salmon-shaped"), consisting of 11 extant genera and over 200 species collectively known as "salmonids" or "salmonoids" 鲑鱼. golden perch 黄金鲈: Uarah Fisheries at Grong Grong, in the Riverina region, has bred 50,000 fingerlings ( fingerling 鱼苗 I. a very young fish, esp the parr of salmon or trout. II. a small finger-shaped potato. III. a diminutive creature or object. ) that will be matured in Chinese fish farms for sale in the local market. Uarah Fisheries managing director John Yu said there was a taste in China for Australian fish that had been boosted by the popularity of Murray cod ( 石斑魚, 墨瑞鱈. ). He says the appetite for cod is not being met, which has created an opportunity to export other species. "The advantage of the perch species is that they won't have these little bones [that are present in Chinese fish]," he said. "We call these intramuscular bones … that's why people like Australian fish." 2. disembowel [ˌdɪs(ɪ)mˈbaʊ(ə)l] 摘除内脏, 开膛破肚 verb I. cut open and remove the internal organs of. To disembowel a person or animal means to remove their internal organs, especially their stomach, intestines, and bowels. "the dinosaur used its claw to disembowel prey". It shows a fox being disembowelled by a pack of hounds. Ma suffered about 40 stab wounds and was "disemboweled," with some of his organs, including his penis, stuffed into his mouth and pill bottles and pills shoved into his body cavity, in a killing motivated by Ma's decision to break up with Davids, the prosecutor said. II. To disembowel something means to take out the inside of it, especially in a such a way that it is destroyed or made completely useless. Next, she disembowelled a melon with a quiet fury. The interiors were disembowelled and rebuilt. 3. monkey wrench I. 活动扳手. a wrench with one fixed and one adjustable jaw at right angles to a straight handle. a tool with parts that can be moved to tighten or unfasten any size of nut and bolt. More broadly, a monkey wrench may be a pipe wrench 管钳 or any other kind of adjustable wrench. II. something that disrupts. threw a monkey wrench into the peace negotiations. throw a monkey wrench into 打断, 终断 to disrupt the orderly functioning or realization of. left-handed monkey wrench a nonexistent tool. A fictional tool, typically used to trick someone who is new to a field or industry.  Hand me the left-handed monkey wrench, huh? If you want to mess with the new kid, ask him to go get you a left-handed monkey wrench, then watch him scour the truck for the next hour looking for one. Amy: I don't understand. What differences does it make if Leonard goes to Wil Wheaton's party?Penny: Wil Wheaton is Sheldon's mortal enemy. Amy: Mortal enemy? Penny: Mm-hmm. Amy: Sheldon, I know you're a bit of a left-handed monkey wrench, but, you really have a mortal enemy? sky hook 天钩 n. an imaginary crane; an imaginary tool. A figurative hook suspended from a nonexistent crane, as needed to lift or hoist someone or something in an impossible manner or location. If I eat any more of this pizza, they'll need a skyhook to get me out of this place! I can't get this thing outa here without a sky hook. 4. bleed into I. to spread into or through something gradually. foreign policy bleeds into economic policy. II. If the colour of one substance bleeds into the colour of another substance that it is touching, it goes into the other thing so that its colour changes in an undesirable way. If colour, ink, paint, etc. bleeds, it spreads beyond the edges of something onto an area that is another colour: Avoid slow-drying ink because the colours tend to bleed into one another before they've dried. Dyes can sometimes bleed when a rug is cleaned. When we used ordinary paper the colours bled through rather than sitting on top of the page. The colouring pigments from the skins are not allowed to bleed into the grape juice. bleed I. [disapproval] If someone is being bled, money or other resources are gradually being taken away from them. We have been gradually bled for twelve years. They mean to bleed the British to the utmost. to lose a lot of money, or to make this happen: The newspaper is bleeding money and is now almost €150 million in the red. bleed sth from sth The energy crisis is estimated to be bleeding $1.4 billion a month from the region's economy. bleed sb dry = bleed someone white 榨干 If someone is being bled dry or is being bled white, all of their money or other resources are gradually being taken away from them. to take all or most of the money of a person, organization, country, etc.: The West is bleeding poorer countries dry through interest payments on their debts. Unfair trade bleeds countries dry through repayments of national debts. The war has bled the once-strong Armenian economy dry. nosebleed = nose bleed If someone has a nosebleed, blood comes out from inside their nose. Whenever I have a cold I get a nosebleed. II. If you bleed a closed system such as a radiator or a brake, you remove air or liquid from it to make it work correctly. III. to lose blood: Before help could reach him, the man bled to death. IV. fig. Because of the taxes, our state is bleeding jobs (= many jobs are leaving). bleed out 失血过多而死 to die from loss of blood: He bled out on the operating table. They cut off the chicken's head and let it bleed out before plucking it. 5. excise noun [ekˈsaɪz] verb. [ɪk'saɪz] verb. to remove something, especially by cutting. If someone excises something, they remove it deliberately and completely. The authors demanded excision of foreign words. ...a personal crusade to excise racist and sexist references in newspapers. ...the question of permanently excising madness from the world. be excised from During a three-hour operation six tumours were excised from the wall of the patient's stomach. The official censors have excised the controversial sections of the report. noun. a tax made by a government on some types of goods produced and used within their own country. Excise is a tax that the government of a country puts on particular goods, such as cigarettes and alcoholic drinks, which are produced for sale in its own country. ...this year's rise in excise duties. New car buyers will be hit by increases in taxes and excise. excise (duty) = excise tax on The excise (duty) on beer was increased under the last government. At nearly $1.30 per cigarette, the excise alone on a packet of 25 cigarettes is $32, before you add GST. That’s what smokers are avoiding when they buy under-the-counter products. 6. anchor noun. I. An anchor is a heavy hooked object that is dropped from a boat into the water at the end of a chain in order to make the boat stay in one place. II. If one thing is the anchor for something else, it makes that thing stable and secure. She was my anchor when things were difficult for me. This treaty has been called the anchor (= strongest part) of their foreign policy. He provided an emotional anchor for her. He remains the anchor of the country's fragile political balance. III. The anchor on a television or radio programme, especially a news programme, is the person who presents it. He was the anchor of the 15-minute evening newscast. IV. the member of a team who goes last in a relay (= a type of race between two or more teams in which each person in the team runs or swims part of the race): anchor leg 接力赛的最后一棒 Thorpe swam the anchor leg for Australia. As anchor in the relay, he closed a 4-metre gap to seize victory. He won the 100- and 200-metre sprints and anchored two winning relay teams. "Klete anchored that race perfectly," Phelps said. "His swim was the reason we won." verb. I. When a boat anchors or when you anchor it, its anchor is dropped into the water in order to make it stay in one place. We could anchor off the pier. They anchored the boat. II. If you anchor an object somewhere, you fix it to something to prevent it moving from that place. to make something or someone stay in one position by fastening him, her, or it firmly: We anchored ourselves to the rocks with a rope. The roots anchor the plant in the earth. The child seat belt was not properly anchored to the car. If that pipe isn't strong enough to take Miss Crawford's weight, then there must have been someone else in her room... ..anchoring the rope 绑 固定, 固紧 when she.....died. So, this, er, hanging thing, you're saying someone else was in the room to anchor the rope? III. If something is anchored in something or to something, it has strong links with it. Bilbao is firmly anchored in Basque culture. His basic outlook remains anchored in the liberal tradition. IV. [mainly US] The person who anchors a television or radio programme, especially a news programme, is the person who presents it and acts as a link between interviews and reports which come from other places or studios. Viewers saw him anchoring a five-minute summary of regional news. ...a series of reports on the Vietnam War, anchored by Mr. Cronkite. at anchor If a boat is at anchor, it is floating in a particular place and is prevented from moving by its anchor. Sailing boats lay at anchor in the narrow waterway. drop anchor = cast anchor 抛锚 When the people on a boat drop anchor or cast anchor, they drop the boat's anchor into the water in order to prevent the boat from moving. We dropped anchor (= lowered the anchor into the water) and stopped. We dropped anchor in a sheltered spot. weigh anchor/up anchor 起锚 When the people on a boat weigh anchor or up anchor, they pull the anchor of the boat out of the water so that they can sail away. It was time to weigh anchor (= pull up the anchor and sail away).

grudgingly 不想地 (no annoyance) VS begrudgingly 不心甘情愿但被逼无奈的(with resentment, annoyance, envy): grudgingly is related to reluctance and begrudgingly is more related to resentment. So for example, I grudgingly get out of bed in the morning. I begrudgingly gave my coworker a congrats when she got promoted over me. grudging I. a grudging supporter of the reform movement. a grudging admirer. II. done, given, or allowed unwillingly, reluctantly, or sparingly. grudging compliance. begrudging said, done, or given reluctantly. begrudging acceptance/admiration/respect. … there have been indications during the past few years that the psychoanalytic community is, however begrudgingly, taking his ideas seriously. Smirched VS besmirched: smirch I. to make dirty or discolor as by smearing or staining with grime. II. to sully or dishonor (a reputation, good name, etc.). besmirch to say bad things about someone to influence other people's opinion of them: His accusations were false, but they served to besmirch her reputation.

关于Ozempic以及相关 (generic, off-brand, off-label, compounding, replica, knock-off version): 1. brand-name 品牌的, 名牌的: having a special name that is known to most people: The brand-name airlines are slashing their costs to survive and compete with low-cost carriers. Currently, an exemption allows Australian compounding pharmacists to individually reproduce brandname drugs in times of shortage, meaning replica drugs are legal, but they are not subject to the same stringent safety checks as brandname pharmaceuticals. 2. off-label: be prescribed "off-label" by medical practitioners to treat conditions other than those approved by the TGA. Off-label prescribing involves prescriptions to treat conditions other than those approved by the TGA. It is a regular occurrence in the Australian healthcare system, particularly for uncommon diseases and conditions or underrepresented patient groups. Pharmacists should be aware that stock availability can change and sudden spikes in demand due to stockpiling 囤积, 囤货 or off-label use may affect continuity of care for patients stabilised on Ozempic. Ozempic and Mounjaro are a popular "off-label" choice for doctors treating patients wanting to lose weight, but the drugs are only approved by the TGA for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. 3. off-brand adj. of an unknown, unpopular, or inferior brand of retail product. not having a recognized or popular brand or name an off-brand TV set. "off-brand 次等品牌的, 非品牌的, 非名牌的 sneakers". being a cheap or inferior brand or grade off-brand batteries that never work when you need them. II. not in keeping with someone's personality or usual behaviour. "it was a politically damaging episode that was off-brand for the candidate". noun. an unknown, unpopular, or inferior brand of retail product. 4. A compounding pharmacy 合成药, 特制药 is a specialist pharmacy that is able to create medications on-site and essentially "customise" them for patients. Doctors might prescribe compounded medication for their patients if what they need isn't commercially available, for example a liquid formulation for a child who can't swallow a tablet. Compounding is legal, but pharmacists need to follow strict regulatory guidelines that dictate when and why a medicine might be compounded. It's due to a grey area in these guidelines — which says existing medicines may be replicated 仿制, 仿造 when there isn't a suitable commercial option — that some compounding pharmacies have been producing off-brand Ozempic and Mounjaro. 5. generic medicine (knockoff version, replica): I. You use generic 通用的 to describe something that refers or relates to a whole class of similar things. shared by, typical of, or relating to a whole group of similar things, rather than to any particular thing: The new range of engines all had a generic problem with their fan blades. Parmesan is a generic term used to describe a family of hard Italian cheeses. I will refer to child abuse generically (which includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect). ...something generically called 'rock 'n' roll'. II. A generic drug or other product is one that does not have a trademark and that is known by a general name, rather than the manufacturer's name. a product, especially a drug, that is no longer owned or legally controlled by a particular company: The biggest difference between the brand-name drugs and the generics is price. They encourage doctors to prescribe cheaper generic drugs. Brand names only are given, as generics are not usually prescribed. The study found large variations in quality for both brand-name and generic drugs. generic equivalents/versions Generic versions of the drugs would surely be cheaper. generic goods/medications/products. ( proprietary [prəˈpraɪə.tər.i] relating to owning something, or relating to or like an owner. If someone has a proprietary attitude towards something, they act as though they own it.  Directors weren't allowed any proprietary airs 有主权的 about the product they made. I just assumed he owned the place - he had a proprietary air about him. II. Proprietary goods are made and sent out by a particular company whose name is on the product. Proprietary substances or products are sold under a trade name. ...some proprietary brands of dog food. We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology. proprietary medicines.) III. People sometimes use generic to refer to something that is exactly typical of the kind of thing mentioned, and that has no special or unusual characteristics. ...generic 常见的 California apartments, the kind that have white walls and white drapes and were built five years ago. 用例: Americans are so desperate to get their hands on popular weight-loss drugs such as Ozempic and Wegovy that many are turning to knockoff versions. Doing so could come with real harm. The popularity of the drugs, combined with uneven insurance coverage, has given rise to a cottage industry 手工作坊, 小作坊, 家庭作坊, 黑工厂 of online retailers( cottage industry I. a small business run from home. A cottage industry is a small business that is run from someone's home, especially one that involves a craft such as knitting or pottery. Bookbinding is largely a cottage industry. II. a limited but enthusiastically pursued activity or subject this debate about sex and law became a cottage industry for feminist academics. ) and medical spas(A medical spa (medi-spa) offers cosmetic medical services, including medical treatments scientifically proven to produce exceptional results. The facility is supervised by a board-certified physician, and services are rendered by highly trained medical staff. A medical spa is far from your typical beauty spa center, which provides a ‘pampering’ experience. Wondering what a medical spa can do for your skin and overall looks? Read on and learn about the benefits, cosmetic services, and best way to choose the best medical spa in your area. ) that purport to provide "generic Ozempic" at discounted prices. Some require only a cursory medical consultation. Others forgo it altogether. Consumers should be extremely wary. "Generic Ozempic" is a misleading term because Ozempic's manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, still has patent exclusivity. Ozempic, the brand name for semaglutide used to treat diabetes, and Wegovy, the name for obesity treatment, have been approved by the FDA. (Ozempic is also prescribed off-label for weight loss, and "Ozempic" has often been used colloquially to describe the class of drugs that includes semaglutide.) Generic medications also require FDA approval, but the knockoff versions being distributed have not gone through that process. Rather, knockoffs are made through a procedure called compounding, which allows pharmacies to tailor medications for patients with specific clinical needs. For example, an individual with an allergy to one component of a commercially available drug can request a compounding pharmacist to reformulate the medication without that ingredient. The FDA-approved semaglutide is a "base" form. This is different from "salts" such as semaglutide acetate or semaglutide sodium, which are available for research purposes and used by some compounders. The FDA has warned that the salt versions 盐类 do not meet federal requirements for compounding. Patients should not take them, and they should stay away from vials labeled "for research use only."

Midsomer Murders: 1. I saw her last night. She was at the opening gala for some ballroom dance contest. She wasn't competing. I wonder why. Didn't think glitz and glamour ( glitz [ɡlɪts] the quality of being exciting and attractive, but often in a way that has no real worth. the showy quality of something. You use glitz to refer to something that is exciting and attractive in a showy way. ...the glitz of Beverly Hills. Pile on the sequins and add some glitz to your look. the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. glitz and glamour 光鲜亮丽, 华丽绚烂 razzle-dazzle, glitz Being the daughter of an A-list celebrity, she grew up in a world of glitz and glamour. The party's electoral message may be obscured by the glitz and glamour of its presentation. The extraordinary thing about Cannes is that despite the surface glitz, most people get up early and work. glitzy [ˈɡlɪt·si] a glitzy restaurant. razzle-dazzle Glitz, glamor/glamour, showiness, or pizazz. The big musical number at the end didn't have quite the razzle-dazzle they had hoped. glisten [glɪsən] verb. I. If something glistens, it shines, usually because it is wet or oily. The calm sea glistened in the sunlight. Darcy's face was white and glistening with sweat. ...tubs of glistening olives. II. If you say that someone's eyes glisten, you mean their eyes are shining. 'I shall go, leave him.' Laura Stebbing stopped, her eyes glistening. His sunken eyes glistened with delight. gleam [ɡliːm] I. to produce or reflect a small, bright light. to shine with a soft light: Street lights gleamed brightly in the snow. He polished the table until it gleamed. II. When eyes gleam, they shine in a way that expresses a particular emotion: gleam with/in His eyes gleamed with/in triumph. a gleam in your eye an expression in your eyes that shows that you are amused or that you have a secret: "I can't tell you that yet, but I will soon," Grandpa said with a gleam in his eyeglint verb. I. If something glints, it produces or reflects a quick flash of light. The sea glinted in the sun. Sunlight glinted on his spectacles. ...the glinting ripples of water. II. If someone's eyes glint, they shine and express a particular emotion. When someone's eyes glint, they look bright, expressing a strong emotion: She smiled at him, her eyes glinting with mischief. Her eyes glinted wildly. A mischievous spark glinted in his eyes. noun. I. A glint is a quick flash of light. ...a glint of silver. ...glints of sunlight. II. A glint in someone's eyes is a brightness that expresses a particular emotion. He came up to me with the glint of triumph in his eye. an occasion when something glints: the glint of a knife. a mischievous glint in his eye. A glint can also be a brief expression in someone's eyes that tells you how that person is really thinking or feeling: a glint of pride in his eye. glean 收集信息 I. to learn small pieces of information by asking questions or watching or listening carefully. Their decisions were based on financial information gleaned from the Internet. II. [intransitive/transitive] 拾麦穗. to pick up small amounts of the crops left in a field after they have been cut and collected by the farmer. ) were your thing, sir. They're not. Lace? Tulle. Good for ball gowns. Mm. You're the expert. Of course. I've got several hanging in my wardrobe. Really? I ran them up ( run something up I. If you run up a debt, you do things that cause you to owe a large amount of money. to increase a debt by spending more: He ran up huge bills on clothes. The company ran up huge debts. run up a bill to continue to add small amounts to an amount owed until the total amount becomes very high: run up a debt/loss/bill. She stayed two weeks at the hotel and ran up a bill that she couldn't pay. II. 快速做成. 快速做出. to quickly make something such as a piece of clothing from material. to make something, especially clothes, very quickly She can run up a dress in an evening. I can run you up some curtains in a few hours, if you want. III. to make the price or value of something increase: Heavy buying ran the price of stocks up higher than expected. IV. to raise a flag into the air on a pole or mast: They've run up a British flag on the roof. run-up I. 助跑. in some sports, a period or distance of running that you do in order to be going fast enough to perform a particular action: The longer and faster your run-up is, the higher you can jump. Bowling is not all about what happens at the end of your run-up. These exercises will help you perfect your run-up. II. the final period of time before an important event: run-up to the period before an important event: Wolfson is playing a key role in the run-up to the elections. Everyone is very busy during the run-up to publication. A similar campaign was launched in the run-up to Christmas. III. finance & economics  specialized an increase in the level of prices, debt, etc.. a sudden and unexpected increase in price: a run-up in sth Stock buybacks trigger a runup in price when common stock holders want cash. That explains much of the fuel price run-up. The huge run-up in government debt will weigh on potential growth. ) myself. Nothing I like better... You know, in between cooking, cleaning, and conforming to gender stereotypes. 2. And take a look at her laptop. Find out what stories she was working on. See if she'd opened any cans of worms. Or just quick-stepped ( a dance with a lot of quick steps, or a piece of music for this. a modern ballroom dance in rapid quadruple time. tread/step on someone's toes offend someone by encroaching on their area of responsibility. to upset someone, esp. by getting involved in something that is that person's responsibility: It’s a very competitive business – you can’t afford to step on too many toes. "I have no wish to tread on the toes of colleagues with local interests". ) on someone's toes. Very droll ( droll [droʊl] Something or someone that is droll is amusing or witty, sometimes in an unexpected way. humorous, especially in an unusual way: a droll remark/expression/person. The band have a droll sense of humour. ), Winter. Thank you, sir. Try not to make it a habit. 3. Of course I didn't hate her. I'd have to give a damn, first. You didn't resent her beating you? You make it sound like a regular occurrence 经常性的, 常有的事. The last three times, it was. One of those, the judges were clearly swayed by the amount of mascara Rosa had on. It's obviously a novelty in Kettering. 4. Do you know why Rosa Corrigan wasn't competing last night? She couldn't. No partner, no rhumba. Them's the rules( It's an idiom used by particular groups of English speakers (Southern Americans, Brooklynites, for example) in colloquial speech. It means, those are the rules. If you see it in printed form, it will likely be in dialogue spoken by a person who uses a distinct dialect. Here are some examples of its use over the years. You'll see that each example contains a heavy dose of other dialectical pronunciations and informal ungrammatical constructions. From a magazine called Old Guard, published in the 1860s in New York City: "If the tin's here empty when I comes back, I takes it away. If the wittals is here, why I takes them away. Them's the rules." From a literary magazine called The Writer published in 1927: Wot you a-doin' of? Writin' up yer diry? Eat an' walk--them's the rules 'ere. They's others writin'." From a book called From the Brooklyn Side published in 2000: "Them's the rules, Dominick. We either live by 'em or we die by 'em. But we ain't gonna break 'em for nobody." Occasionally, the expression will be used in a jokey manner, as @Barrie England points out, by someone who speaks proper English to express the irony of the rules. As if those rules have been created by an uneducated person who would say "them's the rules" and not "those are the rules." For example, in this passage from a book called Resurrection Day published in 2000: "Not my problem. Them's the rules, and that's why I'm about to pull the pin and get out of this rotten city on full pension." Because it is an ungrammatical idiom, it is best used either humorously or ironically unless it is in the written dialogue of a character who speaks in that dialect, and then it can be used literally (meaning those are the rules) and to your heart's content. ). I reckon it was just Alex's way to get shot of ( get shot of = be shot of get rid of. to get rid of or free of something, or to leave something: I can't wait to get shot of this office for a week. I suspect he left home to get shot of that awful mother of his. The whole project had been a nightmare and I couldn't wait to be shot of it. The car was never right for her and she was pleased to get shot of it. She had been unhappy living in London for a while and was glad to be shot of it."Helen couldn't wait to get shot of me". ) Rosa. And who amongst us can blame him? 5. One hurdle 障碍 down. Three more to go. 6. Neurorehabilitation. That's the goal. We help stroke victims, those who have lost limbs or are paralyzed, from birth or from an accident. At the moment, it's prohibitively 让人望而却步的 expensive to offer this sort of care. But we think 3-D printing will change all that. And that? We also have another branch that focuses primarily on the industrial uses of robotics... Making workers more efficient, maximizing productivity. Why is it behind glass? Why is it behind glass? It's not always a good idea to mix man and machine. Machine usually wins. Rosa was plugging the competition, mostly. But it's an opportunity to advertise what we do here. Jake's here helping me for when we float the business later this year, but mostly he's my fiancé. 7. Rosa's stuff. That comes to me, right, as next of kin? When we've finished with it. I wrote her some letters... You know, from Afghanistan. Photos of guys who... Well, you know. It'd be nice to have that stuff back. Just the paper stuff. No hard drives or memory sticks. No computer. I'll see you get everything. 8. They can't do anything for me, but maybe... someone else. And that's got to be worthwhile. Better than selling and buying schmutter ( schmutter [ˈʃmʌtə] I. clothing; garments. People will pay a fortune for designer schmutter. He opened a shop in the Kings Road selling hippy schmutter. The word schmutter comes from the Yiddish word for rag. II. worthless material; rubbish. ). A retail empire is a bit more than that. It's all about buying and selling, Inspector. My daughter's got to learn that when I step down. Heather's taking over Paradisum? In a year or so, maybe sooner. And how does your son, Ray, feel about his sister taking over? Probably relieved. Ray is not really cut out for business. And Heather is? She understands. We might have the, uh, the cars, the helicopters, the yachts, but it's still a street fight, Inspector. Always will be. Thank you. Heather has always been able to get what she wants. Daddy's little girl. You don't approve? Naked ambition 赤裸裸的雄心 is never attractive. You don't want to take over? I don't have the stomach. How well did you know Rosa Corrigan? I didn't. So what did you row about at the gala? It wasn't a row. Your stepdaughter, Heather, says different. Oh, I'm sure she does. Gliding the knife in, was she? I don't think she's your biggest fan. Imagine my surprise. Rosa wanted to talk to Andrew again about him stepping down. It was fairly clear she wanted to write a piece about the family... Tensions, rivalries. Cheap and obvious. I told her it wasn't going to happen. And she disagreed? She wasn't happy about it, but... I have watched this disease eat away the man I love. And it won't stop until it destroys him completely. I want what is left of his life to be as easy as possible. Inspector. Had I wanted to, I could simply have picked up the phone. Paradisum has hot and cold running lawyers ( That is a humorous statement. When living quarters developed hot and cold running water, it was a major change and a major convenience. These days, when one encounters a mansion with many servants or a party with many servers, one could say (tongue in cheek), "This place has hot and cold running servants." ) whose job it is to deal with much bigger fish than Rosa Corrigan. I could have shut her down in a heartbeat. Why would I kill her? It's... inelegant. 9. The call was made 100 yards from where you live. Do you honestly think I'm that petty? I think it was an easy solution to an increasingly frustrating problem. 9. You didn't share your mother's resentment? I can't remember a time when Mum wasn't obsessed with dancing... Competing, rehearsing, always traveling, competing, rehearsing, always traveling, always somewhere else, barely seeing me. My whole life. I hate it. If she never danced another step, I'd be happy. So no, I didn't share her resentment, I didn't care about her rival, and I sure as hell didn't deliberately run Rosa off the road. 10. Heather! Jakey boy! How's that prototype leg coming on? 11. The Chinese deal going ahead? With luck and a following wind ( following wind 顺风 a wind that is blowing in the same direction as the one in which you are going. a wind that is moving in the same direction as the course of a vessel etc The fleet is heading across the Bay of Biscay in light following winds towards Cape Finisterre. Stopping the ball on the green is more difficult with a following wind. Thanks to a following wind, we arrived in Madrid fifteen minutes early. Of course, we were hoping for a following wind. With luck - and a following wind - we might get there by midday. With a following wind, it's a fairly easy ride. Grandad's car could only do 40 kilometres an hour downhill with a following wind. ). 12. The margin 收益 on these things is... is off the chart. And we have the exclusive import rights. Yeah. It's a license to print money, Dad. So you're gonna make a deal. Congratulations. Then what? Oh, I don't... One deal. So what? Come back to me when you've made 20 deals. 13. He encourages it? My husband doesn't have the time to be jealous. Then why keep it a secret? You know how people think. They wouldn't understand how Andrew would be okay with it. I can't spare him much, Inspector, but I can spare him that ( spare verb. I. If you have something such as time, money, or space to spare, you have some extra time, money, or space that you have not used or that you do not need. You got here with ninety seconds to spare. It's not as if he has money to spare. The car suddenly darted ahead, squeezing past him with only inches to spare. Miranda has drive and energy to spare and has now taken on an even bigger challenge. II. If you spare time or another resource 挤出时间来 for a particular purpose, you make it available for that purpose. She said that she could only spare 35 minutes for our meeting. He's a very busy man, and it's good of him to spare the time to visit. He suggested that his country could not spare the troops for such an operation. III. If a person or a place is spared, they are not harmed, even though other people or places have been. We have lost everything, but thank God, our lives have been spared. Not a man was spared. The area was largely spared from the famine. IV. If you spare someone an unpleasant experience 省去, 免去, 免除, you prevent them from suffering it. I wanted to spare Frances the embarrassment of discussing this subject. Prisoners are spared the indignity of wearing uniforms. Spare me the gory details. She's just trying to spare Shawna's feelings. The policy has not spared the farming community from severe financial pressure. spare no effort = spare no expense If you spare no effort in doing something, you do it as well as possible, without worrying about the amount of work involved. If you spare no expense in doing it, you do it as well as possible, without trying to save money. The government is determined to spare no effort in investigating this case thoroughly. Officials say they'll spare no expense to prevent another riot. spare a thought for If you spare a thought for an unfortunate person, you make an effort to think sympathetically about them and their bad luck. Spare a thought for the nation's shopkeepers–consumer sales slid again in May. I do not think any of us spared a thought for the ordeal of her crew. to spare someone's blushes = save sb's blushes 省去尴尬, 免去尴尬 If you spare someone's blushes or save someone's blushes, you avoid doing or saying something that will embarrass them. sparing 省着点的, 节省的 adj. Someone who is sparing with something uses it or gives it only in very small quantities. I've not been sparing with the garlic. Her sparing use of make-up only seemed to enhance her classically beautiful features. Only a sparing amount is needed. Medication is used sparingly. Normally she ate sparingly). 14. I was young. I thought it was fun. It's no secret that the whole camp-as-Christmas ( camp as Christmas A phrase to affirm someone or something's 'camp ness' When you think about it, Christmas is pretty camp. Shopping, tinsel and sparkly baubles! You can't get much more camp than that! "That Elton John and his fella, are as camp as Christmas" ) thing is an act 做给人看的, and I knew he had a reputation. But I guess I was flattered. I know I should've known better. I thought he'd be exciting to be with, but... he'd get jealous as soon as I even spoke to anyone else. Same rules didn't apply to him, though. He was unfaithful? Like other people breathe. I ended it, and he was pathetic about it at first, begging me to stay. Then he got nasty. When he started dancing with Tanya, I thought it'd put a stop to it all. Are you sure it's him? He knows my passwords. He still has the keys to here. Well, why wouldn't you change the locks? I didn't think I needed to. 15. Are you feeling okay? Competition getting to you? Bunions [ˈbʌnjə] 拇指外翻(A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of your big toe. It occurs when some of the bones in the front part of your foot move out of place. This causes the tip of your big toe to get pulled toward the smaller toes and forces the joint at the base of your big toe to stick out.), maybe? 16. Tan, the CD's on the fritz ( on the fritz [frɪts] ( fritzed, (Australian) bung, (UK, Australia) on the blink, (offensive) spaz) informal North American (of a machine or device) not working properly. Out of order; malfunctioning; broken. (of an appliance, etc) broken or malfunctioning The fridge is on the fritz again. I'd record it, but my tape deck is on the fritz again. My washing machine has gone on the fritz, and I have a load of muddy clothes to clean. "my computer is on the fritz". ) again. At this rate 照这样下去 I'm gonna have to hum the bleeding bolero. 17. I thought you were just gonna talk to him. Oh, I did. But he just needed a bit more encouragement. What did you do? Well, leant on him a bit ( lean on someone/something I. to use someone or something to help you, especially in a difficult situation: He's always had his big brother to lean on. II. 恐吓. 施加压力. to try to make someone do what you want by threatening or persuading them. put pressure on someone to act in a certain way. "a determination not to allow the majority to lean on the minority". We may have to lean on them a little if we want our money. ). Nothing bad. Just enough? He won't bother you anymore. 18. Someone torches her place the same night her brother's cottage is searched. The same night her brother's cottage is searched. What does that sound like to you? That they didn't find what they were looking for at Duncan's. So they went back to look again at Rosa's. But why burn the place down? I'm guessing because they couldn't find what they were looking for and wanted to make sure no one else could find it. Yeah. Well, they did a good job. It's gutted. I know the feeling. What if they couldn't find what they were looking for at either place because it was never there to begin with? 19. After we split up, Anton did send me abusive texts. They were disgusting. I begged him to stop, and he said he would. But I still see him at dance comps, smiling that knowing 心知肚明的, 你知我知的笑 smile. He always knew exactly how to get under my skin. Why didn't you go to the police when he started bothering you? They're a bunch of texts. It's hardly enough, so... But... you made up a bunch of stuff he hadn't done. 20. You weren't that interested. You still aren't. If it weren't for Sarah, you wouldn't be here. I don't live next door, you know. It's Sheffield, Dad. It's not the other side of the world. When was the last time you came to see Betty? When was the last time you came to see me? Well, it takes two to tango. As you would know, of course. Well, maybe some other time. I think I'll just go for a lie-down( Maybe I'll turn in. Got an early start 得早起 in the morning. ). 21. Colonel Dawes is also part of a group of ex-soldiers who make it their business to hunt down fakes like you. They've got quite a file on you, including how you conned two women out of their savings. Jake, tell me. You were engaged to both of them, too. No. This can't be true. The stakes were higher this time, though, weren't they? You couldn't afford any mistakes. Like this photograph. Rosa Corrigan completely missed it. She was concentrating on writing about the Wilders. But all the same, she had taken that photo, and you couldn't have that. I don't know what you're talking about. Even if Rosa hadn't seen the significance of that ribbon, someone else might. 22. You have mouth gel. Well, lots of dancers use it. Um, especially during performance week... Blisters, bruised toenails... All sorts. It dulls the pain. Just bought it? Uh, yes. A tube of aloe gel was found at the scene of Rosa Corrigan's murder. Like I said, lots of dancers use it. She didn't. She was allergic to lidocaine.

Midsomer Murders: 1. This is one of the county's most notable collections of dolls' houses 玩具屋, and we're delighted to be adding it to our existing display. So please welcome our generous new sponsor, Alexander Beauvoisin. Now, you might be thinking, he doesn't look much like a dolls' house aficionado. You'd be right! But what I do know about is family. These incredible miniatures were actually collected by my great-aunt Olive, the founder of the Beauvoisin Estates. She taught me to value family above everything else. Homes are the lifeblood of any community. They're the place we raise our children. They're the place we make memories. They're the place we feel safe. And that's why it's so fitting that Beauvoisin Estates be making this donation. 3. And no one saw the shooter? No one actually saw the gun go off, but everyone's talking about a man giving the victim a slow handclap from the back of the room beforehand. He's disappeared. See if CCTV picked him up. We need to know who he is and where he is. 4. Whoever tried to help him had the sense to recognize that air was getting into the chest cavity. They improvised a seal. They did a decent job on packing the exit wound too. Anything else you can tell me? Don't move house the weekend you're on call. Didn't know you were moving. Desperately needed more space. What for? My many and varied interests. 5. This house (miniature house) hinges at the back. It's been left open. And the frame's been blown out. And the chest of drawers is singed ( singe [sɪndʒ] 有燃烧痕迹 verb If you singe something or if it singes, it burns very slightly and changes colour but does not catch fire. to burn slightly on the surface, without producing flames: My sweater started to singe when I leaned over a burning candle. The electric fire had begun to singe the bottoms of his trousers. Her hair was singed and her anorak was burnt. Toast the dried chillies in a hot pan until they start to singe. singed I. slightly or superficially burned; scorched: He suffered some singed whiskers from all the heat and smoke, but otherwise was miraculously unharmed. II. (of a carcass) subjected to flame in order to remove hair, bristles, feathers, etc.: Using a knife, the butcher scrubbed the crust off the singed carcass of a pig.). I think we know where they took their shot. 6. I'm in charge of exhibits here. It's because they're toys, you see? People fail to show the necessary respect. I'm D.C.I. Barnaby. This is, uh, D.S. Winter. He will ensure that every care is taken. 7. You did everything you could. You must have first aid training? Oh, years ago, yeah. When I was a holiday rep ( short for holiday representative: someone who works for a travel company giving help and advice to people who are on holiday in a particular place. A holiday rep is someone employed by a holiday company to help look after people when they are on holiday.  My first job was as a holiday rep in Majorca. ). 8. And how were things with his wife? Oh, they were fighting over the house. I stayed well out of it. But she was in the car park with me when he was killed. Kept giving me dirty looks. So when she left, I went to have it out ( have it out attempt to resolve a dispute or misunderstanding by confronting someone and engaging in a frank discussion or argument. to talk to someone about something they have done that makes you angry, in order to try to solve the problem: She'd been late for work every morning and I thought I'd better have it out with her. "give her the chance of a night's rest before you have it out with her". ) with her. She seems genuine enough. Assuming the wife backs up her alibi. She was lying about that first aid training. I don't know what 18-to-30s holiday reps are expected to do these days, but I doubt it includes the treatment of gunshot wounds. Look into that removals firm. And find out if she's ever held a firearms certificate. 9. You'll probably hear some horrible things about Xander, you know, but he was a successful man, and it makes people jealous. Or I don't know, what's the word 都在说些什么, 谣言是怎样的( I. What's going on with you? What's new? (Used as a greeting.) A: "Hey, Trent." B: "Yo, what's the word, dude?" Haven't seen you in a while! What's the good word? II. What is the most recent news or information (about someone or something)? Often followed by "on (someone or something)" to specify a particular person or thing that one is asking about. A: "What's the word on Susan? She was supposed to be back at the office today." B: "Apparently, her apartment was broken into while they were gone, so she's been dealing with the police all day." A: "So, what's the word? Are we ready to start production?" B: "The boss said they're still finalizing details in the contract." What's the good word on that party? Is it happening or not? )? Mercenary (mercenary [disapproval] adj. 只为了钱的. If you describe someone as mercenary, you are criticizing them because you think that they are only interested in the money that they can get from a particular person or situation. interested only in the amount of money that you can get from a situation: I don't trust his motives – he's too mercenary. He had some mercenary scheme to marry a wealthy widow. noun. A mercenary is a soldier who is paid to fight by a country or group that they do not belong to.  ). Are you talking about someone in particular? Well, his wife, for one. Doesn't do a day's work in 20 years and then suddenly thinks she's entitled to every penny in the divorce. We used to run the soft play ( Soft play refers to a specifically-designed play area where almost all surfaces and equipment are covered in thick padding. This gives children a soft environment where they are safe to act in ways they otherwise might not be able to.) center together, but then we had some creative differences. I see. So where were... Look, in fact, I've been meaning to talk to the police about this because when she left, she stole some things. Play mats, rugs. My favorite orange bag with a monkey on it! Sorry, it's not important now. Where were you when the gun went off? Uh, near the entrance, putting up my posters. You know, Maxine didn't even let me tender for this job ( tender verb I. If a company tenders for something, it makes a formal offer to supply goods or do a job for a particular price. The staff are forbidden to tender for private-sector work. He tendered for and was awarded the contract. ...compulsory competitive tendering for council leisure and recreation services. II. If you tender something such as a suggestion, your resignation, or money, you formally offer or present it. She quickly tendered 递交辞呈 her resignation. He took his wallet from his inside coat pocket and tendered the permit. to give or offer something: Please tender the exact fare. The health minister has tendered her resignation (= has offered to leave her job). III. to make a formal offer to buy or sell shares at a stated price: Unit holders are under no obligation to tender their shares. About 7 million of their shares had been tendered under the offer. tender sth to sb/sth The company tendered its shares to BP for 500p cash. tender into sth They gave security holders an additional opportunity to tender into the offer. noun. I. (US = bid ) A tender is a formal offer to supply goods or to do a particular job, and a statement of the price that you or your company will charge. If a contract is put out to tender, formal offers are invited. If a company wins a tender, their offer is accepted. Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work. Some services are now compulsorily put out to tender. ...the consortium that has won the tender to build the bridge. receive a tender Competitive tenders must be received by 1 p.m. invite tenders (to do/for sth) Morocco is inviting tenders to build two wind farms. submit a tender (to do/for sth) The company said it will submit tenders to develop three oil fields in the area. put something out to tender UK If you put work out to tender, you ask people to make offers to do it: Education departments in all the prisons are being put out to tender. win a tender (for/to do sth) The company won a tender to start an analogue cellular network. II. a small piece of chicken breast meat, usually breaded and fried, or a cut of chicken from the tenderloin: chicken tenders. II. a vehicle used for transporting water, wood, or coal, especially one that is pulled behind a railway engine or used by the fire service. III. a small boat that is used for transporting people or goods from the land to a larger boat or from the larger boat to the land: The SS Nomadic was a tender to the ill-fated liner, Titanic. IV. (tender offer) an occasion when a company sells new shares to those who make offers for them above a particular lowest price. The company calculates the strike price (= final price to be paid) in relation to the total demand and the prices offered: All tenders above the strike price will be accepted. Shares in the insurance group will be sold through tenders. They made a cash tender of $15.50 per share. The share tender was over-subscribed. If you buy shares in the retail tender offer, they will be free of transfer charges for up to 42 days after allocation. adj. I. Someone or something that is tender expresses gentle and caring feelings. a tender 温柔的 look/smile. What you need is some tender loving care. Her voice was tender, full of pity. Patients may not receive the tender, loving care once associated with a hospital stay. Mr. White tenderly embraced his wife. II. If you say that someone does something at a tender 少不更事的年代 age, you mean that they do it when they are still young and have not had much experience. He had become attracted to the game at the tender age of seven. ...the loss of her father at such a tender age. III. Meat or other food that is tender is easy to cut or chew. Cook for a minimum of 2 hours, or until the meat is tender 嫩的. ...tender young dwarf beans. IV. If part of your body is tender 娇气的, 娇嫩的, it is sensitive and painful when it is touched. (of part of the body) painful, sore, or uncomfortable when touched: My arm was very tender 一碰就疼的, 娇贵的 after the injection. My tummy felt very tender. Treat any tender points by massaging. There is still some tenderness in her tummy. ). She just gave it to Carys. Not that I'm surprised, 'cause they're both weirdos. Actually, have you spoken to Maxine and Carys? Because I saw them with Xander in the car park before the event, and they did not look happy. What do you mean? Oh, tearing strips off him ( to tear a strip off 大发雷霆 If you tear a strip off someone or if you tear them off a strip, you speak to them angrily and criticize them severely. to criticize someone in a forceful way He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough. The police arrived to tear him off a strip), the poor man. I don't know what it was about, but it looked vicious. 10. Birdbrain called. She loved being the one to tell me. I'm sorry... birdbrain? Jemima Starling. Alexander's one-woman fan club. This isn't a celebration, by the way. It's the only thing I had to hand. 11. You know who shot your husband? Well, I didn't see the gun. But it was Wesley Peters, surely. I mean, they let him out of prison, and then within 24 hours he's standing there, eyeballing Alexander and giving him this very aggressive round of applause. How did Alexander know him? Wesley had the maintenance contracts for his properties. But he messed up. A girl died. The faulty boiler? He got five years for manslaughter, but he claimed that Alexander set him up. I understand there was conflict over the house. The day I filed for divorce, I came home to find he'd changed the locks. Then there were all these schemes for hiding his wealth. I gave up everything for him, but he was determined that I should leave with nothing. So why go to his fundraiser? To stand up to him. I loved those dolls' houses. He was giving them away to spite me. 12. You can ask his latest bimbo. What do you know about. Alexander's relationship with Holly? Enough to know that "relationship" is pushing it. He met her at work. 13. Just put that away, yeah? They've lined me up a job here starting tomorrow. You're out on license, is that right? Since yesterday. And your top priority when you got out was a visit to the museum? Look, I'm not denying I was there. But I didn't kill him. You believe Alexander framed you for the manslaughter of Lara Wokoma. I know he did, 'cause I never signed off on that boiler. He sent some kid 'round to patch it up, then faked the certificate. Some kid? Nicco Dearden. He was only 18. Came 'round asking for odd-job work 零工, 散工. Obviously to fund a habit. You could tell by looking at him. But he was cheaper than me, and that's what mattered. 14. Ah. Well, let me know if I can help. There's a pile of flat-pack 拆散了的 furniture( Flat pack furniture is furniture such as shelves and cupboards which you buy as a number of separate pieces and assemble yourself. a piece of furniture that is sold in pieces inside a flat box, ready for the buyer to put them together It arrives as a flat pack and is bolted together on site.) with your name on it. You're not moving too, are you? Oh, they're persons of interest. The Wokomas? They're good lads. You know them? They did my move 给我搬家 last time. Much better than the cowboys I used this time 'round. They've had a rough time. The mother died a few years ago, then Lara. Don't go upsetting them. I can be sensitive. Just let me know when you're ready. For what? That flat-pack. I know you were only offering to be polite, but that's not my problem, is it? 15. I'm very sorry about what happened to your daughter. He wasn't. You know he never even made contact with us? So worried about saving his own skin( save your/someone's skin/hide to try to save yourself from something dangerous or unpleasant, often without caring what happens to anyone else. to protect yourself or someone else from danger or difficulty: He has saved my skin more than once. There is no justification for killing another human to save your own skin. You lied to me to save your hide. The government is trying to save its own skin rather than trying to help the victims of the disaster), couldn't say sorry to a grieving family. 16. No, I went to Lara's grave with her brother. We always take flowers around her birthday. Are you sure you were there at 5:00 p.m.? Positive. I was supposed to have swim training, but I missed it. Because I just spoke to my boss, and Finn's saying that he was at home with his father at that time. Then he's confused. Did you drive there? Maybe we can trace your car? We walked along the canal. Look, Finn's been upset, so he must have it wrong, because he was definitely with me at 5:00. 17. And Maxine Dobson leaves by this exit here. Then this must be the moment that Wesley Peters does his slow handclap. I went back through the statements. Plenty of people saw him, but no one remembers specifically where he was when the gun went off. And there's Fiona Beauvoisin... and Holly Ackroyd leaving, which backs up their account. 18. Do you run this place together? Um, sort of. I'm her lodger 记账的, but I've always helped out. You used to run a soft play center with Jemima Starling? Yeah. Never go into business with your quirky friend. They might just turn out to be your insane friend. So who owns it now? Oh, still both of us. She's gonna buy me out. 19. A witness saw you and Maxine arguing with Alexander in the museum car park shortly before he was killed. Yeah, because it was getting ridiculous. He actually paid someone to stand outside the shop scaring customers away. He admitted to this? Yeah, he was proud of it. He admitted to this? Look, when you speak to Maxine, she's not... She doesn't find things easy socially. Through here? She must think this place is soundproof. I'm not some delicate flower 温室的花朵. Ask me whatever you like. The argument you had with Alexander... I won't apologize for standing up to him. His great-aunt Olive promised me a lifetime's tenancy. She was a collector, you see? She appreciated the craft. 20. Carys said you have a long waiting list for commissions? And they can wait. This one's for me. Why didn't you tell me that you argued with Alexander less than an hour before he died? I said quite clearly he had a long list of tenants who hated him. You just neglected to mention that 隐瞒 you were on that list? It didn't seem relevant to me. Then again, I know I didn't shoot him. Why did you need to leave the room to get a drink? There was a table full of prosecco in there. Do I strike you as a prosecco drinker? I had a hip flask of single malt. Maxine, you do understand the seriousness of this? A man you had a public feud with is dead, and you haven't been able to provide us with an alibi. I can't alter the facts. If you find some evidence against me, I'm sure you'll tell me. 21. And it wasn't part of his divorce proceedings? What do you mean? Well, he sells you this building at a huge discount, reducing the value of his assets on paper, and then you sell it back to him further down the line. It's a nice idea, but no. If that were the case, his death means that all this is yours to keep. You're half a million pounds up. You're wasting your time! 22. Have you spoken to Maxine? Because I've remembered something. When I saw Xander arguing with her outside, he said he knew all about her "little side project." And that seemed to shut her up. Did you hear anything else? No. Perhaps I should've stayed. Were you in love with Alexander? No! So you didn't tell him you were in love with him at a work party before he rejected you ( She was in love with him, bless her. And told him as much 如实相告 at one of their work parties. And he laughed at her. think/say etc as much to think or say the thing that has just been mentioned Carson strongly disapproved of the plan and said as much at the meeting. 'Max was lying all the time.' 'I thought as much.' )? You know, our friendship really got to her. So you didn't? Well, I might have said something, maybe a bit like that, you know, when I was drunk. Like, you know, "You're the best, you are! I love you!" But I didn't kill him out of a crime of passion. 23. To what do we owe the pleasure? They're coming home to mama! Thank God. They've been pining away ( pine away 相思成灾, 相思病 to become very sick and weak because you miss somebody/something very much. to become thin and weak because of sadness or loss Since his wife left him, he spends his days alone, pining away. After his wife died, he just pined away. ). Breaks my heart to see it. We... We had a visit from the police this morning about Lara's landlord. You're not working on that case, are you? You know I can't get into that. No. Of course. I shouldn't have put you on the spot, should I? Well, the kettle's on if you have time. 24. I've been in contact with Alexander's solicitor. Very loyal, isn't she? In that she refused your bribe? When the person you're divorcing plays dirty, you have to play even dirtier. You believed he was concealing his wealth. Financially, you come away with more as his widow than as his ex-wife. I don't see how this has any relevance, given I have an alibi. I was outside the building with Holly when the gun went off. I'm not suggesting you pulled the trigger. I imagine you're more of a delegator. Oh, you think I paid someone else to do it? What a fertile imagination 丰富的想象力. I wouldn't even call it a row. I guess it sounded bad to the removal guys 搬家公司的人, but it was like two seconds. What was it about? Oh, he couldn't find his cufflinks. And, well, no offense, but he's a man, so straightaway he thinks I've tidied them away or something. Did he accuse you of stealing them? Not seriously. We thought they might've gone in the break-in. 25. I was taking the little furniture out to bubble-wrap it, and I caught my hand 夹了手了. If there's blood in there, it's mine, not his. Will you consent to a DNA test? Have you got a warrant? No? Well, feel free to come back when you have. 26. Alexander sent this to Erin on Wednesday night with this two-word e-mail. "Let's talk." Then, on Friday morning, she canceled the protest. Didn't Wesley claim it was someone called Nicco Dearden who messed up the boiler? Exactly. Erin seems pretty pally with him. Doesn't she? And door-to-door turned up something interesting on her too. Guess who Alexander's neighbor saw near the house. 27. Forensics called when I was on my way back from getting these. The purple thread found in the dolls' house is a match for Jemima's costume. Really? The lights were still on in the soft play center as I drove past just now. It's too late to go and talk to her, isn't it? Come on, leave that. It'll stay warm. 28. I was having a difficult time after my mum died. I was her carer. It all got a bit too much. I started helping out at the toy shop, and Jemima was one of our regulars. She made me laugh. So, what happened between you? Squabbles about this place. Uh, I think if we hadn't tried to work together, things would've been fine. Can you think of anyone that would want to hurt her? She was harmless. We came across this. Our insurance? Jemima's death means that you inherit this entire place with the mortgage paid off. Right. Well, that's news to me. Jemima set it all up. It leaves you very comfortable. 29. Yeah, she was here. There are marks in the fresh paint and a purple feather. I think she was leaning against the fence. What can you see from there? What can you see from there? Uh, just the first rows of containers. I'll free up some manpower. We'll get those searched. You think the Wokomas will cooperate with that? They won't have a choice. We'll just turn up there with a warrant. 30. You're not into this stuff too, are you? Ah. Came across it in the move. I thought it could be a useful teaching aid. See? I can re-create crime scenes. I have increasing reservations about you. I'd listen to that instinct. The phone masts put her near the house where they canceled the party at 6:00 p.m. Then she's picked up again by the mast near the Wokoma storage facility at 6:40. She's not renting a unit. 31. Who benefits from both deaths? Mm, Carys inherits the building from Jemima. And with Alexander dead, she doesn't have to give it back. That would all be premeditated, though. Now, Alexander's death seems planned, but it looks like Jemima was killed in a panic. I think she witnessed something either at the museum or at the storage facility. But why didn't she tell us? Well, perhaps she didn't realize its significance. Or perhaps she was afraid. 32. You were seen, Erin. We know exactly where you dropped the gun. There's a dive team on its way. No. You've got this wrong. Well, in that case, there won't be a scrap of your DNA on it, will there? It's calm water 静水. Don't assume it'll just wash away. I haven't killed anyone. 33. He had a gun? We found them in house clearances. He used to hand them in, but sometimes he... he doesn't. And he keeps them in the office? Yeah. He always changes the code to the safe when he's got one. He didn't ask me to do any of this, okay? I just... I panicked, Erin, didn't I? But I'm sure it was all in my head 自己想象的. I don't know what to say. I'm sorry Finn thinks I'm capable of that. But I've never fired that gun. I need you to open your safe, please. I just pass them on to a gunsmith. That's still illegal. Well, what am I meant to do? We're still covering the costs of the civil case. We're drowning in it. Jemima Starling, friend of Alexander's. She was murdered yesterday. Sounds like she should've chosen her friends more carefully. 34. Alexander was shot. You're a skilled markswoman 枪手, and you've been lying through your teeth. I wanted to be straight with you after he died. But Fiona was worried about how it would look. She paid me to keep the Holly thing going. 35. Carys was packaging things to go to Tokyo. Mm. Mainly five-star reviews. Except this one, back in March. A collector accuses her of misselling a jack-in-the-box. How do you do that? No spring? She claimed that it's a one-of-a-kind prototype from the 1930s. But then the collector found there was one on display here. Ah! The only example of this prototype in existence. Half the things she's selling here are identical to the ones in these cases. She's making and selling fake antiques. I most certainly am not. Every item I sell is 100% authentic. It's these that are the fakes. You've been stealing the exhibits? Why not? It doesn't make a jot of difference to the visitors. They have no respect for the collection. Better to have replicas here and let the originals go to collectors, who appreciate them. 36. Have you got something? Whoever wiped it on the outside forgot to think about the magazine. It's giving me a match. Wesley Peters. Is he a person of interest? He very much is. Thank you. I'm needed back at the storage units. Call me as soon as you find Wesley Peters. 37. But I swear, I was never going to use the gun. I didn't even have ammunition. But you admit that you brought it to the museum. Only to frighten him. I was gonna wind him up until he'd follow me out into the car park. I had the van ready for him. So your plan was to force him into the van and bring him here and then torture him on camera? I needed him to say, on tape, that he set me up. That I never should've gone to prison. Did Samuel Wokoma provide you with the gun? 38. I hear you've been digging your heels in. Alexander Beauvoisin wasn't interested in justice for my daughter. And now I'm expected to help get justice for him? Ha. I can't imagine what it must've been like... getting that knock at the door. Being told your little girl was gone. Yeah. Thing is, Jemima has parents. They're in Devon, apparently. And a few hours ago, a family liaison officer knocked on their door. It's just starting for them. It's wrong that you didn't get justice for Lara. It's very wrong. But don't stand in the way of that for Jemima's family. 39. When Lara was tiny, she begged and begged me to take her to a ballet... A proper one where you got to dress up and all that. I said we'd do it for her 21st birthday. But it sounded like my worst nightmare. She knew I was putting her off. Then the older she got, it became like this joke between us, like, how many years till I had to deliver? She would've turned 21 this week. That's where you were on Saturday? I was sitting in a box at the Royal Opera House. Keeping your promise. 40. We know that Alexander was killed with the same gun. He started demanding access. He... He wanted to survey the whole building! Meaning your only option was to kill him? I tried everything to put him off. There was no way to get the body out. He was gonna find him on Sunday. So you killed Alexander. But then you still moved Nicco. I'd already started digging him out of the concrete. I couldn't live like that anymore. I found a card to the container place in his wallet. How did you carry him on your own? It wasn't easy. And how did you get rid of the gun? I threw it into the bushes. And yet an entire search team have been unable to find it? 41. But Jemima was watching. She'd got it into her head that I'd poached 撬墙角 some children's party booking from her, so she followed me. She'd been going on about me stealing stuff from her, and she called me to have it out. 42. Jemima didn't tell you? Tell us what? How I met Maxine. How I was sat on the edge of a motorway bridge at 5:00 a.m., and I did not care. She was out walking her dog. A complete stranger. She took me home, gave me some food, didn't make me talk. We just sat painting one of her little houses together. We sat there for hours. And I felt safe. 43. Were you there when she shot Nicco? I'd been away. When I got back, she was on the floor of her workshop. I don't think she'd eaten for two days. I made her some food, gave her some sleeping tablets, then... I did the rest. I got some plastic sheeting, wrapped him up, but it wasn't enough. You buried him in concrete because he was starting to smell. 44. Oh, Fleur, it's just lovely! Looks like you're settled 安定下来 for a while now. I think so. It's not a bad area. Lots of interesting work for a pathologist. Uh, where's John? Went inside for a beer. He's been gone quite a while, actually. No man can resist the siren call.