Thursday 30 May 2024

daybreak, daylight, sunrise, it gets light = it's light. before first light 天亮, 天明; antithesis VS atheist (atheistic);

用法学习: 1. ball-buster/ball-breaker (submissive ) I. a tough disciplinarian or taskmaster. A person or task which is excessively demanding or punishing. My slave-driving boss expects me to work over the weekend. What a ball-breaker! "to be one of the world's best chefs, you have to be a ball-breaker". II. 强势的女人. an offensive word for a woman who uses her authority over men. a dominating or threatening woman who destroys a man's self-confidence. a person, esp a woman, whose character and behaviour may be regarded as threatening a man's sense of power. III. a demanding and punishing task or situation. a problem that is very difficult to deal with. "the early stretch of the race is the ball-breaker". tie in I. to come or bring into a certain relationship; coordinate. to plan something so that it happens as part of another activity: tie in with sth The product launch date was set to tie in with the movie release. tie sth in with sth If our product is reviewed in a journal, we try to tie it in with an advert placed in the same journal. II. to connect or be connected; be consistent. His story ties in with the facts. When ideas or statements tie in, they agree or are closely connected, and if you tie them in, you make them agree or connect closely: tie (something) in with something to match or work well with something: The plan does not quite tie in with the aspirations of the club's owners. I can't tie in what he said today with what he told me last week. III. to make a tie-in, esp. in advertising or a sale The paperback book is tied in with the movie of the same title. tie sb in 拴住某人 to make people agree to particular conditions when they borrow, invest, or buy a product, especially relating to the minimum period of time the agreement can last: Watch out for bonus accounts that tie you in after the bonus period. tie sb in with sth Fixed-rate mortgages usually tie borrowers in with early repayment charges. tie sb in for sth You need to know your mortgage rate and how long you are tied in for. tie-in I. a link, relationship, or coordination. any direct or indirect link, relationship, or connection. There is a tie-in between smoking and cancer. Flute isn't that common a name, and it might give us a tie-in with the envelope found under the bed. II. publicity material, a book, tape, etc, linked to a film or broadcast programme or series. III. designating or of a sale in which two or more articles, one of which is usually scarce or in demand, are offered in combination, often at a reduced price, and cannot be bought separately. a sale or advertisement offering products of which a purchaser must buy one or more in addition to his or her purchase. an item sold or advertised in this way, esp the extra item. a tie-in 捆绑式销售 sale. a book and movie tie-in. IV. a connection between two things, businesses, etc., often a connection between two products that are related or are sold together: The rules bar advertisements for products that have tie-ins to children's shows. In 1998 regulations were introduced banning tie-ins between holiday offers and travel insurance. V. a product such as a toy or book that is related to a film, television programme, etc.. used to describe a product such as a toy or book that is related to a film, television programme, etc.: The movie has a tie-in book. The audience was offered the whole range of Spiderman tie-in products. The show pioneered product tie-ins for kids, including colouring books and dolls. the activity of marketing a product by connecting it to a film, event, TV show, etc.: merchandising/movie/promotional tie-in The potential for merchandising tie-ins makes the TV deal very attractive. The BBC animated series was a great hit and led to one of its first major tie-in deals. VI. a condition stated in an agreement, especially relating to the minimum period of time the agreement can last: When remortgaging, borrowers should be wary of very low-rate deals that come with extended tie-ins. 2. catawampus US informal = cattywampus UK [ˌkæt.iˈwɒm.pəs] I. askew; awry. going badly, awkwardly, or in the wrong direction: The script is spoiled by its catawampus rhythms and its lack of consistency and plausibility. I didn't need this, especially on a morning when everything else had already started out going cattywampus. We took a shortcut and walked catawampus across the field. Measure carefully before cutting, or the entire structure will turn out cattywampus. Sheldon: By the way, how are you with zippers? Penny: Why? Sheldon: Well, I really need to go to the bathroom, and this one's gone all cattywampus. II. diagonal to, not directly across from nor adjacent to City hall is cattywampus to the post office. axiomatic [ˌaksɪəˈmatɪk] 自证其身的, 公理的, 不言自明的, 不用证明的, 永恒正确的 I. self-evident or unquestionable. obviously true and therefore not needing to be proved: It is an axiomatic fact that governments rise and fall on the state of the economy. It seems axiomatic that everyone would benefit from a better scientific education. "it is axiomatic that dividends have to be financed". II. MATHEMATICS relating to or containing axioms. "1914 saw the first axiomatic declaration of exactly what constitutes a ring". 3. beatific [ˌbiː.əˈtɪf.ɪk] 静谧的 appearing happy and calm, especially in a holy way. A beatific expression shows or expresses great happiness and calmness. The angels in the painting have beatific smiles. With his soft voice and beatific gaze, he appeared devastatingly, evilly seductive. banal [bənɑːl, -næl] 平淡乏味的, 平庸的, 平平无奇的, 平淡无奇的 adj. [disapproval] If you describe something as banal, you do not like it because you think that it is so ordinary that it is not at all effective or interesting. boring, ordinary, and not original: He just sat there making banal remarks all evening. banal pop songs. The text is banal. Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers. II. 陈词滥调的 too often used in the past and therefore not interesting He just sat there making banal remarks all evening. III. You can refer to banal things as the banal. The allegations ranged from the banal to the bizarre. banality [bənælɪti] the quality of being boring, ordinary, and not original, or something that is like this: What's on show in this programme is the sheer banality of ordinary lives. Their conversation was a string of pauses, false starts, and banalities. ...the banality of life. Neil's ability to utter banalities never ceased to amaze me. antithesis [anˈtɪθɪsɪs] 对立面, 反调 I. a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else. the exact opposite: The relaxed company management is the antithesis of a formal bureaucracy. She is slim and shy - the very antithesis of her sister. He is the exact antithesis of what I find attractive in men. "love is the antithesis 对立面 of selfishness". There was nothing banal about this evil. There was nothing human about this evil. This evil was the antithesis of humanity. II. a difference or opposition between two things: Thanks to the collapse of communism the political antithesis between Left and Right is less important. III. (in Hegelian philosophy) the negation of the thesis as the second stage in the process of dialectical reasoning. In formal argument, the antithesis is the opposite of the thesis (正论, 反论) (= the main idea). antithetical [ˌæn.tɪˈθet.ɪ.kəl] exactly the opposite of someone or something or of each other: The idea that science is antithetical to the arts is wrong. Birth and death are antithetical. atheist [eɪθiɪst] 无神论者 (atheism. theism[ˈθiːɪzəm] 有神论) An atheist is a person who believes that there is no God. Compare agnostic. atheise =  atheize [ˈeɪθɪˌaɪz] I. to make or cause (a person) to be atheistic or to have no belief in God. II. to behave or speak in an atheistic or godless manner. atheistic ['eɪθiɪstɪk] 无神论的 adj. Atheistic means connected with or holding the belief that there is no God. not believing in any God or gods, or relating to such beliefs: Although I am atheist, I don’t just automatically hate religion or dismiss other people's faith. Kaufman claims that his atheist beliefs play a central role in his life. ...atheistic values. ...atheistic philosophers. noun. 无神论者. someone who does not believe in any god or gods, or who believes that no god or gods exist: As an atheist, I do not accept this religious argument. His father was an atheist. pernicious [pər'nɪʃəs] 有不良影响的. 有坏处的, 无好处的 (perilous 危险的) If you describe something as pernicious, you mean that it is very harmful. having a very harmful effect or influence. having a very harmful effect or influence: The cuts in government funding have had a pernicious effect on local health services. The cuts in government funding have had a pernicious effect on local health services. Parents are blaming not only peer pressure but also the pernicious influence of the internet. There is a pernicious culture of excellence: everything has to be not merely good but the best. propensity [prəˈpensəti] 嗜好, 倾向, 爱好 a natural tendency to behave in a particular way. A propensity to do something or a propensity for something is a natural tendency that you have to behave in a particular way. Mr Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute. She hasn't reckoned on his propensity for violence. propensity to something: ways of reducing children's propensity to aggression. propensity for something: Their propensity for violence is virtually limitless. Mr Iddles told the inquest Father O'Keeffe was responsible for sexual assaults on young boys, many of whom had relayed his propensity for violence. propense [prəˈpɛns] = propensive [prəˈpɛnsɪv] adjective inclining forward. vocabulary: A propensity is a natural tendency to behave in a certain way. We all have propensities — things we tend to do. Dogs have a propensity to bark, and many people have a propensity for getting annoyed by it. If you have a propensity for something, then it's something that comes naturally to you or something you just do a lot. Some people have a propensity to laugh. Other people have a propensity for making others laugh, or for being generous, or for getting angry. It's hard to change your propensities. Sometimes a propensity is a bad thing, as in a criminal with a propensity for theft or murder. 4. McDonald & Dodds: Air Incident Investigation Agency needs to establish a cause and file a full report for the Home Office. For a hot air balloon crash, really? Investigator's on his way. Ma'am, Sergeant Dodds needs you over at Hedgemead Park. Don't let the seagull ruin the picnic.

Midsomer murders: 1. You need to do some stretching if you want to stay flexible. Yeah, I'm perfectly flexible, thank you. You need to go back to yoga. Oh, it didn't work last time. All that de-stressing and meditation just sent me to sleep. But you never went to any proper classes. Look, this one focuses on core strength and muscle realignment. Use or lose it ( use-it-or-lose-it 过期无效 used to describe something that you must use by a particular date, or you will lose the opportunity or right to have it: Tighter use-it-or-lose-it vacation policies force many workers to take their vacations before year end. ). Okay, okay. Sign me up. 2. Anyway, I thought we were meeting in Causton. Oh, there's been another attempted bee heist over in Granville Norton. What's that got to do with us? It's the first case of bee rustling ( Rustling 偷农场动物 is the activity of stealing farm animals, especially cattle. ...cattle rustling and horse stealing. rustle 窸窸窣窣的声音 When something thin and dry rustles or when you rustle it, it makes soft sounds as it moves. The leaves rustled in the wind. She rustled her papers impatiently. A snake rustled through the dry grass. She sat perfectly still, without even a rustle of her frilled petticoats. ...a rustling sound coming from beneath one of the seats. ...the rustlings of women's dresses. II. to steal farm animals. to steal cattle, horses, etc., from a farm or ranch. rustle up I. 仓促制成, 仓促制作. If you rustle up something to eat or drink, you make or prepare it quickly, with very little planning. Let's see if somebody can rustle up a cup of coffee. Many tasty and nutritious meals can be rustled up in next to no time. II. 匆匆召集. 临时召集. If you rustle something up, you provide or obtain it quickly, with very little planning. He managed to rustle up a couple of blankets. He has had no trouble rustling up 35 friends and colleagues to invite to his wedding) with violence. There's a potentially dangerous swarm 蜂群 on the loose. Apprehending bees isn't part of my job description. 3. Shouldn't you be resting? How can I rest when my hives are in uproar? Do you hear that sound? That is a distress call. Bees are very sensitive to disruption, especially something of this violent nature. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some hives to attend to as a matter of urgency. Why would bee rustlers target Apley Court? With the population in decline, specialist bees and their honey have become a valuable commodity. Was anything else stolen? Yes. Several boxes of our top-of-the-range honey, Apley Gold. What would that be worth? I was brought up to believe it's rather vulgar to talk about money. Suffice to say that Apley Gold is the U.K.'s best-selling and most-exported premium honey. What makes Apley Gold so unique? Its ability to produce cells responsible for tissue repair. Other brands make similar claims, but Apley Gold is 100 times more potent than any of our competitors. I'm more of a marmalade (柑橘酱 a fruit preserve made from the juice and peel of citrus fruits boiled with sugar and water. The well-known version is made from bitter orange. It is also made from lemons, limes, grapefruits, mandarins, sweet oranges, bergamots, and other citrus fruits, or a combination. Citrus is the most typical choice of fruit for marmalade, though historically the term has often been used for non-citrus preserves. ) man myself. 4. What were you doing out here so late at night, Mr. Deddington? I was inspecting 查看, 巡查 the hives. As I always do before I go to bed. And you'd been at home all evening? Well, I very rarely leave the estate, as my sister will verify. I saw torchlight across the lawn, and I heard the swarm rising, and... oh, that was the last thing I remember. 5. Jude feels the need to modernize. Ambrose doesn't like change. Jude is a parasitic drone. He's... He's a dreamer 异想天开的人. He wants everything on a plate, and he resents me because I refuse to give it to him. So he was acting out of frustration? What we have achieved here has to be guarded, and it has to... It has to be nurtured. And if Jude had his way, he'd destroy the unique purity of these colonies. All I want is the safe return of my bees. They're a rare and historic strain and potentially a danger to the public. I want them home. Don't get yourself in a tizz ( in/into a tizzy If you get in a tizzy or into a tizzy, you get excited, worried, or nervous about something, especially something that is not important. He was in a right tizzy, muttering and swearing. Male journalists have been sent into a tizzy by the idea of female fighter pilots. ). 6. Bit weird, isn't it? Brother and sister living together like a married couple? Families like the Deddingtons are a law unto themselves( 有自己的生活方式. If you say that someone is a law unto himself or herself, you mean that they behave in an independent way, ignoring laws, rules, or conventional ways of doing things. Some of the landowners were a law unto themselves. ). Cleopatra married two of her brothers. 7. I'm perfectly fine, Mrs. Babbage. Just wish everybody would stop fussing. 7. Take them to the meadery [ˈmiːdəri] (A meadery is a winery or brewery that produces honey wines or meads, and which sells them commercially. a place where mead is produced. mead [miːd] 蜂蜜酒 an alcoholic drink of fermented honey and water. an alcoholic drink made from honey that was drunk in the past "the tavern stocks beer, cider, perry, and mead". ). This way. She's frightened enough as it is. Come on. I'll get you inside, yeah? Sorry about the mess. We need investment to get to the next level. I can see that. What is mead exactly? Honey fermented with water and yeast. Also known as the "drink of the gods." Very popular with the ancients. You can add herbs and flowers and roots to give it a more distinctive flavor. We're experimenting with different brews. 8. The Apley swarm's been sighted 发现 at Granville Copse. I need to get down there before they rise 蜂群起来 again. You'll have to see to the hives, Jude. So, Mr. Deddington... you seem disappointed in your uncle. Well, how would you feel if you were evicted from your ancestral home 祖屋 and left to rot in this dump? Have you always been at odds with your uncle? No. He was fine until I started questioning his methods. Oh, Ambrose believes in purity of line above all else. He sees the bees as the living embodiment of his ancestors. But you see a bigger picture? We're facing a catastrophic decline in bee population. The Apley hives included. Crossbreeding could help reverse that trend. Ensure that pollination survives. That humanity survives. 9. That seems a little harsh, your grandparents housing you out here. Well, they didn't. We were promised the dower house in perpetuity if my mum stayed clean, which she did. But it wasn't in their will, so Ambrose sold it anyway. That must've made you very angry. Ambrose is a man who'll do absolutely anything to get what he wants. 10. Any luck? They're too high. Even for my ladders. Can you see them? They're only clustered like this to protect the queen while the scout bees go off and find a new location. I'll have to wait until they move on. But if they don't rise soon, I could be here all night. Bees don't tend to swarm in the dark. Are they dangerous? Not usually. Honeybees are at their most docile when they swarm. But, just like people, some colonies are more aggressive than others. And these bees, well, they sound angry. They're probably missing their master. He's certainly missing them. 11. I've been rejected as bishop of Causton, Dr. Lowe. The final nail in the coffin. I'm so sorry. I know how much you wanted that. It seems I'm always second best. No one seems to care about God anymore. And if St. Valentine's was a shrine to some bee-worshiping cult, we'd be packed to the rafters ( when you say that a place is 'packed to the rafters', you mean it is completely full; it is overflowing with people/things. There are so many people packed in, the height of the roof has to be raised. Another expression that has the same meaning is 'up the rafters'. to the rafters I. used for saying that a place is completely full of something, or that something reaches high up in a place: The 2,600-seat building was hot and stuffy, and packed to the rafters with people who had waited for hours. The Arena was filled to the rafters with fans ranging in age from 8 to 80. This is a country stuffed to the rafters with classical musicians. When she stopped the hall echoed to the rafters with the roars of applause. Boxes and crates were piled up to the rafters. II. used for saying that something is done very enthusiastically: The player was cheered to the rafters by the Spanish fans. She was booed to the rafters by party members. Her new movie was praised to the rafters by the critics. ). And I've lost count 数不清, 数不过来 of the times the church has been broken into. 12. I've been doing some research into Ambrose Deddington. Look at this. When he was diagnosed with cancer, Ambrose treated it with apitherapy. Which is what exactly? A branch of alternative medicine that uses honey products and bee venom. Deddington put his faith in it, and the tumors vanished. No wonder he's so attached to his bees. Hm. He's become a bit of a legend in the alternative-medicine world. And it's made him very rich. He has no children. Who inherits? Apley Court passes down the male line. And as he doesn't have any sons of his own, it goes to his only nephew. 13. In the meantime, I got you this... for your collection. It's a little something to say thank you for all your help. Thank you. I'll put it in pride of place( the most prominent position among a group of things. "the certificate has pride of place on my wall". ). 14. Static swarm at Granville Copse. Sunset at 2102, so unlikely to rise till daybreak (daylight, sunrise, when it gets light = it's light. before first light, before the light is gone 天黑前 ) 破晓, 天亮, 天明(daybreak: It was six-thirty, almost daybreak. Pedro got up every morning before daybreak. daylight I. Daylight is the natural light that there is during the day, before it gets dark. It was still daylight but all the cars had their headlights on. Lack of daylight can make people feel depressed. II. 天明. 天亮. Daylight is the time of day when it begins to get light. Quinn returned shortly after daylight yesterday morning. it is/gets light 天放亮, 天亮, 天一亮 if it is light, there is the natural light of day We'll keep on looking while it's still light. It was seven o'clock and just starting to get light. I like to go out as soon as it's light. ). Over. 15. We've been told to hold back until the swarm's under control. Fine by me. Do we know who it is yet? No, but there was a break-in at the surgery. Dr. Lowe is missing. There's no pharmacy in Granville Norton, so all the controlled and prescription drug are kept on the premises. The fridge and the cabinets were locked, but they've been forced 撬开. 16. So bee stings can kill, then? It's very rare, unless the victim has a severe allergy. But it depends where you're stung. A single sting to the throat can compromise the airway via localized swelling 局部肿胀. 17. Come to gloat at your handiwork? There's going to be an official investigation into the meadery on the grounds of poor bee husbandry. We're going to have to suspend production! Oh, dear. I wonder how that happened. An anonymous source tipped them off. I know it was you. And I know it was you who destroyed my hives. 18. Dr. Lowe is dead. What? How? Stung to death, apparently. It isn't public knowledge. Lynda told me. But I, um... I only saw her yesterday. She was so kind to me. Mm, she was good at being kind to men. What do you mean? Serena and Ambrose had been seeing each other behind my back. She could've ruined everything. It's divine justice 天意 that woman was killed by one of his colonies. Don't waste your energy on negativity. None of that matters now. 19. And you were at Granville Copse all last night? Yes. That's right. Did you see you anyone? Yes. Ambrose Deddington. I thought he was coming to check on the swarm. But then he disappeared into the surgery. Did you see him come out? No. I nodded off around 1:00. And the next thing, I knew it was light 天亮了, and the swarm was gone. Do you remember anything else? Cal Ingalls' car drove past at around 11:00. Headlights full beam. I'd specifically put out a warning on Swarm Protect and the Village Forum to avoid the area. Bees can swarm in response to strong artificial light. I didn't want to risk it. Like a powerful flashlight? Yes. That would do it. What do you know about Cal Ingalls? Not a lot. He keeps himself to himself. He left the gate open for me. That's him now. 20. We're not at liberty to reveal any specific details as yet. We're just trying to piece together what happened. A witness places your car heading towards Granville Norton at around 11:00 p.m. I needed milk, went to the all-night garage. You didn't receive the swarm alert from the Village Forum telling you to avoid Marston Road? You have to be invited. And a gay widower from London doesn't tick everyone's boxes. Have you experienced any direct hostility since you moved here? Well, let's just say I haven't been made to feel very welcome by some members of the community. 21. It's called "telling the bees," Inspector. When someone dies, the bees have to be informed. Otherwise, they'll bring misfortune. And the black drapes? The hives are in mourning. Bees are believed to make sense of death because... they have human souls. Do you do this for every person who dies in the village? Dr. Lowe was a great friend and support through my illness. I wanted to show my gratitude and respect. 22. You're standing in the original Deddington stone beehive. Meet my ancestors, Inspector. All of them happily embalmed in honey, blessed by the first Ambrose Deddington. Those are the remaining barrels. Embalmed in honey? How? Honey has remarkable preservative qualities due to its high acidity 强酸性 and potent antibacterial properties. The corpse does not degrade 腐化, but becomes infused with the honey that surrounds it. I expected to be in this by now. But I put my trust in the bees, and they saved my life. 23. How were your travels? Oh, amazing. But I'm completely broke, and I thought maybe I could get my old job back... until I find something more permanent, obviously. That would be amazing. I help out in here when I'm not teaching yoga. You teach yoga? Wow. I got massively into it in India. When's your next class? Yeah, Noah's very popular. He's booked up for months. Yeah, I need to find some more premises. Well, how about the church? I mean, I talked to Dad about opening it up to the community before I left. Ah, yeah, never happened. If you're sure. Yeah. I'll start calling the waiting list. 24. And this was clean of prints. Dr. Lowe wasn't wearing gloves, so it wasn't hers. The attacker used it to deliberately attract the swarm. And I found this on the green. It's what's commonly known as a swarm lure... A slow-release 缓慢释放的 blend of synthetic pheromones, principally Nasanov, naturally released by worker bees. But this is used by beekeepers to orient swarming honeybees towards their new colony. The killer covered Dr. Lowe's face and throat in liquid from several vials... but carelessly dropped this one. How hard is it to get hold of? Easily purchased online. So this was no accidental killing by a startled thief or random contact with an angry swarm. It was premeditated murder. 25. That's quite enough shop talk ( conversation about one's occupation or business at an informal or social occasion. talking about work or business with the people you work with when you are in a social situation. conversation concerning one's work, esp when carried on outside business hours "they kept off further shop talk until they were having coffee". talk shop 谈工作 to talk about your job with those you work with when not at work: Even at a party they have to talk shop! ). I've packed your exercise gear. What for? There's a new yoga class at Granville Norton. And we've got a babysitter all organized. Betty! You'd like Jamie to stay, wouldn't you? Yay! Well, do you think that's a good idea, sir? Jamie. He's not beyond a bit of stretching. I meant for the investigation. Well, I think it's ideal. You can check out the locals under the radar. 26. Your body is holding on to way too much stress, Cal. You need to let go. Rest your body into line. Mmmm. Lean into it. 27. Well, that's a first. I've never been called a heathen ( heathen [hiːðən] 没有信仰的人 [old-fashioned, disapproval] I. Heathen means having no religion, or belonging to a religion that is not Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. He preached the Gospel to the heathen locals from this spot. ...a heathen temple. The heathen are heathen people. They first set out to convert the heathen. II. People sometimes refer to other people who have no religion as heathens, especially if they do not like the way they behave as a result of this. She called us all heathens and hypocrites. ) before. 28. There's a path from The Hive to the back of the surgery. I walked it in 2 minutes, 54 seconds. Unlit. No cameras. Not overlooked. So it's possible that she walked there and back unseen at some point during the evening. 28. Dr. Lowe had a baby clinic from 2:00 till 4:00, followed by an elderly gentleman with advanced Parkinson's. Then Reverend Brookthorpe for repeat anti-anxiety meds, a couple of children, and that's about it. There was someone else at the surgery that afternoon... Lynda Babbage. Maybe not as much of a treasure as she'd like us all to believe. Noah Moon told me that he'd gone to the surgery on spec ( on spec I. in the hope of success but without any specific plan or instructions. taking a chance, without being sure that you will get what you want: We just turned up at the airport on spec, hoping that we'd be able to get tickets. You could always send your CV to a few companies on spec. The houses were built on spec and remained empty for years. I submitted the screenplay on spec and the studio loved it. If you turn up on spec, you might get a discount on your hotel room. "he built the factory on spec and hoped someone would buy it". If you do something on spec, you do it hoping to get something that you want, but without being asked or without being certain to get it. When searching for a job Adrian favours networking and writing letters on spec. II. (colloquial, business, of creating a work) With the hope of selling it, as opposed to on commission (for hire). I'm writing an article on spec. I hope some magazine will buy it. ). Which makes him a person of interest. 29. Sarah saw Reverend Brookthorpe taking flowers to the surgery on the afternoon before Dr. Lowe was found dead. On the afternoon before Dr. Lowe was found dead. And what's weird about that? He never delivered them. He slammed them into a bin as if he'd seen something to change his mind. I'm going to ask him what that was, while you find out why Cyrus gave Jude Deddington a false alibi for the night of the murder. 30. There used to be a legion of women begging to do the church flowers. Not anymore. Found I'm rather good at it. 31. Serena was always very kind to me, decent. A beacon of light. And since my wife left, I've been very lonely, and I just wanted to know her better. And I let myself imagine she felt the same. But as I approached the surgery, I saw her with Noah Moon... a man of her own age. Doing what? Nothing. But she seemed so happy and relaxed in his company. I was overcome with jealousy. But then I caught my reflection in the window and realized how ridiculous I must seem... Twice her age and nothing to offer. So I dumped the flowers and left. There's no fool like an old fool. 32. You said you loved Dr. Lowe like a daughter. Yet, the day before she died, a witness heard you threatening her. It was about money. I was due a raise. And she said no? She said I wasn't worth it. That must've been very hurtful. 33. It's a big change from London. It hasn't been easy. Communities like Granville Norton can be small-minded 小家子气的. Mm-hmm. And as you know, Reverend Brookthorpe isn't very forward-thinking 思想超前的. You've had issues with him, too? I was planning a garden party to celebrate Pride, everyone welcome. He made his objections perfectly clear. Then flyers were returned defaced. Anonymous notes pushed under my door. Did you call the police? I thought about it, but I didn't want to make things worse. 34. You stole all this from Apley Court? It's not stealing. It's taking back what's rightfully ours. What do you mean? My great-great-grandmother worked at the big house. The master put her in the family way( be in the family way old-fashioned informal to be pregnant. in a family way pregnant; with child. ) and then refused to do right by her(treat (someone) fairly. "I want to do right by the child". ). So the baby boy, my great-grandfather, was a bastard, our family shamed. If there was any justice, my Cyrus would be master now. But justice is just for the rich and powerful. So I took the law into my own hands. You think you should be living at Apley Court? Don't look so surprised. Think I'm not good enough? I'm sure he didn't mean that. What's in these files? Dates, times, photographs. Exposing the Deddingtons as the filthy liars and hypocrites they really are. What were you trying to prove? I found this in an old chest. It's an ancient deed of accession. It's got a clause forbidding incest. Penalty... Immediate loss of inheritance. If I could have proved lineage [ˈlɪnɪɪdʒ] 血统... And this, um, incest. Did you actually find any proof? Not exactly. But it was just a matter of time. Did Cyrus know what you were doing? He found out, begged me to stop. But I couldn't. I was doing it for him. To rid our family of the 200 years of shame we didn't deserve. Cyrus lied to protect me, and I let him. I'll never forgive myself for that. I'm not drawing attention to anything. I'm just sick of hiding in the shadows. 35. The human Roman candle 点天灯( Nero's [(ˈnɪəroʊ] 尼禄 atrocities against Christians in the aftermath of the Great Fire of Rome demonstrated just how brutal and violent he could be. He devised elaborate ways to cause untold suffering, including crucifying his victims upside down and turning them into human candles for his garden. Nero: a name that has come to embody the human capacity for cruelty, debauchery, even evil. The inauspicious ( An inauspicious event is one that gives signs that success is unlikely. The meeting got off to an inauspicious start when he was late.  ) honour of being Rome's most notorious ruler – a hotly contested title – is often bestowed to the fifth emperor, Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, for killing his stepbrother, his mother and two of his wives. And that only takes care of ( I. to watch over; be responsible for. ake good care of that girl of yours, Patrick - she's very special. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself (= I do not need anyone else to protect me). to take care of an invalid. II. to act on; attend to. to deal with something: If you can see to the drinks for the party, I'll take care of the food. All the travel arrangements have been taken care of. No, you paid for dinner last time, let me take care of (= pay for) it. to take care of paying a bill. III. Take care of something also means to do whatever needs to be done in a situation: I was hoping a little money would take care of the problem. IV. To kill. In the motion picture ‘The Godfather’, gangster Virgil Sollozzo took care of Luca Brasi by having him strangled. ) his family life. In less than 14 years, he brought Rome to the brink of collapse. He ignored his rule in favour of hedonistic and depraved pursuits, almost bankrupted the empire to pay for his palace and persecuted Christians so barbarically that he has been regarded by another, more hateful name, the Antichrist. This is the Nero that emerges from the surviving documents of Roman historians Tacitus, Suetonius and Cassius Dio. While these men wrote long after his death and hardly with an agenda to preserve his reputation – which explains the generally debunked claims of fiddling while Rome burned and having an incestuous relationship with his mother – they recounted tales of such salacious and immoral deeds that they have endured. A handful of historians may attempt to re-evaluate his legacy, but Nero will always be the megalomaniacal, murderous tyrant. ). One of Nero's favorite ways to kill naughty Christians. Beeswax is a new twist, though. How did he die exactly? His airways 呼吸道 are blocked with wax, so it could be asphyxiation. But that could've happened postmortem. So the beeswax might just be symbolic 象征性的 in some way? I'll know more when I can get a better look at him. Now, be off with you. Yeah, the cordon was all improvised. We need to know who benefits from Cal Ingalls' death. 36. You can't let a hornet into a hive. It has to be dealt with. A hornet doesn't die when it stings. It goes on to kill again. Bees know how to trap a hornet. They wrap themselves in a ball, and then they roast it alive. Have you been to the dower house recently, Ms. Deddington? That's all we need to know. 37. Cal was already dead when he was strung up. From an оvеrdоsе of melittin. Which is why there was no sign of struggle. Melittin? What's that? Pure bee venom. Highly lethal when injected intravenously 静脉注射. Who do we know with access to pure bee venom? Ambrose Deddington. 38. Yes, we do extract venom from our bees. It was partly responsible for eradication of my cancer. I still take it prophylactically ( prophylactically [ˌprɒfɪˈlaktɪk] 预防性的 in order to prevent disease or the possibility of disease: You can take aspirin prophylactically to reduce the risk of heart disease. (be) treated prophylactically Constipation should be anticipated, treated prophylactically, and monitored closely. prophy- a medical term used to describe any treatment which prevents a disease from occurring. prophylactic [ˌprɒfɪˈlaktɪk] preventing disease: Vaccination and other prophylactic measures can be carried out. Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment. noun. A prophylactic is a condom. The prospect of teachers passing out prophylactics to their pupils has infuriated some parents. ). It's perfectly safe at low dosage levels. Do you sell it commercially? Since my recovery, there's been a high demand from patients with the same diagnosis. Where's it kept? In locked refrigerated storage. And none of my stocks have been disturbed. Was it kept anywhere else? At the surgery, but not officially. I have a phobia of needles, and Serena used to do my injections for me. No one knew the venom was missing from the surgery, as it wasn't officially listed. But now we know the murderer was already planning their next attack. Well, we can't discount 排除 Ambrose. Or Tamara. We only have his word for it that none of the Apley Court stock have been used. 39. I'm not sure if this is relevant, but financial checks flagged this up. The deeds to the dower house were originally transferred from Ambrose Deddington to Cal Ingalls' partner, Justin Drylaw, but there's no record of any money changing hands. You're sure? Yeah, it was accounted for 记账 as a gift. There's no mystery, Inspector. Justin Drylaw was my brother's oncologist. So when Ambrose got the all-clear, he gifted him the dower house. The house promised to your sister? It was his to give. Justin deserved it. 40. I came to restock our honey supplies. 41. He never had cancer at all. His initial diagnosis turned out to be false. But that was some years down the line. But that was some years down the line. And by then, his apitherapy cancer miracle was making him rich. It was all covered up with the collusion of his oncologist, Justin Drylaw, and Serena Lowe, his G.P. They all had an interest in protecting the Apley Court brand. Encouraging devotees like Marnie Lyster to believe that she too could be cured. She died last year on Solstice Day. Noah's out for revenge. 42. "The master sends his apologies for keeping you waiting." But he is no longer fit to hold this ancient and honorable position. "He's a charlatan ( [ˈʃɑːlət(ə)n] 巫师. a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill.), a fraud..." um, "a murderer." "Responsible for the death" of many innocent people. And he must make amends for the shame "he has brought to his ancestors." 43. The bees failed to save my mother. Ambrose just got in the way. You were always going to be the last. But not before you'd dealt with everyone who colluded in the lie, starting with Dr. Lowe. I had my suspicions, but I needed evidence. So I planned a break-in at the surgery. Made it look like a drug raid, but I was looking for evidence. And I found it in a file that confirmed she knew the truth. And a few weeks later, you returned. Then all I had to do was rouse 惊起 the swarm. Your precious bees killing the only other thing you ever loved. And Cal Ingalls? I liked him. A lot. I knew he'd been married to Ambrose's oncologist. But I thought he'd been kept out of the loop. What made you change your mind? I did a bit more digging. I found evidence that Cal was just as culpable as Justin. So he had to die, too. I already had the venom from the raid at the surgery. He died almost instantly. 43. It's the natural law of karma, Winter. We create our own destiny by our thoughts, words, and deeds... for good or ill. You're really getting into this yogic stuff, then, sir? On a strictly amateur basis only. Serious yogis would take a dim view of 瞧不起 my craving 嘴馋 for a pint of real ale. Talking of which, it's pie and a pint night at the Causton Arms. Oh, what a good idea, Winter. And the natural law of karma says it's your round.