Sunday 2 June 2024


用法学习: 1. it's just that 只是 You use the expression it's just that when you are making a complaint, suggestion, or excuse, so that the person you are talking to will not get annoyed with you. I'm sorry I shouted at you. I didn't mean to. It's just that I was so mad. Your hair is all right; it's just that you need a haircut. parenthetical = parenthetic [pærən'θetɪkəl] 括弧, 备注 A parenthetical remark or section is put into something written or spoken but is not essential to it. A parenthetical remark is said in addition to the main part of what you are saying or writing. Fox was making a long parenthetical remark about his travels on the border of the country. Well, parenthetically, I was trying to quit smoking at the time. written in parentheses [pəˈrɛnθɪsɪs], or said in addition to the main part of what you are saying: He added a parenthetical comment to his original statement. And what, we may ask parenthetically, does it mean? Penny: What's up? Bernadette: We're here to kidnap you for a girls' night out. Amy: Parenthetical, the term kidnap is being used playfully. Penny: I kind of figured that. Amy: Good. Now put this pillowcase over your head. Penny: No. Amy: She used to be much more fun, until Leonard punched her in the heart. Bernadette: We just thought you might want to go out and have a good time, maybe go dancing. Penny: Oh. Gee, thanks, but I'm not really in the mood. Amy: You do understand that it will distract you from obsessing over the rich variety of sweet loving that your ex-boyfriend is currently receiving from the fiery jewel of Mumbai. Penny: Okay, look, if I agree to go out with you guys, will you promise to stop pestering me about Leonard and Priya? Amy: Yes. Bernadette: Sure. Penny: All right. I'll go change. Come on in. Amy: If you'd have let me bring the chloroform, we wouldn't have had to put up with all this jibber-jabber. chloroform [klɒrəfɔːrm] 氯仿 Chloroform is a colourless liquid with a strong sweet smell, which makes you unconscious if you breathe its vapour. a clear liquid with a sweet smell that makes you unconscious if you breathe it in. 2. Goldilocks [ˈɡəʊldɪlɒks] adj. without extremes; just right. used to describe a situation in which something is or has to be exactly right: The Mayor takes a Goldilocks approach to his city's 18 percent growth: It's not too fast and not too slow. Its nickname is the Goldilocks Bird, because it nests only when water levels are "just right"The planet is in what astronomers call the Goldilocks zone: neither too hot, nor too cold. a return to the Goldilocks economy when growth was just right. life form 生物, 生命形态 A life form is any living thing such as an animal or plant. any living thing: They are searching for intelligent life forms in other solar systems. Dinosaurs as a life form had a lot going for them. venality [viːˈnæl.ə.ti] state, quality, or instance of being venal; willingness to be bribed or bought off, or to prostitute one's talents for mercenary considerations. the state or quality of being venal (= willing to behave dishonestly in exchange for money): His reputation has been defined by allegations of corruption and venality. His best-known novel is a bitter study of the venality of the literary world. venal [ˈviː.nəl] I. A venal person is willing to behave in a way that is not honest or moral in exchange for money. If you describe someone as venal, you disapprove of them because they are prepared to do almost anything in return for money, even things which are dishonest or immoral. Government propaganda made the radicals appear at best deluded, at worst venal. ...venal politicians. a venal ruler. II. 发财为目的的. A venal activity is done in order to get money: a venal regime. They are accused of being involved in venal practices. tenuous I. A tenuous connection 岌岌可危的, 脆弱的, idea, or situation is weak and possibly does not exist. If you describe something such as a connection, a reason, or someone's position as tenuous, you mean that it is very uncertain or weak. The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous. This decision puts the President in a somewhat tenuous position. The sub-plots are only tenuously interconnected. The police have only found a tenuous connection between the two robberies. II. thin, weak, and easily broken. vocabulary: If something is tenuous it's thin, either literally or metaphorically. If you try to learn a complicated mathematical concept by cramming for 45 minutes, you will have a tenuous grasp of that concept, at best. Tenuous comes from the Latin word tenuis, for thin, and is related to our word tender. Something can be physically tenuous, like a spiderweb or ice on a pond. We more often use it in a metaphorical sense, to talk about weak ideas. Tenuous arguments won't win any debate tournaments. Synonyms for tenuous, also used physically or metaphorically, are flimsy and shaky. tedious [ˈtiːdɪəs] too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous. boring and tiring, esp. because long or often repeated. If you describe something such as a job, task, or situation as tedious, you mean it is boring and rather frustrating. Such lists are long and tedious to read. ...the tedious business of line-by-line programming. ...the most tediously boring aspects of international relations. tedious work/tasks. Learning a new computer program can be a tedious process. "a tedious journey". 3. predilection [ˌpriːdɪˈlɛkʃn] 偏好, 偏爱 a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favour of something. If you have a predilection for something, you have a strong liking for it. "my predilection for Asian food". ...his predilection for fast cars and fast horses. Ever since she was a child, she has had a predilection for spicy food. vocabulary: A predilection is a preference for or bias toward something. If you have a predilection for wool clothing, you should take up knitting. Predilection is based on the Latin verb praediligere, or "prefer before others," which breaks down to prae, before, and diligere, "choose or love." We often use the word predilection for tendencies that people seem to have been born with, also called predispositions [ˌpriːdɪspəˈzɪʃn]. If you're a night owl, you probably have a predilection for cities, while morning people tend to prefer the country. 4. "Cupcaking" I. The act of farting into your cupped hand, trapping it, and moving the confined stench to a victims nose or mouth to cause nausea and discomfort. II. a slang term that refers to excessively showing affection or being overly romantic with a romantic partner, especially in public or on social media. It can involve behaviors like being very lovey-dovey, constantly posting about the relationship online, or being overly affectionate in front of others. The term is often used in a playful or teasing manner to describe someone who is being excessively sweet or romantic with their partner. on the nose I. (slang, Australia, often figurative) Smelly, malodorous. to a person's sense of smell. That bucket of raw prawns you left in the sun is a bit on the nose. "the wine is pungently smoky and peppery on the nose 有味的, 臭臭的, 臭烘烘的, 发臭". II. informal North American precisely. Exact; precise; appropriate. His estimate that they would consume 23 boxes was on the nose. "at ten on the nose the van pulled up". III. Unimaginative; over-literal; lacking nuance. Wearing that floral dress to a garden party was a little on the nose, wouldn't you say? 5. swell adj. (US, informal, now somewhat dated or ironic) Excellent. very good. You can describe something as swell if you think it is really nice. I've had a swell time. verb. If the amount or size of something swells or if something swells it, it becomes larger than it was before. The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south. By the end of this month the size of the mission is expected to swell to 280 people. His bank balance has swelled by £222,000 in the last three weeks. Offers from other countries should swell the force to 35,000. ...the ever-swelling numbers of the homeless. Its population is swollen by 360,000 refugees. II. If something such as a part of your body swells, it becomes larger and rounder than normal. Do your ankles swell at night? The limbs swell to an enormous size. When you develop a throat infection or catch a cold the glands in the neck swell up. III. If you swell with a feeling, you are suddenly full of that feeling. She could see her two sons swell with pride. IV. If sounds swell, they get louder. Heavenly music swelled from nowhere. noun. 潮起潮落. 涨潮落潮. A swell is the regular movement of waves up and down in the open sea. There's no boat ramp or working jetty so Ron has to land on the sandy beach and with the southern ocean swells and the beach sometimes washed away. We bobbed gently up and down on the swell of the incoming tide. swell someone's coffers to increase the amount of money that an organization has. swell the ranks to increase the number of people in a group. Soldiers leave the army, only to end up swelling the ranks of the homeless. groundswell A sudden growth of public feeling or support for something is often called a groundswell. a growth of strong feeling among a large group of people: groundswell of There is a groundswell of opinion against the new rules. There is undoubtedly a groundswell of support for the idea of a strong central authority. The groundswell of opinion is in favour of a referendum. swollen I. If a part of your body is swollen, it is larger and rounder than normal, usually as a result of injury or illness. My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see. II. A swollen river has more water in it and flows faster than normal, usually because of heavy rain. swelling A swelling is a raised, curved shape on the surface of your body which appears as a result of an injury or an illness. His eye was partly closed, and there was a swelling over his lid. There is some swelling and he is being detained for observation. 6. starburst [stɑːrbɜːrst] 星型发散 A starburst is a bright light with rays coming from it, or a patch of bright colour with points extending from it. ...a starburst of multi-coloured smoke. Job shadowing (or work shadowing 观摩学习, 跟着学习, 跟着看) is a type of on-the-job learning. It may be a part of an onboarding process, or part of a career or leadership development program. Job shadowing involves following and observing another employee who might have a different job in hand, have something to teach, or be able to help the person who is shadowing learn new aspects related to the job, organization, certain behaviors or competencies. This is his first chance to 'job shadow' his dad as the two spend the week together. A ride-along 观摩学习, 观摩服务 (跟着跑, 跟着看) is an arrangement for a civilian to spend a shift in the passenger seat of an emergency vehicle, observing the work day of a police officer, firefighter, or paramedic. 7. furphy 夸大的言辞, 言过其实的假话 a rumour (= unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be either true or invented). A furphy is Australian slang for an erroneous or improbable story that is claimed to be factual. Furphies are supposedly heard from reputable sources, sometimes secondhand or thirdhand, and widely believed until discounted. "The idea of global deletion or wanting to 'globally censor' the internet is really a furphy ...  the simple fact of the matter is with all of these companies, they don't have internet infrastructure or servers here, the only way you can remove that content is at scale, at the source, which is in California," she said. chancer [ˈtʃɑːnsə] noun informal British a person who exploits any opportunity to further their own ends. a person who is always trying to get an advantage for himself or herself, especially by taking risks "Prague was full of young chancers, bored with the City". miasma [miˈæz.mə] 惨雾, 愁云迷雾 an unpleasant fog that smells bad. You can describe something bad or confused that seems to be in the air all around you as a miasma. His ambition to be part of the U.S. Supreme Court faded in a miasma of despair. A miasma of pollution hung in the air above Mexico City. Sheldon: If only there were some way to force Howard to accept my apology so I could escape this miasma of guilt. Penny: You know, sometimes stuff just happens, and there's nothing you can do about it. For example, Lisa Peterson hasn't talked to me since the 11th grade, because no matter how much you apologize, you can't go back and un-dry-hump someone's boyfriend. Sheldon: I see. You're saying I'm facing Starfleet Academy's unwinnable command scenario, the Kobayashi Maru. Penny: Exactly. Sometimes you can't win. Sheldon: Captain Kirk won. Penny: Kirk cheated. Sheldon: Impressive that you know that. It's hard to believe I'm actually having this conversation with you. Penny: Right there with you

US pressures Samsung, chipmakers to disclose key internal data: Fabless manufacturing is the design and sale of hardware devices and semiconductor chips while outsourcing their fabrication (or fab) to a specialized manufacturer called a semiconductor foundry. These foundries are typically, but not exclusively, located in the United States, China, and Taiwan. Fabless companies can benefit from lower capital costs while concentrating their research and development resources on the end market. Some fabless companies and pure play foundries (like TSMC) may offer integrated-circuit design services to third parties. A pure play company focuses solely on a particular product or activity. Companies that transact exclusively via e-commerce and have no brick and mortar retail spaces may be referred to as pure play online retailers. The American government is forcing global semiconductor manufacturers to submit internal information on their chip inventory as well as the number of orders and sales data in a move to tackle the ongoing global chip shortage. The US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo on Sept. 23 during the White House-hosted global semiconductor summit said that the government needs more information about the chip supply chain to increase the transparency of the crisis and identify the exact bottlenecks causing the shortage. The move will likely put Samsung and TSMC in an unfavorable position versus US-based firms in price negotiations: Global foundry companies( The foundry model 晶圆模型 is a microelectronics engineering and manufacturing business model consisting of a semiconductor fabrication plant, or foundry, and an integrated circuit design operation, each belonging to separate companies or subsidiaries. Integrated device manufacturers (IDMs) design and manufacture integrated circuits 集成电路. Many companies, known as fabless semiconductor companies, only design devices; merchant or pure play foundries 晶圆代工厂 only manufacture devices for other companies, without designing them. Examples of IDMs are Intel, Samsung, and Texas Instruments, examples of fabless companies are Qualcomm, Nvidia, and AMD, and examples of pure play foundries are TSMC, Globalfoundries, and UMC. Integrated circuit production facilities are expensive to build and maintain. Unless they can be kept at nearly full utilization, they will become a drain on the finances of the company that owns them. The foundry model uses two methods to avoid these costs: fabless companies avoid costs by not owning such facilities. Merchant foundries, on the other hand, find work from the worldwide pool of fabless companies, and by careful scheduling, pricing, and contracting keep their plants at full utilization. A pure play company focuses solely on a particular product or activity. Investing in a pure play company can be considered as investing in a particular commodity or product of a company. Pure play firms either specialize in a specific niche, or have little to no vertical integration. For example, a coffee shop may call itself a "pure play" restaurant, and a factory that only produces goods (not designing or selling to consumers) may refer to itself as a pure play manufactory. E-commerce companies are often referred to as pure play retailers, as they sell only through the Internet. Pure play foundries 晶圆代工厂, such as TSMC and GlobalFoundries, have no in-house design capabilities, and fabricate integrated circuits (ICs) for fabless semiconductor companies, such as Qualcomm, Broadcom, Xilinx, Nvidia, among others. Integrated device manufacturer (IDM) foundries (集设计生产于一体的芯片厂商), such as IBM, NEC, Texas Instruments and Samsung, provide both foundry design services and IC fabrication. Fabless manufacturing (fabless = no fabrication 不生产) 只管设计和销售的厂商 is the design and sale of hardware devices and semiconductor chips while outsourcing their fabrication (or fab) to a specialized manufacturer called a semiconductor foundry. These foundries are typically, but not exclusively, located in the United States, China, and Taiwan. Fabless companies can benefit from lower capital costs while concentrating their research and development resources on the end market. Some fabless companies and pure play foundries (like TSMC) may offer integrated-circuit design services to third parties. ) such as South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co. and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) do not publicly disclose their client list. The White House gave the global chipmakers 45 days to answer the voluntary request. Such a request has put the firms in a tight corner as the information on sales, inventory and clients has been widely regarded as corporate secrets. South Korean semiconductor industry insiders note that global clients such as Apple and Tesla do not want such information to be disclosed, as it can be used to identify and compare the performance level as well as market competitiveness of their products. Moreover, revealing the details of production data such as yield will put the foundry companies in an unfavorable position against the buyers. A semiconductor yield is the fraction of chips on wafers ( In electronics, a wafer 晶圆 (also called a slice or substrate) is a thin slice of semiconductor, such as a crystalline silicon (c-Si), used for the fabrication of integrated circuits and, in photovoltaics, to manufacture solar cells. The wafer serves as the substrate for microelectronic devices built in and upon the wafer. It undergoes many microfabrication processes, such as doping, ion implantation, etching, thin-film deposition of various materials, and photolithographic patterning. Finally, the individual microcircuits are separated by wafer dicing and packaged as an integrated circuit. ) that are not discarded during the manufacturing process. A higher yield means a more advanced level of technology and lower manufacturing costs. 

microcontroller 单片机: A microcontroller (MC, UC, or μC) or microcontroller unit (MCU) is a small computer on a single integrated circuit. A microcontroller contains one or more CPUs (processor cores) along with memory and programmable input/output peripherals. Program memory in the form of NOR flash, OTP ROM, or ferroelectric RAM is also often included on the chip, as well as a small amount of RAM. Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications, in contrast to the microprocessors used in personal computers or other general-purpose applications consisting of various discrete chips. In modern terminology, a microcontroller is similar to, but less sophisticated than, a system on a chip (SoC). A SoC may include a microcontroller as one of its components but usually integrates it with advanced peripherals like a graphics processing unit (GPU), a Wi-Fi module, or one or more coprocessors. Compared to a multi-chip architecture, an SoC with equivalent functionality will have reduced power consumption as well as a smaller semiconductor die area. This comes at the cost of reduced replaceability of components. By definition, SoC designs are fully or nearly fully integrated across different component modules. For these reasons, there has been a general trend towards tighter integration of components in the computer hardware industry, in part due to the influence of SoCs and lessons learned from the mobile and embedded computing markets. SoCs are very common in the mobile computing (as in smart devices such as smartphones and tablet computers) and edge computing markets. Edge computing 边缘计算 is a distributed computing model that brings computation and data storage closer to the sources of data. This often makes applications faster. More broadly, it refers to any design that pushes computation physically closer to a user, so as to reduce the latency compared to when an application runs on a single data centre. The term began being used in the 1990s to describe content delivery networks—these were used to deliver website and video content from servers located near users. In the early 2000s, these systems expanded their scope to hosting other applications, leading to early edge computing services. These services could do things like find dealers, manage shopping carts, gather real-time data, and place ads. The Internet of Things (IoT), where devices are connected to the internet, is often linked with edge computing. However, it's important to understand that edge computing and IoT are not the same thing.

The Big Bang Theory: 1. Sheldon: Excuse me. I'm uncomfortable with you recommending that Leonard pursue having intercourse with Dr. Plimpton, who I assure you has better things to do. Penny: I'm not recommending it. I'm saying it already happened. Sheldon: That's preposterous. Tell her, Leonard. Leonard: Come on. It wasn't my fault. Sheldon: The implication being that you somehow tripped and fell into her lady parts? Penny: You know what? I'm just gonna take the bus to work. Leonard: Penny, I can still drive you. Penny: Oh, no, no, it's okay. You might slip on a banana peel 香蕉皮 and get me pregnant. 2. Howard: I'm just saying, I'd never want to work with Bernadette. Can you imagine seeing someone all day long and then you're supposed to hang out with them after work, too? Raj: Hold on. We do that all the time. You and I work together and play together. Howard: Yeah, I know, and it drove me into the arms of another woman. Bipolar Bear. Sheldon: Well, I appreciate your concern, but I won't be seeing any more of Amy than I already do. I assume we'll deduct 减去 any extra time we spend together at work from our weekly quota. 3. Leonard (entering on the phone): I'm really very busy. Is there any way that 有没有办法 we can put this off until I have more time to prepare? Of course. But, uh, you understand my trepidation. Penny: What's that about? Howard: Not a clue. Leonard: Can't we just postpone it till the spring? Maybe next summer? Sheldon: This should be fairly easy to deduce 推理出来, 推断. He's holding the phone to his left ear. Ears do not cross hemispheres, so he's using the analytical rather than the emotional side of the brain, suggesting that he has no personal relationship with the caller.

Midsomer Murders: 1. So you can actually make money out of torturing people? Build it... and they will suffer. Oh, I thought you were happy running a paper mill 造纸厂( mill I. A mill is a building in which grain is crushed to make flour. II. A mill is a small device used for grinding something such as coffee beans or pepper into powder. ...a pepper mill. III. A mill is a factory used for making and processing materials such as steel, wool, or cotton. ...a steel mill. ...a textile mill. paper mill I. A factory devoted to making paper from wood pulp and other ingredients. a factory where paper is made: The 400 lay-offs will come through the closure of a plant in Germany and four paper mills in France. II. 论文工厂 = essay mill. An organization that unethically sells pre-written papers to students. III. = content mill An organization that produces large volumes of poor-quality or forged research papers. In research, a paper mill is a business that publishes poor or fake journal papers that seem to resemble genuine research, as well as sells authorship. ). Never look a gift horse in the mouth 白吃包子嫌馅蒜 ( look a gift horse in the mouth find fault with something that has been received as a gift or favour. "they did not look the gift horse in the mouth when the opportunity for victory presented itself". don't look a gift horse in the mouth said to advise someone not to refuse something good that is being offered. One should not unappreciatively question or inspect a gift too closely. ), Artie. One word... savage. I didn't call it the Psycho Mud Run for nothing. You're not making them plow through water as well, are you? 2. Was that what I think it was? Yeah. Ahab ( ahab [ˈeɪhæb] I. Bible. the king of Israel from approximately 869 to 850 bc and husband of Jezebel: rebuked by Elijah (I Kings 16:29–22:40). II. Literature. the captain of the ship Pequod and tragic hero of Melville's Moby Dick, obsessed with the pursuit of the white whale. rebuke  If you rebuke someone, you speak severely to them because they have said or done something that you do not approve of. to speak angrily to someone because you disapprove of what they have said or done: He received a stern rebuke 被严厉批评 from the manager. Her statement drew a sharp rebuke from the Senator. Rebuke is the appropriate punishment in this case. The company has been publicly rebuked by one of its largest shareholders over its executive pay levels. The UN delivered a strong rebuke to both countries for persisting with nuclear testing. 'Silly little boy' was his favourite expression of rebuke to his pupils.)... the monster of the lake. Boss. 3. Max, so, who are you sharing a room with? We're gonna get a pint, aren't we? One day I'm going to do a Lola and visit all of those places. And leave me to run this place on me own? A girl can dream. 4. So that's two nights with breakfast. And if you want to dine in the restaurant, you need to book. We're inundated. I presume you're here for the Psycho. What gave it away? You've stayed with us before. That's some memory 好记性. I never forget a face. Right. Check in, then meet me out front. Quick 5K to blow the cobwebs ( blow the cobwebs away to get rid of feelings of tiredness, usually with fresh air or exercise. to make you feel more alert and lively, when you have previously felt tired or dull We have a cottage in the Cotswolds, and getting back there after a few days in London really blows the cobwebs away. We went for a five-mile jog to blow the cobwebs away. ). 5. That's Ahab. Twenty grand to the first person to catch him. That's happening this weekend? First competition we've had here in years. Surprised you didn't hear about it. The build-up's been boring me to death for weeks. Mind you, they can't catch something that doesn't exist. Enjoy your stay. I know it's been ages, but listen. I'm at Solomon Gorge. Yeah. Never mind why. You need to get here. Inevitably, there's a lot of discussion about it. But there are myths and there are truths, and Ahab is a bona fide truth. And I am gonna prove that beyond all doubt this weekend. His time is up. He tells all the girls about his monster. 6. You'll see it when I hook 钓到大鱼 the big one, mate. You're going up against the pros, Griff. World-class anglers 钓鱼者, mate. You know me. I was born lucky. 6. Ned, how's things? Good, Harper. Thank you. Good is good, but, uh, I'm gonna make your day great. I'd, uh, I'd like to ask you for your daughter's hand in marriage. You almost had me going then ( have (someone) going I. 差点信了. 差点上当了. To convince or persuade someone into temporarily believing an untruth; to fool someone, especially briefly. Man, you really had me going there with that fake winning lottery ticket! II. To arouse, excite, or upset someone, usually for a brief period of time. Seeing that model in his underwear really had me going! That rumor that the company was dissolving had me going for a while, but it looks like our jobs are safe for the moment. have something going (for oneself) to have a beneficial scheme or operation going. John really has something going for himself. He'sa travelagent, andhegets to travel every where for free. I wish I could have something like that going. ). I'm serious. Do I have your blessing? 7. What are you doing with all that gear? It's open season(I. 捕捞期. 捕捞季, 打渔期. the annual period when restrictions on the killing of certain types of wildlife, especially for sport, are lifted. the period in the year when it is legal to hunt particular animals II. a period when all restrictions on an activity, especially on criticizing a particular group, are abandoned. a situation that allows or causes a particular group of people to be treated unfairly: To pass this legislation would be to declare open season on homosexuals. "it's open season on public figures". close season = US closed season 禁捕期, 禁猎期 a period of the year in which the hunting of a particular type of animal, for example birds or fish, is not allowed: close season for This is the close season for salmon. ), mate. 7. I demand a refund for my fishing peg. The competition hasn't even started yet. You are a charlatan [ʃɑːrlətən] 大骗子( [formal, disapproval] You describe someone as a charlatan when they pretend to have skills or knowledge that they do not really possess. He was exposed as a charlatan), Mr. Lamb. The course of this abomination ( abomination [əbɒmɪneɪʃən] [formal, disapproval] If you say that something is an abomination, you think that it is completely unacceptable. something that you dislike and disapprove of: Cruelty to animals is an abomination. What is happening is an abomination. ) runs clean through the lake. Well, it can't. I've got an agreement in place. That is the course. That is the lake. You see how they converge [kənˈvɜːdʒ] 交汇( If lines, roads, or paths converge, they move towards the same point where they join or meet: converge at The paths all converge at the main gate of the park. converge into Due to roadworks, three lanes of traffic have to converge into two. )?All of the fish will be spooked, including Ahab! It's not on. Let's have a word. 8. What are you doing here? Are you serious? Sometimes in life, choices are made for you 身不由己. You know that as well as I do. 9. Sorry. We're closing. You rerouted the course. I meant to tell you, Freddie. That's why I'm here now. I need the Psycho to be more of a test. We shook hands 同意了的, 达成一致了的. The one thing your stupid course isn't supposed to do is go near the lake. 9. Remember, we're reigning champions 卫冕冠军, going for a fourth win in five Midsomer Mud Runs. 10. So, is there a-a prize for winning? Winning? I'll be happy just to make it over the finish line. I should've brought some tinfoil to wrap around you. Have you seen Jamie? Uh, just look for the day-glo ( noun. a fluorescent paint or other colouring. adj. very bright or fluorescent in colour. "their clothing was marked with Day-Glo panels".). Oh, there he is. There you go, mate. All bright and shining. Hey, I'll see you at the finish line. I've got a week's leave due. You squabbling ( squabbling 斗嘴 petty quarrelling Your squabbling is not very polite to your host. In recent months its government has been paralysed by political squabbling. squabble an argument over something that is not important: Polly and Susie were having a squabble about who was going to hold the dog's lead. Often relationships between family members are so strained that squabbles break out. ), Winter? Hardly the way to represent Causton C.I.D. They started it. 11. I've seen you around 见过你. So, uh, is it just us?Half the station said they joined up 参军( If you join up, you become a member of one of the armed forces: "Have you been in the army for a long time?" "I joined up as soon as I'd left school." Levi was not the first member of his family to join up – his sister was already in the Navy. Save the Seagulls is looking for volunteers to join up. ). Yeah. I heard the same. I think they might have been winding us up. Well, it looks like we're in this together. I'll just go and drop my bag. 12. Worst part of being a parent. You know they're gonna fly the nest(fly the nest = fly the coop 离巢, 远走高飞 (empty nests 空巢) When children fly the nest, they leave their parents' home to live on their own. When their children had flown the nest, they moved to a cottage in Dorset. Usage notes: A coop 鸡窝 is a place where chickens are kept. The last of our kids has finally flown the coop so we have the whole house to ourselves.) one day. 13. Hey, keep the same pace 并肩跑, 一齐跑, 跑在一起, yeah? Be there for each other. Teamwork makes the dream work( teamwork makes the dream work A phrase used when two or more people have collaborated positively on some project or to some end. It means that effective teamwork achieves much more than any individual can. This well-known phrase is first attributed to John Maxwell, an American Clergyman. His original quote was; Teamwork makes the dream work, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and a bad team. ). 14.  No kiss unless you win. Key is not to go haring off ( hare to run or go very quickly, usually in an uncontrolled way: hare off I saw her haring off down the road after Molly. be away from (one's) desk 没在座位上 To not be at one's desk at a particular time. I'm sorry, Mr. Medina is away from his desk right now. Can I take a message? The manager will be away from her desk all afternoon, I'm afraid. I suggest calling back tomorrow. A: "Hey, why isn't Carrie answering her phone?" B: "Looks like she's away from her desk." be on (one's) say-so To be dependent on or happen according to one's authorization or permission. Yes, I'm the manager of this department, but any big changes are on the general manager's say-so. We're going to start transferring the funds into the new account after all. Don't look at me like that—it was on the CFO's say-so. Come on, you know it's on Mom's say-so—I can't give you permission to go.). You won't last the course 坚持下来, 坚持跑完. 14. Well, it's lucky you were slow off the mark 起跑慢. I was pacing myself 悠着来. I checked the course last night. I went over every inch of it. 15. What are you doing here? Artie. I was about to ask the same. Well, I took early retirement 早退. Fancied a nice, trouble-free life. Ned, meet an old oppo ( oppo [ˈɒpəʊ] a colleague or friend. a friend, someone you work with, or someone who does the same job as you in a different company, political party, etc.: The soldier was asked by his oppo what was up. His reclusive style contrasted sharply with the flamboyance of his oppo at BP. "an old oppo of mine".) of mine... 16. Found this in the woods nearby. "F. Lamb Fishing Limited." Freddie flaming Lamb. His tackle shop 渔具店's in the village. Hey, Freddie, make sure you sort me out a decent peg. 17. Could these be from your shop? They're sold everywhere. And what about this packaging? That sold everywhere too? Be a good citizen and let us look at your purchase book 记账本. 18. But, uh, honestly, how long do you think this will take? I'd know that nasally whine ( a nasal whine 吸鼻子的声音, 鼻子堵了的声音: This whistling sound often results from a blockage or narrowing in the nasal passages, which could be due to various reasons such as congestion from a cold, allergies, a sinus infection, or a structural abnormality like a deviated septum or nasal polyps. ) anywhere. Um, I'm gonna have to call you back. 19. I saw your daughter at the inn earlier. She didn't see me, but... what a life she has. Changing bed linen and cleaning toilet bowls. You must be very proud of yourself. I look after her. The three of us could've been traveling the world together. I thought you'd have let that go by now. I managed to. I guess it meant more to me, Ned. 20. His alibi for last night... Wafer-thin [ˌweɪfəˈθɪ] 经不起推敲的(I. very thin. The rooms were divided only by a wafer-thin partition wall. "a single slice of wafer-thin ham". II. (especially of a margin of victory) very slim; barely achieved. If you succeed by a wafer-thin margin, you succeed by a very small amount. ...a prime minister with a divided party and a wafer-thin majority 险胜. "the party secured a wafer-thin majority of 36". ). You think he'd sabotage the Psycho just to win the fishing competition? Nobody will catch a thing with people like you churning up the lake. Here I am at Solomon Gorge, and the competition is looking fierce and formidable [fɔːmɪdəbl, fəˈmɪdəbl]. But you know me. That is exactly how I like it. Your new rods sum you up. What, dashing and colorful? Garish and horribly female. Poor, miserable Damian. Is this what happens when all of your sponsors dry up? I have a natural talent. That's all I need. Is that what you used to tell Lex? "Be the fish. See the fish." Lex is history. Long gone. So how come he's staying in the same inn as I am? Don't be ridiculous. No? Take a look for yourself. 21. Sorry for the delay. I had to draft in 临时抓来 a temporary chef. You came here for the fishing last time. Yeah. That's not my game anymore. 22. I found some. Yeah. Those are mine. Stop carping ( carp [disapproval] If you say that someone is carping, you mean that they keep criticizing or complaining about someone or something, especially in a way you think is unnecessary or annoying. to complain all the time about matters that are not important: I can't stand the way he's always carping. He cannot understand why she's constantly carping at him. This was the man whom other trainers love to carp about. She was in no mood to put up with Blanche's carping). Learn to share. 23. Good news? Well, the course has been inspected, and the mud run can go ahead tomorrow. How did you swing that? I just pointed out that the village would suffer financially. Tell me... What made you decide to reroute the course, Mr. Skye? 24. Didn't you get the message yesterday? I was trying to be kind, but obviously you couldn't read the signs 不会看脸色. You're not gonna waste your life on him. He hasn't even got a job. I've been hanging out with Griffin. He's been teaching me how to cook. Hanging out is not a career plan. 25. Lola left because we had an argument. You and your dad don't want to be in the same boat. Don't reduce your relationship to a series of postcards. 26. I promise I didn't know the mud run was coming here. Soon as I did, I tried to wriggle out of it. 27. We did some digging into Griffin Twigg. He's facing bankruptcy after he cheated on his wife and she took him for every penny( take someone/something to be something = take someone/something for something If you take someone or something to be something, or if you take someone or something for something, you accept or believe that they are that thing: These creatures are generally taken to be descended from primitive fishes. I could have taken him for (= believed that he was) your brother. what do you take me for I'm not going to forge his signature for you! What do you take me for 你当我是什么人? (= You should not believe I could do a thing like that.) At first, I took him for one of the servants. The paintings were so crude, I took them to be the work of children.). Twenty grand would go a long way to solving his problems. Making it in his best interest to keep the runners away from the lake. 28. Give us a quid? I don't have any change on me. A fiver, then. Do you mind? I'm about to run a race. Cheapskate (穷鬼, 小气鬼). 29. You okay? Don't mind me. Now go win. 30. Judging from the scorch marks 烧伤, 烧痕 on his clothing and skin, he was electrocuted. That part of the course is wired to give mild shocks. Is this a sport or an S&M outing? Was it an accident, Fleur? Unlikely at that voltage. I think we'll find that someone rigged the current. It was set back to normal when I got here. If not, Winter would have been grilled to a crisp. 31. This how fish get caught these days? It's just an app that tells you the best time of day to fish. Hope that's within the rules. You know me. Straight as the day is long. Was teasing. Cheating is still an abhorrence, though. If you got caught, you'd never fish again. 32. I thought the police would've cordoned the lake off. It's a crime scene, isn't it? Why are people still fishing? Maybe I should start casting out. What? I'll catch Ahab, and then everyone can go home. Are you mocking me? You left a bitter taste. 33. Just spoke with the fire crew. Three years ago, Lex sacked Harper Kaplan. They say why? Yeah. He was hotheaded, impetuous ( [ɪmˈpetʃ.u.əs] I. 做事冲动的, 不计后果的. 头脑发热的. likely to do something suddenly, without considering the results of your actions. If you describe someone as impetuous, you mean that they are likely to act quickly and suddenly without thinking or being careful. He was young and impetuous. He tended to react in a heated and impetuous way. He's so impetuous - why can't he think things over before he rushes into them? II. said or done suddenly, without considering the likely results: The governor may now be regretting her impetuous promise to reduce unemployment by half.), and didn't follow orders. And how did Harper take it? No one could prove it, but they think that he poured paraffin over Lex's car and then set fire to it. So we've got an aggrieved ( [əgriːvd] 忿忿不平的. 不忿的. If you feel aggrieved, you feel upset and angry because of the way in which you have been treated. unhappy and angry because of unfair treatment:  I really feel aggrieved at this sort of thing. aggrieve [əˈɡriːv] I. (often impersonal or passive) to make someone unhappy and angry. to grieve; distress; afflict. To cause someone to feel pain or sorrow to; to afflict it aggrieved her much that she could not go. Years later, this unfairness still aggrieves him. II. to injure unjustly, esp by infringing a person's legal rights. ) ex-employee who was seen having a heated debate with Lex Bedford before he died. Anyone else? With the mud run canceled, Freddie Lamb's fishing competition is back in full swing. 34. You can always dust off your fishing rods. Ha. Are you a total numskull ( numskull = numbskull [informal, old-fashioned, disapproval] If you refer to someone as a numbskull, you mean that they are very stupid. How were we to know that he was a numbskull? ), Griffin? Steady 稳住了, 稳下来了, 稳定了, now. You need to stay calm. With people like you around? And I want to stay around, so chill. 35. Hey. Now, you look at me. I've never heard a man talk about his daughter the way your dad spoke about you. Never. You were his life. He didn't always go about it the right way, but he was always there for you. And men like me, who were never there, well, he put us all to shame. His last thought would've been about you. And it would've been a loving one. 36. That is my fish. You're not escaping me 跑不出去, 跑不了, 逃不掉! No, sir! No way! Reel him in slowly. Let the line play out and bring him back in. You need to tire him out. Slowly. Now get reeling 收线! I can't think with you yapping in my ear! Let me help. No! Stand back! 37. It's a weird rule, not being able to help your fellow angler. That's competitive fishing for you... The emphasis on competitive. Pros have to win at all costs. You're all professionals, then, being paid to travel the world? Me? Chance would be a fine thing ( chance would be a fine thing 没机会, 没时间 informal British expressing a speaker's belief that something is desirable but the opportunity is unlikely to arise. said when you would very much like something to happen but there is no possibility that it will: "You should relax a bit more." "Chance would be a fine thing." "'You should come to the cafe with us.' 'Chance would be a fine thing.'"). Although if I hooked a legend like Ahab, I could probably turn pro. That's the dream scenario. Strange that Lex Bedford would turn his back on that. Yeah. I never could figure that out 一直没有想明白. I thought fishing was a compulsion, that once you start you can't quit. If you want compulsion, you should take a look at Lex's old mentor. And who would that be? Damian Lint. The teacher taught the pupil, then the pupil turned around and showed the teacher what fishing was all about. Were Lex and Damian Lint close? They're like father and son... Once upon a time. But not now? I think the phrase is... Damian hated his guts. 38. Oh, God. It's later than I thought. Oh, we can make up a spare bed. Well, if you don't mind? No. Of course not. I need to hear more about retired life anyway. 39. Fleur's time of death for Ned puts Freddie Lamb very much in the picture. He even told us himself that he was in the woods that night. Shed's just around the corner. If he's not in his shop, then he's got to be there. 40. Cornelius was cheating? If he was, it looks like someone found out. Go through the footage. Cornelius may have inadvertently captured a clip of his killer. Bit of a long shot, isn't it? No stone unturned, Artie. Look into Blaise McQuinn. She had a checkered past with Ned. Let's see if she had some connection to Cornelius as well. 41. Should we go and talk to Griffin? Possibly not. Only I saw Griffin leave his hat at the lake, and then Cornelius picked it up. Let's look at people outside the world of fishing. Well, Kaplan's the obvious one. What if he wanted revenge on Lex for sacking him? 42. I'm very sorry, Ms. Silvermane, but the pathologist has established that an old leg injury on the body matches Lola's medical records. She fell off her bike when she was 9. Someone clearly knew how to copy your daughter's handwriting. 43. We found a suitcase in the vehicle which might suggest that Lola was leaving Solomon Gorge. That seems odd if you two were so much in love. Hand on my heart, I can't explain that. There has to be something, Freddie. It's important, no matter how small. She had a row with her mum, but that was just standard mother-and-headstrong-daughter stuff. A row? Izzy still blames herself for Lola running away. 44. Barmy ( barmy 疯狂的 [British, informal, disapproval] If you say that someone or something is barmy, you mean that they are slightly crazy or very foolish. behaving strangely, or very silly: Not another one of her barmy ideas! Bill used to say I was barmy, and that would really get to me. This policy is absolutely barmy. ...a barmy idea. ) thought, but I'd say this was the vehicle that collided with Lola. Do you have anything less barmy? Lola endured massive trauma. I've seen it a hundred times in hit-and-run cases. Instinct and years of being the most intelligent person in the room tells me we'll find samples of her skin and clothing on the front grille... Assuming there's any left after all that time underwater. She was run over and then put in the jeep afterwards? I believe so. 45. I think this is Ned's jeep. I remember he reported it stolen. Can you recall when? Same night Lola supposedly left Solomon Gorge. Izzy's at the lake. I'm holding the fort for now. We'll need to go back as far as the night Lola disappeared. I can do you a search. Thank you. Have you decided to close today? Yeah. It didn't feel right to open. 46. You failed to mention that you and Lex were once close. I taught that ingrate [ˈɪnɡreɪt ] 不知感恩的人 ( an ungrateful person. a person who is not grateful.  ) everything, and not once did he ever credit me. Not in one victory speech, not in one interview. Nothing. That clearly stung. So you went to see Lex at the inn, only Harper was already there. I didn't actually talk to Lex. Believe me. I couldn't face it. How well did you know Ned Skye and Cornelius Tetbury? You think I talk to Noddies? Noddies? Amateurs. I haven't fallen that far 我还不至于那么堕落. But you must have worked out that Ned's Psycho Mud Run was ruining the fishing competition. And perhaps you also knew that Cornelius was cheating. He was? Then he got what he deserved. 47. The transmission was damaged in the hit-and-run, meaning it must have been pushed into the lake. Meaning it must have been pushed into the lake. Well, jeeps aren't exactly light. Are we looking at a man mountain ( man-mountain a man who is very tall and heavily built. )? Or somebody very fit and strong, like Harper Kaplan. 48. Sorry to interrupt, sir. These are the postcards, and these are the stills from Blaise's vlog. If you look at the stamp dates on the postcards and you compare them to the dates the vlogs were published, you'll see that they correlate perfectly. I think she sent the postcards, sir. 49. Buy us a pint? Let's try this one. No. I'm sorry. There's a couple of quid. Still a miser 吝啬鬼, 小气鬼. I don't have to give you anything. Come on, skinflint. You want more, you need to cough up. 50. Quick update on Cornelius. You need to revise 修改一下 your thinking on the time of death. Based on the body's lividity compared with the temperature of the freezer it was found in, he was killed earlier than we originally thought... Probably around 9:00 p.m. 51. When you were comforting Simone, you said that her father's care for her put you to shame. But you don't have a family, and you told Sarah you were a lifelong bachelor. Definitely wouldn't get my job back making mistakes like that. The call from Cornelius' phone when you were with me and Sarah, though... That was clever. That threw me off. But then Fleur had worked out that the real time of death was a few hours earlier. 52. Steady 别动. There's a monster lurking out there. Probably just a tiddler. It's a fisherman's tale. You know, I think I'm due an upgrade.