Tuesday 11 June 2024

mud carter truck; bilk = fleece; admittance VS admission; time frame VS time span;

用法学习: 1. widdershins [ˈwɪdəʃɪnz] ( = anticlockwise in UK = counterclockwise in US) adv. Scottish in a direction contrary to the sun's course, considered as unlucky; anticlockwise. "she danced widdershins around him". wiki: Widdershins (sometimes withershins, widershins or widderschynnes) is a term meaning to go counter-clockwise, anti-clockwise, or lefthandwise, or to walk around an object by always keeping it on the left. Literally, it means to take a course opposite the apparent motion of the sun viewed from the Northern Hemisphere (the face of this imaginary clock is the ground the viewer stands upon). The opposite of widdershins is deosil [ˈdizəl], or sunwise ( sunward or deasil), meaning "clockwise". bilk 骗钱 US informal to get money from someone unfairly or dishonestly. To bilk someone out of something, especially money, means to cheat them out of it. They are charged with bilking investors out of millions of dollars. He bilked clients out of tens of millions of dollars. fleece 骗钱 verb. to defraud or charge exorbitantly; swindle. obtain a great deal of money from (someone), typically by overcharging or swindling them. If you fleece someone, you get a lot of money from them by tricking them or charging them too much. She claims he fleeced her out of thousands of pounds. "the city's cab drivers are notorious for fixing fares and fleecing tourists". All of the claims are fake and organised by scammers trying to fleece money. 2. Hierarchy: Besides the confident and attractive Ha, all the other scholarship students in the school are obsequious [əbˈsiːkwɪə] 卑躬屈膝的, 逆来顺受的 ( If you disapprove of the overly submissive way someone is acting — like the teacher's pet or a celebrity's assistant — call them by the formal adjective obsequious. There are many words in the English language for a person or an action that is overly obedient and submissive. Obsequious people are usually not being genuine; they resort to flattery and other fawning ways to stay in the good graces of authority figures. An obsequious person can be called a bootlicker, a brownnoser or a toady. You can also say that someone gives an obsequious bow, a gesture that means, "your wish is my command." ) and far less attractive. Rather than victims, they are painted as weak and unworthy of stepping out of the shadow of the Jooshin elite. It's hardly the most original story set around a chaebol ( chaebol [ˈtʃeɪbɒl] a large, usually family-owned, business group in South Korea. one of the several large, powerful groups of companies in South Korea that are involved in various different types of business: In its 60-year history, this company has risen to prominence as one of the chief Korean chaebols. ) to start with, yet Hierarchy still manages to disappoint: the promise of social upheaval comes to nothing and soon the series is veering between vacuous 空洞的, 无脑的 ( [vækjuəs] adj. [disapproval] If you describe a person or their comments as vacuous, you are critical of them because they lack intelligent thought or ideas. not expressing or showing intelligent thought or purpose: a vacuous remark/question/expression/smile. Models are not always as vacuous as they are made out to be. ...the usual vacuous comments by some faceless commentator. ) high-school romance and bland revenge drama. 3. Leonard: Thank you, officer. Sheldon: Wait a minute! You're not going to do anything?Policeman: Mr. Cooper, there's nothing… Sheldon: Doctor Cooper. Policeman: Seriously? Leonard: Not the kind with access to drugs. Policeman: Fine. Dr. Cooper. I'm sorry for your loss, but the Pasadena Police Department doesn't have jurisdiction [ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃn] 管辖范围 管辖权, 管辖不到, 管不到 ( I. Jurisdiction is the power that a court of law or an official has to carry out legal judgments or to enforce laws. the authority of a court or official organization to make decisions and judgments. The court has no jurisdiction in/over cases of this kind. School admissions are not under/within our jurisdiction. The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts. the authority that a particular court of law or official organization has to make laws, rules, or legal decisions: A law passed in 2006 sought to strip the federal courts of jurisdiction to consider the detainees' plight. the jurisdiction of sth The appellant challenged the jurisdiction of the court. jurisdiction in sth For the rules as to jurisdiction in bankruptcy proceedings, including debtors' petitions, see Chapter 1. jurisdiction to do sth He dismissed the case but retained jurisdiction to resolve any disputes over the settlements. jurisdiction over sth The United States Court of Appeals has exclusive jurisdiction over patent appeals. subject to/under/within the jurisdiction of sb/sth If the claim relates to employment matters it will normally be within the jurisdiction of the industrial tribunal. Cable and satellite channels are outside the jurisdiction of the FCC. exercise/establish/assume jurisdiction. expand/extend/limit jurisdiction. assert/lack jurisdiction An industrial tribunal claimed that it lacked jurisdiction to hear the appellant's complaint of unfair dismissal. II. A jurisdiction is a state or other area in which a particular court and system of laws has authority. a country, state, or other area where a particular set of laws or rules must be obeyed: The financial community would like to see conformity of rules and regulations between different jurisdictions. foreign/local/state jurisdictions. ) in Pandora. Sheldon: That's from Avatar, World of Warcraft takes place in Azeroth. Goodness gracious, how are you allowed to carry a gun? Can you at least refer me to a rogue ex-cop? Policeman: What? Sheldon: You know, one who was drummed off the force ( drum someone out of something 开除, 驱逐, 逐出, 赶出来 to force someone to leave a job, group, etc., often because they have behaved in a way that is not considered acceptable: The minister was drummed out of office when it was discovered that he had been taking bribes. to remove someone from a job, group, etc., because of something bad the person has done.  to expel from in disgrace The chairman was drummed out of office. ) because he refused to play by the rules, and now he hires himself out to impose his own brand of rough justice? Policeman: No. 4. Sheldon: Thank you. May I share something with you that's troubling me? Amy: Of course. What's rattling around that big bulbous 又大又圆的 ( [bʌlbəs] Something that is bulbous is round and fat in a rather ugly way. If a part of the body is bulbous, it is fat and round: He had a huge, bulbous nose. ...his bulbous purple nose ) brain of yours? Sheldon: Priya has essentially nullified my roommate agreement with Leonard, making life in the apartment very uncomfortable for me. Amy: And you want me to kill her? Done. Sheldon: No, of course not. Amy: I trained Ricky how to smoke. I can train him to shoot a poisoned dart ( poisoned chalice an assignment, award, or honour which is likely to prove a disadvantage or source of problems to the recipient. "many thought the new minister had been handed a poisoned chalice". Arrow poisons are used to poison arrow heads or darts for the purposes of hunting and warfare. They have been used by indigenous peoples worldwide and are still in use in areas of South America, Africa and Asia. Notable examples are the poisons secreted from the skin of the poison dart frog, and curare (or 'ampi'), a general term for a range of plant-derived arrow poisons used by the indigenous peoples of South America. ). No jury would convict us 'cause people love monkeys. Sheldon: I understand the alcohol has stirred up whatever it is that makes girls go wild, but I really need to talk to smart Amy now. Amy: Excuse me. Have you considered that your intelligence might be the very thing causing your dilemma? Sheldon: No. Amy: What do you think Ricky over here would do if an interloper encroached on his territory? Sheldon: Well, when challenged, monkeys generally assert their dominance through chasing, assault and a stylized penile display. That's a little outside my comfort zone. Amy: You're being too literal 拘泥于文字. My point is, he would not meekly surrender to the rules, and neither should you. Sheldon: Are you suggesting I play dirty? Amy: Yes, dirty. Dirty, dirty, dirty. Which brings me to our next order of business 下一项日程( order of business a task assigned or to be dealt with.  Our first order of business is to reduce expenses. first order of business a situation or subject that must be dealt with before anything else: When the financial situation gets difficult, the first order of business is to define your goals and your priorities. ). 5. bad egg 坏蛋 (good egg 好人) Calling someone a bad egg is a mild, old-fashioned way to say he's a jerk. The school bully is a good example of a bad egg. A bad egg is not a nice person — she's as unpleasant and disappointing as a literal bad, or spoiled, egg would be when you cracked it open. That's most likely where the figurative phrase came from, and it may have started as British public school slang. Other experts have found the earliest mentions of bad egg in American newspapers in the mid-1800's. There is also an English playground game called bad egg. egghead 学习好的人, 有知识的人 noun INFORMAL a highly academic or studious person; an intellectual. "the TV egghead who brought science to the masses". bad apple = rotten apple 坏人 a discontented, troublemaking, or dishonest person. a person with a corrupting influence In any group of average citizens there are bound to be a few bad apples. a person who is corrupt or wicked It is hoped the inquiry will pick out the bad apples in the police force. When you've got a bad apple in the barrel, you've got to throw it out. They made it clear that they are not going to tolerate a bad apple in the United States Senate. One rotten (or bad) apple spoils the barrel 一个老鼠屎坏了一锅汤 ( too many cooks spoil the soup) A single bad influence can ruin what would otherwise remain good. It only takes one person, thing, element, etc., to ruin the entire group, situation, project, etc. Refers to the fact that a rotting apple can cause other apples in close proximity to begin to rot as well. A: "It used to be considered the top research facility in the region, but after one of its researchers was discovered to have plagiarized a number of his papers, the whole department's reputation has been dragged through the mud." B: "Well, just one bad apple spoils the barrel." I really loved my job, but there was this one jerk there who made life miserable for everyone. One bad apple spoils the whole barrel, unfortunately. 6. on a war footing 备战 If a country or armed force is on a war footing, it is ready to fight a war. to be ready or preparing to fight a war: The country was on a war footing last night after the most devastating terrorist attack in history. At the time, the country was on a war footing. They appear to be on a war footing with their neighbours. He ignored the ruling, insisting the country was on a war footing. This whole region is on a war footing. The president placed the republic on a war footing. timeframe (在这个时间段的某一点, 某事会发生) the period of time within which certain events are scheduled to occur. a period of days, weeks, months, etc. within which an activity is intended to happen: Have you set a time frame for completing the job? The new law introduces these changes in/within a fairly long/short time frame. Those planes are due to be replaced in 2028, though a defence capability review – due this month – may recommend bringing that timeframe forward. time span 时间跨度, 在这个时间段内, 某事一直在发生 a period of time between fixed points or marked by the continuation of a particular process. a period of time within which something happens, or between two events: The attacks all happened less than 5 miles apart within a three-week time span. Our minds can't imagine a timespan as long as a million years. These changes have occurred over a long time span. "the time span of one human life". time frame VS time span: A time frame generally refers to a specific interval of time that something occurs or is due by. A time span generally refers to a specific interval of time between events, or the duration of when a specific event happens. 7. lackadaisical [ˌlakəˈdeɪzɪkl] 慢腾腾的, 漫不经心的, 不当回事的, 没有生气的 lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy. If you say that someone is lackadaisical, you mean that they are rather lazy and do not show much interest or enthusiasm in what they do. The food was nice enough but the service was somewhat lackadaisical. Dr. Jonsen seemed a little lackadaisical at times. ...the lackadaisical attitude of a number of the principal players. "taking a lackadaisical approach can jeopardize the success of a project". A common narrative that China is "a copier" and the US an "innovator" has encouraged a lackadaisical attitude towards industrial policy, according to the institute. vocabulary: Even though lackadaisical sounds like it has something to do with a shortage of daisies, know that what it really means is lacking in spirit or liveliness. A person with a lackadaisical attitude shows no enthusiasm and puts forth a half-hearted effort. But it's more of a dreamy, laid back approach rather than sheer laziness. This funny-sounding adjective came about in the eighteenth century from the interjection lackaday, which was an old fashioned way of saying "oh man!" or "unfortunately." 8. quip noun. A quip is a remark that is intended to be amusing or clever. a quick, intelligent, and often amusing remark The commentators make endless quips about the female players' appearance. verb. To quip means to say something that is intended to be amusing or clever. 'He'll have to go on a diet,' Ballard quipped. The chairman quipped that he would rather sell his airline than his computer systems. When asked why he seemed to be so relaxed, Mr McCarthy quipped: "It's the drugs". "Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant," Grant once quipped. nuke I. If one country nukes another, it attacks it using nuclear weapons. to bomb somewhere with nuclear weapons: He wanted to nuke the area. The two countries were threatening to nuke each other. II. to destroy or get rid of something completely: The gaffe nuked her election chances. I'm considering nuking my social media profiles. III. 微波炉加热. To nuke food is to cook it in a microwave. to heat or cook something in a microwave oven: Nuke the carrots for about 7 minutes until they are slightly tender. I forgot to put water in the noodles before I nuked them. 9. Dolly Parton has long supported the LGBTQ community. She has not been afraid to stand on the stage at LGBTQ events and share that we ought to stop judging and love everyone. She has also risen above the catfighting ((hairpulling contest, (Australia) scragfight) A catfight is an angry fight or quarrel, especially between women. A fight or bickering, especially between women. Nancy and Sheila got into a catfight when Nancy's boyfriend cheated on her with Sheila. A catfight has erupted over who will get top billing. wiki: Catfight (also girl fight) is a term for an altercation between two females, often characterized as involving scratching, shoving, slapping, choking, punching, kicking, wrestling, biting, spitting, hair-pulling, and shirt-shredding. It can also be used to describe women insulting each other verbally or engaged in an intense competition for men, power, or occupational success. The catfight has been a staple of American news media and popular culture since the 1940s, and use of the term is often considered derogatory or belittling. Some observers argue that in its purest form, the word refers to two women, one blonde and the other a brunette, fighting each other. However, the term is not exclusively used to indicate a fight between women, and many formal definitions do not invoke gender. ) that country music artists often spew in their lyrics and backstage and instead, shared something distinct — kindness.

 admittance VS admission ( 禁止入内可以说: no admittance, no admission or no entry. ): admittance the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place or institution. Admittance is the act of entering a place or institution or the right to enter it. permission to enter a place: refuse admittance The club has the right to refuse admittance to anyone. gain admittance The enquiry centred on how the assassin had gained admittance to (= succeeded in entering) the building. The sign read "Private - no admittance". We had not been able to gain admittance to the flat. "people were unable to gain admittance to the hall". Strictly No Admittance 严格禁止进入, Authorised personnel only. no admittance except on wedding/party business. admission I. Admission is permission given to a person to enter a place, or permission given to a country to enter an organization. Admission is also the act of entering a place. Students apply for admission to a particular college. Criteria for admission to the EU prescribe that all member states must observe the rule of respect for minorities. ...an increase in hospital admissions of children. permission to enter a place: Admission to the exhibition will be by invitation only. There's a notice outside the building that says "No admission before twelve noon". II. Admissions to a place such as a school or university are the people who are allowed to enter or join it. Each school sets its own admissions 入学政策, 招生政策 policy. the act or process of accepting someone as a patient at a hospital or as a student at a school, college, etc.: hospital admission 入院 Nearly 15 percent of the patients were sick enough to require hospital admission. She wanted to be a nurse, but was denied admission to nursing school. This was my third admission to hospital in a year. Admissions for respiratory diseases increased significantly. admissions 准入, 入学, 升学, 招生 the process of accepting people into a university, school, etc. as students, or the part of a university, school, etc. that deals with this: We want to encourage greater age diversity in university admissions. III. Admission at a park, museum, or other place is the amount of money that you pay to enter it. Gates open at 10.30am and admission 进门费, 门票 is free. How much do they charge for admission? The admission charge/fee is €5. The admission price is $8 for adults. IV. 承认. An admission is a statement that something bad, unpleasant, or embarrassing is true. the act of agreeing that something is true, especially unwillingly: admission of guilt Her silence was taken as an admission of guilt. by your own admission By his own admission (= as he has said), he has achieved little since he took over the company. I felt he would see my giving up now as an admission that I was wrong. By his own admission, he is not playing well. She wanted some admission of guilt from her father. admission of guilt/responsibility/failure Many members of the public view the resignation of the authority's chief executive as an admission of guilt. no entry No Entry is used on signs to indicate that you are not allowed to go into a particular area or go through a particular door or gate. No Admittance Authorised Personnel Only Signs, use for displaying around premises where there is a need to stop people from having admittance unless they are authorised personnel and the sign conveys the message "No Admittance Authorised Personnel Only" that has the meaning of only authorised personnel are allowed. 

Darjeeling [dɑːrˈdʒiːlɪŋ] tea 大吉岭茶 is a tea made from Camellia sinensis var. sinensis that is grown and processed in Darjeeling district or Kalimpong district in West Bengal, India. Since 2004, the term Darjeeling tea has been a registered geographical indication referring to products produced on certain estates within Darjeeling and Kalimpong. The tea leaves are processed as black tea, though some estates have expanded their product offerings to include leaves suitable for making green, white, and oolong teas. The tea leaves are harvested by plucking the plant's top two leaves and the bud, from March to November, a time span 时间段 that is divided into four flushes. The first flush consists of the first few leaves grown after the plant's winter dormancy and produce a light floral tea with a slight astringency; this flush is also suitable for producing a white tea. Second flush (flush adj. I. if two surfaces or edges are flush, they are exactly level with each other. The cupboard doors aren't quite flush. flush with: Try to trim the hedge so it’s flush with the fence. II. informal with a lot more money than you usually have. A flush economy means there's more money for people to invest in property. If you're feeling flush you can always pay a bit more off your debt each month. In flush times, lenders relax credit standards. be flush with cash/money Firms are flush with cash and investing more. Sammy was feeling flush 感觉有钱, 感觉富有 after a win at the races. Just leave the cash in there. Uh I'll be flush in a day or two. Unh-uh. Oh, come on. You know I'm good for it 信守承诺, 说到做到. be/feel flush with success/optimism, etc. to be very successful, have a lot of hope for the future, etc.: A rise in the price of corn means that many farmers are feeling flush with optimism. flush noun. I. A sudden flood or rush of feeling; a thrill of excitement, animation, etc. The flush of something is an intense feeling of excitement or pleasure that you have when you are experiencing it and for a short time afterwards. a flush of anger, excitement, pleasure, etc. a sudden strong feeling of anger, excitement, pleasure, etc.: Lena felt a flush of shame at the memory. a flush of joy ...the first flush of young love. ...in the flush of victory. II. A flush of something is a large quantity of it that comes suddenly or quickly. ...the flush of recent victories. ...a flush of memories. III. 绯红, 红晕. Any tinge of red colour like that produced on the cheeks by a sudden rush of blood. the flush on the side of a peach; the flush on the clouds at sunset. IV. A suffusion of the face with blood, as from fear, shame, modesty, or intensity of feeling of any kind; a blush; a glow. flush verb I. [intransitive] 面红耳赤. 脸红. (blush) if someone flushes, their face becomes red because they are hot or ill, or are feeling angry, embarrassed, or excited. Lisa flushed and looked away. flush with: Mark flushed with annoyance, but said nothing. someone's face/cheeks flush (with something): Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. II. 冲刷出去. 清除, 冲洗出去, 刷洗 [intransitive/ transitive] to make water pass through a toilet. a. flush or flush away. to get rid of something by putting it into a toilet and flushing it. flush something down the toilet: If any medicine is left over, flush it down the toilet. b. [intransitive] if a toilet flushes, water passes through it. The loo won't flush! III. [transitive] 冲洗, 清洗. to clean something by pouring a lot of water over it or through it. Yesterday I flushed the radiator and replaced the coolant.  If you flush dirt or a harmful substance out of a place, you get rid of it by using a large amount of liquid. That won't flush all the sewage out, but it should unclog some stinking drains. If you flush a part of your body 清洗. 冲洗, you clean it or make it healthier by using a large amount of liquid to get rid of dirt or harmful substances. To cleanse by flooding with generous quantities of a fluid. Flush the injury with plenty of water. Flush the eye with clean cold water for at least 15 minutes. Water is ideal to flush the kidneys and the urinary tract. ...an 'alternative' therapy that gently flushes out the colon to remove toxins. IV. [transitive] 赶走. 赶飞. 惊飞. 惊走. to force a person or animal to leave a place where they have been hiding. To cause to take flight from concealment. The dogs flushed the deer from the woods. (intransitive) To take suddenly to flight, especially from cover. A covey of quail flushed from the undergrowth. Use plain water to flush out the debris. flush something out of something: Drinking plenty of water helps to flush harmful substances out of your body. Today we flushed four pheasant and three rabbits. flush someone from something: The rebels were flushed from their hiding places and shot. hot flush the feeling of suddenly being very hot that a woman may have during the menopause (=when she stops being able to have children). royal flush 一条龙, 王炸 a set of the five highest playing cards from the same suit in the game of poker. busted flush 风光不再, 英雄末路 if a person or organization is a busted flush, they no longer have any power or influence. blush/flush to the roots of your hair 脸红脖子粗, 红到耳根子 to have a very red face because you are embarrassed. the first flush of youth/success/love/freedom etc 第一波的, 初尝... the time when something is new and exciting. She was still in the first flush of her huge success.) leaves are harvested after the plant has been attacked by a leafhopper and the camellia tortrix so that the leaves create a tea with a distinctive muscatel aroma. The warm and wet weather of monsoon flush rapidly produces leaves but they are less flavorful and often used for blending. The autumn flush produces teas similar to, but more muted than, the second flush. Masala chai ([məˈsɑːlə tʃaɪ]; lit. "mixed-spice tea") is a popular beverage throughout South Asia, originating in the early Indian subcontinent. It is made by brewing black tea (usually CTC tea) in milk and water and then sweetening with sugar. Adding aromatic herbs and spices creates masala chai, although chai is often prepared unspiced. The term chai originated from the Chinese word for tea, cha (see Etymology of tea) via the Hindi chai (चाय). In English, this spiced tea is commonly referred to as chai tea, or simply chai. Originating in India, the beverage has gained worldwide popularity, becoming a feature in many coffee and tea houses, with many using the term chai latte or chai tea latte for their version to indicate that it is made with steamed milk, much like that used to make a caffè latte but mixed with a spiced tea concentrate instead of espresso. Black tea is typically used as base in most chai recipes. The most common type of black tea is Assam 阿萨姆红茶; however, a blend of different tea variations may be used. Assam, Darjeeling, and Nilgiri are the three most common types of tea used in chai in India. The spices used in masala chai often include cardamon 豆蔻, ginger, cinnamon 桂皮, 肉桂, clove, and more. Mint and lemongrass may also be used in masala chai. Traditionally in India, water buffalo milk is used to make chai. Although whole milk is usually used in masala chai, alternative dairy milk such as soy milk or skim milk is also a preferred option across the world.