Wednesday 9 October 2024

deceitful (dishonest), deceptive = deceiving; Hurricane (=cyclone, typhoon) VS tornado

用法学习: 1. keto diet [ˈkiː.təʊ ˌdaɪ.ət] = ketogenic diet a type of eating plan in which someone aims to lose body weight by eating a lot of foods that are high in fat, but few carbohydrates (= foods such as bread and potatoes), with the result that the body is forced to burn fats rather than carbohydrates: The keto diet is a very low-carb and high-fat diet. I have now been on a keto diet for the last 3-4 weeks. keto- = before a vowel ket- 酮 indicating that a chemical compound is a ketone or is derived from a ketone 酮. ketose. ketoxime. Keto basics: The ketogenic diet is a very low carb, high fat diet that shares many similarities with the Atkins and low carb diets. It involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. This reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. When this happens, your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy. It also turns fat into ketones in the liver, which can supply energy for the brain. Ketogenic diets can cause significant reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels. This, along with the increased ketones, has some health benefits. Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body uses fat for fuel instead of carbs. It occurs when you significantly reduce your consumption of carbohydrates, limiting your body's supply of glucose (sugar), which is the main source of energy for the cells. Following a ketogenic diet is the most effective way to enter ketosis. Generally, this involves limiting carb consumption to around 20 to 50 grams per day and filling up on fats, such as meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and healthy oils. It's also important to moderate your protein consumption. This is because protein can be converted into glucose if consumed in high amounts, which may slow your transition into ketosis. 2. neuropath [ˈnjʊərəpaθ] (患者) a person affected by nervous disease, or with an abnormally sensitive nervous system. a person having or predisposed to a disorder of the nervous system. neuropathy [njʊˈrɒpəθɪ] ( peripheral neuropathy 周围神经病变) damage to or disease affecting the nerves: Patients may have optic neuropathy. neuropathic [ˌnjʊə.rəˈpæθ.ɪk] relating to diseases of the nervous system: neuropathic pain. to win the day, to lose the day If a particular person, group, or thing wins the day, they win a battle, struggle, or competition. If they lose the day, they are defeated. to persuade people to support your ideas or opinions. His determination and refusal to back down had won the day. Few in Westminster doubt that the government will win the day. Ranting and raving takes effort, but only action will win the day. save the day find or provide a solution to a difficulty or disaster. to do something that prevents a likely defeat or failure: The team seemed to be heading for disaster until a late goal saved the day. no great shakes as something/at doing something not very good or significant. "it is no great shakes as a piece of cinema". I'm afraid I am no great shakes as a cook/at cooking! If you say that someone or something is no great shakes, you mean that they are not very skilful or effective. I'm no great shakes as a detective. The protests have failed partly because the opposition politicians are no great shakes. suggestible 好说话的, 耳根软, 好劝服的 ( = impressionable, manipulable) adjective open to suggestion; easily swayed. A suggestible person is easily influenced by other people's opinions: The success of advertising proves that we are all highly suggestible. "a suggestible client would comply". Someone who is suggestible can be easily influenced by other people. ...highly suggestible and compliant individuals. 3. Kristen Bell: "I think there's a math to it," Bell continued, when explaining the secrets of achieving such realistic 跟真的一样的 chemistry on screen. "You have two actors that know how to stare dopily ( dopey 睡眼惺忪的 I. wanting to sleep, because or as if you have taken a drug: He had taken a sleeping tablet the night before and still felt dopey. II. silly or stupid: He's nice, but a bit dopey. dopily [ˈdəʊpɪli] I. 似睡非醒的, 半睡半醒的. in a stupefied or sleepy manner. in a tired way, because or as if you have taken a drug: She opened her eyes and looked around dopily. The lions were lounging dopily in their enclosure. "I started my day very dopily and was woken abruptly". II. 傻傻的 in a foolish manner. in a silly or stupid way: He grinned dopily at my joke. Don't just stand there dopily. "the boy looked up and grinned dopily". ) into each other's eyes, and you have to have the confidence to expand that and really sit ( sit I. If you sit someone somewhere, you tell them to sit there or put them in a sitting position. He used to sit me on his lap. He'll sit you in front of his computer and give you a glimpse of the problem. II. To sit someone down somewhere means to sit them there. She helped him out of the water and sat him down on the rock. They sat me down and had a serious discussion about sex. III. If you sit for an artist or photographer, you place yourself in a sitting position so you can be painted or photographed. A person may well have been sitting for the artist for eight hours at a stretch. IV. If you sit an examination, you do it. June and July are the traditional months for sitting exams 参加考试(take exam US). V. If you sit on a committee or other official group, you are a member of it. He was asked to sit on numerous committees. I know of no professional person who has ever sat on a jury. The party's three MPs will continue to sit in parliament. VI. When a parliament, legislature, court, or other official body sits, it officially carries out its work. Parliament sits for only 28 weeks out of 52. The court would sit all night. VII. If a building or object sits in a particular place, it is in that place. Our new house sat next to a stream. On the table sat a box decorated with little pearl triangles. VIII. To sit for someone means the same as to babysit for them. I've asked Mum to sit for us next Saturday. ) the anticipatory value 期待值, 期望值 (数学和统计学上的期望值是expected value = expectation, expectancy, expectation operator, mathematical expectation, mean, expectation value, or first moment) ( anticipatory 期望的 happening, performed, or felt in anticipation of something. An anticipatory feeling or action is one that you have or do because you are expecting something to happen soon. anticipatory smile. "an anticipatory flash of excitement". anticipatory bail an instruction to release someone on bail (= to release an arrested person after they have paid an amount of money, which they will lose if they do not return for trial) that is given before a person has been arrested: Anticipatory bail cannot be granted as a matter of right. Anticipatory bail becomes effective from the moment of arrest. in anticipation of expecting that (something will happen or that someone will arrive). If something is done in anticipation of an event, it is done because people believe that event is going to happen. in preparation for something happening: Troops in the Philippines have been put on full alert in anticipation of trouble during a planned general strike. They hired extra police officers in anticipation of a big crowd at the concert. She's even decorated the spare room in anticipation of your visit. The CEO stepped up to the podium, and the room fell silent in anticipation. The government has hired a major law firm in anticipation of a protracted legal battle. The company has increased its reserves in anticipation of bad times ahead. With bad weather on the way, we boarded up our windows in anticipation. ) before the kiss - which I think is really important." She continued: "Whether or not people want to see you end up with someone is a crap shoot, and we just kind of got lightning in a bottle." catch/capture lightning in a bottle to succeed in a way that is very lucky or unlikely. to accomplish something extraordinarily difficult; achieve rare success. That which one seeks in attempting a difficult or challenging feat. A very difficult, unlikely or lucky achievement or period of success. So far we're underdogs this season, and will have to catch lightning in a bottle to make the playoffs. The network is seeking to catch lightning in a bottle twice by rebooting the popular series. Etymology: Originally (19th century) a literal reference to Benjamin Franklin's kite experiment, capturing electricity from lightning and storing it in a Leyden jar, along with variants such as bottled lightning. Later used in baseball context in sense "difficult feat", from circa 1941, attributed to Leo Durocher. Wider use grew in 1980s and 1990s, particularly in sense "great, fleeting success", and popular since 2000s. He caught lightning in a bottle with the success of his very first book. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'catch/capture lightning in a bottle.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples. reductive 简单化, 化繁就简的 说的很简单 [formal, disapproval] considering or presenting something in a simple way, especially a way that is too simple. If you describe something such as a theory or a work of art as reductive, you disapprove of it because it reduces complex things to simple elements. reductive explanations of the origin of life. ...a cynical, reductive interpretation. crapshoot 碰运气, 偶然事件, 碰巧的事件, 凑巧的时间, 偶然性的, 偶然的, 谁也说不准的 a risky or uncertain matter. something whose result could be good or bad but is impossible to predict or control, because so much chance is involved: "skiing here can be a bit of a crapshoot at any time". Almost every aspect of the music business is a crapshoot. It's hard to accept that life can be a crapshoot, where bad things happen to good people for no reason. Starting up a new magazine is a crap shoot at the best of times. Predicting the outcome of the tournament is pretty much a crap-shoot. If you describe something as a crapshoot, you mean that what happens depends entirely on luck or chance. Is buying a computer always a crapshoot? doubly [dʌbli] I. You use doubly to indicate that there are two aspects or features that are having an influence on a particular situation. She now felt doubly guilty; she had embarrassed Franklin and she had cost her partner money. The new tax and the drop in house values make homeowners feel doubly penalised. II. You use doubly to emphasize that something exists or happens to a greater degree than usual. In pregnancy a high fibre diet is doubly important. Babies ' needs are very physical, doubly so with twins. 4. writhing [ˈrʌɪðɪŋ] adjective making twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body. "a writhing heap of maggots". writhe [raɪð] 蜷缩 verb I. If you writhe, your body twists and turns violently backwards and forwards, usually because you are in great pain or discomfort. to make large twisting movements with the body: He was writhing in agony. The subject makes her writhe with embarrassment. The shark was writhing around wildly, trying to get free. The pain was so unbearable that he was writhing in agony. She was writhing around/about on the ground. to make twisting movements with the body, esp. because you are feeling strong emotion: He writhed in agony at the thought. II. informal to experience a very difficult or unpleasant situation or emotion, such as extreme embarrassment: He and four other senators were writhing in the glare of unfavourable publicity. A year later, when Moore moved into the men's house in Grandview, "things got crazy," says Herrington. The Holy Spirit continually overpowered the worshippers, knocking them down and inspiriting ( inspiriting [ɪnˈspɪrɪtɪŋ] adj. encouraging and enlivening. "the inspiriting beauty of Gothic architecture". inspirit [ɪnˈspɪrɪt] to fill with spirit. encourage and enliven (someone). "the photograph, published in a newspaper, was meant to inspirit the troops". ) tongues. Moore was on his knees, yelling and experiencing head convulsions, and he "shook all the time," says Herrington. One night during worship, the Spirit descended with unusual strength. Everyone was "screaming and rolling around and writhing like the demons in Pandemonium," he says. After the worship, Deaton informed Herrington that his "immunity to the movement of the Holy Spirit" evidenced a hardened heart. 5. fib 胡说八道 informal to tell a small lie that does not cause any harm. A fib is a small, unimportant lie. She told innocent fibs like anyone else. I can tell he's fibbing because he's smiling! tell a fib Don't believe him - he's telling fibs again. In order from the least likely to be comprehensible to the most likely to be at least partly comprehensible: To babble = burble, (also, to burble, with the nuance of "somewhat more softly"). To jabber (usually, with the nuance of 'quickly/rapidly'). To gabble (usually, but not always, with the nuance of 'quickly/rapidly'). talk rapidly and unintelligibly. If you gabble, you say things so quickly that it is difficult for people to understand you. Marcello sat on his knee and gabbled excitedly. Jacub gabbled on about computer games. One of the soldiers gabbled something and pointed at the front door. "he gabbled on in a panicky way until he was dismissed". To prattle [informal, disapproval] to talk in a silly way or like a child for a long time about things that are not important or without saying anything important: She'd have prattled on about her new job for the whole afternoon if I'd let her. Stop your prattling and go to sleep! If you say that someone prattles on about something, you are criticizing them because they are talking a great deal without saying anything important. Lou prattled on about various trivialities till I wanted to scream. She prattled on as she drove out to the Highway. Archie, shut up. You're prattling. What a bore it was to listen to the woman's prattle! 6. Ganoderma 灵芝 is a genus of polypore fungi in the family Ganodermataceae that includes about 80 species, many from tropical regions. They have a high genetic diversity and are used in traditional Asian medicines. Ganoderma can be differentiated from other polypores because they have a double-walled basidiospore. They may be called shelf mushrooms or bracket fungi. Although various Ganoderma species are used in traditional medicine for supposed benefits and have been investigated for their potential effects in humans, there is no evidence from high-quality clinical research that Ganoderma as a whole mushroom or its phytochemicals has effects in humans, such as in treating cancer. something has teeth 有权限, 有权, 有权威 said to mean that something, such as an organization or a law, has the necessary authority or power to make people obey it. if a law or an organization has teeth, it has the power to force people to obey it. To have enough power or support of authority to compel obedience or punish offenders, as of a law. This new law against littering has teeth, so if you don't pick up your trash, you'll get a hefty fine. It's a good idea, but it simply doesn't have teeth—there's no way to enforce it. We need an Environment Agency that really has teeth. The prison operates under a contract service level agreement which has teeth – financial penalties can be imposed and it's independently monitored. get/put one's teeth into to become fully involved in (something, such as a new activity). to do or deal with (something) with a lot of energy, interest, etc. to deal with something or become involved in something with great energy and enthusiasm: I'm so bored at work, I wish they'd give me something I could really get my teeth into. He finally has a project he can get his teeth into. 7. Have some teeth to it 说得通, 有一定道理, 合乎逻辑, 有道理, 有可信度: refers to something that cuts and/or takes hold of something. It's used a lot in arguments / discussion of topics where serious / good counterpoints are used. If a law or organization has teeth, it has the power to make people obey it [Example:] The committee can make recommendations but it has no real teeth. In U.S. legal settings, a law or regulation that is promulgated without including a meaningful enforcement mechanism is commonly referred to as being toothless. For example, from American Seed Trade Association, Year Book and Proceedings of the Annual Convention (1950): If there is any need for certification of garden seeds, it is nice to know that out of the fog of toothless regulation, one dim ray of light emerges, certification in the State of Florida. Handled by the State Department of Agriculture, and begun as toothless in regulation as any other, it has emerged the one complete seed certification service on the North American continent. Conversely, the act of strengthening a statute or regulation with appropriate enforcement powers is often referred to as "giving [the law] teeth." From Jessica Warner, All or Nothing: A Short History of Abstinence in America (2010): The Maine legislature had already voted for prohibition five years earlier, but it had deliberately neglected to give the law teeth. In 1851, the legislature again voted for prohibition. This time there was someone committed to its enforcement. The new law, moreover, did have teeth — crippling fines for first-time offenders, jail time recidivists, a mechanism for obtaining search warrants, and a provision for seizing black market liquor. The expression "has some teeth to it" follows the same contours as the wordings cited above, whether it happens to be used in a fundamentally legal context or in a context not centrally concerned with laws and their enforcement. From Daniel Dombrowski, Rawls and Religion: The Case for Political Liberalism (2014): Let us now move to the difference principle or the maximin rule ("maximin" means maximimum minimorum, to maximize the status of the least members). This principle has some teeth to it in that it is not intended to allow someone to gain a billion dollars provided he increases the situation of the least favored by one penny. Disparities in wealth result, however, because some people are obviously more talented than others and it would be unjust not to encourage them as best we can to develop their talents. In this last example, the metaphorical teeth being described are not measures to compel obedience (as to a law), but the force of logic that makes a principle something to be reckoned with in a philosophical argument. 8. 

 The 'dagger to the heart' that comes from being delisted from the AFL and AFLW, and navigating the next stage in life: While his peers were determining the next stage of their lives — university, jobs, whether to take a gap year or what degree to study — everything was basically laid out for him to fulfil his childhood dream. "I had a structure, I had a routine. I was moving to Sydney. I knew what I was doing day-to-day, and then even when I was away from the club, on a Christmas break or something, I knew exactly what I was doing each day," Hamilton said. "It was very structured 有条理的, 安排妥当的, 井井有条的, 按部就班的, 井然有序的 ( I. having structure; organized. planned in broad outline; organized. organized so that the parts relate well to each other; having a clear structure: In today's competitive climate, success is most likely to come to those who understand the need for a structured approach to job hunting. The course provides hands-on experience within a structured programme of study. These product reviews are highly structured so that it is easy to make comparisons. structured play for preschoolers. II. having a definite predetermined pattern; rigid structured hierarchy. Structured clothes have a definite shape and do not hang loosely: Update your wardrobe with a structured jacket. They slim the body and look great over dresses. Structured clothes have a distinct shape, and will help you look elegant. III. Structured financial products are designed to be suitable for the particular needs of the person or organization lending or borrowing money, and usually consist of a range of different choices: The company did not insure complicated structured products such as bonds backed by mortgages and credit card receipts. Until the crisis at least half of the lending in the market consisted of structured credit. ) and you follow the structure to a tee. And then my first year flew by. I loved it. It was great … we underperformed as a club, but I was just loving being in Sydney and sort of experiencing the whole being an AFL player." A stress injury of the navicular bone then sidelined him for the majority of his second and third years, which led him to not being offered a contract beyond 2024. In fact, he wasn't sure he would get one for the 2024 season. He had to wait to the end of that year's trade period to sign his new one-year deal. After the anxiety of that experience and the mental toll it took, he asked GWS football manager Jason McCartney in round 22 this year for a coffee. The now 21-year-old said it was a weird position to be in, albeit a common one for most AFL players. You go from getting paid a good amount of money to play the game you love, to then having it "ripped away from you" and needing to find out what to do next. "It almost feels if the rug's pulled out from underneath you 釜底抽薪, or a bit of a safety net removed from you, and you're just free falling and you've got to figure out how to pull the pin on the parachute as quickly as you can," Hamilton said. "You sort of go, 'shit, now I have to enter the real world'. The last couple of weeks have been, especially since the AFL finished, since after the grand final, it's been really tough, sort of trying to get the terms of that and realising that you really have got to actively look at life after football." "Potentially for some boys, if they've been in the system a really long time, and they haven't set themselves up for outside, or they're a young boy who gets delisted in their second or third season, that would be something that they would really find hard, because you kind of put all your eggs in one basket, right? "You're like, 'oh, I can make a career of this', or 'this is the area that I want to work in'. But when it's all gone, you're kind of like, 'holy shit, what now?'" It's why so many past players stick around clubs in some capacity, or go into AFL media roles: "They'll grab any opportunity and give a crack. Because I think for a lot of us, you want to stay involved in the sport." McKenzie now works in finance, and being in Melbourne, is still around plenty of people who want to talk AFL at the water cooler. There are not a lot of people who are lucky enough to play AFL, McKenzie said, so the privilege of being able to do so isn't lost on him. "When you do get those words, [that] you're not getting another contact and you're getting delisted, it does make it really hard. [The] last seven years is a long time. It's probably all you know for that sort of period," McKenzie said. "And it's something you love doing. So to get that taken away from you, even though that is the reality of the industry and the profession, it definitely does make it really tough. "As much as it was a dagger in the heart, I was able to move on because I wasn't blindsided by it, and I still had a lot I wanted to give, you know, in the world in general … from outside of footy with study and work but also I was excited about still playing footy at a state league level, and seeing how much I could continue to get out of myself from a football perspective." As for Cooper, he's documenting his newly unemployed, post-AFL life via his social media. He wants to show that, despite what fans might think when players are in the system, they do go through an identity crisis like the majority of us. "A large majority of them don't know what they're doing next, and it's a very daunting experience," he said. "And I just want to sort of relay that it's relatable to, especially people my age, who are coming out of uni and don't really know what they want to do. We're not superhuman at all, especially someone who has been in the system for three years, so it's very relatable." And if nothing else, it'll keep him busy for a while.

floppy VS sloppy VS soppy, soggy VS saggy: floppy 软塌塌的. 支棱不起来的 soft and not able to keep a firm shape or position: a floppy hat. a dog with big floppy ears. He's got floppy blond hair that's always falling in his eyes. sloppy 湿哒哒的 I. very wet or liquid, often in a way that is unpleasant: The batter was a bit sloppy so I added some more flour. She covered his face with sloppy kisses. II. (of ground, especially a track for racing) very wet and soft: In the show-jumping, accuracy was difficult on the rain-soaked, sloppy ground. Maybe it will rain and the track will be sloppy. III. 不经心的. 不够努力的. 做事不认真的. [disapproval] not taking care or making an effort. If you describe someone's work or activities as sloppy, you mean they have been done in a careless and lazy way. He has little patience for sloppy work from colleagues. His language is disjointed and sloppy. They lost because they played sloppily. Miss Furniss could not abide sloppiness. Spelling mistakes always look sloppy in a formal letter. Another sloppy pass like that might lose them the whole game. IV. Sloppy clothes are large, loose, and do not look neat: At home I tend to wear big sloppy sweaters and jeans. V. If you describe someone or something as sloppy, you mean that they are sentimental and romantic. It's ideal for people who like a sloppy movie. ...some sloppy love-story. soppy 感性的 informal disapproving If you describe someone or something as soppy, you mean that they are foolishly sentimental. showing or feeling too much of emotions such as love or sympathy, rather than being reasonable or practical: He's constantly on the phone to his girlfriend being soppy. She loves soppy love stories, old films, that sort of thing. a film with a soppy ending. That's one of the soppiest stories I've ever heard! Some people are really soppy about their pets. saggy 下垂的 If you describe something as saggy, you mean that it has become less firm over a period of time and become unattractive. hanging or dropping down to a lower level I have a lot of saggy skin on my stomach since I lost weight. Is the mattress lumpy and saggy? Exercise for just 20 minutes a day to firm up even the saggiest bottom. soggy 湿漉漉的 (of things that can absorb water, especially food) unpleasantly wet and soft. Something that is soggy is unpleasantly wet. ...soggy cheese sandwiches. ...a gray and soggy afternoon. soggy ground. I hate it when cereal goes soggy. Unless it's far gone (very shriveled or turning slimy), you can place the lettuce leaves in a large bowl or salad spinner filled with ice water for 20 to 30 minutes. The ice water will help rehydrate and crisp the leaves. After soaking, dry the lettuce as you normally would, and make sure to use it as soon as possible. saturated [sætʃʊreɪtɪd] I. Saturated fats are types of fat that are found in some foods, especially meat, eggs, and things such as butter and cheese. They are believed to cause heart disease and some other illnesses if eaten too often. ...foods rich in cholesterol and saturated fats. II. completely wet: It's pouring down outside - I'm absolutely saturated! The drainage system prevents the soil from becoming saturated. III. completely filled with something so that no more can be added: Even with 10,000 users, the server is not saturated. The airwaves are saturated with advertising. IV. If the market for a product is saturated, there is more of the product available than there are people who want to buy it. With western markets more or less saturated, international phone companies are looking to the developing world. The company operated in a competitive and heavily saturated environment. V. (of colours in photographs, films, or paintings) bright or deep: He covered large canvases with vigorous brushstrokes and blooms of saturated colour.

hurricane (=cyclone, typhoon) VS tornado: Hurricanes (which Australians call "cyclones" and are called "typhoons" in most of Asia) are large rotating low pressure systems formed over tropical or subtropical waters with maximum sustained wind speeds approaching or greatly exceeding 100 km/h. Hurricanes only form at sea, but as we know, their winds, rainfall, and storm surges can be devastating as they cross land. Even when a hurricane remains at sea, the storm surge from its winds can be devastating to coastal communities and can inundate low-lying land 地势低的 many kilometres inland. Tornadoes are violently rotating columns of air that reach the ground, usually attached to the base of a thunderstorm from which they are spawned. While often centred over a very small area no bigger than a football field, their winds can come close to 500 km/h – much more powerful than the strongest hurricane or tropical cyclone. Tornadoes, unlike hurricanes, can develop and dissipate [ˈdɪsɪpeɪt] extremely quickly. Also unlike hurricanes, they often form above land, and frequently form in temperate ( temperate [tempərət] I. 气候温和的 Temperate is used to describe a climate or a place which is never extremely hot or extremely cold. The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year. II. 脾气温和 If a person's behaviour is temperate, it is calm and reasonable, so that they do not get angry or lose their temper easily. His final report to the President was far more temperate and balanced than the earlier memorandum. ) zones well beyond the tropics. They are particularly common in so-called "Tornado Alley" in America's midwest.

deceitful (dishonest), deceptive = deceiving (有欺骗性的, 容易误导的): Normally, "deceitful" applies to individuals who, often by by nature, deceive others by intent. Think of "deceiving" to mean "not what you think it is or as it appears." For example: The cute appearance of a raccoon (mapache) is deceiving, but the animals cannot be deceitful, because they are not human and cannot form intent. We use deceitful when we describe someone's actions. It implies that it is morally wrong because it is done on purpose. Our intention is to deceive someone. Let's consider some examples. "Pretending you didn't know anything about the theft was deceitful." "He convinced her with his deceitful manners and she finally accepted." "Her deceitful explanations made us buy something we didn’t really need." Deceptive is not as bad as deceitful because it means misleading, tending to deceive, but not necessarily on purpose. Maybe with some examples things get clear. "Appearances may be deceptive."( Judging people at first sight may make us get a false impression.) "Be careful with this highway, it is deceptive" ( It is not as safe and easy as it seems.) "The deceptive resemblance of these two flowers may lead us to think they are the same species, but they are not." They used a clever piece of deception to pull off their plan. BUT: His deceit 欺骗, though successful, was deplorable. Deception is more neutral. Though deception in general is often connected to negative activities it does not, on its own, suggest wickedness. There is deception involved in magic tricks, for example. Deceit, on the other hand, is mostly used for something will bad intent. If you described as magician’s act as using deceit, you would be suggesting it was a bad thing. Not that he simply performed tricks but that his tricks were somehow unwelcome. The magician employed a careful deception to make the car disappear. The magician employed a careful deceit to make the car disappear. The first sounds like an innocent trick, the second sounds like he stole it. As with many of the subtly different words in English, this difference won't always be relevant or interpreted this way – but in some cases it may be very important. looks/appearances can be deceiving/deceptive used to say that something can be very different from how it seems or appears to be. ppearances do not always convey accurate information about a person or thing. That house sure looks beautiful on the outside, but appearances are deceptive. What did the inspector say about the foundation? Sure, she seems nice, but appearances are deceptive. I don't trust anyone who acts happy all the time. I just can't shake the notion that appearances are deceptive, you know? The restaurant doesn't look very appealing, but looks can be deceiving/deceptive. Appearances do not always convey accurate information about a person or thing. That house sure looks beautiful on the outside, but appearances can be deceiving. What did the inspector say about the foundation? Sure, she seems nice, but appearances can be deceiving. I don't trust anyone who acts happy all the time. I just can't shake the notion that appearances can be deceiving, you know? Something that's deceptive 具有欺骗性误导性的 is not what it seems. A deceptive person will lead you to believe something other than the truth. Of course, I would never be deceptive when explaining the word deceptive. If you deceive someone, you are being deceptive. Is it ok to be deceptive when you're planning a surprise party. In general, the noun-derived form (such as 'deceptive') implies a characteristic: that is, a typical attitude, behaviour or property, whereas the verb-derived form (such as 'deceiving') does not.